MAY 8,1980 .
Meeting---JUn~ 5,
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,Ithe regular' meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Wappinger
was held on May 8, 1980, at TOwn Hall, Mill street, Village of wappingers
Falls, Dutchess county, New York.
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fix. Maurer opened the meeting at 7:45 P.M.
Present: Hugh J.. Maurer, Chairman,. Mary Schmalz, Franki~Ef~d.~.'~019n 'Smith,
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The Minutes~of April 10, 1980 had been sent to the Commissioners and were
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now placed before them for their consideration.
,:,'Mr.. Maurer moved to approve "the Minutes of April 10, 1980, as submitted.
,"".Seconded .by Mr. Presti.
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;'Mrs. Schmalz wished to abstain since she did not have the minutes with
her but knew she had a reason and would think of it later. All other
Commissioners voted "Aye" and the Minutes of April 10, 1980 were approved..
Fields--'1!his was top priority now---fertilizing arid seeding of the fieldsp'
and finding fill for those fields that were in need of it. It could not be
done in one day and there was a definite problem finding clay and fill, but
as they found it, they would spread it around. The old fields had been
done but they were still in the process of grading and filling the new ones.
Summer Applications---Mr. Ennesser went through all applications received
and had recommendations for the positions that ~eeded to be filled. All
members had been sent copies of these applications and Mr. Ennesser asked
them if they had any comments or recommendations of their;0wn, or were
satisfied with his. He would start setting up interviews the following
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Recreation Comm. ~utes
May 8, 1980
~aek so he could notify those applicants who were not needed. Mr. Petro
managed the Tennis Program and he would need attendants for the courts.
The Tennis Clinic would start in late May through June.
Trips--The Senior citizens from the zion Young Oldtimers had a tr~p~to
Nanuet sponsored by the Recreation Commission: and the New Hackensack
Senior Club planned a trip on June 20 which would also;'~~~&q..;J;l:y
the Recreation commission. This club also wanted to plan another trip
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in the Fall, but were told that the Commission has to see how the budget
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There is'US9ally a tennis
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is going 'before they can commit themselves.
trip planned, also a soccer trip and always a baseball trip: these come
out of the same line item in the budget, so possibly, they can combine
the two clubs and sponsor one more trip.
Soccer Program--
Mr. Maurer had heard from Harry calhoun, one of the, Soccer Coaches who
had received no schedule and the program was starting or had already
started outside. Mrs. Sclunalz said she had given out the schedules at
practice but Mr. Calhoun did not show up. Actually she said all they had
to do was change the dates each year, the schedule remained the sarne.
Mr. Maurer then asked her to bring in rosters of the coaches and the
children involved. The commission should be kept aware of the program,
and be knowledgeable of what's going on when asked.
schlathaus. property--
Frank Presti was still working on the bandstand project, he hoped to have
it ready by May 22 and he would then meet w"ith Mr. Maurer and Joe Ennesser.
Mr. Maurer hoped to work all of this together with formal dedication services.
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Recre.:itiOI). Comm. Minutes
May 8, 1980
A memo was received from Mr. Diehl stating that the Town was in receipt
of a check in the amount of $16,406 from Dutchess County Youth Bureau for
1979 reimbursement of the recreation program. Mrs. Schmalz then rePdtted
.that she had attended a meeting of April 30, 1980 at the county on this
matter and stated that was the reason that she abstain~rt'if ~r~91..Pf
the minutes. She had stated at the April 10th meeting that she would
attend the meeting of April 30th, but this was not so noted in the minutes.
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She went on to say that the TOwn should receive the ::'~~e;..'amount -for 1980.
The application had been signed by the Supervisor and forwarded to the
County. At this point Mr. Maurer interrupted to remind Mrs. Schmalz again
that all. applications and communications must be presented to the Recreation
Commission before they are sent to the Supervisor for his signature. The
Commission has the right to have full knowledge of this program and all
The Secretary informed the Commission that at the April 14th meeting of
the Town Board, Councilman Versace informed the Board that he intended to
introduce a resolution at the May meeting amending the $300 per lot fee
in lieu of land for recreational purposes to increase this fee to $500
per lot. The commission thought this should be referred to the Assessor
for his comments. There was no further discussion on this matter.
A letter was received from Mr. Diehl addressed to Mr. Maurer regarding
naming the Town recreation field at Castle Point mentioning Dr. Deegan's
name for this field. Mr. Diehl recommend naming the field--the Dr. Deegan-
Dratz Field as he did not wish to leave Dr. Dratz's name out. He requested
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Recreation Comm.Minutes
Maya, 1980
a recommendation from Mr. MauJ:'er who recommended that this matter be
tabled for discussion at a future meeting.
In the past few months six people had been interviewed for Position as
secreatry for the Recreation commission. The present secret~ry h~d taken
this position temporalily until the commission found a ',pieEsooJ'U> .:take it
. ..... .,....;
Mr. Presti recommended the name of Sonja watkins for this position and
,'moved this recommendation and seconded by Mr. Maurer\:'~":A~l voted in favor
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of this appointment except Ron Petro who abstained since he had not met
Mrs. Watkins.
Mrs. Sonja watkins was officially appointed Secretary to the Recreation
Commission and would commence her duties at.the next meeting on June 5th,
There was no further business to come before the Commission.
Mr. Presti moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Petro and
unanimously carried,
The meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M.
Gladys Ruit, Secretary