MINUTES, March 25, 1982
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission
was held March 25, 1982 at Town Hall, Mill Street, Village of Wappingers
Falls, Dutchess County, New, York.
Mr. Maurer opened the informal.~mBeting at 7:46 P.M.
Present: Hugh J. Maurer, Chairman, Mary Schmalz, Bill Wood and Nicholas
Johnson Town Board Member.
Mr. Johnson spoke of meeting with Jon Adams, Attorney to Town,
Mr. Maurer and Ralph Holt, President of Little League rega~ding a
contract between the Town and Little League. The contract involved
givil.g a SUIa of money to that Association and maintaining the fielcls for
that use with tham- reciprocating by supplying the baseball program to
the youth of Town of Wappinger between ages '7 and 18 and helping with"'
the maintenancaof the fields. Mr. Johnson noted that the two areas in
the contract of concern to, him ware-- it must be exclusive of the Village
of Wappingers Falls and th~ Association must supply their own insurance to
cover the participants of the program. Mr. Maurer and other members oT
the Commission had no problem with the contract. They would endorse it.
No one at the meeting voiced any objection to the proposed contract between
Town o"f Wappingers and Little League Associatioo.
Mr. Maurer discussed Quiet Acres Recreation Area where there seemd to
be a lot of vandalism problems and noted that the gates had to be replaced.
Mr. Lafka owner of adjal:;snt property would elso have to put up gat99 and
he wished to put locks on them. The Town had no objection to that. Little
League expressed a desire to use the area for practice.
Mr. Johnson asked about the Capital Plan which was to have been sub-
mitted by Recreation Commission several months ago. Mr. Presti was working
en it. He expressed an interest in Airport Park 'and Sprout Creek -- couldn't
the~ be utilized.
Mr. Maurer mentioned they were still lining fields at Robinson Lane.
Mi~utes, March 25, 1982
Page 2
Mr. Presti arrived at 8:12 which then constituted a quorum and
the meeting was opened. Mr. Wood moved to approve the minutes of
February 11, 1982, seconded by Mr. Presti subject to the addition of
stating that Mrs. Schmalz gave a soccer report at that meeting. This
motion was unanimously carried.
A softball contract submitted by Mr. Ennesser was discussed and
Commission agreed that some corrections had to be made. The League had to
leave the fields by 12:30 p.m. and if all conditions were not carried out
they would cancel the program.
There was work to be done to make an all purpose field in that area.
Hr. Maurer mentioned they could bring in more fill and a backstop was
also needed amounting to $2,000.. He asked the Commission to search~he
budget to find an extra $200. - $300. to cover part of this expense. All
were asked to look in ~he areas they were interested in and come up with
these dollars.
Mr. Wood moved" and Mr. Presti seconded to let Little League clean
up Quiet Acres.Area for their intended use for practice. 4 Ayes.
The Capital Report was then discussed with Mr. Presti and he stated that
he had been waiting for a census report. He did not think there was a
notable increase, however, Mrs. Schmalz reported that figures showed 21.5~
increase. Mr. Presti would continue on this report and submit it to Town
Board as soon as completed.
Mrs. Schmalz ;eported soccer was going along fine. Mr. Johnson asked
about a team in the league. Mrs. Schmalz replied that they have a traveling
team under the Town League.
Letter from Chelsea Fire Company on egg hunt for permission to use
Castle Point. No objection. Requested secretary to inform the petitioner.
Mr. Maurer reported vandalism at Robinson Lane and Hartz Field. Doors
at Martz had been broken twice in one week.
.Mi~utes, March 25, 1982
Page 3
Mr. Johnson brought up Castle Point Area and its utilization. He
realized a bi-annual report was submitted to the Department of Interior
but requested that the Recreation C~mmission also report this to Town
Board so they were knowledgable of the use of that land. Also, a backhoe
was being provided for at the landfill site at Castle Point for the purpose
of covering debris being br~ught there 1st Saturday of every month April
through October. Rec~eation Commission was invited to use it for their
purposes at the site and Mr. .Johnson requested that they report this
utilization of the machinery to Town Board and indicate how it helped :
their purpose's.
Blue Ridge Sub-Division - Diddell Road (3acres) Mr. Wood and Mr.
Presti moved that Recreation Commission recommend money be accepted from
developer in lieu of land. 4 Ayes.
Myers Corners - Montfort (1 acre) Mr. Wood and Mr. P=esti moved
that Recreation Commission recommend money be accepted in lieu of land.
Meeting adjourned at 9 :10 P;.M. \"
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