Next Meeting-:-::--Dec. 7, 19-78
The regular: meeting of the Town of wappinger'Recreatf.on Commission
was held. at the Town Hall on ~10vember16, 1978. The ,meeting was opened
at 7:40 P.M.
Present: Hugh J. Maurer, Chairman~_Jean Beahan, Ronald Pet~o,
Vernon Smith.
Mr. Ennesser, Director of Recreation, could not attend the meeting,
but had previously submitted a report to the Secretary for discussion
at the meeting.
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The Gymnastic Program for the Girls 12-15 years would begin the
following Tuesday at Myers Corn~is School under the direction of
I...ynn Hoffman.
Men's Open Bask~tball Program is in its third week and has ~bout 30
paopleparticipating under the direction of Dick Rogers at Wappinger
Junior High School. Mens League Basketball is also into its third week
at John Jay High School and running smoothly.
Mr. Ennesser asked for some imput on the skating trip he ww~ted to
arrange. Now that the new rink in Fishkill had open2d, there had
been considerable discussions previously on how to hWldle these trips.
Should there be transportation provided or should there be free
ad~ission. Mr. Ennesser suggested subsidizing the cost of the tickets.
A call was made to the rink during the meeting a~d the members spoke
.with Ronny Drake, co-owner. He gave minimum costs and minimum count,
advised them that Nonday nights would be available and had a cancella-
tion for Nov.' 20. This was felt to be too soon to set up the program,
and/a tentative date of Feb. 12th was set up. The members decided to
90 for subsidizing the cost of the tickets, print them up and have
registration at Tawn Hall \.lith money being turned in at the Town Clerk's
office. If this proved to be a burden on the Town Clerk's personnel,
another night registration would be arranged. These suggestions were
made ~ubject to the approval and confirmation of Mr. Ennesser who
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RecEeation Minutes
--Nov. 16, 1978
would be the one responsible for arrangements.
Mr. Maurer informed the Commi~sion members that he had attended a
, '
meeting with~he ,Town _ Boa~d tc> discus~ plans for George " Schl athaus IS
house., If "had been the consensus of opinion that the house should '
-. -. -. ~ .... .' -. _." ~ ~" .' .. ~...
be rented at "a reasonable figure and "the mOnies set aside .for improve-
ments at a-future date. The lease would be a short term o~e, at the
most two years: the monthly rent considered fair and reasonable was
$250.00 per month plus utilities. They preferred no children and
the tenant would not be required to do any maintenance. Th.rs, the
Board felt, would give them time to determine the future use of the
house and property and the house, in the meantime, would not be
vacant and therefore, not subject to vandalism. ~~. Maurer asked
the Commission members to consider available tenants that might be
suitable and the Town Board would do the same, a meeting would be
called when action was needed.
Mr. Maurer explained this report to the members present. When the
Town acquired a parcel of land from the Federal Government, one of
the requirements was the submission of a Biennial Report from the
Recreation Commission. This report consisted of the amount of money
spent in that period on maintenance and operation and progress on the
plans that had been originally submitted in the Application statement.
The original Statement was in the Attorney's files and Mr. Maurer
felt this differed from the one the Engineer to the Town had supplied
to the Chairman. Mr. Diehl had had a visit several weeks ago from
the Dept. of the Interior who had made an inspection of the site.
Mr. Maurer felt' this was prorrwted by the landfill operation that
the Town Board had instigated for the clean-up days in October,
since the government had never been so demanding before. They
requested that signs be put up stating this was for public use for
residents of the Town of Wappinger and that the land was acquined
from the Federal Government. Signs had been posted previously by
Mr. Maruer and torn down two or three times. However, these signs
Pa~~ 3
- '
Recreation Minutes
Nov. 16, 1978
did not state the fact that the land was acquired from the Fede~al
Government. Mr. Diehl had'cordered the requested sign and it would
be installed by Mr. Maurer when delivered. The report had been "
sent before this meeting.
A request had been received from the Planning Board regar~j~g
recreation land in the Quail Homes Subdivision, corner of Spook
Hill and Myers Corners Road. Mr. Petro had made a site inspection
and recommended money in lieu of land. The Secretary was requested
to' inform the Planning Board of this decision.
A request had also been received from the Planning Soard regarding
recreation land from Klein and Alexander property on All Angels Hill
Road. Mr. Maurer asked the Secretary to respond asking if there were
other subdivisions in the area and perhaps they could obtain land that
was contiguous ~ith them.
There was no further business to come before the Commission. Mr.
Maurer set a meeting ,for Dec. 7, 1978 at the request of Mr. Presti,
one of the members. who wished to have representatives from LitthLeague
speak on their plans for the next season and the Town's part in their'
The meeting closed at 10:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Gladys Ruit, Seer.
Note: Mr. Ennesser also inquired about the hourly rate to be
approved for the instructors and aides in the Wint~~ Program
of 1979. Rate for 78 --$3.50 instructors & $2.65 for aides
minimum mandated by State Law. Mr. Petro~wou1d check on this.