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"ext ,neeting - February 24, 1977
The resular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Re==eation Commission was held
~ at the Town Hall on February 3, 1977. The meeti~g was opened at 7:15 P.M.
I i~TERV IEw.j
The Coni~ission interviewed Mr. Frank ,Presti fo= ~he open position on the
Comnission. At the completion of the interview ~r. Presti was invited to
sit in on the remainder of the meeting.
IE;.; ,-; IS
~r. Joseph Ennesser presented an outline of a tennis program that he had
j=~~n up with the help of Steffen Kraehner. The ~rogram would be run indoors
=t the Kyers Corners School and would start in approximately three weeks.
EV8=YO-i8 was in favor of starting the progra~. ~r. Maurer said that
Steffen Kraehmer would be sitting in on the ~ee~in;s as he had been assigned
~y nis school to do some field work in recrea~ion.
;.:=. [n"esser reported that the ~vinter Progra'~s 3:-8 doing well with over 100
;irls in gymnastics, over 50 boys in bssketba::, 20 girls in basketball,
20 w~me~ in the exercise progranl, 15 - 20 at wc~en's night and 20 at mens
~i;ht. A few problems have developed at the Ju~io= High School with children
;ettin; into unlocked parts of the school and ~r. Ennesser said he planned
~o spe~d next S3turday at the School to see what was happening.
~ moderate discount hos been obtained from two ski areas. ~1ount Storm will
allow 3 discount in lift tickets to adults and children to anyone with
Town I.D. Cards and Mohonk Ski Area will offer a discount for groups of
2C on rental, lessons and lift tickets.
The special education program run ~y the ~vappingers J~ycees is off to a good
start at Myers Corners School.
unly one response was received from the other tOvlns concerning cooperation
on Senior Citizens Trips.
~r. Ennesser has asked the Junior High School for use of their field for the
Sccca:- Progra~ eig League until August at which time they will go back to
~oGinson Lane. Also arrangements have been ~ada at ~yers Corners School
for the Indoor Soccer Prosram on Saturdays.
Ihe fo:-~al schedule for little league is in 3~d Mr. Ennesser has started to
hork C~ it. Ketcham High has again asked for use of the t9nnis courts
for the spring and a baseball field for their ~~p~insers Invitationdl G~me
in April. 60th requests were approved by the CQ~~ission.
;'r8. Sch~alz reported that an Indoor Progra~ would ~e starting and notices
~ad been put in the Southern Dutchess :Jews, PouJ~keepsie Journal and Coble
TV.~r. ~eorge Tarantini, director of the Dut=hess Soccer Camp and Mr. Jeff
PAGE 2---Recreation Commission---2/3/77
SOCCER cont'd
Behnke, Ketcham High Soccer Coach along with the Ketcham Varisty and Junior
Varisty soccer tears have volunteered theirservicBs fer th8 program. Any
childre~ who wish to sign up but ara i~volved in ot~er activities will be
~ ancoura;ed to finish their other activities and ~h9~ 3 place will be made
for the~. In the meantime the program will start wi~h the children they
already have. Again this year Mr. Bill ~olland has beer very cooperative
and all the coach8s from last year will je returri~g. ~egristration will
be held February 5t~ from 10 to 2 at the Town Hal: ard the Indoor Prog~am
will start on February 12th. ~rs. Schmalz feels tne Commission has tak~n
away a field and hindered the progran. T~e ComnissiD~ noted that it has
don~ no~ning to hi~der ths soccer pro;ram and th~~ t~~rs are two fields
V /~ :'J D A l_ I 5 >:
1":";.'5. Sch~Lllz si3id i"1r. Charles Dru'T1 fro:-~ the Yout:- ::-:c2rJ i:-dorrned h2r that
tile Villaye and Town could a~~ly join~ly for a yc~~nfLl Aid Officer and
r~c8iv2 rein~burS3fnert.
~E\.IO;~ CITIZ["J5
r s. 5 C Ii i'i '~ll Z SUe]:; c; s t ::; d t h ,r:: fro ::-i :-" C ':1 CF thE; y h.J 'J e ~ ;- e S e 'i i 0 r C i t i zen s h e.l p
or~ganiz8 the trips the.mselves a~d th8~ co~s to t~2 C=-~ission. ~:r. M~urer
Jidrl't '~~li~k ttlQ't .t 3re w~lJld be T~u=h r~sponse tc t~3t. ~rs. Beahan said
she had tried thdt o',.:::e <.nd reciJive.d ;;Cl response. ;:r. >1et.:rer said everhthing
should ~~ on an ecual basis and the Cc~~ission s~o~ld put in the time for
the Sen~or Citize.~s and or;anize SOMe trips for t~e~. ~r. Ennesser said he
tlod t~o :rips tentatively lined up and he willwri~e to the Senior Citizen
CF;, teES 3nd ask to ~:.:et th:.;~':.
CD:~ ,:~E S ~l C: JDE ;'JCE
T h r e 8 iJ ideo for the 1 Si 77 13 a s e ~J all E qui p, c: n t 1'12 r e r:o c: e i v ed, 0 n e fro In 5 c h U In a :J S
i.,r:".,/ ?. ;,avy Store for t'VJ iF,CJlnt of 33,715.54, O'~:3 fr:);;-; Arlington Sportirig
:::;C8jS fa::: tnc arnou~t of ;;3,088.)2 Gild ene fror'l Ls-:-:.:;r ii Sporting Goods for
, , t f' ~ 2 ,', ~,' ",. " , . +- . , ~ ' 1 I' d b
-cne a:ilOL~:--l. D. .,) ,Cj:;.~!J. ('iT. i)fUu::-e:.... maDe a mO~lG;'"~ to :;xcept. \..ne Ov.J 01 y
Latterii Sporting Goods. It was seconded by ~r. 5=hla~haus and carried.
The Secretary w~s requested to write a letter to the 70wn Board recommending
that th5 bid be approved.
A lette= was received from the Town Clerk alo~~ wi~h a letter to the Town
~38ard f::;;'1 thE'; '/j~J~pi.r-'-jc~r [cnS8l"'VC3ticr: r~c.:\/iSor:',i C:>~-s=-l concerning dn',.
8rcsion cc~trol proj~ct at Ro~irlson L~~e. The secret2ry was requested to
send ~ :etter sayi,; the Cor:~~issi8~ v:~u:d likg to di5=~SS the p=oject
ilJ:i. t h U'.~ Co U i Ie LL. i, 1 e t t e:::: v::3 S 31. s c s ~ .. ~ t 0 :~ 1:. t~ 3..:.c 3 ~_ '3 Y ask in 9 him to
~j.~~t:.:.;nd ::-,.:::: next, ,:.;:;,,:i'lg to d.~scuss th,;.; ;:::rojc::.:~.
~.J, \ . i~ L. .:.J
j' rs. 5SL:I-::Jn said S;I:J had co::tact~;d i \".:."~ LGk~s CDI1::8:,";-,i.r':g da) ces for teenagers
~,ut thc:;y 2"8 1r13itir:; for a license t't::::::;:..;;!h the; >i=;-:::' 80ard and do not wish
tCJ ho'::'d darlCc;S at this time.
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l"';rs. Sc~""~alz said S::l "Jould like r-r.,:.,....;E~ss:Jr t:.; ~ut 3 notice ~n his
Page 3---R~crBation Commission---2/3!77
\!i\cr;,TIC'~ CCURSE cOi't'd
Cclu~n saying tho Conmission would like to start a V3~ation Planning Course
~~d anyone interes~sd should send a ~=st card with their nane & address
~-J what night the) would like the ~roJrGm to be hold. ~rs. Schmelz said she
v \,}i2-1 ::-Li:, tile pro;I'~:'.
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T r::; fl i i, ~J t e s f 0 T t~; ~ D 8 C e ~ be r S, 1 S 75 a-~
iJ~pm ve:. Tho n8eti'~;r adjourned C3t i J: 3
J a ~l u 3 r y 5, I S -r 7 :-:,0 e tin 9 s It! ere
p . r~ .
Ros~ectfully submitted,
(:J yJ{;~JJ_j,- --;;~~J--
Deborah Ruit, Secretary
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