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iVlinutes of JV:ay 11, 1972 ~'i8eting
~J e x t ~1 e e tin 9 - r.; a y 1 8, 1 9 72
8:00 p.r-l.
The r~gular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held on
May 11, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall.
Messrs. Hugh J~ Maurer, George Schlathaus, James V. Porter
Mrs. Alfred Arkell
~~rs. R. L. Deahan
Mr. Thomas Rogers, Director of Recreation
Messrs. Richard Garren and John C. Biasotti
Minutes o~ the meeting of April 27th were accepted as presented.
,Director 6f Recrea~ion
P'1r. Rogers presented' all of the applications he had received for summer pliJY-
ground employment and made his recommendations to the Commission. Each applica-
tion was reviewed and discussed." Selections were made contingent upon the final
interview by members of the Commission. These interviews will take place on
Thursday ~vening, May 18, 1972, at 8:00 P.M. at the Town Hall.
Mr. Maurer suggested that chains be placed at the entrances to Reese Park and
Robinson Lane in an effort to keep automobiles out of the areas after hours.
He reported that automobiles had been driven over the baseball fields at the
Robinson Lane area.
A memo Was received from the Dutchess County Cooperative Extension Association
indicating that a Town Parks and RecreationCounselors Tr€ining Course is being
offered on Saturday, June 10th and 24th. The program is dcisigned to aid young
people ~mployed in the town as recreation counselors. Commissioners agreed
that the people hired for summer playground employment would benefit from such
a course and will absorb the fee of $3.00 per person.
The ,next rBGular meeting is stheduled to take place on Jun~ 8th at 8:00 P.M.
at ,the TOliJn Hall. However, on May 18th Commissioners will meet with the express
purpose of interviewing the people selected for employment at the playgrounds.
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The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Edna C. Winters, Secretary