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Next meeting - February 26, 1976
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
at the Town Hall on February 5, 1976. The meeting was opened at 8:00 P.M.
Present: Hugh J. Maurer, George Schlathaus, Joseph Ennesser, Jean Beahan
and Mary Schmalz
Richard Garren, Theresa Arkell and Laura Zick
Town Board members Louis Clausen, Frank Versace and Nicholas Johnson
attended the meeting to discuss summer hiring and the tennis program.
Mr. Clausen said that concerning the hiring his feelings were that the
Town of Wappinger Residents should have priority but any new rule should
be retroactive and not used to get rid of old employees.
Mr. Frank Versace said his opinion was the opposite, he feels there are
many students needing jobs who live in the Town. Persons going to college
should have preference. Mr. Versace said he would like to see a revision
in the way of hiring and also the excessive salary.
Mr. Maurer said the Commission always tries to hire the older applicants
but what happens is the applications are put in during Easter recess and
when Recreation calls the applicants the college age kids usually have
already gotten jobs. Mr. Maurer also said that he agreed that the salaries
were out of line and that would be changed.
{vi r. .a a r r y S m i t h' at ten d 8 d the me e tin g toe x p 1 a i nth e job h e doe sat the
tennis courts. Mr. Smith presented everyone with an outline of his program.
pir. Smith explained that less thaw.three hours a day was used for private
Mr. Clausen asked Mr. Smith if he would be interested in the job if he were
not allowed to give private lessons.
Mr. Smith said he felt the residents really want the lessons.
Mr. Versace said that he is against utilizing any courts for private lessons
He feels Tennis is like any other program and Mr. Smith is tying up three
hours of court and people have to wait. Mr. Versace said the Commissinn's
function is to provide Recreation for the whole town. If one resident
complains that nullifys the other 100.
Mr. Schlathaus said a program had to be run to take care of courts and
a reliable person is needed. 100
~r. Maurer said the Commission had handed out survey sheets only 33 came
oack a:ld all said they IrJanted more organizati'dn.
Mr. Versace asked what the tennis program cost the Commission.'
~r. Ennesser said the total cost including all supplies was $3,116.00.
Mr. Clausen asked Mr. Smith to explain just what it is he does from --
9:00A.M. to 5:00 P.M. each day at the Tennis courts.
Mr. Smith said he set up programs and part of the time he gave free
instruction. He felt his job is to he~p town residents with tennis.
hr. Versace suggested that the Commission get together with Mr. Smith
and draw up a program and negotiate a flat rate. Then notify the Town Board
of tne salary of Mr. Smith. Mr. Versace said he would not support anything
where Hr. Smith is making 530.00 a day on privdte lessons.
~rs. Schnlalz said she would like to make a few comments on the Tennis
Program. Number one- Mr. Smith is an excellent tennis player. Number two
He works well with children and he filled a need for the children who ~re
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too old for the plwyground program and to young to work. Mrs. Schmalz said
she did not approve of the ladder tournaments for children but Mr. Smith
did put much tirne into the ladder tournaments for adults--well over his
8 bours a day.
Mr. Maurer asked Mr. Versace how he would like to see the Commission run
its hiring and if he wishcld to sit in on the screenings.
Mr.Versace said he would like to sit in on the interviews and he would
like to see older town residents get preference. Mr. Versace explained
that he does not want to get involved in Recreation but he has to raise
questions when he gets calls from residents sa he can answer them.
Mr. Maurer said that the members of the Commission should be called when
there is a problem, that way it can be salved.
Mr. Versace agreed and also said that Mr. Maurer's suggestion that the
Town Board should meet once a month with Deaprtment Heads was excellent
and should be followed through.
Mr. Matthew Ryan attended the meeting to explain the new voucher system
to the Commission. Mr. Ryan explained that the Town is changing to a
Purchase Order System and any purchase over S1DO.00 mllst have a purchase
order and must be countersi~ned by himself or Mr. Louis Diehl before it
is bought. Any large items to be bought must be put out to bid if the
total over the year is close to $3,000.00. Mr. Ryan said he has a list
of items that are bid by the County or State. If item is not on the list
then the Town must bid themselves. Thsi gives the TOWfl a wider selection of
Vendors. A bid can be rejected by thi'.: Cornmissiof) if the person 1ms been
unsatisfactory before. Also an inventory of all present equipment must
be taken. Mr. Ryan explained that this "system should save the Town
approximately S70.000 to $100,000.
Mr. Maurer"asked Mr. Versace if the Town Board would appropriate monies
aguin to pay for surveilldnce of the parks.
~1r. Versace said that if the Commission feels it is needed the Board
will probably go along with it.
Mr. Schlathaus motioned to accept the minutes of the 1/8/76 meeting. It was
seconded by Mr. Ennesser and carried. The meeting closed at 11 :00 P.M.
Respectful~y submitted,
'l.J . .
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Debor3h F~ui t
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The following vouchers were approved for payment:
Rowe Rutledge
Ralph Vinall
William J. Fredrickson
Urey Hardware
$ 4.10