Next Meeting---Sept. l3, 1979
The regular meeting of the Recreation Commi~sion was held on Sept. 6,
1979 at Town Hall, Mill Street, Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess
County, New York.
Mr. Maurer opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M.
Present: Hugh J. Maurer, Chairman, Mary Schmalz, Ron Petro
Joseph Ennesser, Director
The members present went over their budget worksheets and discussed
the 1980 budget until the Little League representatives arrived at
8 P.M.
Mr. Ralph Holt-and Wayne Holton arrived representing Little League and
discussed some of the items they would like to see included in the
Recreation Budget for 1980 to be presented to the TOwTI Board. Some
items would be considered, some would not, but Mr. Maurer reminded
them that just because they were put in the Recreation budget, this
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did not mean they would be approved. One piece of equipment--tine
harrow, was discussed since Mr. Maurer felt this could be used for
all, not just for Little League; also heavy duty chalk liners would
be considered favorably as they were used for other sports. Hiring
college boys to prepare the fields for games did not receive favorable
response as it was felt by the members that the boys that played the
ga~es should put in some effort in preparing the fields and not expect
the Town to pay for this. After much discussion on safety equipment
such as first aid/kits, cot, blankets, stretcher, Mr. Maurer informed
the representatives they would inform them of the date of the Public
Hearing on the budget so they could be present and speak to the Town
Board on their ovm behalf.
Recreation Minutes 9/6/79
Joe DeAngelo arrived at the meeting at 8:30 PM and represented the
Dutchess County Hockey Association. He gave a very informative
presentation and revealed that the money was obtained for this sport
mostly by the members participating. Their registration fee was $100.00
which could be paid by selling raffle tickets if the boys were ambitious,
or at least subsidizing by this method and the rest from the parents
or. themselves. All travel expenses were paid by the parents and most
of the equipment, but it was expensive and they looked to the Towns
for help. The Town of wappinger had been very reliable for the past
few years and one of the very few towns who did contribute. Mr.
DeAngelo expressed appreciation on behalf of the Association. He
gave them a list of the safety equipment they needed and was told that
$500.00 had been put in the 1979 budget for some of this equ~pment:
Mr. Ha11rer said they would increase it for 1980 but he could give him
no guarantee that it would be approved. Mr. DeAngelo was satisfied
with this attitude and again thanked the Commission.
The Commission members present then worked further on their budget
estimates and needs for 1980 and agreed to meet the following week
to finalize the proposed budget.
This meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M.
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Gladys Ruit, Secretary
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