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Next Meetinq Februarv 17. 1983
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation
Commission was held January 13, 1983 at Town Hall, Mill Street,
Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hugh J. Maurer,
at 7:55 with the following persons present: Ronald Petro, Frank
Presti, Mary Schmalz and Bill Wood.
The minutes of the December 16, 1982 meeting were approved
on a motion by Mr. Wood seconded by Mr. Petro.
Mr. Brian Papke of 55 Reggie Drive, Wappingers Falls, a
resident of the Spook Hill Area attended this meeting and voiced
his concerns of the Spook Hill Recreation Area.
His concerns were:
1. What the overall layout would be? What type
of Park - Family?
2. Drainage
3. Whether the trees would be left in the area.
4. That no one in area knew it was a recreation area.
After a discussion, he said he was willing to help the
Recreation Commission. He is willing to see if he could obtain some
feed back from residents on what they would like.
Mrs. Schmalz said she has received the films and will try to set
a date for the preview.
Mr. Maurer mentioned that signs should be put up on the courts
indicating they were not to be used for roller skating or hockey. He
also mentioned that all keys should be request~d from summer employees
a~ the end of the season.
Mr. Maurer and Mr. Presti are to go over spees for the barn
and get them ready to go for bid.
, .,.
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Minutes January 13, 1983
Page 2
There was a discussion on where we could cut $3,815.00 from
Account A-7110.4 of the 1983 budget. Mrs. Schmalz mentioned that
because our budget was cut the State may reduce our funds by $2,000.00
A letter so stating will be written to the Town Board. The majority
of money was withdrawn from Tennis Courts and Chelsea Boat Ramp.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 on a motion by Mr. Presti seconded by
Mr. Wood.
C?~ R~
Peggy Roe