....... 'T
MINUTES, JUNE 10, 1982
Next M~etina Jylv 8. 198~
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation
Commission was held June 10, 1982 at the Town Hall, Mill Street,
Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York.
Mr. Maurer opened the meeting at 1:45 p.m.
Present: Hugh J. Maurer, Chairman, Joseph Ennesser, Joseph Mastrioanni,
Ronald Petro, Bill Wood and Mary Schmalz.
Mr. Wood asked.Mrs. Schmalz if she had her tape recorder on
for the meeting. She said no and asked the secretary if hers was on.
The secretary mentioned that she was taping the meeting.
Mr. Frank Presti arrived at 1:50.
Mr. Wood mentioned that two changes in the May 6th minutes
be made. Page 2 under "Minutes of March 25th Con't" it should read
"to accept the minutes as originally written.~ and Page 4 under Little
League it should read "Mr. Wood reported that Little League obtained
13 55-g al drums. ":~> .,.
On a motion by Mr. Petro, seconded by Mr. Mastrioanni, the
minutes were approved as amended. Five were in favor. Mrs. Schmalz
opposed the minutes.
The Midget Met trip was cancelled since we could only get
tickets for night games.
Mr. Ennesser received a request from the Dutchess County
Special Olympics to use Robinson Lane on August 28th & 29th for a
Ladies Softball Tournament. All were in favor of this request.
Summer playgrounds are scheduled to open June 28th and go
until August 20th. Mr. Petro suggested that Mr. Ennesser advertise
this thru the use of the Poughkeepsie Journal "Coming Events"in Th4rsday
papers. Mr. Ennesser has ordered the trailer for Hughsonville. ~nd
requested the secretary to get a port-a-john for that location. Mr.
Petro suggested that "Slow Playground" signs be put up at Martz Field.
Mr. Mastrioanni asked about getting publicity for the upcoming
trip on June 16th to the Poconos which we are underwriting. Mr.
Ennesser said he could get such items in his weekly column in the
~" "
Meeting June 10, 1982
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o. .
Southern Dutchess News if Mr. Mastrioanni gets him the details.
Mr. Maurer was asked about the status of the Senior
Citizen days at All Sport. He reported that the rules have been
changed at Fishkill but thinks they are still considering it.
. .
Mr. Mastrioanni mentioned that Mr. DeMatteo is difficult
to get in touch with. He wondered if we should try other avenues.
Mr. Maurer said that we.have gotten petunias and geraniums and that we
will place them at Martz Field, Robinson Lane and Schlathaus Park.
Specs, as modified by Mr. Presti and Mr. Wood, were taken to
Mr. Lapar. We are awaiting a reply. It was suggested that 1 or 2
floats be included in the specs.
'.':'.~ 0 .
Mr. Wood reported that 5 fields were under water and may not
be playable until the week of June 14th. He also mentioned that Castle
Point wants to bring a bus load to watch the games and that the Little
League will give them hot dogs etc. They were told about the facilities
n9t being able to accomodate wheelchairs, so they are to bring a bus
w1th their own facilities.
Mr. Wood mentioned that vandalism is very bad at Martz and
that it is hard to keep it cleaned up.
The cost for putting a fence around the Little Girls Softball
fi~ld would be around $2,500. Mr. Wood noted there is money in the
budget for such and suggested the work be done. Mr. Petro asked that
if that were done, could we have the, fence at the Tennis Court repaired
at the same time. Mr. Wood made a motion seconded by Mr. Petro to
have the fencing done. All were in favor except Mrs. Schmalz.
Mrs. Schmalz reported that (1) the rain has caused havoc with
the soccer games, (2) the senior boys (inter-town) bas 3 wins and 1
loss and (3) she now has an instructor for the younger boys and girls.
Tennis started this week with Helen Katz Gunther controlling
Meeting June 10, 1982
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the courts. Mr. Petro showed a schedule of events for this year
and noted the only change is that the Tournaments are scheduled for
after Labor Day instead of during August.
It was noted that there is a problem with the lights -
broken plates and in some cases the lights have been turned around.
We hope to get them ready for this weekend. Mr. Petro suggested
that Mr. Ennesser include in his column the fact that vandalism
has prevented us from turning on the lights by June 1st as originally
scheduled. .
Mr. Lapar and Mr. Petro have discussed the tennis court
resurfacing. Mr. Petro hopes to get it done after the first session
is completed possibly the first week in "July. The blacktopping will be
done and lines will be put on but there will be no finished coat at
this time.
Mr. Presti talked about the session at the barn on May 17th
and said they ins~~cted_it for termite damage. He reported that
the building is sci~nd b~t the inside is "going to pot". After a
discussio~ it was suggested Mr. Presti get a breakdown and quotes on
repairing the roof, sub deck and replacing the doors and windows so
we can submit it to the Town Board.
Received a letter from Supervisor Diehl regarding the flooding
condition at the Rockingham Recreation Field
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Wood
seconded by Mr. Petro.
Peggy Roe