APRIL 9, 1987
APPROVE MINUTES: March 12, 1987 Meeting
Mark Day from paggi & Martin - Re: Spook Hill Addition
John Dore from the Sunday Morning Softball League
CORRESPONDENCE - Letter from Mrs. Paino - Re: Insurance Coverage
B. R.
H. J. M.
H. S.
PASNEY - Monies
Request from Pat Tetrault - Dog Show
APRIL 9, 198!
~~XI ~EEIIN~ ~eY 1~~ 1~~2
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission
was held April 9, 1987 at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
Mr.Holt opened the meeting at 7:34 p.m. with the following persons
present: Ralph J. Holt, Chairman, Bernie Reimer, Director, and
Commission Members Hugh J. Maurer, Herb Stoller, Joseph Mastroianni and
Nancy Drennan. Also attending the meeting was John Dore representing
the Sunday Morning Softball League.
Before the start of the regular meeting a discussion was held with
Mr-. Dore regarding several problems which have occurred recently at
the Robinson Lane Complex. Mr. Holt requested that the league try and
get along with Little League Officials and that we hope that there are
no more confrontations between the two leagues. If there is a problem,
contact one of the Commission Members and we will try and settle it.
Another problem was the use of alcoholic bevarages at the fields.
Pllrsuant to Town of Wappinger Local Law no alcoholic beverages are
allowed and we emphasized that this will be strickly enforced with both
the Sunday Morning League and also Little League. Signs to that effect
are on order and will be placed at the field soon. Mr. Dore mentioned
that they have a meeting scheduled next week and these items will be
addressed to their league members. He requested that in the event a
tournament is scheduled for Robinson Lane that he be notified in
advance so arrangements can be made for his scheduled games. H8 was
assured that this would be taken care of.
The minutes of the March 12, 1987 meeting were approved on a
motion by Mr. Stoller and seconded by Mr. Mastroianni with all in
The following memo was received from Supervisor Paino regarding
insurance coverage:
Dear Ralph:
Ollr Comptroller, Dennis Lasowski, has reviewed the Town Insurance
policy and has informed me that the Recreation Commission is definitely
covered for liability.
If you have further questions, you may wish to speak directly with
Dennis (297-0060). Thank you.
Irene M. Paino
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April 9, 1987
Page 2
A letter was received from Ken Croshier, Highway Superintendent,
regarding the dumping of garbage at Reese Park. This issue was
discussed at the previous Town Board Meeting. Mr. Holt mentioned that
Mr". Vorndran will work with the Highway Department to clean up the
area. It was suggested that the gate there be replaced and it was
noted that this gate has been repaired or replaced several times
already. We discusssed asking A-I Fence to fix the gate and after it
was fixed we would dump piles of dirt so access it not available. Mr.
Maurer felt we would be wasting money putting in a gate since we have
already put up 6 or 7 gates and chains. It was suggested that we
should just put dirt there with a chain behind it. All were in favor
with this suggestion.
A call was received from a Pat Tetrault requesting the use of a
f'ield or" pai-k feq- a dog shc:.w. The non-"pi-e.fit organization "Derby Dogs"
we<uld like to put e<n a "fun show" tel make se.me mClney fOl"- equipme'nt
which they need when they take their dogs to hospitals and nursing
homes for demonstrations. The show would be held late in Mayor June
and they will have volunteer judges. At first it was suggested Martz
Field be used because of the fenced in area but then it was suggested
Schlathaus Park might be appropriate because of the bandstand. The
Com~ission decided to grant approval for the use of Schlathaus Park for
the show. We will have to request a specific date and hours that the
Pa','k would be neE'!ded tel make SLH-e there were no conflicts.
Mr. Reimer mentioned that he has been working on field use
i'equests. Rockingham and Robinson Lane are pretty well filled up but
there are still a couple of openings at Castle Point. He contacted the
"Dl.\tchess Debs" rel.:1arding the LIse e.f Castle Point Field and ~',las
informed that they no longer need the field. John Wright also had a
request in for Rockingham but cancelled because he was not happy with
the maintenance of the field last year.
Amy Slacin, Summer Director from last year, has decided to accept
that position again this year and will be home from college next week.
Mr. Reimer will be meeting with her at that time to discuss personnel
?or the playgrounds.
Mr. Reimer mentioned that he has been working on setting up
concerts for the summer series at Schlathaus. So far 3 concerts are
scheduled and are to be held Wednesday Nights.
Arrangements have been made for the playgrounds to go to
Splashdown on Tuesdays.
Mr. Reimer mentioned that there was a problem at the Junior High
School on the last day of the gymnastics program and the program was
cut shol"-t ~\tith the childn;?n not giving their'- final fH-ogl"-am. TtH?
.. .
April 9, 1987
Page 3
instructor handed out certificates in the lobby that last day. We were
called by the Jr. High the day before stating that our 10 weeks had
expired and we couldn't use the gym or the equipment as it had been set
up for their Physical Education classes. Mr. Reimer contacted Mr.
Biasotti late Friday night and was granted approval to use the
equipment but it couldn't be moved. When the instructor arrived on
Saturday the custodians were reluctant to let her in so it was decided
against the class. Mr. Holt will write a letter to Mr. Biasotti
regarding the problems that occurred during the program and ask them to
open the lines of communication and cooperation between the Town and
tr'le Schelell.
:?5;rJIQ!3 r~III~st!i2
Mr. Mastroianni mentioned that the Senior Exercise Program started
Monday, April 16th at the K. of C. with about 12 participating.
A trip has been planned for the Seniors on June 25th to Albany.
spgQ~ Ulbb Bs~BsBIIQ~ BB~B
Mark Day, from Paggi & Martin Town Engineers, brought in a sketch
for the proposed rest room facility at the above playground. He
mentioned that when they were at the site they noticed no access for
the handicapped from the parking lot to the building. He also
fi>ugqested paths tel the f'ields. It \o\las sU9gested that the walk g.:~te be
made by the building with just the blacktop from the gate to and around
the blJilding. The handicapped rest rooms would be placed at the far
end of the building. A slop sink and drinking fountain will be put in
the main building. After a discussion the proposal was approved and it
was requested that the Engineer supply us with an estimate for the
proposed building and improvements before deciding to go to bid.
Mr. Stoller suggested that we think about concessioning out the
tennis program. It was mentioned that it wasn't the Town Board's
vr'acticF' t-elr v(-i\iate individuc:ds to celllHi~ in and mc:d:.e c:\ pi'.ot-it b'y' us;:,ing
Town Facilities. It was decided to look further into this suggestion.
A letter was just received from Gary Bryson, last years' tennis
dir'ector, indicating that he is unable to take the position this year.
Mr. F~:F!ime'l" ~\I:i.l be ~'mrki'fig o'n getting this pr-e.grC:lm Sfi'~t up.
~~!:J!:.J.ntiBVE EBB~
Mr. He.lt and Mr. Maurer will be getting together to draw a design
for the proposed building to be placed at the abe.ve site. These plans
and estimates fe.r materials must be presented te. the Te.wn Board SOO'll
for approval se. we.rk can get started.
I ------
,. ..
April 9, 1987
Page 4
BQ~I!:::!~Q!:::! ~::6!:::!~
Mr. Holt reported for Mr. Wood:
1. Luciana Dorini has taken the position of caretaker at the
2. Mr. Wood has gotten two men to do the lining of the fields.
3. Mr. Vorndran has the number signs for the fields and will be
putting them up soon.
4. No alcoholic beverage signs are on order to be placed at
Robinson. They also will be placed at Rockingham and Spook
Hi 11 .
G~e!B~B~:~ B~EQBI
Mr. Holt reported:
1. The tn,lck on:le'..-ed f'rclm Gallingher is still not in.
2" Wilson Bros. placed drainage pipes temporarily at Robinson
Lane for work being done on a road across from the Park. In
turn they will push back the dump.
3. The terms for Mr. Maurer and Mr. Mastroianni expire on May
1st. A letter will be forwarded to the Town Board
recommending their re-appointment.
PB.!?Uf;;Y EUr:mJ?
Mrs. Korz mentioned at a previous meeting that the Town will be
receiving money from the Power Authority for the lines that run throlJgh
our Town. A proposal should be put together to present to the panel
f'c<i" a portion o'f this money. A couple cc'f suggestions ~'Iere for l'i:\
swimming pool or land for a soccer program. Mrs. Drennan has already
done some work on the swimming facility and Mr. Stoller will work on a
plan 'fOl- soccer.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. on a motion by Mr.
Mastroianni and seconded by Mr. Stoller.
Peggy Roe
- -
.. ~ i".~
Agway Petroleum Corp.
Milton Alley Agway
B. & K. Auto Supply, Inc.
Pine Plains Ford Tractor
A-1 Portable Toilet
Reardon Briggs Co.
Urey Hardware
Wappinger Central School
Wappinger Central School
Anita Akstin
Arthur M. Goldner
Brenda Peura
Brenda Peura
Catherine Nolan
Cathy Yacove11i
Brenda E. peura
Roberts Boice
Leprechaun Lines