N~xt ~eetinQ - April 24, 1975
The regular nlBBting of tha Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
at the Town Hall on April 3, 1975. The meeting vlias opened at 7:50 p.n.
Present: Hugh J. Maurer, T~leresa Arkell, George Schlathaus, Joseph Ennesser,
Jeari Beahan, ~ichard Garren and Laura Zick
P f, R K S I G i'J S
~Ir. Muurer reported that the vandalism was becoming extremely bad at the Martz
Field Recreation Area and therefore the sooner the new park signs could be
installed the better. ~r. Joseph Ennesser said he would order the signs. It
was decided that the signs would be put on steel posts and pictures of the
signs would be taken for proof that they had been installed.
Mr. Ennesser reported that he had talked to the Sanitation Service and
discovered that it would cost approximately 515.00 u month for a garbage
contuiner at Martz Field. This price included the rental of the container
and the emptying of it two or three times a week. Mr. Ennesser said the
Commission at present was paying ~6.00 to $8.00 a week for hauling and
therefore motioned that the Recreation Commission rent a container. It was
seconded by Mr. Maurer and carried. Mr. Ennesser also suggested that when
the bla~ktop work is done at Martz Field, the Commission have speed humps
in 5.;t a 11 e d. Eve r yon e u 9 l' C e (: t h at t h is It) as an ex c ell en t ide d .
v ;\ [.J D 1-\ l_ I 5 1'.1
Mr. Maurer asked the Commission what its feelings were about hiring off-duty
policemen to watch over the parks to try and stop the vanddlism. Mr. Maurer
said it would probably be quite costly but it ~}ould probably be to the
Comi~issions advantage if some action could be taken against the vandals.
Mr. George Schlathaus said it was an excellent idea and he suggested the
Commission c2ntact Nr. Gluck as he was a retired New York City policenl~n
t,,:'-:o !.(Jd Dr:C.t told the COiT1~,issiorl he Itlas avai.la~le. Everyone was in favor
of h:i.ring someone. r:r. i'-]aurE::r said he vJOllld look into it to see how it
could be worked out.
~r. Enn3GSer reported that he h3d been contacted by Mr. Pat Sircusa, last
y 2 a r s t to n il i sin s t:c LJ C tor. 1-: r. :::; i r c LJ s a i fl f 0 nn e d r.: r. En n e sse r t hat he "JO U 1. d
not Ltc: able to I'ur, this ycaI'S tennis program. The CommissiDn "Jas sorry to
he in' t it at h J' . Sir c U G a ,'10 u .1. j r,o t be n:; t U :Cfl =. Ii 9 3 S h [; had h a cl 3 very J 0 U cJ
p::.uJ.":;;;' la,-~t y,Ja.T:. i,r. :~:,.it3SSl:3r said he had thE~ nar-,t;S of a fe\" people who
ini':.;ht Us intcTC3stcd ir.t taking over the program. The Commission suggo:sted
that i~r. Ennesser contac these people as soon 25 possible. Mr. Ennesser
said he would try to set up the interviews for Thursday night April 10, 1975.
Pl_t\;Jr,l'~iJG BOAI/D
f',jr. Bou Steinhaus, Chain-ia;l of the Planning Soard stopped in to lot the
C 0r,1 if, i s s i Cl n k no",) t hat so m e 1 iJ n d fur He ere at ion rr: i 9 h t be OJ ad e a va i I a b 1 e
by D'o! 5 1-1 [J 1. din 9 s a 1. 0 'l~] I:J i d in C r Ii 0 u d. I'., r . S t e i n h au s Vi ant [3d to k no It} if the
c[JI\;:liss io n \:Jas in need of any recre at ion 1 and irl that are a . The COliHn:l ssion
Page 2---Recreatioil Commission---4/3/75
said that there definitely was a need for recreation In that area.
A letter was received from Miss Lorraine Crosby, president of the Rumps &
Withers 4-H Club. The 4-H Club wished to use the Robinson Lane Recreation
Area for a Horse Show on August , 1975 with August , 1975 as a rain date.
The Commission requested that the Slocreiltary serld a letter to Hiss Crosby
stating that the 4-H Club could hold the Horse Show.on the Date requested.
A copy of a letter from the Social Service to ~r. Louis Diehl was received
concerning the hiring of people to work in the parks, who are receiving
public assistance. Mrs. Arkell said she would contac Mr. Wightman arid see
what could be worked out.
A letter was received from Mrs. Henrietta Coombs concerning a state-assisted
Senior Citizens Program. The Commission decided to ask Mrs. Coombs to attend
the next meeting as they were very interested in the program.
Mrs. Jsan Beahan reported that the last Roller Skating trip was a tremendous
success and she felt that the Commission should sponsor another trip. Mrs.
Beahan also suggested that the trip be held on a weeknight instead of a
Saturday morning. The Commission decided to sponsor a trip April 28, 1975
to the Wood N' Whccls in Port [wen, N.Y. and to again have ths sien up at
the Tovm Hall. ~lrs. Arkell suggested that thE~ Cornr::issicJr) put dn ad in the
Wappinger and Southern Dutchess News. Mrs. Deahn said stlC would do that
and a 1 S 0 she s aid t hat she well i 1 d Tt, 2l k e up p 0 s t e r s top uti nth e \"J i n do vi 0 f
the Tovm Hall and the Schools.
DIFlECTl}i('S HEPOil"l
Mrs. Laura Zick reported that she had been able to get the use of 12 lanes
at the Holiday Dowling Alley for 10 weeks starting April 23 from 3 to 5 P.M.
The program would be for 9 to 12 year olds and they would be able to play
2 games at 55~ a game with free rental of bowling shoes. The Commission said
that it suunded like a good program and Mrs. Arksll said she knew of a few
women who might help out with supervision.
Hr. [finesseI' reported th.=:Jt u Mr. Bill Green f:-on John Jay High School had
approQched hirn and asked if it would be possible for him to start a
Basketball Program out at Martz Field. The program would be of no cost to
the Town, the only thing they needed would be the use of the courts and
basketba.lls. The COLlIi;ission a'Jreed that it IrIaS 2 \'[~ry grJOd idea so Hr.
Ell n [; s sur s aid h e \/10 U 1 d con t a c f.i r. G r e e Ii and h l'~ 1 phi rrl to VJO r k 0 uta pro 9 ram.
The next r1eetin~! \-Jt~~; set fOT April 2'1, 19T5. r:trs. Plrksll motioned to adjourn
the J:1ct;tin~J. It \'JO~> second,;C] by nr. GC:HT,,;n and carried. The meeting closed Elt
lO.U!1 Fl.i..
Respectfully sublni tted,
( · 1/ f "/"':;-"'1' I (., ,__~..s_.
/.-' '("0--'; 10, _r,-_
DeboTuh Ruit, Secretary
Poage 3---Recreation COlnmission---4/3/75
The following vouchers wore approved for payment:
HolJl"rts Doice Paper CO:'lpuny
5 55.00
Deborah Huit
Ralph Vinall
Pray I s fJurscry
P.8k'0. Sand &. Gravel
A - 1 Fence Corl1parlY
fJo.C'th [cJunty Ford TriJctcr, Inc.
E.J. Marin &. Sons
E.J. fiarin &. Sons
\Jilliam J. F:r:'cdickson
A - 1 Fence COfflpony
P & 0 Sand &. Gravel
Hid-Hudson i'Joon
Huighes Signs
Joan Kolor
Lise: Dipiero
Ken n 8 t II ,J s n r 1 ~',- :, iT')
.1 (l:1 . f) 0
Kathy f'Jc~vman
\'lood i'J I \Jhecls
~appinJcrs Central School District
Uappingcrs Central School District
John Archemede
Dick fiog(~rs