IJ8:<-I:; meeting JunE: 26, 1~rr5
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The regular m88tlng of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
at the Town Hall on June 5,1975. The ill8E'~ting \-Jas opened at 7:45 P.P'1.
Present: Mr. Hugh J. Maurer, Mr. Richard Garren, Mr. Joseph Ennesser,
Mrs. Mary Schmalz and Mrs. Laura Zick
Absent: Mrs. Theresa Arksll, Mrs. Jean Beahan and Mr. George Schlathaus
.sLPl..[)Yi",r~;\JT_Rf~.JEJ:T J [) jJ.J.ETIUI
Mr. & Mrs. George Mann attended the meeting to discuss the Recreation
Co~mission rejection of employment letter. Mrs. Mann said she had submitted
an application for Summer Employment and felt that she was very well
qualified for the job so the letter came as quite a shock bec8use of the
way in which it was worded. Mr. Garren said he agreed that the letter
was not VEry good and explained to Mrs. Mann that it was a form letter
that had b~en used for many years and the Commission was not aware of its
wording. Up until now no complaints had ever been received. Mr. Maurer
thanked Mr. & Mrs. Mann for bringing the lett~r to their attention and
apologized to them for the letter. Mrs. Mann said she would be available
all summer and would be happy to help out if she was needed. Mr. Mann
agked the Commission what the procedure is for someone to become a
member of tllB Recrcation Commission. Mr. Maurer said that until recently
ths procedure was that whenever there was an opening on tIle Commission,
ppople wishing to became members would submit resumes to the Commission
and then the Commission would interview the people and select the persorl
they felt would be an asset tu the Commission. The Recreation Commission
then would submit its recommendation to the Town Board and then the
TO\':i1 Boc:,rd ~'Jould make the appointment.
PL '~~(:2''i OUJ.JD_L.'.~luu:r'1f [.1T
['1::-. ....Ios C~ phI near an <.1tO CJ C3ve th r:; Commiss io n an B ~.>tiri1at8 for i nsttiLl i Il 9
playground cquipmsnt C3t Chelsea Area and Hughsonville area for ~985.00.
hr. Gar re n sad. th a t 1'-I,r. P Blll Lab ie nice h ad also gi v 811 a bid to ins tall
the equipment and his bid was S85D.OO. Mr. EnnBsser motioned that the
COi~:;;1is::;ion Cil.'Jard the bid to [-Jr. Paul labieniec ashe t'l/aslmJ bidder. It
was sEcond8d by Mr. Garren and carried.
~l b.r U fl.LI.Y P QL..U:X~
I,.:':. :.iauru:c told the Commission that the Tm.Jn Board would probab.ly advance
the r.:DT:lrniss.ion S5DD.OO to use fo~c security po.lice. r-.1rs. Schrnalz f3aid she
h rL,~ s L~ e n ~1 CJ i11 t~ see U T' i t Y s .Y s t ems for b u i 1 d j n 9 s t h nt h a v e no w-i _r' D f:; t hat can
bc cut, i3 ki.;~1 it; needed to turn it off. r'1r~). SdlllltJJZ, felt that a system
1. :i. k c: t h ,:1 t n,.i S1 11 t b e b est for the b u i 1 din 9 s. f.i r. E n n e sse r s aid h e ~'J(J u 1 d
ch;;c;( it out and see l-Ihat it costs. f!;r. r~Elurer s,-~id he felt that. a letter
e. h c u .1 d b e s r; 0 t to Hr. J 2 nw s f:lo n k 0 f the Lit tIe Lea 9 U (0 ask i n g t hat: the
pccplt~ in the, littL: Jr,aCl118 p"-'og:ccwl try to improve their supervision of
trF~ ch.i.ldre;l \'Jho iJre \!atching the bDsebnll gaITli;s. ~~rs. SChi'ICllz said she
felt it waG not Ittt18 laaguc children who were miSbehaving. Mr. Maurer
:; ; L; d eve n sot h e Par e Il b" Co C1 c h e s 8Tl d f!j a rw 9 e r s s h 0 u.1. d b e sup e r vi;., i n g the
c h~ 1 ch: e I, d lJ :c i ill] t h f, 9 ,Ud C c:,. f1I 1:. E n n e sse r .s aid t hat d u r i n 9 the 9 EWI e S l;l a s not
the: DiL1.y tir'll;r, that child:['r:~rl \'JUL'~~ misbehaving but he felt that the letter
',',';:1::;'] s'tep in the right di:cection and it should be sent.
Page 2---Recr,:;at:i.Ort Cmmnissiofl----6/::l!15
I,ll'. Garren suid that the Commission \'JCJuld not be needing Hr. Joseph
McCormick's services evory WBBk at the Chelsea scheol house and he
felt the Co:;..~ission should have him clean only when 1'lr. PElt Viglotti
felt it WDS necessary. Mr. Maurer said the Commission should get an
hourly rate from Mr. ~cCormick and have Mr. Viglotti keep track of his
Mr. Maurer also said that he wahted it stressed to all the Directors
and Aids that no money is to be left in the buildings or they will be
held responsible and Mr. Maurer said the aids should clean and police
~he playground areas at the end of each day.
f-'Ir. Ga:crE:T: repcJ:cted that he had received prices for repairing the Chelsea
parking lot. The retaining wal~ is in good condition but new bumpers are
ncaded. Mr. Garren said cement bumpers would cost $182.00 more than
roilroad tie bumpers and he felt tile Commission should get the cement
bumpers os they would last longer. Mr. Garren said that about 150 feet of
snowfencing was also needed and the total cost of everything would run
around 5400.00. ~r. Ennesser motioned that the Commission buy the cement
bumpers and snowf~ncingneeded. It was seconded by Mr. Maurer and carried.
.SLJ I'W:E R S t~LI\ R IJ~ S
Mr. Garren presented the Commission with a breakdown of the Summer P!ogram
Salaries with three different raise proposals. Mr. Maurer felt the
Commission should accept proposal #2 because if they find that the program
grows they will need additional help and the budget won't be able to be
raised n8xt year. Mr. Maurer motioned that the Commission accept proposal
#2. It was seconded by Mr. Garren and carried.
Mrs. Laura Zicl< reported that the bowling program was going very well and
on3 of the women helping out had donated enough trophies ~o give one to
each child who had participated. Also 011 the Directors and Aids had been
contacted and th8Y were all going to the program at Millbrook. Mrs. Zick
s aid all the Ie t~; eI'S s en t to BC hools as k in 9 for sp Llc;e for the Vl.in ter
Program had been answered. The Schools said the schedules had not been
made yet but they would keep the Commission in mind. Also there were 98
children signed up for the Baseball trip and 13 chaperones. Mr. Hagan
had said th8Y could double up on the buses so only two buses would be
needed at :210.00 a piece.
P l-J' y G.:.1Q.l J [.J :2 5
;,:::. i1icha:::-d lJarren explained to r'A.rs. Schmalz that during the SUiTIi:li:H
PruJra:;-, the; Co,n::'issicFl r;18mbe:r:s all go around -to the different" areas
an..:l chC'::ck on things. At each playground the members must sign in and
introduce themselves to the Director's 6nd Aids. Mr. Maurer said he
wanted the Director~ to have a flag raising every morning.
1-:1:. r';uurer asked the Commission hO~'J they felt about havini] a booth at the
circLIS that th8 Jaycees w~re having. Everyone Was in favor of the booth.
i;rs. ni:1ry Schmalz DQreed to take care oJ the necessaJ~y preparations.
Page 3---Racreation Commission---6/5/75
Mr. Joseph Ennosser reported that he had received another request for a
soccer field from a Mr. Louis Leone and he had told Mr. Leona what Was
planned for Robinson Lane. Mrs. Schmalz said she would contac Mr. Leone
as she knew of other soccer teams and maybe something could be organized.
Mr. Maurer told the Commission that two bids had been received for the
tractor. One from W.E.Haviland, Inc. and one from Pine Plains Ford Tractor.
Pine Plains Ford Tractor was lo\v bidder but none had given a diesel engine
as alternate and he had. talked with Mr. William Horton arid Mr. Horton
advised him that a diesel engine would save money as it uses about half the
fuel of a gas engine. Mr. Maurer also said that .he had forgotten to list
a live power take off and diamond tires on the tractor specs and these two
items were a necessity. Mr. Maurer felt the Commission should recommend to
the Town Board that they buy these extras. Everyone agreed.
"11 ~WTES
Mr. Garren motioned to accept the minutes of the May 8, 1975 meeting. Mrs.
Schmalz requested that a change be made about the Identification Cards. Mr.
Garren then motioned to accept the MayS, 1975 minutes after the change
had been made. It was seconded by Mr. Maurer and carried.
FI L. r~~
Mrs. Schmalz questioned Mr. Maurer as to why she had been told by the Town
Clerk that she could not go through the files unless thH secretary or
Mr. Maurer was present. Mr. Maurer explained that that was the normal
procedure. Mrs. Schmalz did not feel that that was right. Mr. Maurer told
Mrs. Schmalz that if she felt the Recreation Commission was a Watergate
please tell them so they can correct it and also if Mrs. Schmalz had
any problems Mr. Maurer said he would appreciate it if she would let the
Commissiori know before telling the Town Board. The Commission would be
more than happy to ansltJer any questions she might have.
CO FlFi.E S P 0 f'JD.E ~J.C.s
A letter was received from the Pookie Players saying they were interested
in putting on plays for children. The secretary was requested to send a
letter asking for more information.
A letter from the Carnegie Talent Agency was received asking why the
Commission had not answered their first le~ter. The secretary was requested
to SBlld a letter saying that the Commission had never received their first
A letter t'Jas received fDom the SUlllmer Youth Program asking if the Commission
had any job openings for youths. The secretary was requested to send a
letter saying the Commission did have SOlne openings and could probably use
about ten youths.
A map of the Kent Ridge Subdivision was received from the Planning Board
asking for the Commission's comments and recommendations. The Commission
decided to make a field trip to the area. Four other maps were also
received, Lands of Michael DIes, Lands of B.Hager, Carmel Heights and
Spring Hill. No intent for Recreation was shown on the maps so it was
decided to return them to the Planning Board for more information.
Page 4---Recreation Commission---6/5/75
11.1'. HichiJ:r-d Garren motioned tel adjourn th8 meeting. It ~'Jas seconded by Mr.
Enl1BSSOr and carried. The meetina closed at 11:00 P.["i.
Respectfully submitted,
(--- ", ,,' -;;' '.'
I / / '.. . ',-..
'--,'.o;'-'j .{,,' ( ( (';,:. ,t,_ /) {' '., '".
Deborah Huit, Secretary
The following vouchers were approved for payment:
Debbie Ruit
$ 44.00
718 . 00
Ralph Vinall
Beacon Distributing Company
Herbert Muller, Jr.
Wappinger Sand & Gravel
Windsor Building Supplies
Fray t s [~ursery
William J. Fredrickson
Ernest J. Post
House of Cards
[.jc Comb t s
Hudson Valley Building
Hight",ay Accou nt
fk Cornb t S
George Rose
Urey Hardt'\lare
Urey Hord'.'/are
Wappinger Central School
Mr. Lawerence Oliva
Schumans Army & Navy
Sundance Sports Ltd.
Betsy Forslund
!~ris t in Olson
Su e [';c G ayh oy
Lisa Dibbern
Lynda Kay Hutchinson