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Next ~eetinp December lO~ 19~1
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation
Commission was held November 19, 1981 at Town Hall, Mill Street,
Village of Wappingers falls, Dutchess County, New York.
Mr. Maurer opened.the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
Present: Hugh J. Maurer, Chairman, Joseph J. Ennesser,
Joseph Maatroianni, Mary Schmalz and Bill Wood.
On a motion by Mr. Mastroianni seconded by Mr.. Wood the
minutes of the October B, 1981 meeting were approved.
Before getting into the regular meeting, . Charles P. May,
Landscape Architect and Site Planner gave. some suggestions on s~.
planning regarding the Fieldstone Subdivision and showed illustrations
for beautification of entrances and signs to parks. He said he wDu~d
be available anytime to help with either of these projects.
Di;ec~or~s ReDort
Mr. Ennesser rep,orte4, that the winter programs are going great
The Aerobics classes are full with 75 to BO participants. He mentioned
that we are planning another session after the holidays and that W8
might try sessions twice a week next time. He is trying to get soaeons
to lead the exercise and volleyball program.
Chri,tmas Pro9ram
This program to be held at Schla"thaus Park is pretty well set
with ttte Sweet Adelinesand Ketcham Ensemble participating. Santa is
schedule~ to make an appearance. The Nativity is scheduled to be pu~
up the weekend of Nov. 28th. Mrs~ Schmalz is still trying to get
something to recognize Hanukkah. Bleachers will be brought over fro.
Robinson Lanll and the bleacher that wae at the Jr. High should be fixed
and taken to the Park permanently. Mr. Ennesser also mentioned that the
New Hackensack Brownies are planning a program at the Park on Dec. 6th.
He will have the outline of the Christmas Program at our next meeting
December 10th.
Mr. Mastroianni talked with the Chief of Police regarding the
Cadet Program and was informed that it had been cancelled. A letter
about the above is attached to these minutas to be part of our recorda.
It was also learned that the Auxiliary Police arB too restricted and
wouldn't be much use to us in the matter of vandalism
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Paga 2
Minuta~ N9v..ber 19,1981 .
Indoor CSJncart
Hr. Enn....r said ha was working on an indoor concart. Ha has bean .
trying to gat~tha Sw..t Adeline. but thay are unable io give s concert
until the fir.t part of March. It was the feeling of the Com.ission
that the concert would ba better in February. A thought was wa should
try the Banjo's and Bell'. and have two on the same program. It was
suggested that ths concsrt be held at the Junior High.
The outdoor .eason will end on Novembe~ 21st with the award.
program on December 5th.
Mrs~ Schllalz attended the Department of Planning meeting and
obtain.d for each Cammia.ion member a booklet explaining the Maater
Plan for the County..
Chela.a Bo~t Ramq
Mr. Wood mentioned that the boat ramp had been blacktopp.d.
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Flaa Pall\'
. Mr. Maurer gave a progress report on tha Flag Pol. and
Electrici~~ a~ S9hlath~us
Mr. Maurar raported that h8 was to meet with Black Electric
about the pole and said thay hoped to gat it done before the Christmaa
The Barn
Mr. Maurer reported for Mr. Presti a list of Barn Araa Prajsct
Improvements which are attached for the records.
Carmel Heiahte Sub~i~ision
A map was received from the Planning Board on the abov~ sub-
division and after reviewing it, it was decided to ask for money in
lieu of land.
The meeting was adjourned at 9130 on a motion by Mr. Mastroianni
seconded by Mr. Wood.
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Peggy Roe, Secretary