1974-11-07 , TOW:~ CF ~A?PT~jGER RECREA"frON CC~~~:5SIO~ :'< I :. ~ _ ~,.; C ~- ~,~ CJ \j[ !\;:J E R -(, 191 ~ i< E~ : T I~ G. 1') I (j,<'.'<.A,;',-<- J ~ x t. '7~, e -.=:: J. :-' - D~c:a~iij8:::J, 1 '"; ~ ,~ .l.;; , Li- The =egulor ~eeting of ~hg Town of Wapp~nger Recreation Commission was h21d at -en", TO"In Hall or, i~oJ;:::,j3r 7,1974. The meetin'g \..;as opened at 7:~!5 P.f-l. Pres~nt: H~g~ J. Maur8~,G8orge 5chlathaus,Mrs. Alfred Arkell and laura Helion t\b'SC:;;it: JamBS Port2.L-, Joso.?h Enne.sser, Ric}]i~rd GarI'cr and Jean Beahan 5~CI TRIPS Mr. Eutch Hagan from Ski Haus Tours, Brewster, New York attellded the meeting '1:0 speak to tile Cornmi.ssi.u:] abuut ski Jcrip:J. HI'. HcrJ2n puinted Dut thi.lt th=..:, :,~ were two advantages to pl~flning tri~s through Ski Haus Tours. One was that 5 k i H au s T C~ u r ~:: L I:WU 1. d ~1 e t ~~. U \t,) ~:;' .r r 3 t f:? ~:~ t h r:~ n t ;-'1 e C r) f,) i H i~3 :L Ci n c [, u J.. c1. The 3 e r; 0 n d \..;a8 that Sk i Haus fours ItJOuld 'tBke c'ara of arrangirll) und confirming the I'e~jervations . Mrs. Arkellasked what would happen if weather was not favorable for. skiirlY and the money had b,':!s;, paie and the trip all arranged. f"'lr. ,Hagan said, that if the sk~ aie~ was clo~ed then allmonBY would be fully refunded or anot~or date for the trip set. Mr. Hagan also pointed out that most of the ski hr8as t)'~V- ........"",,.,-,I(J..'fln p U"Ln~e"'J.. anr4 thn~',.f'or-' '~vpn ~f th"""- \'prp r'o <'fin'} ""0"'1 ,..v~ G ::.: .J . I u It. I, j '-3 ~, :J _ q . r-' /,1 f I .... . , ~...... ' 1......_ ~. ..... t... Co....- J... I t.. .1. c;" .~ '...... "...... I ,:)... y,~ I.: '--, . ,::1" ~ 'L~ri.::EJ3 ,',auld b8 open. hr.- r1cJ1'clr1 alae.' said th(lt if n planned tri.p 1."3S C~H1Cf?,}r;d for reasons other than weather all money would be refunded if ,they were notified within 30 days. If a trip were canceled within 5 days the deposit \'1Oul.d be fCfrrei ted. The C (1 r-: :"7"'1 j_ :J ~~. i i"J r l 'J'i d ~:: h F~ ~:) 5- t cJ P 't; b l3 c: au <:3 ;:} 0 f 1. a ;:j"t, ':/ c.:~ a .:- f:i c:.x. per i i"~~ r; r"' ~~, ;,". ~-.: k D f .ir;tel"'ef'j.l.:..) ~;~,~t thi~Y .tc.:.1d r,'L!:"'. Hagar) t~; find ~)ut the pricEs fo.:.... t\'JL' one-d~]:./ t r :L p S d :: d l; ; 'I '; 'v': p ':2 k ,? n ri t .' i p. T h c" y kJ 0 U 1 cl +; d k e :i. t; r n I ill t II . ~ :r e, !'Ii T'. t-j,::q cl r 1 ':J,! ;, tn report :-,is fi~ding~ to Miss Laur3 ~1t]liClrl. ]: r~ [~ :.3 ,:-~ :'~ '..1, -, .,-,,-~ "~"'.."...-._~ (:''''-'~;ld D-;":-- :~:'~: \~Jcn S"I;~::1>~ "._, ,I i !' . C \,': ,~l ~~~: r." .~,; c-: i \/ l~: fT~"l,:,l Pa.t: ~=~:i.I'r]Ct!:'; on t:hi:; P'\/F~ '"I;-tr-~Y are ut~:.>:-:C-,:lDd ni:l~'8to :.il..~cJ ":jarjt-~ p~,~.rt 0:-''' ttl~, id'j,lilJ'tes Df ~~ljJ.~J ;T'~c:'~:~~t..L~'i:.J. T ~~~ -";:'1 n~' , r' ,'" .... ~" . I ., I ' _JI I'" ,~., ,;:~} ~j of t :-) ':~ ~.'.',' ,f' ,--.: (-': ~,: ::=~ .r ~:.' ,J' i ,; i .L .1,. ':,i n ~-; \) (-; n p m t? n t i~V ~'.i :3 r \/ j Ci; '; t': ;-~: "'.~ .,t, ;::: ;'1 :l:;" ~"11"; :-- :j ~-; .t_ ( ) 'r ..-, ~, ;.:} :r.C:r.:U~~'~ t i'O"1': 8i1Y C{)rn:!lE:;nt~:..i 2~1,j T ~" :,") :';)j, I L; ;: d ~-) t i D ('i. .:::., T ;17~: .,-" ~:~: ~)D -:'i:( :1.'..;,~':-_l'~.~ Ci"j a:':,F'~d di:;~:,.'~'._);.Ii:~.LL,;(.i c.;n -:~11~~~ t,:!_ I'~J ~~i :'_ l ~ ...:; .... < " :.:.; ':":.: 1"- ~ ':,' i.:.i ;~ ~\ -." .... ~: D -;~ f-~ ~:~ i"l j" 'r~'. r 1 f"l i ':; }] (] [..) .~~ c; C:t::j;::~'Lng i ~ . ~~) i, ; j f [) :I ; :'1 a t :~ (.1'-; o :'1 "I~ l-- ::':'~3tic\ '"~: ;: C ci { I~ ,J S, ~ i<: ;:~ t ;'f',' ._: or '-.j ,'. ,-j ''--'J ,-~: "':-:-J (_:.:" ':"~ C!; (~-) ,-:, C'; (! L ~I 1:: i t~~ . CJ ;'~~~",:1 t_; i 0 rt ~ 5 h c.:; ,."J d ~J (,: C~;-; 'r- c,':ie c ..J f Gt :::; (:.: r-: ~t, 0 t;'" 'I : (, ;::; t~"~ ;: \"..,: ;_~ :'1 r ','J C} ':; ,'] t t h f.::' Y.' c t:~ ~i..' ; ~ ,'__i .1. Cl Ci .;,~ r ti f:":; ~::~ .. l; ';', :,,;:; :c ~., :' i : ['I tj"' ~-i':JL!~..',~J '3rl~; :'} 'i'L".~(j 1:.::1 ;~} , r j (.-i~: '~',~ .:'; .r'l< c; cJ. 'f h i."': ~: !:' t",~ \.t C~ ;.-1 ,~ :~"1'3:3 j c.: n ': v:i~ f ':. :; r' C 1 CI i d ~.; h ~ ~:': i. "_i r k:~ d. T ~': j:'; '.,'J 'S r'j :~ c, . : 1, : ~ I' , \,' ~ . .,'1': i: U .L-(:': t. ~ t ~:, f" J ,l d i" J.J' ~ --: r.:.. ,-, ~, r~ " -., ':. [.1': ~~i r.j "...; .:.~ ~', (l''';J ~~i , :, t j -:;,'" :1 :"1 t .1 'r~ t:, ," j i",' "I ". CCir':, , ) ~", Ii.' d U:; f' ~ :' 1 _, : : r -: ~:-; ;~J ..~1:/ to) ;:.~ ~~~ ~- .""l T' , lJ... t !l ~ ~ f', ~.:.) d r'ti t h , ~ .v C t;c ,J j 1-1 : ~; } -: c: ~ , I ..; . P3C? 2---~~C~2atio~ Ca-~i5sicn---ll/7/74 ;'j, r . ~:: ,~~ :: ~:: :- s a -i. d the d;.; \i ."'; .:_ r:J ;J ::: r, r'-'I r, [; (] I' d -d r 1 h d d c [: r t :1 i 1; ::.) U q 9 est ion s f c:: ~ '.'; ~.. e. _ -:, 3 r e ere e t i Q n :: :: :.' .] s " 0 u 1 d b e CJ Ii d VJ hat s h 0 i.J 1 d :-:; ::;. r~ b u f fer Z 0 n "'; W35 s~~~9sted so that :own residents using the rec::e~tion area would nG~ ;~t~sr the residents. ~rs. Arlell's thoughts were that when land is Q~jicated to the Town for recreatio~ it should be up to the Recreation CC~7ission to decide what would be there--not the developer. They arranged a site inspection of this area for November 14, 1974 at 10:00 A.M. IDENTIFICATION CARDS Mr. Schlathaus brought u~ the subject of Identification Cards w~ich had been printed up and nac~ssary for. TCh\ln residents to perticipatc in any recreation programs sponsored by the Town. He stated that the way the carda are now they could ba used by anyone, He su~gBstsd they find some wav clf puttirL' :.c:1CJ'.:D,Pc'd:Jh:; un the I.D.H c:aids for DCJ~;iL;\!c ident'iiicatiof1, ... , wi . ,.,) I [ [vir. [,'/aurer sugq<.}::"tsJ they huy a larnmA'::or and have the pi:,:--uple brin'J il) the i r ow n p hot c)[Fa p h to be 1 a rri n a t 8 d [) n to the I. Doe i3 r d s. Ph. jV) au r e r s aid h" '.'Jruld J O'Jk .i 11+0 .H1" r.T'; Cl' ,)f buyinc ."j 1 """I'~IAtir.'c rn."n\'".; '/C' 'j~I("1 h'., Il.....ppd ...... ,u . . l. .__...,. ...: I ,.-' j-i. ._~ ___ _ ~ to. _. . I ~-::J ... .- cU" . ," . f::; ., I ell... t -..... I ", (,; I ..\. _~" W -' the Towm Clerk's office could help out with this by using the machine as the applicants came into the Town Hall for I.D. cards. FEf'JCING A short discussion was held on fencing the recreation area in the Card development. It was a problem because of snowplowing. r..~ r . 5 c In 1 a thE: U S '~ ask e dab 0 u t m 0 n e y f 0 I. ;J 1 u y e q iJ i pm e n tin C h e 1 sea. H e f 81 t the area needed a monkey climbtswihgs and markings on the basketball court. 5':: Ci';:. T ;',RJ:. 1,1.:':3,. De~o.reh ::iui t\'ies appoi,iltcd secrf.;tc.:CY to the: !/ C:r:L~i'i Lion fl''; 11 ....lne v,,:),,~~~:-,-c'->\/ 'I ..1L;......+- ~'\I +~...,:~ f".~Ir::,~1...0,..~.l-~on 01~ C\!l\/l "I ClJ-:.;;.l"'i;--r) , -'. ',~ , ...' '. ,:-~ Ldj . , '..,' . _. t... u U of . v' I "~ - t.. d :J I . 0:. .._ , .:J J - ~ _,. (. ..1 ,.. ,,' /, <- fGr ~he l..nfOrmatlon of the members that Mrs. Ru~t's iddress Co :TIm i C3:C: 1.0 n to I t is noted and teTephone , :~:-. "y_" ;~'3 'r-: f.; , 1 .1 (: ;~ '~':J:; t J\ '-: ~) .~..~ ;..:~ in y ,. i.. to W~pping8rs FQlls, N.Y~ 2r)7,.6T~J'] }\II:;:JJ:~5 l"IF. Sc:;.1..a-thai.;~~ :"::Dtio~-1:::~:j c::J uc:cc:.J"t th~_:; minut:e3 f'(IL" <..;).~-~ 1[l/~LtJ,/7!L c~;--ld .1 0,/ .1 T / 14 r', ~'.~ ;~ t i "~ :::,:~, T h t' ;:: t ion ',-"J ;a ~:: S f; C Q n d ;~ d }'.~ y ~-'~r... f';~ c"; u ~:.' ~~ T r.:! ~:i d, c ~j r ,":,~.; f:. d . r ,"I r.: c: >~ t , . (';1 c; ~=~ L ..L l"'~ co; t'J a .:J r~ ~; -r-: r jj:C f) (:.: celT: h ~ ~L' 5, 19 I /L .~~ \. ., , " ,.., r .> _.J ,~ ,- ~ .'. t---' ~, (' I .. " :. s. {', .::. k e 11 " : t :i D ; lfd t D S 1 0 S c.;L h e Tn e e tin I~ , see 01 i dad by fO"; =-. S cfl .l :1 t h .:w s a r1 d (' ,] .,~ ~ d. r h ' ~ r i: ~-: c t .i i I q c; l :--', :; :::_: d (] t. :): [] 0 r.:;. l;'~ -~_=~3~_;~~ ---- --;-----.1"/"7/"(-4 - - " -' "" :: "~- ~ ' ~ ,",':, --~,_.- 0;' I "il"::: ~;;- :.!~~:,..:C(; th:Jt La~rc} tteJ~iDr~ V.;~J~3 to bL rnaT'J"is.J C}--j _ .c_ ::.> ,", ~ d t i r1:] and "t h H me m b e r ~3 \.J i ~3 h her h 3 P ;] :~ r'i :: :3 :, ;-':-:L1?:.'c? 1",2l":c; \"Jill Of: (iTS. Ed'.varcJ Zie k 21nd her 1,2,' t-? S~:_==~.~; ~Qllowi' .1"'; .~, s = -:::..J ~:~:- c;. ri e :c a~==~53 is 23 TOO~ON5: Pine] RidJ8 Drive '.+::: ..~o ;3 i:...-~ 9 t7~-e-l-:J:.~-N-;4!. . ,I Cl P e i..--.. e /I ~rct . tJ Y. Respectfully submitted, t. I _7/~;; "'~1 , if I/o /" J A \,', '..t' ('t ...-..7_"-( f.r -.~ ..../. "",-.-,."" .~.-<-. ,-....- . -/_~-". ~."o. -. "~".... (/~) r . ,'I '. ;J '0 / _. ..4'd "',CRi>~(.."L~//~O' f~.?~L{~"'<""_ Glady' nuit, /\r-t;ing :18crc:tEuy dr DBborah Ruit, SecrDt~ry The foll~Ai~; v8uchers were approved for payment: .John Euckley 'lichard Emond J'Jseph Pantaleo ,j 0 ::: ;'10 r r i 1 i I I I Jer.l:y Joyce RC~)8rt rc.1rl.-ey Dick S8::'"tOfl Dellnis Geisler i"li en 2el Moshier 21.DO 36.0Cl 36.00 25.00 49.00 L(9.0D 25.DO 37.00 37.[]O Go~dli-2-~' :-~eprodt_Jc-tioI1S A-l f~ncingCc~pany p D ~j '3 .'C 1.: ~3 '::-', i. :::) ~ ~}~/ R=:::~=t ~)aislt::.y 12.DJ ?:O, . lJ Q SI"TS.DD 2[]D~[If1 J 7 :j . 0 0 ~~j ~:,LL - ~ :< :"~~ ~~. ~:! ~~." ~. -: "':-_ -~~ .... -.t. -: ~-- ,-" ... ".' '.J ') ~'I , '!.... :.: t,';: C ro, 3 S . _:..:; ;_.1 :"\ -::'.i L... 1 :-i p -:~ ::; .::' Pi:T18 ~< ic;~ C': "": :_: ct ~~ ~CU~; (3 23:5.00 ("1 p/ c. l : ~ _ " ,+ ",) ;'.:J 1, !.~ [>1 U ;') c.. "/ :~;:] .0: T.:;:- r::C 1.'.1.... 1 L;l ( f' . .-, '",. ',- , .:... _..;,...., ~~-.- {' -, , C~ ~ :::: :~ d 1"1 ~:; ~jr :: t ~'/ E q '~.J i pm en t G~~~d.~0,-1 :: .P~t~1 [q~,ripnl~3nt '-' LOll' ~w . CYJ ()1 .12 1(; , t1(; H -~': _~~ Q _ j F 1/~-i ~3 .; :1 :--1 erl . The ~ollowin~ is a list of my recommendations: .9. 10. 11 0 12. 13. 14 ., 15. 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. An entrance gate a~ the North_end of ~ourts. A nu~ber for each court ~1-4). One or two sand boxes for Children. Benches outside of nourts (For pla,rers or spectators). nlack t.oparea adjac.ent to courts with a wall (backboard). More iennis courts (either at Pye0r anothe location). Water fountain near courts. A ]J;::J.~:".l::;n.ant hnllct5.o board oub:d.de. eonrt area. Nettin~ for fence (wind breaker). Ball boy throwing machine~ A rehound net. A storaae closet for Tennis only or a small structure next to courts for Pro shop, coke machine, bulletin board, clock, stora~e area, etc. Bring builders back for repairs to court (court around net poles is breaking up)Q (court three - near back fence - ashphalt is breaking off). I.. D" card for re~:li((_c:ntu >.- Get tin{': to 0 crowded at ceurts. nONIT WAIT until 8prin~ to iSB~e cards. Let thc~ pick cards u~ . earlier. Center net straps (4) 6. 7. 8" 1 G.J P;~~(fl_n t<~i~!':1.~l.~:1 (,~~~\'\;:J"'.t._~ -- It: j ;:":~ 'jl~') ':!..nd e(Y,n:iry.::~;:",. 1~~(.-~':'~1(~jl1)::-~-(: .;",:jL ;::-~._{'\..-jLi.:'::jU. v") .i;,~;.'-/,., ~. ,Jt:. .~i ~-:;_::L;..":'i l" ~J u f .> ":~..._' :. .r,";'"} :_; <7 .';':-; \ the;il" r-t i.G a yeiLc rOu:nCl ,,,.(o'd. \r:'; the t(~1'r.l;.3 courts wer0 & c:-1c V'i}l:'J.t; f). ~')U.~f~n c c ~-~ :; 11.::1 :~~ '} L' l: . .1 '8 C, ~:: r) ,r" ,~ ~J :~ ~._ J I . e t..: L 1. ..') ';;.'~ :.. ;~) ?.ecreation CO::Lnitt'~e, Ul.)om Ro(~e::..~, .Jo;,~ Enr.i':;[:1::;er9 Hu.<:~'h {J 0 M~uerer in particu12r) f~r all the cooperation I received durin~ this past su~ma~. I would also express ~y desire to be ern.r]oy:?d '.'lith t11c Town 8;-ain :in ;3nf";\Jc;l' of 1975., ThqYlk YOI.l. / .... / ( (,I_ ~ .---' .', I ~ \ \ ~ .... . " , /' .......