1971-01-21 "}?2iV,) ~(;v--J RECREATION CO~~SSION ~inuteo of January 21, 1971 Meeting Next Ueeting - February 1B, 1971 Town Hall 7: 2,0 P .1~. The regular meeting of the Recreation Commission was held on January 21, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Attending: Messrs. Hugh J. Maurer, George Schlathaus, Richard Garren, James V. Porter, John C.Biasotti Mrs. Alfred Arkell and Mrs. R. L. Beahan Mr. Thomas Rogers, Director of Recreation Mr. Rogers introduced a gentleman by name of Mr. Yates who spoke to the Comndssion about his interest in forming an ice hockey team (s) in the area. He explained that there are already several boys of high school age who play to~ether at least once a week. Comm~ion members agreed that the program should be instituted on an experi- mental basis to determine the number of people who would be interested. If there is sufficient interest, arrangements can be made for use of certain portions of available skating facilities a.t specified times. IT. Rogers was instructed to publicize the proposed program. It was pointed out to Mr. Yates that there is no provision in the 1971 Budget for equipment for such a program and that participants would be required to provide their own. The regular meeting then continued and Mr. Rogers presented his report on the Winter Recreation Program and copies were distributed to each member of the Commission. Mr. Rogers asked the Commission if adults are required to sign a waiver for injuries they might sustain during participation in the adult programs. Mr. Biasotti suggested, and the COmnUssion concurred, that a notice be placed in the local newspaper to the effect that the Town is not responsible for any injuries. Mr. Rogers was requested to place this information in the paper. With regard to Karate instructions as suggested in the report, the Commission questioned their position in sanctioning this type of program because of the fact that a fee wculd be charged. It was felt that,under these circumstances, the school would charge for the use of their facilities. Mr. Biasotti agreed to check on this and will advise the Comndssion of his findings at the next meeting. Messrs. Garren and Porter reported that they had looked, over the proposed recreation site at the Fleetwood Development and talked with Mr. ~p&r regarding work to be done on the drainage pipes in the area and Ilr. Lapar stated that work will be completed on thi 6 in ]:!ay or June, wi th work commencing in February or March. Mr. Garren will go to the site in February or :March to check on progress being made. Ur. Incoronato of Fleetwood was in attendance at the meeting and ntnted that much of the expense in dovelopinR; la.nds VIas that of equi -~:~-,ent a.nd ' that since equipment is already at the site perhaps it could be utilized. The Co~~isBion assured Mr. Incoronato that consideration will be given hi (. i:)l""gestion and he wi 11 be kept informed of progress made. -2- Recreation Commission Minutes - January 21, 1971 Meeting Chairman l{uurer reported to the Commission that the tractor which had been acquired from. the Town is in need of repair and that accessory equipment uvailable doos not fit t.he tractor. After considerable discussion Mr. Biasotti made the following motion: " That the Commission should look into the possibilities of purchasing a new tractor up to $3,000 (including the old tractor no trade-in) and including a flail mower and sickle bar." lroti on seconded by lfr. Schlathaus and unanimously carr! cd. Chairman Haurer is to discuss this further with Town of.ficials. It was pointed out by Mr. Schlathaus that Dutchess Heights, Ed::;e Hill III, and Ye Olde Apple Orchard had applied for a reduction in their bonds and that the Recreation Commission had not yet received any deeds for recreation lands from the owners of these properties. Chairman Maurer will contact Dr. Heisler, Chairman of the Planning Board, regarding this matter. The following correspondence was received: Planning Board Minutes of August 17, 1970 and January 4, 1971 Bills were submitted and approved as follows: A-7110.2 10/29/70 A-I Fence Co. (baCkstop) $750.00 A-7110.4 11/2/70 12/1/70 George Schlathaus (mileage) " " " $ 24.00 14.00 138.00 B-7310.4 (Youth) 1/4/71 1/12/71 1/12/71 1/12/71 Dutchess Park Pharmacy (film) Pendell Press (Ski tickets) Beacon Distributing Co. (VOlleyballS) Beacon Distributing Co. . (basketballs) $ 19.16 8.15 192.00 40.00 "$259.3i Ur. Biasotti made the motion that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as written, seconded by Ur. SCh1athaus,and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ?"' '1 ., C/z-i~ C. c.J;!~;~vJ Edna C. Winters Seoretary