]JJv:J . ~,)'l~"VV-~~.J lUi.Clu'~.Al' ron C011::: [1 SG1 JH
l.finutes of January 7, 19~1 }:reetinp:
Ecxt Meeting - January 21, 1971
':'ilwn Hall
7:30 P.?'.
The regular meetins of the Recreation Commission ~as held on January. 7,
1971 at 7:::0 ?}~. at the ?own Hall.
Attending: ~,:e~;sr8. Hursh J. J(a,urer, Geor~e SChlathaus, Richard Garren
and James V. Porter
]fre. Alfred Arkell and 1-{rs. H. L. Beahan
Absent: ]{r. John C. Biasotti
l:~r. Thomas Rogers, Director of Recreati on
The minutes of the previous meetin~ were accepted as submitted.
I t ,vas reported by ler. Garren that he and Yr. Porter had arranged to
:meet vri th Hr. Joseph Incoronato of the Fleetwood Develo-Pr.1ent on Satur-
day, Ja,nuary 9th, to furt'her discuss the use of lands in that develop-
ment for recreational purposes.
![r. Garren also report ed that he had recently taiked with a ::,;entleman
wi th regard to "Pee-Wee Hockeyll. The man 'wi t'h whom he had spoken is
Ur. Robert M. Gallagher, ~ox 77 R.D. 1, 1~lrose, New York and Yr.
Gallagher is interested in :1'ettinr; some n-a.mes up in this sport Rnd
would like someone to contact him. His home telephone number is
633-825,6 or he can be reached at hi 8 place of e"'1ployment - 270-6271.
}:r. Garren requested that the secretary put this information in the
7he following vouchers were submitted and approved for payment under
the ~ Budget (Acct. 10(9):
11/29/70 De.vid J(elley $48.00
12/4/70 Herbert J~uller, Jr. 60.00
12/;:)0/70 PendeJl Press E3.15
1;5/?1 Urey Hard~are 2.25
With regard to the vouchers subMitted eac~ month, it was su~geEted
by ]..~r. Schlnthaus that in R..ddi tion to tne listinp; of vouchers SUbMi t.t.ed
and placed in the minutes the secretary also indicate the balance left
in e:1ch account so that members nre aware, at all times, of the financial
status. Con~iR8ion members were in agreement. This will be done in 1971.
The remainder of the mnctin~ was dcvotBd to the final draftinR of the
"hCGpOnl',ibiliticB of Direct.or" as orir:1na.lly outJined by. }rr. Bi;:1,8otti.
The secretary was requested to prepare the apnroved copieR for distribu-
tion to all Commission members.
The meeting was adjourned s.t 9:0C'l !'.I,'..
Respectfully submitted,
c.. )/).
W~ {. GdP&wJ
:Edna C. Winters