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MINUTES OF ~~y 25, 1978
Next Meeting - June 29, 1978
The regular meeting of the Town of wappinger Recreation co~~ission
was held at the Town Hall on May 25, 1978. The mee.ting "vas opened
at 7:45 P.H.
Present: Hugh J. Maurer, Jean Beahan, Mary SCTh~alz, Ronald Petro
and Directo~ Joseph Ennesser
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Four coaches from the Soccer program were present to discuss the
rules and regulations of the program--Louis Clausen, Martin Zylstra,
Aldo Saracino and Tom Logan.
Hr. Clausen spoke as he put it, on the philosophy of soccer--what
it is now and what it will be in the future. He and Mr. Saracino
were coaches for children 12 and over, Mr. zylstra and Mr. Logan
were coaches for the younger ones. The coac~es for the older
children had a problem, they were losing their tea8 to baseball
(Little League), because of the lack of competition. They just
practiced, there were no scheduled games, no competition at all.
They practiced all winter long waiting for t~e Spring season and
now here it is at the end of April and they were still practicing.
The team must be developed for the future so the To'..m of W-appinger
can have good teams--at this rate there is no future for Soccer
teams in our Town. They WOQld like to play other towns, East
Fishkill, poughkeepsie. .What about sponsors and parents contributing
and money from the Town. children look for this - they need to
develop expertise -must have the satisfaction of competition. He
knew Mrs. Schmalz (Commissioner in charge of the program)did not agree
with this. She did not want competition, wanted all the children to
Mr. Saracino interjected his views which concurred with Mr. Clausen's
no future unless we have competition. They sho~ld have uniforms, children
look for these things-they look naked, he claimed they needed uniformity
to create a team spirit. There will be no progress in our town for
this sport if it continues this way. He also wanted to play East
Fishkill and other towns.
Mr. Zylstra had his say - program going on for three years, should
be more organized. We should have a team ready to play for Ketcham
High. They cannot keep the interest of the children now involved,
there is no loyalty among them. There are a lot of rebel rousers
on the team, he claimed. They should charge a Registration fee as
they do in Little League.
Recreation Minutes--5/25/78
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Mrs. Schmalz explained to them this was not a program set up like
East Fishkill and Poughkeepsie. They are chartered teams---we
are not. We are "Recreational Soccer", we are funded by the State
and County and cannot charge. It is not like Little League and
Pop Warner, this is a Town function available to children of the
tONne She told Mr. Zylstra the kids thought he was a good coach
and she did, too, but he tells them they can't play soccer and
baseball, too. This is a fallacy, you cannot stop them from
playing both sports.
Mr. Maurer, at this point, said the Commission did not have ~riowledge
of the Soccer Program, its regulations, schedules or nQ~ber of
registrants. He asked Mrs.. Schmalz what was the actual number at
present. Not wha t she began with, but the children no.,v presently ,I
Mr. Logan, quiet up to now, interjected his opinion. He had no
problem now as he had a Younger group, but he felt they were not
giving it a chance. The program is young, by next Spring they will
see a big i'l1provement. He, too, sided 'l,vith Hrs. SCfLttalz's
explanation that unless they had a national charter, they could not
get into the competition they wanted. If they did this, the Town
could not be involved, only for a contribution toward equipment,
as they did with the other sports.
The discussion contined with no solution since all had different
views andfel t theirs was the rightone. It \vas actually either/or--
a recreational program playing Towns with the same program as we have,
such as Newburgh and Carmel, or going into a national charter com-
peting with Towns such as East Fishkill and pough~eepsie which would
mean getting sponsors and parental financial help, and some help
from the Town, if that could be obtained.
Mr. Haurer asked that the discuss ion cease for this meeting as they.
needed more information and perhaps other opinions from coaches. He
wanted a survey made by Mrs. Schmalz and the coaches and they would
discuss it further at their next meeting on June 29th. He asked for
the number of children now participating, the ages and the schedules
that had been set up. perhaps then, they could solve the problems,
some of the coaches :328;uedto be having.
Mr. Brooks and Mr. Meiers from Ketcham High were now present at the
meeting. They had a proposal to present to the TOWn. Ketcham High
School had land available,quite a bit of land and they were offering
this land to the Town for Tennis Courts. The proposal was---the
Town puts up Tennis Courts, that will be available to Town residents
evenings, weekends and through the Summer, the school would maintain
them, light them and use them during the day. They felt there was
funding the Town could apply for for this purpose. It would form a
marriage between the Town and the school.' Mrs. Schmalz informed the
gentlemen that it could be funded as she had researched on this three
years ago, but the Town must have the control.
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Mr. Ennesser reported that he had interviews this past week with
applicants for summer positions. The meetings were attended by
Mrs. Sclli~alz and Mr. Petro. Mr. Ennesser gave his reco~~endations
to the Commission. He would like Dick Rogers as an Assistant
Director to float among the three playgrounds. He would be great
with the boys and sports and perhaps have a program at each field.
He was willing to take an Aide position at $75.00 per week. Mr.
Ennesser felt he was worth more. ~..,'
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Mr. Petro moved to hire Dick Rogers as an Assistant Director af a-
salary of $100.00 per week.
Seconded by Mrs. Beahan
Roll Call Vote: 3 Ayes Mrs. Schmalz---Nay
Mrs. Schmalz proposed the idea of having the "Talking Tree and
Puppets" for the summer program, This was a traveling truck
and perhaps we could work in conDunction with East Fishkill and
share the cost with them. She asked the members if they were
interested in it, and if so she would pursue this. They agreed
she should go ahead with it.
Mr. Ennesser requested an addition to the permission Slips on
Medical History and asked the Secretary to t}7e up new masters.
They would be used for all trips and events in Recreation. In
case there was a problem, they would have more information to
handle bee stings, allergies, etc. The Commission approved ~f
this addition to the permission Slips.
Mr.Petro reported on the Tennis Program. The lights would go on
June 15, 1978. Dora Reinhard would be in charge and he reco~~ended
a salary of $1,000 as Director, the attendants would be paid $2.65
per hour. Steffen Kramer would not be available until the second
week of June. He asked permission to amend the Job Description of
Director and Attendant and requested the Secretary to retype them.
He also recommended that they order "T" shirts for employees--it
would give unity and identification to the program, three shirts
to' each employee. perhaps orange with white or black lettering.
The Commissioners agreed and were enthusiastic of that recommendation.
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~~o football bids were received and opened by the Town clerk on
May l2th--Raleighs Athletic Equipment in the amount of $1,112.00
and Schumann Army & Navy in the amount of $1,200.00.
Mr. Petro moved to recommend to the Town Board that the bid be
awarded to Raleigh Athletic Equip~ent in the amount of $1,200.00.
Seconded by Mrs. Schmalz
Roll Call Vote: 3 Ayes Mr. Maurer---Nay
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Mr. Maurer preferred to stay with the local reerchant.
Mr. Ennesser was initiating a Golf Program at Dogwood Knolls Golf
Club for children 13 to 15 years of age for three weeks. He wanted
to give it a try and see if it would go over with the Town children.
Be could register 24 children, two times a week for one hour, they
would provide their own transportation and the cost would be $500.00-
it averaged $3.00 a child cost. He planned to start June 20, 1978
if the Commission approved.
Mrs. Beahan moved to approve the Golf Progra~ as recommended by
Mr. Ennesser.
Seconded by Mr. Petro
Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes
The Secretary was requested to contact Mr. Gordon Birt, John Jay
High School and invite him to the next meeting to speak to the
Commission on Tennas as he had requested.
Mrs. Beahan moved to approved the minutes of March 23, 1978 as
Seconded by Mr. Petro
Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes
Mrs. Beahan moved to adjourn meeting, seconded by Mr. Petro and carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M.
Gladys Ruit
Acting Secretary