AUGUST 6, 1987
CORRESPONDANCE: Memo from Joseph Paggi re: Sch1athaus Park
OLD BUSINESS - Nicole Farms Subdivision - Kent Road & All Angels Hill Road
NEW BUSINESS - 1988 Budget
1987 Christmas Party
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The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger
Recreation Commission was held August 6, 1987 at Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New
Mr. Holt opened the meeting at 7:42 p.m. with the
following persons present: Ralph J. Holt, Chairman, Bernie
Reimer, Director and Commision Members Nancy Drennan, Ellen
Korz, Joseph Mastroianni, Hugh J. Maurer, Herb Stoller, and
Bill Wood.
The minutes of the July 9, 1987 meeting were
approved on a motion by Mr. Wood seconded by Mr. Maurer with
all in favor.
Mr. Reimer reported on the following:
1. He felt that Amy Slacin did a good job as
summer director and felt that she should have an increase in
her salary since there is money left in that account. He
noted that next year we will have to be more competitive with
the people around us if we want at attract good, competent
people to do our playgrounds.
2. The Hughsonville Playground has a head llce
check by the Dutchess County Health Department.
3. The Tennis Clinic is going well and we have had
many positive comments on the instructor (Jennifer Jacobs).
4. There was an incident at Splashdown where a
child has a Sffilzure. It was lucky that there were several
people there with medical backgrounds and the child got
immediate attention. Mr. Reimer reported that there was no
notation on his permission slip of previous seizures and both
Mr. Reimer and Miss Slacin felt that the permission slip
should be changed so more information is given.
5. Playgrouy')ds ar-e going smoothly - Ne}~t wee~(
there will be a picnic a Wilcox Park and it was noted that
neither Mr. Reimer or Miss Slacin would be attending due to
6. A suggestion was made by Mr. Reimer that the
Directors and Aides be provided with similiar T-shirts so
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they can be easily recognized as employees of the Parks.
These shirts should be worn when they go on field trips i.e.
Splashdown, Wilcox Park etc. It was decided to do this and
shirts will be purchased in time for the Wilcox Park trip.
7. Today was the second production for C.E.R.T.
at Schlathaus Park for the Playgrounds.
8. We have an open date on the Concert schedule
which Mr. Reimer will try and fill.
9. Mr. Reimer would like to put in a new program
into the Fall and Winter schedule which is a game called
Quailes. It is a game similiar to horseshoes. The cost for
the equipment would be around $150. The members were in
agreement to set up this new program and Mr. Reimer will see
about getting the equipment.
10. After the incident at Splashdown, Mr. Reimer
and Miss Slacin felt it might be a good idea to have our
Directors take a first aid course prior to opening day of the
playgrounds. We could probably set up a course for the
summer employees with either the Red Cross or Sloper.
Everyone felt it would be a good idea for next year and we
should pursue the matter.
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Mrs. Drennan mentioned that the softball league
would like to move to Robinson Lane and use R-2, Boys S.L.,
and Girls S.L. Mr.Reimer said she should sign a field
request form and he thought it would be okay.
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Mr. Mastroianni mentioned that the survey shets he
gave out at the K. of C. were compiled and some of the items
listed were: bingo, dancing, cards, art lessons and exercise.
He said he was to meet with Mrs. Paino on Monday morning at
10:30 a.m. Mrs. Powers Director of the K. of C. site will
also be there.
He also mentioned that several Senior Citizens were
taking advantage of the free swimming at the Castle and he
felt we should have advertised it more.
Mr. Maurer mentioned he had gotten two prices on
the mowers. The first was for $4,950 with a 2 months wait
and the other was for $4,350 plus delivery. He mentined that
they would go on any tractor. He will pursue it and go with
the $4,350. mower.
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Mr. Maurer mentioned he had a spruce tree for
Schlathaus and will check on another place for the cost of
moving it. The price from the place in Walden was between
$600. and $700.
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Mr. Wood mentioned that the season is over and he
reported that 3 of the teams went out of the District to
play. They had a good season.
Mr. Wood mentioned we should keep the ramp clean.
Mr. Reis called and wants to see about providing a shuttle
from Castle Point Park to the ramp. We should possibly put
an ad in the paper and call Mountainview. He mentioned that
as a result of the meeting that they attended with Mr. Reis
and Mrs. Paino that we must think of long and short term
plans for the ramp. There was a discussion regarding land by
the gazabo. Two other suggestions were discussed for long
term ideas - I North of Village between the lumber yard and
water station and 2 property across from the land fill. It
was also suggested that we have a Sheriff's Patrol for Labor
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The alarm systems for Martz Field and Robinson Lane
have been installed by A.P.C. Mr. Holt mentioned that when
they did the one at Robinson Lane the system was put in the
wrong place and now the door won't open. We will have to
call and have them correct this.
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The lights and electric on the stage has been
completed and it is a big improvement. Mr. Holt will meet
with a carpenter to see about dressing up the stage. He IS
also looking into possibly building a 36 x 36 dancing
platform for the front of the bandstand.
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Mr. Holt mentioned that the metal and tires are
still at the above site. It was suggested that a note be
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sent to Mrs. Paino informing her that we cannot proceed with
plans for that site until these are removed.
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Last years' party was a success and we should start
planning for this years' party. It was suggested we stay
with December 6th as the date. We will again try and get
some Christmas ornaments to give to the children who attend.
We have already sent for a catalog. Other things we must
look unto are music, orchestra and choral groups. It was
suggested we send a letter for the West Point Band,and the
I. B. M. Glee Club or orchestra. Mr. Drennan will see
about getting the urns for the coffee, hot chocolate and hot
ci.der. 1'1',-. l-Jc.c,d l<'Ji 11 again be "Santa" and caridy CcHi(.::)S will
be ordered. Mr. Reimer will see about obtaining a new
cassette tape recorder.
The meeting adjourned at 9:48 on a motion by Mr.
Wood seconded by Mrs. Korz.
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Dutchess Office Supplies
Ma rga re t Roe
Tim Fishe',-
Ei-ic Falik
Herb Mu 11 EH", Jr..
Schnorr Enterprises
t.j. :~" S. Supp 1 y
D. Silvestri Sons, Inc.
Guardian Trailer Rental
A-I Portable Toilets
Dutchess Recreational Vehicles
LJrney Hal-d~"are
Windsor Building Supplies
F.P.C. Farm Products Corp.
Dutchess Outdoor Power Equipment
Bottini Fuel Corp.
T f'" L.ttl l
own 0 wappInger _1; ..e _eague
Ralph C. Herman Co., Inc.
Deer Hill Conference Center
Southern Dutchess News
Dutchess Office Supplies
t'1al-gal'.f?~t Roe
Bf2rnie Reim€?l-
Tim F i ~.:;tH?l.n
.Jc<hn Vorndran
Plmy S 1 ae: i rl
Rcd::lerts BcdcE.~
Lechmere Dept. Stores
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Su,:.a'I-lne Brudnc~k
Stevf:?n Johnson
James Osborn (Stolen Moments)
D.C.C. Jazz Ensemble
S\o'J i t chI n TiltH:?
Richard Jones
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