JUNE 4, 1981
T t.
Next meetina Julv 9. 1961
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was
held on June 4, 19B1 at Town Hall, Mill Street, Village of Wappingers
Falls, Dutchess County, ~ew York.
Mr. Maurer opened the meeting at 7:45 p.m.
Present: Hugh J. MaulI:er, Chairman, Joseph Ennesser, Director,., ,~ps,eph
Mastroianni, Mary Schmalz, and Bill Wood.
On a motion by Mrs Schmalz seconded by Mr. Wood the minutes of the
May 14, 1981 meeting were approved as corrected.. On page 1 'under the
list of concerts the date should have been 8/2 instead of 8/7 and 'on
page 2 under the Barn it should have read "Mr. Ennesser reported for
Mr. Presti that the committee had been up to the barn- not just Mr.
All summer help has been filled and Mr. Ennesser is in the process of
making schedules. He hopes to meet with the Directors next week at
which time the itinerary with job descriptions will be available.
There was a discussion on the drinking problems at the various fields
especially after the softball games. It was suggested that a letter be
written to the Town Board and to the Sheriff~ Office suggesting an increase
in the patrol to ~ry and cut down on the drinking and vandalism at the
fields. Mrs. Schmalz suggested that the Jr. High be included in the
patrol. Mr. Ennesser will write this letter and also send a letter to the
Softball Teams reminding them that drinking is not allowed on Town Fields.
Mr. Presti arrived at 6:00.
Mr. Ennesser said he needed some influence to help get the backstop out of
Hughsonville or they won't allow us to hold a summer program there. Mr.
Maurer said he would take care of it.
Minutes June 4, 1981 Can't
Page 2
There was a discussion regarding the electric box at the Tennis Courts.
There was a feeling that some people were tampering with the box and
that someone might get hurt. It was suggested that Mr. Petro look into
getting the box fixed and then possibly put a new lock on it.
Mr. Petro arrived at 8:05.
;,. .
Mr. Mastroianni said he had visited the Knights of Columbus people to
inform them of the schedule of concerts at the Schlauthaus Property. He
also asked the Office of the Aging to put the schedule in their paper.
He also spoke with Jim Guarino regarding the trip taken to Hartford by the
New Hackensack Senior Citizens. They thought it was a good trip. When
asked what their future plans were he said it was contingent on what we
are scheduling. Mr. Guarino also asked that we give them an advance
notice of what is planned since most are dependent on public transportation.
They also wondered if we would sponsor an annual dinne~ for the group.
Mr. Petro gave a report on the enrollment so far and a work schedule of
the Aides. He has employed Helen Katz, Kris Reinhard and Spencer Richardson.
Mr. Petro has spoken with Mr. Rudy Lapar about putting out for an informal
bid for re-surfacing the courts by June 15th. The work to be done in July.
There was a discussion about making the surface usable for playing hockey
on roller skates when the tennis season is over.
Mr. Presti had met with Leo Clark of Central Hudson regarding a pole for
the property. He suggested 3 possibilities. The one which most agreed upon
was to use the 30 amps service that was on the service box but not being used.
It was suggested that frank and Leo write up 2 options - underground and above
using the 30 amps service lot and to get estimates to make it serviceable.
Minutes June 4, 1981 Con't
Page 3
Mr. Presti and Mr. Clark were also at the Barn and found that there was
a live electrical service there. Mr. Maruer said he knew about it and that it
couldn't be turned off because the tennis courts use it for the ball
It was mentioned that a letter be written to the Town Board suggesting
the barn be used as a sub-station. Mr. Ennesser said he would write the
"I ~.,
There was a giscussion on the ramp and fixing the floor at the barn.
Mrs. Schmalz noted that even though the Bottle Bill was "shot down"' we
should start immediately to back it for next year. She suggested~that a
letter be sent to Gov. Carey stating our disappointment of its defeat.
Mrs. Schmalz will write the letter.
Mrs. Schmalz asked Mr. Ennesser if a soccer camp could be somehow worked
in with the playground group. He said he would see what he could do.
Mrs. Schmalz attended the Annual Meeting of the Dutchess County Youth
Board which wa~ held June 3rd. The guest speaker at the meeting was Father
Bruce Ritter of the Covenant House. Each member was given a booklet and
information to read on this.
Mrs. Schmalz also attended the Mid-Hudson Recreation Conference workshop
for Creative Drama for Aides for Playgrounds on June 3rd.
Mr. Wood said that the boat is now gone and that the ramp is clear.
The signs are in and Mr. Wood asked if someone could get them to Mr.
Horton to be put up.
Each member gave in a list of their suggestions for labor in lieu of
Land. These suggestions will be typed up for the next meeting.
1 ' ,( ..'..
Minutes June 4, 1981 Con't
Page 4
Mr. Maurer asked if the members could look around the Schlathaus
Property in the next week or so and make a suggestion for a spot for the
flag pole.
Mrs. Schmalz made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:32 seconded by
Mr. Mastroianni.
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C?J-~ R~
Peggy Roe