February 11, 1988
APPROVE MINUTES: January 14, 1988
Letter from Heritage Task Force
Letter from Connie Smith re: Bi-Centennia1
Letter from "Riverfest "88"
E. K.
H. S.
B. W.
- Easter Party
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The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation
Commission was held February 11, 1988 at Town Hall, 20
Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County,New York.
Mr. Holt opened the meeting (held in the Employee"s
Lunch Area) at 7:30 p.m. with the following persons present:
Ralph J. Holt, Chairman, Commission Members Nancy Drennan,
Ellen Korz, Joseph Mastroianni, Hugh J. Maurer, Bill Wood and
Maintenance Supervisor John Vorndran. Herb Stoller arrived
at 7:55 p.m.
The minutes of the January 14, 1988 meeting were
approved on a motion by Mr. Mastroianni seconded by Mrs. Korz
with all in favor.
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An applicatin was received from Heritage Task Force for
a grant for the boat ramp. Because of the parking situation
we are not able to make any applicatin but Mr. Maurer
mentioned that we should continue to maintain it. Until we
solve the parking problem that is all we can do.
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At our last meeting Mr. Reimer mentined he had problems
with Mr. Biasotti and the Jr. High obtaining permission to
use their facilities and equipment for our gymnastics pro-
gram. He eventually was able to get the Myers Corners School
for" the program. Mr. Reimer mentined that it seemed that the
problem stemmed from an incident that happened over 10 years
ago. Mr. Maurer mentined he was not aware of any problems
and suggested that a letter be sent stating we were not aware
of any problems and that we felt that the School and Town
should work together toward programs for the betterment of
the CClmmuni ty.
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Mr Mastroianni mentioned that the Senior Citizen trip to
Elmsford is scheduled for March 31st. The pick up points are
at the Zion Church Park and the Town Hall.
Future trips already planned will be a West Point Cruise
on June 21st and a December 7th Christmas Trip to Pomona.
More information will be given on these trips when the time
gets c 1 osel- .
Mr. Mastroianni mentioned he had met with Mrs. Paino and
that he was anxious to get a program going for the Senior
Citizens Room. They met with Mrs. Powers of the Dutchess
County Senior Citizens Association but he felt that we didn't
need a contract with them but that we run it ourselves with
the help of a Part Time Director. Since we are not sure what
Mrs. Paino's thoughts are on this we are not sure what
direction will be taken.
He met with a representative from Sherman's Furniture
Co. in the Senior Citizen Room to check over the room so she
could give us some ideas regarding the furnishings. After
she took several measurements and discussed several ideas she
told Mr. Mastroianni that a report would be sent in the next
couple of weeks. She also mentioned that she might know
someone who might donate a gazabo.
Mr. Stoller mentioned that he and Mr. Masci of the
United Soccer League looked over Castle Point Area and felt
that it was not suitable for a soccer complex. He mentioned
that they had looked around at other pieces of land and were
interested in a large piece North of the Airport adjacent to
the Reynolds property and South of the Airport near Quiet
Acres. Mr. Vorndran and Mr. Maurer mentioned that they felt
that the land South of the Airport was stripped and not
suitable. Mr. Vorndran suggested another area which was
the Stringham Property off 376 which he thought consisted of
10 to 12 acres. Mr. Stoller also mentioned the Town Hall
Property but the Commission felt that it was too wet. Mr.
Stoller was asked to suggest that the soccer people look into
the property North of the Airport and see if it belongs to
the County. Mr. Maurer questioned why they felt the Castle
Point property was not suitable as he felt that the acerage
was okay and all it needed was some bulldozer work. The
Commision felt that would be better than to try and fill in
the Town Hall property.
A letter was received from Catherine Rogers regarding
"RivEH-'fest '88" a cultul-al, histcll-ical festival similar tCI
1987 Tricentennical Celebration. The celebration is
scheduled for Saturday, June 4th.
We received a letter from Constance O. Smith,
Chairperson for the celebration of the I'Bi-Centennial of the
Ratification of the Constitution". Since the Constitution
was ratified by N.Y. in Dutchess CD. a festival and parade
will be held at the Riverfront Propety on Saturday, July
23rd. It was suggested that a copy of this letter be sent to
Supervisor Paino suggesting that the Town Board might want to
The Secretary handed out a list of all Parks with
acreage and equipment/facilities. It was requested that all
members review the list and give their comments. Mr. Maurer
mentioned that he thought there was a recreation area on Mac
Farlane Road which was not included on this list. The
Secretary will check further on this.
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The skating rink worked well this year and there have
been many positive comments. The parents thought it was
great for the little ones. The only problem we have to think
about for next year is to set aaside hours for the hockey
players. It was suggested maybe next year we put one in
Spook Hill and Quiet Acres. It was also suggested that the
skating go up at the barn and keep it out of Schlathaus.
The electricity has been put in the barn and now we are
waiting to put the water in. Everything is now being stored
in the barn and the Highway Dept. is also using it for some
of their equipment. We are hoping to have it painted in the
The property has been surveyed and we found that the
Town line goes through Mr. Fulton's driveway. Mr. Holt met
with Mr. Fulton to discuss this and asked about the
possibility of straightening out the line. Mr. Fulton was
basically agreeable. We must now speak with Jay Paggi and
our Attorney regarding this.
Mr. Holt mentioned that the Town has $324,000. in funds
to distribute and received over $1,675,000. requests. The
first step for the panel was to remove those who did not meet
the requirements. He mentioned that many were worthwhile
projects but just did not meet all the requirements.
The Commission put in two requests. The first for
$48,900. plus plumbing costs for Robinson Lane and the second
for the building at Quiet Acres. The Quiet Acres building
will be for storage only.
~EQQt Hlbb
We are scheduled to go out to bid again around the first
of March for the rest room facilities as Spook Hill. It was
suggested that we take a look at the playground facilities ay
Geiring Park in Fishkill and maybe we could do something
similar at the Spook Hill Park.
Since it is possible that Schlathaus Park will be too
wet to have any program at the Park for Easter, it was
suggested that we contact Ketcham High School to see about
using their facilitiies (field or gym). Mrs. Korz will look
into acquiring the facilities and Mrs Drennan will see about
getting an Easter Bunny costume. It was suggested we contact
the New Hackensack Fire Company and make sure there isn~t any
conflict with the one they usually run. The Secretary will
contact Irving Ness Co. in Newburgh regarding prices for
candy. Mr. Reimer will be asked to make the public address
system available.
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Mrs. Drennan mentioned that the softball team is willing
to work on the Rockingham Field if we could supply the York
Rake and some clay. This will be arranged.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 on a motion by Mr.
Wood seconded by Mr. Mastroianni.
Peggy Roe
... "'",,- ~ .
@.lbbe EBIQ R~81~E Je~~e8y. e~Q E~~8~B8Y.
H. G. Page & Sons
Urey Hardwc:\l-e
BCtttini Fuel
Urey Hardware
L1c'yd Lumbei-
Cathy Yacovel1i
~~~~~~~8~Q ~lbbe EBIQ
Rent All Centeol-
East Fishkil1 R.R. Ties Co., Inc.
R. G. H. Construction
L.lctyd Lumber-
Dutchess Overhead Doors
Dutchess Outdoor Power Equipment
L.aur a CCtc'/TIbes
,J i m Hughes
Giannia PCtu1 ic.s
Cathy Yacctvell i
Old Oak Landscaping
Anaconda Kaye Sports
~:::Ui- t S. Ad 1 el-, I nc .
Schlathaus Fund
Associated Carpet Warehouse