Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission
Meeting September 15, 1988
Invitation to N. & S. Open House September 29th 3 to 8
Letter from Dutchess Debs
Thank you notes from Elmer, Pat and Mary Wilday
Letter from Jeanne B. Stupplebeen to Ralph J. Holt Re; Winter Festival
Letter from Town Board Re: New sign for Brexel-Schlathaus Park
Summer Playground Report from Amy Slacin
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The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation
Commif::,f::"io'n Wi:..5 hf..~ld S(?ptE!mbf?i'- 15, 191::18 at "Thf:? Barn" on
Montfort Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
fhe meeting was called to order by Ralph J. Holt at 7:41
with the following persons present: Chairman Ralph J. Holt,
Director Bernie Reimer, Commission Members Nancy Drennan,
Ellen Korz, Joseph Mastroianni, Hugh J. Maurer, Herb Stoller
and Maintenance Supervisor John Vorndran.
The minutes of the August 11,1988 meet1ng were approved
on a motion by Mr. Stoller seconded by Mr. Mastroianni with
all in 'f21\/or'.
b; Q g f:3 t; f:l E.Q J:j'p t~~!:J r; !~::.
An invitation was received from N. & S. Supply Co. to
attend their Open House on September 29th from 3 to 8.
A letter was received from the Dutchess Debs thanking
the Commission for the use of Robinson Lane for the A.S.A.
Softball Tournament. They expressed their thanks to Mr.
Holt, Margaret Roe and Mr. Fisher for their time and interest
which enabled them to run a successful tournament.
A letter was received from Jeanne B. Stupplebeen
Assistant Regional Recreation Coordinator with an invitation
to a fall meeting of the Dutchess County Recreation
Professionals on Friday, September 30th at 1:00 at Mom's
Restaurant. Mr. Holt mentioned that he would try to attend.
A report was received from Amy Slacin on the Summer
Playground Program. It was suggested that everyone review
the report and if they have any questions they will be
discussed at the next meeting.
A memo was received from Town Clerk, Elaine H. Snowden
informing the Commission that the Town Board at their regular
meeting on August 15, 1988 voted to change the name of
Commission was not pleased with this change (most felt that
it should have been kept Schlathaus since it was George who
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property to the Town for a Park) we will see about changinq
PCilgE'! 1
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the sign. Mr. Reimer mentioned that the slats are broken on
the present sign and that we should look into replacing the
whole sign. Mr. Reimer will check with Hughes Signs. The
secretary will check with the Zoning Administrator to check
on any regulations on signs.
Mr. Reimer and Mr. Holt both mentioned that the "End of
Summer" picnic was a huge success and that it will
permanently replace the Wilcox Park Picnic.
Mr. Reimer mentioned that he was pleased with the way
the counselors and directors took charge. He found that they
overplanned on the activities which worked out good because
we were unable to get the dunking tank as scheduled.
Mr. Vorndran and all the maintenance staff were a great
help and Mr. Wood was available to present the awards and
gifts to the counselors.
Mr. Holt mentioned that he noticed that the Church
across the street from Schlathaus Park is in the process of
building alld he hopes that any construction will not further
complicate the drainage problems at Brexel-Schlathaus Park.
It was felt that maybe we should check with Mr. Paggi and the
Planning Board.
Mr. Reimer mentioned that he was pleased with most of
the concerts held this summer although the last two did not
have as good a turn out. It was felt that possibly the
County Fair might have had something to do with the
attendance along with the weather which was cold and rainy.
It was suggested that maybe we start earlier possibly the end
of June and not to go so long in August.
The winter programs are set up and all of last years"
instructors are returning. The programs starting in October
Jazzercise - 2 nights at Myers Corners with Gina Poulios
Exercise & Volleyball - 1 night at Myers with Cathy
Open Volleyball - at Wappinger Jr. High with Laura Doll
Adult Basketball - at Wappinger Jr. High with Jim Hughes
This year we have had no problems getting the gyms.
~~U0bIU0Y~ RaGE
The Schlathaus Race will be held on October 1st at
Brexel-Schlathaus Park. Trophies and medals have b~en
ordered and pumpkins will be obtained from Diesing
(Meadowbrook) for the youngsters participating.
~age 2
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received a call from Mr. Sloat requestinq the
at Robinson Lane for practice. Mr. Reimer
Holt and Mr. Wood and it was agreed that they
After a couple of practices they requested
were given approval. When they went out to
someone was on the field and therefore they
They are very appreciative for the use of the
Mr. Reimer mentioned that Steve Johnson had spoken to
him regarding an indoor show sometime in November but we do
not have any money left in the budget for this..
It was suggested that we think about planning an indoor
concert during the Winter during the February-March time
frame. A suggestion was made that maybe we would be able to
get the West Point Band for this concert since they are
unable to perform at Schlathaus because the bandstand is too
~:;;ho'(" t.
Mrs. Drennan mentioned that softball is now finished at
Rockingham and that they had a good year. They are thinking
of expanding their league to 14 teams next year.. She
suggested that the bleachers now be moved to the soccer end
ne<w that they have started play. Mr. Vorndran will take care
of this"
Mr. Holt mentioned that the Adult Golf Lessons are
almost ready to start. Most of the equipment is is except
for the golf balls and Mr. Myers is ready to go.
The Tennis Tournament didn't work out and had to be
cancelled because of lack of entries. The tournament was
scheduled for beginners and Mr. Maurer mentioned that he felt
that we shouldn't discourage the good players. Mr. Reimer
will discuss this with Jennifer Jacobs..
Mr. Stoller mentioned that he thought the tennis courts
needed to be resurfaced and that the posts needed to be
replaced. It was suggested that we contact Blacktop
Maintenance and set up a meeting to discuss this..
Mr. Stoller also mentioned that there was a drainage
problem on Court 4. Mr.. Vorndran said he 00uld work on
correcting that problem"
It was suqgested that wind screens be placed on the
courts by the barn. Mr. Reimer said he had some which we
could U5f:2.
Piaqe 3
It was noted that there wasn"t any pipe or cable on the
bottom of the fence on the courts by the barn and that the
balls keep going under the fence. It was suggested that A-I
Fence be contacted for an estimate to fix this situation.
!;~Bt::!=oqQU !3DCE
Mrs. Drennan reported that the Balloon Race held at the
"End oof Eummer Picnic" was hectic but a hugE' ~::;UCCf:=!S~.;.. elf tl-o'E-?
167 balloons relE-?asE-?d we heard from 20 finders. Many nice
letters were received and they will be forwarded to the
participants whOSE-? name was on the balloon. ThE-? farthest we
heard from was Coventry and Vernon, Connecticut. It was
judged that there was a tie for 1st and 2nd place and that
the S5.00 findE-?rs prizes be sE-?nt to the four winnE-?rs.. It was
also voted that 21st place prizes of a $15. gift certificate
and 2 2nd plaCE-? prizes of SlO.. gift certificate from Kay Bee
or Toys R. Us be purchased for the winners.
UBL!:":Q!df~;Et:1 CBBIY
Mrs. Korz rE-?ported that letters haVE-? been written to Ksy
Bee and MacDonalds requesting donations of prizes for thE-?
Halloween Party and to date no answers haVE-? been received..
Magician Doug Hayes has been booked for a short program for
the OctobE-?r 29th party. Suggested judges would bE-? Connie
:~)m:ioth, f:;yl\/i.:\ .Holt arId Pf:?ggy ROf? 1"11-. Holt S">u~~qf::,!:-:;tE:!d tlooO'i,\t
Mrs. Drennan and Mrs. Korz decorate the stagE-? Mr. Reimer
mentioned that a special ad will be placed in the paper and
will state that a pumpkin carving contest (pre-carvE-?d) will
be held. Nrs. Korz will bring a tape which WE-? could use.
i~}s.tlI..PE; GI..ToI?f::or~!~i.
Mr. Mastroianni mentioned that the trip i~ all set for
October and all reservations have been filled.
A discussion was also held on the Recreation
Commission"s position regarding the Senior Citizen Room at
Town Hall. Mr.. Mastroianni felt that the Commission should
have some say Dr direction in the activities and programs.
He felt that they should report to the Recreation Commission.
i:~Q.r; G fo=; B
Mr. Stoller brought in a map which he obtained from Brad
Whited of the Airport showing land opposite the airport on
the north sidE-? by the New Hackensack Reformed Church. HE-? was
told that maybe this land could be obtained from the County
as a soccer complex. Mr. Stoller was told that the County
PagE~ 't
" J . r II.
owned 35 to 40 acres and that as long as the complex is made
outside the clear zone it might be used for this purpose. It
was suggested that a meeting be set with Mr. Whited, Connie
Smith and someone from Lucille Pattison's office. Even
though the map was brought in there was a question as to the
exact area in question and whether is was wetland or not.
Gt!e!I.13t:16t:.!:~e B.Ef..:m:U
Mr. Holt mentioned the following:
F~'lumb i ng \.'Jc<l-k
at Robinson Lane has been re-done.
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still at Castle Point.
3. We have been notified that a new water line and
fountain has been placed at Rockingham to the cost of around
55,000. and that the road into the park has been blacktopped.
Mr. Holt is questioning these bills since he was led to
believe the fountain would cost a couple hundred dollars.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 on a motion by Mr.
Mastroianni seconded by Mr. Stoller.
Peggy F~OE~
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N. ~x E1u Supply
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Urey HI~rdwarf."?
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Southern Dutchess News
Southern Dutchess News
Ben"lie Reimer
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