1982-12-16 .. ..-. . --.. TOWN OF WAPPINGER - RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - DECEMBER 16, 1982 Next Neetina Januarv 13. 1982 The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held December 16, 1982 at Town Hall, Mill Street, Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. ". The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Hugh J. Maurer with the following persons present: Joseph Ennesser, Joseph Mastroianni, Mary Schmalz, and Bill Wood. On a motion by Mr. Wood seconded by Mr. Mastroianni the minutes of the November 18, 1982 meeting were approved with the following correction. On Page 2, under Alarm Systems, the last sentence should be deleted"If this covered all points they should go ahead and do the work." DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Ennesser reported that all was going well in the Win~~r Programs. He also mentioned the possibility of starting a basketball program for 16-17-18 year old boys if he can get someone to run it. CHRISTMAS TREE lIGHTING There was a good turn out for the ceremony. The only problem seemed to be in the line for the children to see Santa. It was suggested that perhaps next year Santa could sit on the platform. It was also mentioned that we should watch for sales for outdoor lights. SPOOK HIll - FIELDSTONE FARMS A letter was received from Mr. laPar on the improvements at Spook Hill. After going over this letter, it was decided to see what information Mr. Russ comes back with after his talk with Mr. LaPar. PROJECTOR Mrs. Schmalz suggested a need for a projector and films to be used for her soccer program and the summer programs. It was suggested she look into this matter. -.., .. Minutes Page 2 December 16, 1982 ENCUMBERED BILLS Mr. Maurer reminded members that all encumbered bills be in as soon as possible. Meeting was adjourned at 9&00 on a motion by Mr. Wood seconded by Mr. Mastroiannio . e~ Qoe- Peggy Roe Secretary