1987-06-11 1 AGENDA JUNE 11,1987 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: PAT MANNING - Re: Swimming Plans DETECTIVE CARL AMGURGEY APPROVE MINUTES: May 14, 1987 Corrections: Approved By: Seconded: CORRESPONDANCE - 1. Memo from Zoning Administrator Re: Trucks at Martz Field REPORTS B. R. N.D. E. K. J. M. H. J. M. H. S. B. W. R.J.H. OLD BUSINESS - 1. Quiet Acres Blacktop and Backstop 2. Truck Bodies NEW BUSINESS - MEET ING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING l. 1 ~. '" IQ~D Qf ~~eeiDg~~ B~S~~~1iQD ~iD~1~E ;I~D~ 11.1. 12~:Z ~~~1 ~~~1iD9 ;I~!~ 2.1.12~:Z The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held June 11, 1987 at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Mr. Holt opened the meeting at 7:35 p.m. with the following persons present: Ralph J. Holt, Chairman, Bernie Reimer, Director, and Commission Members Ellen Korz, Joseph Mastroianni, Hugh J. Maurer, Bill Wood and Maintenance Supervisor John Vorndran. Nancy Drennan arived at 8:00 p.m. The minutes of the May 14, 1987 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Wood seconded by Mr. Mastroianni with all in favor. For several months there have been a couple of trucks parked at Martz Field and it is to the point where the grass i~ getting high around them. Besides looking terible it is hindering the proper maintenance of the Field. A request was given to the Zoning Administrator to find out who they belong to and have them r'f2ilK<\/ed. On June 8th hf.:~ !:::.ent the ownel-S;. "An Ordt"?l- to Remedy Violation", a copy of which was forwarded to our Commission for our r'f.~cc<r'ds. QIB~GIQB:~ B~EQBI Mr. Reimer gave out a copy of the flyer which he has distributed to the Elementary Schools and also a list of personnel hired for the 1987 seson. He is still looking to hire another !:::,\,'J i m a i de. We are almost all set for the program and registration dates will be put in the paper next week. The bus schedule for the special events to Splashdown and the 2 CERT Plays along with the swim program are all set. July 3rd there will be no pl~yground in celebration of the July 4th Holiday. t'1r. Rf:? i. mE~r' scheduled so far. sent around a list of the concerts he has They are as follows: July 1st - Nick Seeger & Nick Seeger Band July 8th - Stolen Moments July 15th The Phantoms July 22nd - Sweet Adelines July 29th - Dutchess Community College Jazz Band August 5th - Steve Johnson Magic Show He also hopes to fill the 12th and 19th of August. It was suggested that we should have someone else along with the Sweet Adelines to give more to the program. A suggestion was to get a bc:\njc< bi::HKI or posS">ibly thf"2 BaY-be'("shop "Poughkeeps-,ie Nel-,l YDl'-ke'("S"," to complete thi~:. p''''ogi-i::'lm. He mentioned that "Th~? Phii:intom~,ll gr'ol..lJ::< in their contract want a $200. non-refundable deposit and if we have to cancel by 4:00 on the day of the concert they want an additional $200.00. It was agreed that we notify them that we accept the $800. fee for the performance but the Town is bound by certain restrictions and cannot pay the $400. non refundable morliE'!s. Mr. Holt mentioned that he and Mr. Maurer are working on getting more electrical power to the stage. D. Silvestri has been contacted to put in an additional pole for power and we will also review what we have for speakers and microphones. Silvestri mentioned that we should get speakers to hang on the bandstand which would project the sound much better. We will be going to thE'! TOl<\li'''1 Bc.a'j"d wi th a request f'or mc<ney f,-c,m the Sch I athau~,; F\Jnd for these improvements. It was suggested that the amount 'iPquF!st€~d be $2,500. It "'Jas nc<ted that maybE' we could put additional stage lights in at the same time and Mr. Vorndran mEntioned that we might be able to use some of the lights from the barn. It was decided that Mr. Vorndran get some of these lights and have Silvestri hook them up while he is doing the work there. We must have better lighting and sound system for the programs held at the stage. It was decided that we must hire someone to help with the parking for the concerts and for the first concert maybe even two people. Mr. Wood suggested that a letter be sent to the New Hackensack Fire District asking for permission to use their corner lot on All Angels and Myers Corners for overflow parking from Jllly l.~::,t to August 19th during c.ur conce,-t season. ~'Je should .::\Iso s;end a copy of our schedule to them. Mr. Reimer mentioned that Mr. Biasotti questioned him as to Ii\lhc~+;hc~l''' hi::: could put in an application 'for PASNY fl.H1ds for hi~::, local basketball program. It was suggested that he should speak directly to Mr. Reis or Mrs. Paino. Jim Poulios Director of the Quiet Acres Playground has requested additional work and we might be able to arrange sc<methi'j"lg for r'lim. t1'l". Hol t mentic.ned that v~e ~"ti I 'nc'w bp mO~\li'iiq the median at Fieldstone as a favor to the Superintendent of Highways since he is helping us with many of our projects and maybe Mr. Poulios could be doing this. l2!L!J';;I a!,~8~;2 The backstop has not been fixed and the blacktop has not been donp at the present time. Mr. Vorndran has already called and recpived a price on the fixing of the backstop. We need A-I to do several jobs such as: 1. lowsr the fpnce at R-4 -2- 2. fix the backstop at Quiet Acres ~. put up the batting cages at Robinson Lane which we discussed with Little League and we will be going 50--50 with them in the cost. 4. We will have to put a fence up at Chelsea Mr.Maurer will contact A-I to do the first two items and possibly item 3. Item 4 will have to be done when the situation between the Fire District and Town has been resolved completely. Mr. Holt mentioned that dirt will be put around the field atOll i et ?~crT'f::; to make it sat'!:". It was also mentioned that we will be going after PASNV t-Imc!s 'fo', tl-H? building at the tCIP of the hill at lJuiet Ac'n::';'f';.. ~.JF' 'found thre<uqh thf..~ ?~SSf?SSor"~s Of'fice and Planning O'ffice that ~',Jf:~ Gwn a 8~ x 200 lot.. It was suggested that we ask the engineer to the Town to do a survey of our property at the top of the hill. The blacktop by the basketball net will be done as soon as Mr. Croshier is back and we can discuss it with him. We will be putting a truck body there for the summer. playground program.. t1:fJ~IWQQP' Mr. Mastroianni asked what we are planning to do at Fleetwood. Last year we repaired the swings and equipment. Mr. Vorndran and Mr.. Mastroianni will go down to check on the condition of the equipment to see if it is safe. Otherwise we will continue to keep it mowed. ~E~!QB ~!I!~g~ BQQ~ Mrs.. Paino spoke with Mr.. Mastroianni about the funds for the above room. She put in the application for $22,000. to obtain fllrTii s:,h i ngs and to pay for- pi-clgrams. They spoke about the pr-clS:, and cons of each and we are now waiting for the application to be apP'(-ovf:?d. Mr. Mastroianni will talk with the senior groups to get idpas a!:::<out \o'Jhat they want in the rCl01'll .::~nd ~'Jhat progi-ams thE,,'/ m:iqht like.. BQnl.~~!Q~ bBJ::1f.; Mr. Wood mentioned that things were going well at Robinson with the leagues although he noted that the store had been broken illtO and about $900. taken. He mentioned that the Sheriff"s Dppt.. is working on this case. A discussion was held regarding changing the locks since it seems that so many people have the keys to the pr'es8nt one. It was suggested that en inventory of the locks be -3- . .. . . . madE'! . He also mentioned that there has been some problems recently in closing the Park. It was suggested that the Town Patrol be requested to check out the area by the creek and get the people to leave around 8:30. The secretary spoke with Detective Carl Amburgy, head of the Town Patrol to see about getting them to dc:< th is.. G.~sb~sB ~QBI 8.6~E Mr. Wood mentioned that during the Poughkeepsie Festivities there were trailers parked allover the place and that they were stacked up waiting to get their boats. The secretary was asked to get a patrol for the July 4th weekend. CQQ~s EQYND6IIQN 8.~G.8sBIIQN BB~e Patrick Manning of the above foundation stopped in to update us on the progress of the proposed recreation area. He brought with him Tom Flitch his a'rchitectural desig'ner a"'KI .::~ sample design of the proposed building. The building will house a olympic size pool with locker space for team events. Along the front of the building they are planning an art gallery. The blJilding will house 3 court gymns, meeting rooms, gymnastics room, Senior Citizen Room and a Teen Center. Mr. Manning went over the flon',,- plan with u~.:;. He also mt?ntielned that he has; met ~'Jith Hugh I'hllei- clf the Cou'nty r.~nd pClssibly they will house the "Meals eln ~..Ihf..:;pls" r.n'Dgram thei'-e. Mr. Manning says that he hDpes to start excavation in late August and to start construction in September. They hope to raise mnnF!y ttn-c<\lgh i-f',:?,..-,tal fees. They an? alsel plai'lninq ':1 Dutchess County Business Show at the Civic Center for $500. a space. Other fees would possibly be a membership fee of hopefully under $15. a pi-?~-' f:?:.D fi. He mentioned that Esst Fishkill RecreatiDn was against what he was doing but hoped he would get support from us in rental of facilities. He will keep us apprised of his progress. A~gU121IIQN QE bANTI Mrs. Drennan mentioned that she has been reviewing the Assessor"s bDoks for the availability of land for possible FIllrchas~,t;,!. !.-.then she has the list M...... Maure...- ",ind Mr. Holt ~'Jill review it and letters will be sent to the owners of the property we think might make suitable recreation land. Mr. Maurer mentioned that Mr. Klein has spoken to him regarding a new subdivision he is planning on All Angels Hill Road and Kent Road. This land will be prime land and we should look at what we can get when the plans are presented to us. -4- , '. . . G~0!BM6U~~ B~EQBI Mr. Holt reported on the following: 1. He met with the Engineer to the Town, Jay Paggi at Schlathaus Park and was told that Mr. Paggi would give us a formal letter on his findings. They will be doing 'test holes soon to see about drainage. 2. Regarding the PASNY Funds- 1. We are still working on a design for the Quiet Acres Building. 2. The plans for the Robinson Lane Complex have not been located so it was suggested that we ask Don Close to do another set as he was the person who originally drew up the plans and he volunteered to do them again for us. 3. Nancy is still working on acquiring land. 3. Six (6) tables have been ordered from Miracle Recreation at a tost of about $2,200. 4. We are still waiting on the approval from the Town Board to purchase a mower. The comptroller mentioned he thought he had $4,500. we could use, but approval must be received from the Board. 5. We hope that the bid for the SpOO~{ Hill Rest Roonl facilities will be going out again soon. 6. Mr. Vorndran will be working on the foot bridge at the Spook Hill Playground. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Wood seconded by Mrs. Korz. Peggy Roe Secretary -5- . . A-71l0.2 A-7ll0.4 A-7140.l A-7140.4 B-731O.4 BILLS PAID IN JUNE Flaghouse 160.00 Guardian Trailer Rental Wappinger Central School S. & R. Construction Herb Muller H. G. Page A-l Portable Toilets B. & K. Auto Supply F. P. C. Farm Products Corp. F. P. C. Farm Products Corp. Ralph C. Herman Co., Inc. Urey Hardware Milton Alley Agway Carl sons Greenhouse Brighton Steel Brighton Steel 408.50 130.27 629.00 120.00 189.99 95.00 17.23 60.76 84.65 95.00 132.77 13 .50 87.66 223.50 171. 00 Cathy Yacovelli 120.00 Roberts Boice 28.20 1. B. Wolpert J. E. Shaw, Jr. 72.00 72.00