1983-11-30 .- AGENDA November 30, 1983 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER PRESENT: MINUTES November 3, 1983 Corrections Approved REPORTS H.J.M. J.E. "\ '.' . \> ~~ ~ ;'J ~ t ~ \~ If f". ...~I "< 'vi;~: ~) , ,~ .~ .S~ B.W. M.S. J.M. R.P. F.P. -ro UJl' ~1 \, ~4 v.S. Correspondence - Seconded )(\ ~".>-....\'", ">) \ . \.' .) Letter from Frank J. Worthmann, President Little League New Business Old Business - Balances in Budget Christmas Tree Lighting Program Meeting Adjourned Next Meetigg \) \"; \ .J .: . \; < ,.,.,....." - ~ -1 ~- .~~ TOWN OF WAPPINGER - RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - NOVEMBER 30, 1983 NEXT MEETING THURSDAY JANUARY 12. 1984 The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held November 30, 1983 at Town Hall, Mill Street, Village of Wappingers Falls, County of Dutchess, New York. Theime~ting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Chairman Hugh J. Maurer with the following persons present: Joseph Ennesser, Joseph Mastroianni, Frank Presti, Mary Schmalz and Bill Wood. The minutes of the November 3, 1983 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Wood seconded by Mr. Mastroianni with the following correction "Page 1 #6 under Mr. MaDDer reported should be dock is completed not ramp." DIRECTORtS REPORT Mr. Ennesser reported the following: 1. The Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony will be Sunday, December 4, 1983 at 6:30 p.m. He requested everyone's help. 2. A concert is scheduled for Sunday, December 18, 1983 at the Wappinger Jr. High School at 3:00 p.m. 3. He is looking into concerts for next year. 4. Adult exercise started last night (tuesday) November 29,1983. ~OCCER Mrs. Schmalz reported that she has met with school officials about seeding the soccer fields. She will follow up. SENIOR CITIZENS Mr. Mastroianni received a letter from Sarah Rogine of the Dutchess County Association Senior Citizens thanking us for the $160.32 we donated so that they could continue operating the K of C (Wappingers Falls Center) the normal houra. A request was also made for us to pay them $312.00 so they could continue this operation in 1984. After a discussion a motto~ was made by Mr. Wood seconded by Mr. Presti that we give them this money. All were in favor. ~""*, 1:: ~ MINUTES NOUEMBER 30, 1983 PAGE 2 LITTLE LEAGUE A letter was received from Frank J. Worthmann, President re- questing the use of all fields for the 1984 softball and baseball season. After a discussion Mr. Wood made a motion we allow them the same use as last year. Mr. Presti seconded the motion, all were in favor. This means they will not be able to use Sr. League Field, R-2 and Girls Softball Fields on Sundays from 9 - 12:30 or to use Castle Point or Rockingham Fields at all. Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 after a review of the 1983 budget line items. ~'t~ ()? oe- Peggy Roe Secretary