Town of Wappinger - Recreation Commission
Minutes - August 19, 1982
Next meetin9 Octo~er 7. 1982
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation
Commission was held August 19, 19B2 at Town Hall, Mill Street,
Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order by Hugh J. Maurer, Chairman
at 8:00.
Present: Hugh J. Maurer, Chairman, Joseph Mastrqianni, Frank Presti,
Mary Schmalz and Bill Wood.
Attending the meeting were the following representatives from
Quiet Acres: Mrs. Ellen Korz, Mrs. Janice Scholz, Mrs. Pam Herbst,
and Mrs. Linda Pampalone. Overall they were very pleased with what
was done at the playground but felt there should be more activities
for the older children.
They mentioned that the access road was in terrible condition
with big ruts caused by wash outs. A request was made that the ruts
be filled in so the children could safely, walk or ride their bikes to
and from the field.~ ~,
They also mentioned that the children were not included in
the CERT Program and asked why. Mr. Maurer said he would discuss
with Mr. Ennesser why Quiet Acres was not being notified regarding
activities going on.
- On, a motion by Mr. Mastroi anni seconded by Mr. Presti the
minutes of the July B, 1982 meeting were approved. All were in favor.
Mr. Mastrbianni m.entionedthathe' spoke with Mr. Garino
regarding a possible Senior Citizen trip. Since their meeting will
not be held until the 20th, Mr. Garino will have to get back with
Mr. Mastroi3nni.
. -
Two articles were pr~sented by Mr. Mastr6ianni for discussion.
The articles were e~titled "San Jose concludes a Study of Vandalism
in its Parks," and "Why Can't I Get a Beer When I Go To The Recreation
Center?" Both are attached to these minutes.
Recreation Commission
Minutes - August 19, 1982
Page 2
Notice to bidders were sent out to the following:
Skip Ruit - lOA Scaroborough Lane, Wappingers falls, N. Y.
Joseph Minotti - Cady Lane, Wappingers falls, N. Y.
George Angel & Son - 72 Pye Lane, Wappingers falls, N.Y.
Darlind Construction, Inc. - Walsh Road, LaGrangeville, N. Y.
Bernard Reilly - Cross Road, Hopewell Junction, N. Y.
(carne back & forwarded it to Lagrangeville)
Since only one bid was received with quotes on Parcels I
and II there was a discussion on what to do next. Mr. Presti will
discuss this with Mr. Adams.
Mrs. Schmalz received a bid from Armor Detection Systems but
has not received any bids from the others she has contacted. Mr.
Maurer mentioned that he thought there was someone at Radio Shack in
Imperial Plaza who does this type of work. Mrs. Schmalz will contact
him and work further on this.
'The proposal has to be in by September 7th to the Youth Board.
Mrs. Schmalz has to get the necessary figures from Mr. Ennesser. We
have to service 3,600 children ages 2 - 20 to be allowed funding.
Mr. Wood asked Mr. Maurer why the fence has not been installed
on the softball field. Mr. Maurer will check on this and also remind
them about the fence at the tennis court.
Little League is finished. Big Boys are in ft. Lauderdale.
There were 32 playoff games this year at Robinson Lane. We received
many compliments on e elds~
Donations have been received to put dugouts at 3 fields at
Robinson. All materials except for the footings are being donated.
Mr. Wood calculated that it would cost approximately $1,740 for these
footings. After a discussion Mr. Wood made a motion we use the money
under Robinson Lane (new section) of the budget and have this work done.
Mr. Presti seconded the motion. All were in favor except Mrs. Schmalz
who opposed.
. ,
Recreation Commission
Minutes - August 19, 1982
Page 3
Mr. Petro was absent but reported through the secretary
that the courts are done and that the singles tournaments have
started. Doubles will start after labor Day.
Nothing new on the boat ramp.
Dutchess Community College requested use of two (2) big
baseball fields for hardball at Robinson Lane. All were in favor
to let them use SR land SR 2.
Ketcham has requested the use of 1 possibly 2 fields for
soccer. This request was approved.
Mr. Cuatt needs the budget figures for next year. A meeting
has been set for September 2nd.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Peggy Roe
. . .
Extracted from an article in Dateline, March 19, 1982
~"SB~ Jose Concludes a Study of Vandalism in its Parks"---(from Dateline
March 1982)
To the question "what are the most effective means of reducing and preventing
damages in parks," the most common answers were:
-increased citizen involvement in program and facility planning
-more supervised recreation programs
-increased police patrolling (particularly at notorious trouble spots)
-more evening and weekend use
-institute programs, whereby parents would be responsible for
actions of children, or whereby offenders would
work off the cost of damages or whereby offenders
would be required to repair the damages they
-provide consistent enforcement (enforce curfew and park closing
hours more rigidly and make more arrest~
-installation of security features, such as night lighting and alarm
-increased family use of sites
-increased parental involvement in activities with youth
-specialized programming for youth
-installation of more durable equipment, i.e., "vandal proof" fixtures
and concrete and metal equipment
-programs providing greater opportunities for positive interaction
and cooperation among diverse groups
Recommendations were grouped~into nine categories:
-Community education and invol~ement
-Crime and deliquency prevention
-Enforcement, security and surveillance
-facility and equipment design and use
-Legal and justice system
-Parks maintenance
-Recreation programming, services and staffing
-Reporting and monitoring system
-Staff training, responsibility and teamwork
WBthin each of these categories, items were further divided into two basic
areas of responsibility for implementation. These two areas were: parks and
recreation department and other public departments where appropriate; community
entities external to public authorities (service organizations and agencies,
schools, businesses)
. .
~uQQestions for Commission Action:
1. To appoint a person who has expressed deep concern regarding a
recreation site and has shown a leadership qualification to act as
chairman of an advisorv subcommittee for the specific site. The
subcommittee to submit a periodic report (written/oral) regarding the
current condition and recommendations for the site.
2. To examine the need and suitablity of small sites for their recreational
returns. Are the benefits derived commensurate by the costs? Should
the sites be discarded and tax money used for other areas?
3. To ask community organizations to meet with commission in order that
problems can be discussed and solutions decided.
4. To establish firm understandings with public departments and thus
promote cooperation.
Joseph Mastroianni
For consideration by the Recreation Commission members I respectfully
submit the following proposal. It is inspired by the article,
"Why can't I get a beer when I go to the recreation center?", by
John L. Compton; page 26, August 1982, Parks ~ Recreation Magazine.
We (the Recreation Commission or the Town Board) may not be able to
accept item 5-a at this time but can consider 5-b and 5-c feasible
in the near future.
Can we discuss the following statements?--
1. Citizens have the right to expect public agencies to be responsive
to their needs or desires rather than have the agencies decide "what
is best" for the citizens.
2. If great majority of citizens enjoy beer (as they obviously do at
baseball p~rks) should th~y be denied that service at public facility?
3. The citizens' wishes must not adversely impinge upon-those of
other citizens.
4. Unsociable behavior can be averted through good management at the
recreation site~?y va~ious measures; having the bar area physically
enclosed (a beer garden1); not permitting minors entry; not allowing
beer to be taken beyond designated bar area, etc..
5. Recommend to the Town Board the authority to establish concessions
at certain sites and to select caterers to operate them and to
sell (a) beer; (b) food--hot dogs/sausage and peppers; (c) ice
cream/ gelati.
Besides gratifying the citizens' desires, the concessions would provide
additional revenues that can be used to beautify the site and may even
_ make possible the construc.tion of a public pool (indoor?). (IBM Country
is a local example of this type of arrangement - an ideal one.)
Joseph J. Mastroianni
August 19, 1982