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ill~CIlliA'l'I ON COm.HSSION
Minutes of January 6, 1972 Meeting
Next Meeting - January 27, 1972
7:30 P.M. - Town Hall
The regular meeting of the Recreation Commission was held on January 6,
19'7.2 at ?' :30 P.M. at the Town Hal. 1.
Attending: Messrs. Hugh J. llaurer, George SChlathaus, James V. Porter,
Richard Garren
~r. Thomas Rogers, Director of Recreation
Absent: Mrs. Alfred Arkell
Ers. R. L. Beahan
Er. John C. Biasotti
Winter Programs
l:r. Rogers reported that he had been contacted on Monday, January 3,
1972, and was advised by the office of Hr. Brooks at Roy C. Ketcham
High School that the Adult Recreation Program,scheduled to begin that
evening, could not be held because the Varsity basketball team would
need the gym for practice that evenin~ and on subsequent Monday evenings.
Commissioners a~reed that a letter should be sent to Mr. Brooks, with
a copy to the Board of Education, expressin~ disappointment and request-
ing an explanation as to why no communication was received until the
day the program was to commence.
It was pointed out that the program has been in effect for about six
years and that from 60 to 65 adults participate weekly.
Mr. Rogers also reported that the ski program has been set up with
Fahnstock Ski Area but that he has had some difficulty in making
arrangements with the Dutchess SkI Area.
Eecreation Survey Questionnaire
l~r. Schlathaus advi sed that he had spoken to 1fr. Osten of the Southern
Dutchess News and that Mr.Osten su~gested that the Commission wait until
after the Holidays to present a survey to the Town residents. Mr. Osten
will reproduce the questionnaire on one-half page of the newspaper at no
cost to the Commission.
Ur. Ro~ers will let residents know, through his column, that the survey
will appear in one of the comin~ issues. }!r. Schlathaus is to complete
a.rrangements with Mr.Osten.
Mr. }.~aurer suggested that survey questi onnaires be sent to the vari ous
service organizations as well.
Reese Park
Officer Arthur Waddle of the local police came before the Commission and
requested tha.t lir:;hts be replaced at t~e park and the power turned on
for skating at the pond. He also asked that the Comrndssion request Mr.
Hor}on to plow the road and an area for parking.
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Minutes of Recreation Commission Meeting - January 6, 1972
Officer Wa.ddle also informed Commissioners that people were dumping
at Reese Park and tha.t. a car has been abandoned there.
Mr. Kenneth Russ of Barger & Russ attended the meeting and requested
that the Co"":.mission make a decision with regard to Pondview by February 1,
1972. J,~r. RUBS made the sugge sti on th8.t if the Commissi on is goin-s to
accept land at Pondview they should consider getting a piece of Mr.
Hankin I s land which adjoins the recreation land being offered a.t T'nndview.
l:r. Russ told the Commission that the owners of the land would
about five or six acres of land or $10,000 in lieu of land.
Hill Nt Dale
Jfr. Russ told ;he Commission that the owners of this property were
planning to provide their own recreation area but that they are willing
to donate 10% of the land for community use.
Commissioners will arran~e a field trip to the location.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
~cAJ C? W~
Edna C. Winters, Secretary