1971-02-18 711 /,} "...l, '-1fT. ( ,:{ ( < ~~ ,I RECREATION COMJilSSION Minutes of February 18, 1971 Meeting Next Meeting - March 4, 1971 T own Hall 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Recreation Commission was held on Febru- ary 18, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Absent: Messrs. Hugh J. Maurer, George Schlathaus, Richard Garren, James V. Porter, John C. Biasotti Mrs. R. L. Beahan ltr. Thomas Rogers, Director, of Recreation Mrs. Alfred Arkell Attending: Director of Recreation Mr. Rogers reported that the programs scheduled for the morning of February 20th had to be cancelled because a Junior Varsity Basket- ball game had been previously scheduled. Mr. Rogers indicated that the Winter Recreation Programs would soon come to an end and asked Corr.mdsaion members what their feelings were regarding the continua- tion of the adult program. It was agreed that since this program had been so enthusiastically received it should be continued. ~Responsibilities of Director" The requirements as approved by the Recreation COmnUssion on January 7, 1971 were discussed and it was felt that an additional change would be necessary in order to clarify item III -B. on page 2. The following motion was made by Mr. Biasotti: II I so move that we change III-B. of the Responsibilities of Director to read: 'Director will present to the Co~ssion a written monthly report of the previous month's activities no later than the 10th of the present month.' · Motion seconded by Mr. Schlathaue. Unanimously carried. Karate Instruction Mr. Biasotti reported that he had spoken to Mr. Bruce Reynolds, Business Manager, Wappingers Central School District, and Mr. Reynolds said that as long as a bonafide youth program is being run there is no objection . to a charge being made for instruction. He said that overtime for janitor service would have to be considered but there would be no fee for use of the building. Mr. Rogers was requested to contact the Karate Instructor regarding his fee and will report to the Commission at the next meeting. R~creation Consultants, Inc. l!r. Kaurer distributed to each Commission member a copy of "PHASE I REPORT - INVENTORY, Physical Characteristics and Socio-Economic Characteristics~ dated February 4, 1971. ; -2~ Recreation Commission Minutes - February 18, IG?l Meeting Mr. Maurer reported that he had spoken with Town Board members re- garding the purchase of a tractor and attachments and was informed that specifications were to be prepared and bids sent out. These specifications will be preppred and sent to the Town Attorney to be certain they are as required by law. Bids will then be requested. The following correspondence WFlS received: 1. Letter dated 2/3/71 from S. R. Shapley, Professor in Personnel Administration, New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell University, and form to be completed indicating openings available for summer employment. The Commission Secretary will complete and return the form. 2. Planning Board :Minutes dated 5/4/70, 5/18/70, 1/18/71 and 2/1/71. To be filed. Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as submitted. The following bill was submitted for approval: A-7l10.1 1/30/71 Edna C. Winters $42.00 The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, C :J:' ~-z:~ {. tc':!?#4~J Edna C. Winters, Secretary