July 9, 1981
Next Meeting August 20, 1981
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Conunission was held on
July 9, 1981 at Town Hall, Mill Street, Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County,
New York.
Mr. Maurer opened the meeting at 7:45 p. m.
Present: Hugh J. Maurer, Chairman, Joseph Ennesser, Joseph Mastrioanni, Ronald
Petro, Frank ,Presti, Mary Schmalz and Bill Wood.
Before getting into our x:egular meeting, there was a discussion with a group of people
from the FIe etwood Area concerning '-young adults" yelling at all hours and throwing
beer bottles in their Recreation Area. There have been times when the police ha.ve
been called in. After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Maurer assured them that we would
work with the Town Board in any way we could to eleviate the problems and to try
and clean up the park.
On a motion by Mr. Mastrioanni, seconded by Mr. Petro, the minutes of the June 4, 1981
meeting were approved as corrected. On Page 2 under Schlauthaus Electricity, 3rd line
should read "30 amps service" and on Page 3 under Barn, 2nd line should read a "live
electrical service" instead of "live wire".
Mr. Ennesser reported the following:
1. The Baseball Trip has been cancelled because of the strike.
2. The bulletin boards are in place at the Schlauthaus Property.
3. All playgrounds and swimming sessions are doing well. Mr. Ennesser hired an
additional lifeguard at Deer Hill and another girl for Hughsonville.
4. The Ranger Rick program is working well.
5. The Summer Olympics are to be held at Dutchess Community College on
July 29th. We are se~ding about 72 children to the program. Mr. Ennesser
and Mrs. Schmalz attended a meeting at Poughkeepsie Town Hall for the
ground rules for the Olympics.
6. Barbara Montross took courses at Dutchess Community College in special
7. On July 22nd the Theater Group will be coming to the Sch1authaus Park for the
playground groups at 10:00.
8. The concert date for the Riverbank Banjo Band has been changed to
August 1 st from 2 to 4. .
9. On July 26th the Dutchess Community College Ensemble will be at Schlauthaus
Park from 3, - 5. It was suggested that Mr. Ennesser extend an invitation to
Castle Point and the nursing homes for the upcoming concerts. There was a
discussion about busing Senior Citizens but it was decided there were not
enough people to warrant the expenses.
Recreation Commission
Minute s July 9, 1981
Page 2
Mr. Presti reported on his special meeting with the Town Board to look into where
funds were allocated for 2 buildings for Castle Point and Rockingham. They found
it was never put in the budget. The Town Board is still looking into it and will get
back with us.
Mr. Presti gave out specs for the barn floor and ramp and a discussion followed.
Mr. Presti was working on Electrical Specs for the Park and will be getting letters
out soon for the bids.
Mr. Wood said it was working out well. Vouchers are in and the total expenses will
probably hit the budget.
Mr. Wood reported that two people have contacted Little League and would like to
donate to them 1000 blocks and 20 bags of cement to build dugouts for 4 fields at
Robinson Lane. There-was some question about whether this could be done and
Mr. Wood is to check it out.
Little League wants to leave up the snow fence at Robinson and take their chances
that nothing will happen. The Board Members didn't see anything wrong with this.
Mr. Wood questioned what the tent was at Robinson and was told it was J;>eing used
for the Baseball Camp that the .Wappingers Community Schools were conducting. It
was suggested to Mr. Wood that he check with John Hughes about the tent being up
properly since the Town is responsible.
Mrs. Schmalz reported that the Spring soccer program had ended but the Summer
program is in full swing with adults and college students playing Monday and Wednesday
and men on Tuesday and Thursday. She reported that the children wanted to
participate in Community Day and play games. She has discussed the arrangements
with Mrs. Connie Smith and has arranged for certificates to be given out that day.
Recreation Commission
Minutes July 9, 1981
Page 3
Mrs. Sclunalz is preparing the County Funding payroll report which is due on the
15th of July. Mr. Maurer requested that copies be sent to each board member.
Mrs. Scluna1z said she contacted the National Parks and Recreation Association
regarding the individual membership cards. They advised her that they were not
issuing cards.
Mr. Petro gave in a report from Helen Katz on the 1st Session of Tennis. He also
noted that there is still a problem with the lights and that the timer has to be
;;.,. .. I .
The bids were received from Mr. Lapar on the resurfacing of the Tennis Courts.
It was suggested that the 1st or 2nd week in August is a good time to have it done.
It was voted that a letter be sent to the. Town Board recommending that M. H.
Wylde Const., Co., the low bidder, get the contract.
Mr. Maurer said he has met with Mrs. Sclunalz to decide on a location for the
water at Rockingham.
Mr. Maurer has sent to the American Flag Company for prices on pole.s.
There was a discussion on an Emblem for the Bandstand. Mr. Presti is to check
further on this.
It was suggested that a letter be written to Mr. William Horton, Highway Superintendent,
thanking him for his generosity and helpfullness to the Recreation Commission.
. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p. m. on a motion by Mr. Petro seconded by
Mr. Mastrioanni. .
~~ Roe-
Peggy Roe