1;110 ~-'-~2F~l~
llinutes of January 27, 1972 Meeting
Next Meeting - February 10, 1972
'7:30 P. }~.
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
on January 2'7, 1972 at 7:~0 P. M. at the Town Hall.
l~essrB. Hugh J. Maurer, George Sch1athaus, James V. Porter,
Richard Garren
Mrs. Alfred Arkell
Mrs. R. L. Beahan
Mr. mhomas Ro~ers, Director of Recreation
Mr. John C. Biasotti
?::inuteE of the Decembe- 9, 1971 and January 6, 1972 meeting were accepted
as presented. ~
Director of Recreation
l~r. Rogers reported that the Honday evening Adult Recreation Program had
been re-instated and that there has been an increase in the number of
adults participati~g over last year. It was suggested by the Commission
that arrangements be rnade,within the neyt few months, with 3chool officia1~
for use of the fac i Ii ti e s for 19'72 - '73. It 'was agreed that the c ommi t-
ment should be in writing.
The wrestling program is now being held at Roy C. Ketcham High Schoo: on
Saturdays at 2:00 P.'~,f. and there are about 25 to ~0 boys p8rticipating.
Mr. Rogers said he will have a list of all' programs, and information
pertaining to each, available at the' next meeting.
The "Responsibilities of Director" were reviewed with l.!'r. Ro/sere and it
was agreed that the following c~anges should be incorporated:
Under I - Pro~ram Responsi bi Ii ties
F. should read:
"All proposed expenditures over $10.00, and not included
in the current budget, wi 11 be presented to the CC:':l-
mission for approval before the expenditure is made."
G. changed to read as follows:
"An annual running invent.ory of all equipment purcha~e.;.,
. throughout the y~ar will be prepared ~y the Director.~
Under 111- Direct Responsibilities to the Commission
Add and designate as Q :
"The Director shall be present at any and all functions
as designAted by the Recreation Commission.'t
Pag e 2
1~inute6 of Recreation Commission Meeting - January 27, 1972
Eartz Field
Hr. Schlathaus reported that when vandals broke into the field ho~se
locks were damaged, lights broken, games and other playground equ~pment
stored inside, were strewn about and damaged. It was reported that the
Ar:lericBn :Flag: had been taken. This flag is one which had flown over the
Capitol 3uilding in Washington, D. C. and had been presented to the Town
by Congressman Hamilton Fish.
Roller Skating Program
Urs. Beahan reported that she had contacted the manager of the Avalon
Roller Skating Rink in Newbur~h, N. Y. and that he said they would be
willing to open the Ava.lon on any Thursday evenin~ to accommodate a group,
but that they must be guaranteed at least $100 per night. Admission would
'be ;:'1.50 per nerson.
C m:;ld ssi oners agreed that before a program of thi s type is undertaken
they would wait for return of the questionnaires in order to better.
deter~ine what the people in the area want.
Ca.stle Point Land Acquisition
~:r. ~'::aurer reported that a meeting is scheduled with theFishkill Recrea-
tion Co~ission for January 30th. The Department of Interior has request-
ed additional information regarding proposed use of the property.
RecreAtion Consultants, Inc.
Each Co~issioner was requested to review specific sections of the rough
draft of the 'Parks and Recreation Survey and to contact the secretary
with any additions, deletions, corrections so that the information could
then be sent to RecreRtion Consultants, Inc. to enable them to prepare
tte final report. .
lErs. Arkell reported that she had contacted Mr. Russ and had spoken, to
him about a right of way between lots 29 and 30 and access along the
borderline of Parcel A to the recreation area.
A letter will be sent to the PIanninl!, Board with the above recommenda-
tion and with the request that the recreation area be staked out and
that permanent concrete monuments be set in place to designate the
recreation area.
Hill N' Dale
A site inspection was made by several members of the Commission. Ap-'
proximately seven (?) a.cres of land i 8 designated as recreation, land.
It was pointed out that one and one-half (It) a.cres of this will be .
dedicated to the New Hackensack Fire Di.strict. Mr. }.,raurer stated that
he had contacted the Fire Commissioners and requested that t~ey send a
letter to the Recree,tlon Commission requeatinp: that the land be dedicated
fc~ a firehouse.
Page 3
},rinutes of Recreat ion Coromi ssi on Meet ing - .January 27, 1972
A letter is to be sent to the Plannin~ Board with the recommendation
t,f-:st t 1:e land, de signD.t ed on the '"map: as : recreat i on land, be accepted
and that the land indicated for the New Hackensack Fire District be
occepted. Co'ncrete monuments will also be requested a.t this area.
~,rr. Garren's memo of January 11, 1972 to the P'ughs onvi lIe Fi re Com-
r~issioners was reviewed and members of the Recreation Commission gave
their approval of the proposed chanR,'es and improvements B.t Hugheonville
as listed in the memo.
CorresDondence Received
1. Letter da.ted 1/13/72, directed to the attention of Hr. Porter,
from Wayne W. Holton, Secretary of the Wappingers Area Pop Warner
Football League, expressing thanks for the use of Q,uiet Acres Play-
ground for football practices last fall.
2. Let ter dat ed 1/7/72 from Mari Iou Asher, Secretary, All-County 'Yomen t e
Softball League, extending an invitation to attend a meeting on.
February 9, 1972 at 7:30 P.l{., at the Hudson River State Hospital
Gym,to discuss formation of a women's softball team. Mrs. Beahan
will represent the Commission at this meeting.
3. Plarmin,! Board letter dated 12/20/71 in reply to our letter of 11/17/71
in which we inquired about recreational facilities at !{ontclair Apart-
ments. A copy of the Pln.nninp: Board letter will be sent to WillJam
Robinson of 1!ontclair Apa.rtments.
~he next meeting of the Recreation Commission is scheduled for February 10,
1972 B.t 7:30 P.1f. at the To'wn RaIl Office because the meeting room had
a meeting previously scheduled.
Veeting was adjourned at 10:00 P. M.
Respectfully submitted;
~ C!. /J~
Edna C. Winters, Secretary