TO';JN DF ~j,L\PPUJGER H[[,=iEATIOi'J cor,:.; I 5510:':
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A special m2eting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held at
the Town Hall on February 20, 1975. The meeting was opened at 7:40 P.M.
Present: Hugh J. Naurer, Theresa Arkall, Richard Garren, Jean Beahan,
Joseph EnnBsse~ and Laura Zick
Absent: George 5chlathaus and James Porter
rVi r . C h3 r 1 e s Dr u rl and ~'I s. Y v 0 n n e S e ;oJ ell, fro m t h 8 D ute h e s s Co u r1 t y You t h B 0 oj r d ,
attended the meeting to present the Commission with literature on the
Comprehensive Plan being proposed by the Youth Board. The Commission agreed
to read through the literature and then ask Mr. Drum and Ms. Sewell back in
about a month so that they may answer any questions the Commis~ion would
have aoout the plan. Hr. Drum said if there were any questions before then
the Corn:nission could call him at 485 - 9721.
Mr. Joseph Ennesser said that he had been asked by Mrs. Peg Luhmann for the
use of the ~8rtz Field Tennis Courts for 8 Tennis Program. It would be an
extension of the "Y" Program and courts would be needed on Tuesdays from
9:30 A.~i. to 2:30 P.M. in April & May for 6 weeks. Mrs. Luhmann had said it
would be for Adults Only and 85% to ~O% of them would be'Town residents.
Mrs. Arkell felt that if the Commission started letting the courts out to
groups they would be approached by several others and then the courts
would become tied up. Mr. Maurer said any groups wishing to use the courts
would have to be res tr io ted to Apr i1 & jVlay. He also ;su 9 g as ted th at th e
~roup only be allowed to use three of the courts which would leave one open
for people not belonging to the group. Everyone agreed that it was a good
idea. Mr. Ennesser motioned to allow the group to use three of the courts
on Tuesdays from 9:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. It was seconded by Mrs. Arkell and
APPL I Chin s
The [0:;lrnissior1, after interviewing a:ld studying th8 resurnes of the three
a p p lie ant s \v ish i r1 9 to bee 0 m e me m b e r S 0 f the rl e ere 8 t ion Com rn is s ion, de c ide d
to votr~. The R8:~rcdtion Commission unanirnously voted to reco;,llnend to the
Town Joard that ~r. Arthur Hall of 3 Short Ccurt, Wappir1gers Falls be
appoirlt,;d to fi1~ the uiiEoxpired tenil of r-lr. Ju:' es Porter.
\'1 I IJ T r_ 1< PRO G ri ;, ;.,
Mrs. Laura Zick ~eport8d that the programs were 011 doing well. Mrs Zick also
said t!wt she:; hud had a ~JiiC)i'18 call f:cm, r<I. fiusti" 5:nith. Hr. Sr;,ith had
s3id i'", had 2 t13f1dicapped child iJno thC::1t he ",'QuId .like to see some progra;"s'
. get :~t,:::ted for '~r1f3 ch:ildr8n. He \!J8'ltcd to knO'..J if the [or;ir:liss:loT! could help
in d"i,\/ '.'Jay. [:,::"5. Zick said she told hin1 a~]olJt "he SuturdiJY rnornirlLJ pIog.:arn
rur) ,--. -:.hf:; J:JjL~:"::~~). i.'i-C-. /iauTc;T said the Cornmissicrl could not run a pro~~l"'a~;;
on '[:,,;::, O'.'w t'u::::hey \,'JGuld be ';Jlad to hl;lp ,.!it'l j2ttir,g the use of :;choo':'s
o r d": :_~ d S .
. .
, ..
Page 2---i1ecreation Commission---2/20/75
The re~3inder of the nleeting was spent ammending the 1975 Budget. The minutes
of th~ 1/30/75 and 2/13/75 meetings were approved. The meeting closed at
1 0 : 3 0 P. 1'f, .
Respectfully submitted,
. / . I .... (
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. .I.
,I _ ."__._~
Deborah Ruit
The following vouchers wer.e approved for payment:
Wappinger Central School
S.V.S. Pro Shop
~ 45.00