JULY 7, 1988
JUNE 9, 1988
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The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation
CcrrHni~"s:,ion was held July '7, 198B at "The Barn" on MontfoC<\-t
Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
Prior to the opening of the meeting at '7:30 p.m. all
members had a chance to see the progress made to the building
and grounds. Mr. Holt then opened the meeting with the
following persons present: Ralph J. Holt, Chairman, Bernie
Reimer, Director, and Commission Members Ellen Korz, Herb
Stoller, Nancy Drennan, Bill Wood and Maintenance Supervisor
Joho!") ~/01-ndrar1.
The minutes of the June 9, 1988 meeting were approved on
a motion by Mr. Wood seconded by Mrs. Korz.
L;QB.i.:~~ 2eQoNQ.~~ot!~~
Mr. Holt went over various correspondence as follows:
1. A letter has been sent to Supervisor Paino stating
our feelings on accepting land. It stated that we would
always take land where feasible but we felt if it was not we
should ask the developer for either other land that he owns
oo!"o fOo"l"o \I.Jork.
2. We received a letter from the Planning Board asking
our recommendations for Lawrence Farm Subdivision. Mr. Holt
mentioned that he had accompanied Mr. Wood, Mr. Vorndran and
John Lawrence to the site. After reviewing the property they
were interested in the area in the back of the proposed
subdivision (farthest from All Angels Hill Road). The only
problem would be a right of way to get to the property.
Their thoughts were for a possible site for a pool because of
the buffered layout. Mr. Lawrence will get back to us.
3. He has met with Mr. Paggi regarding the property re-
alignment at the barn and Mr. Paggi has written a letter to
the Town Board agreeing with the proposal.
4. Mrs. Drennan has prepared a letter for the Town
BClao,-d r.eq\.H~s:,t ing that the "Mclney In L.i~?u of 0 Land" fOrom
developers be increased to 5900.
5. Mr. Reimer has written
Men"s Softball League regarding
abusive language and drinking.
that any further problems would
away for each infraction.
a letter to Mr. Dore of the
the recent problems of
We have put him on notice
result in I field being taken
P c:\gE"! 1
6. Mr. Holt received a call from the Ladies in Chelsea
thanking us for going ahead with the Summer program there.
Mr. Reimer has had the swings fixed and has purchased a tarp
f'or shE! 1 te'r' .
R!8~~IQB~B BgEQ81
Mr. Reimer mentioned that the Chelsea Playground was
going well. Jim Francese is running a good program and
everything is under control. The age group is mainly 8 to 10
yeal- 01 dr,,;.
Martz Playground has had a few water leaks but hopefully
all will be completely corrected soon.
The enrollment at Hughsonville Playground is up with
todays count at 63.
We are very pleased with the Wappinger Transportation
Department this year. They have been very cordial and we
haven"t had any problems with them. Most transportation
requests were put in early but we have had no problem adding
a t-f:~\I-J ti-ip~.:;.
Mr. Holt, Mr. Reimer and Mrs. Paino discussed the end of
summer picnic at Wilcox Park and it was decided it would be
replaced with an all playground get together at Schlathaus
Park. It would include competitions, refreshments etc. Mrs.
Paino volunteered to see if she could get someone to donate
the refreshments. A suggestion for the day was the dunking
tank for the counselors.
The Tennis Clinic started this week with a full program.
They even have a waiting list.
The gymnastics camp went over well. The first week we
had a problem with the school removing asbestos from the
building so Brenda Peura held the camp outside. The last
week we were able to use the gym.
ThE! "Ph.:.~ntoms" cc.ncel-t on July 6th was ari oven"Jhf:i!lming
success. The Dutchess Community College Jazz Band has had to
cancel their performance on August 17 and Mr. Reimer has been
meeting with the West Point Band to see if they could fill in
that time but found that they needed an additional 8 ft
extension on the bandstand. The cost would be between
$1,900 and $2,000 and we felt it was not feasible at this
t im€~. Hf2 ha~; terltat i \/el y bc.c.ked the "Phantoms" a~~a i n for-
th:i.s d.::\te.
Mrs. Drennan requested that another bleacher be brought
Pii:\g~? 2
to Roc k i nghii:"lm.
It was suggested one be taken from Castle
QUIgr BGg~e
Mrs. Korz mentioned that the Playground has its lowest
enrollment between 18 and 22 children. She mentioned that a
lot of the kids are now older but that there are a lot of
young children now in the area.
Mr. Stoller mentioned that he met with Frank Masci of
the United Football League regarding the 30 acres that the
County owns north of Route 376. Mike Murphy thought the
County might be interested in a proposal. Mr. Stoller will
set up a meeting maybe through Sandra Goldberg our County
Leg i.!:''; 1 a tCq- .
RQ~~U~~mrJ bt!r~f.:
Mr. Wood mentioned that playoffs start tomorrow and that
the fields are in good shape~
He also suggested that we have A-I Fence put in some
posts in front of the building to prevent parking there.
~mBI RBt:Jf.:
dc.~.rn to
Wi::it&::i- .
weren't able to get a Sheriff Patrol for July 4th
they were all to busy. Mr.Wood said that he went
the site and there were at least 60 boats in the
He said that he was not aware of any trouble down
We are still keeping the area cleaned out.
~.~6?Ib~ f.:QINI
Mr.Vorndran said he had measured the field at Castle
Point. Mr. Holt mentioned that he had received a call from
Frank Masci agreeing to use that site for a soccer complex if
we could guarantee 2 regulation fields, 2 fields 50 x 80, and
2 fields 40 x 80. We are not able to promise 6 fields all at
once. We could only do one at a time.
Mr. Vorndran suggested that we discuss the possibility
of placing a picnic area by the creek on Montfort Road.
There is a nice grove of trees there next to the water.
Page 3
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There have been plumbing leaks at Robinson Lane and
Martz Field. Mr. Vorndran has been working on getting them
fixed. We still have to replace a line at Martz and as soon
as the playground is away for a day or so we will get in and
dig. We also need to replace another section at Robinson
Peter Pilon~ Architect has been looking at the stage at
Schlathaus and has drawn up a sketch for approval.
The estimate for the dance floor for the park was about
$5,400. and it was felt that it was out of the question for
the time being. We have also checked with the New Hackensack
Fire Company about borrowing the one they use for their
Bavarian Fest and found out that they don"t own it they rent
Mr. Holt, Mr. Paggi and Mr. Croshier have been to the
park to discuss the possibility of blacktopping in front of
the stage and all thought it was a good idea. It was
suggested that at the same time we put in a storm drain which
would help with the drainage. We will discuss this further
in September".
Mr. Holt met with Mike Silvestri of D. Silvestri Sons
Inc Electrician regarding the power at the bandstand. He was
told that all the electricity was on one circuit and we were
given an estimate of about $500. to put in 4 more circuits. A
letter will be written to the Town Board requesting the use
of the Schlathaus Funds for this purpose.
Bug lights were purchased last year for the Park for use
at the Concerts. Mr. Vorndran will check on these and have
thE'!IT. pu t up.
The roof on the barn has been painted.
The new tractor should be in next week.
Mrs. Paino has been talking about setting up a Town of
Wappinger Golf Tournament at the Beekman Country Club. More
information later.
EB2,!'.{'{ EJJ~.Q2
A request will be sent to the Town Board asking that the
Engineer to the Town prepare the bids for the Robinson Lane
addition and the Quiet Acres building.
PagE? L~
. . j.
When Pete Sanfilippo comes in to request Robinson Lane
for his race in September we must discuss with him the proper
parking requirements. Last year they parked allover ruining
the 'field!:.;.
IH.Hi@~ In pn
1. Work on getting the Christmas gifts
2. Work on getting grass at Spook Hill Playground for
ne~,:t season
3. Paint bathrooms
Lt. Sign fOl- Bal-n "To\.'Jn of Wappinger Rec'l-eatio'l'I"
5. Paint building at Spook Hill
6. Look into land on Widmer Road which would never be
buildable land. The secretary will obtain maps of
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 on a motion by Mr.
Wood seconded by Mr. Stoller.
Peggy Roe
F'c:\ge 5
~.U..!:::.b:.fi f.fH..R IN I!J.!:::.Y.
J'ohn Vo\-nd\"'an
00-O,s-'7110. if
A-I Portable Toilets
A-I Portable Toilets
A-I Portable Toilets
He '1- b e,- t " Bud" CCI 1 e
Guardian Trailer Rentals
Her'b Mu11E.r, Jr.
Urey Ha\-dwCin-e
Sears Commerical Credit
East Fishki11 R.R. Tie
Law,-ence Farms
Meadowbrook Farms
Bel t tin i Fue 1
Lubricant Packaging
B. &: K. Autcl
Ac: t i ve Ti no?
Active Tb-e
Starr Office Equipment
Paul VClr'ndran
00-06--71/40.. l~
Deer Hill
Amy Slac::in
S. &: S. Arts &: Crafts
Southern Dutchess News
Amy Sli:lC:: in
01-06.....7310. y.
Hobby Hut
HClbby Hu t
S. & S. Arts
Cr af't~.;
s. & S. A'rts &
S. & S. Arts &
Steve D,-clge
Swi tch h-. Time
Joe Vielette (Phantoms)
359 . 8c.~
135 . r~4
211 . 3~j
180 . 10
i.:~ 14 .. 00
7 . 2L~
195 . ~j9