MEE'I']}lj OC'IDBER 13, 1988
NEXT MEE'I']}lj:
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The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation
Commis.!,;:.orl was held Octobei- 13, 1988 at "Thl'" ScH"'n" c"n
Montfort Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
Mr. Holt opened the meeting at 7:33 p.m. with the
following persons present: Ralph J. Holt, Chairman, Bernie
Reimer, Director, Commission Members Joseph Mastroianni, Hugh
J. Maurer, Bill Wood, and Maintenance Director John Vorndran.
The minutes of the September 8, 1988 meeting were
approved on a motion by Mr. Wood seconded by Mr. Maurer with
the 'followir"IQ cc.rTection: "Page 3 -- I={-l should bE~ R.....E~ *1:~3".
All were in favor of accepting the minutes with the above
co j- r" f,?C t ion.
Mr. Reimer has spoken with Mrs. Korz regarding the
Halloween Party and everything seems to be all set with
McDonalds regarding the gifts and Grimace and with the
Magician. The judges for the pumpkin carving and costumes
will be Sylvia Holt, Councilwoman Connie Smith, and Town
Clerk Elaine Snowden. Mrs. Korz mentioned she has a couple
of tapes. The cornstalks decorations etc will come from
Diesings. The rain date for the event will be Sunday.
Mr. Reimer mentioned that he has spoken to Hughes Signs
about replacing those at Brexel-Schlathaus Park with a new
board. Instead of the 4 x 8 plywood we now have, he will
provide us with a 4 x 8 sign painted with plastic rails which
won"t rust. The 2 boards would be $650. This wouldn"t
include letters. Mr. Reimer felt we could stay with the ones
we now have just get a few more. Mr. Maurer made a motion to
go ahead with the signs seconded by Mr. Wood. Mr. Wood
questioned whether the price included the new name "Brexel-
Sch1.:;d;hc~us; P<.....j-k" and Mr. ReimE~I- said no but hE? I'Ji 11 chf:?ck on
it. It was agreed that we would go ahead with it if it was
only a little more money since the present ones are in such
bad shape. Mr. Vorndran will be able to install them. It
was suggested that a letter be sent to the Town Board
requesting the funds from Schlathaus Fund.
Mr. Reimer contacted West Point about holding an indoor
concert during the Winter and was told that they would get
back with the the end of December. They seem to be booked
F'agi,? 1
for February but we would be willing to hold it the end of
January or the early part of March. Mr. Reimer said he still
wasn't counting out February completely. If they are not
able to do it a few other suggestions were to have Letteri's
Silk & Sound or I.8.M. orchestra. The concert should be
scheduled for a Saturday night at the School.
1~EtLlnE ~;.I..IL~sjj9.
Mr. Mastroianni mentioned he was looking toward the
future in that he was anxious to do something with the land
next to the parking lot at Town Hall. He thought that
possibly a boccie court and horseshoe court could be built
there for the interest of the male seniors. He suggested that
we discuss this so we could proceed in early Spring if we can
get all the approvals. We should decide where we want it and
we should go to the Town Board with all the details.
Other suggestions for male participation in the Senior
Citizen Room would be bridge and Pinnocle tournaments. It was
suggested that maybe Jeanne Vlah be invited to one of our
meetings to discuss the programs.
Mr. Mastroianni mentioned that the trip to Pennsylvania
was a successful event. About 47 attended.
Mr. Holt mentioned that a meeting has been scheduled at
the Airport at 11:30 Oct. 17th with Mr. Brad Whited regarding
the property by the New Hackensack Reformed Church for a
prospective soccer field.
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Mr. Wood reported that the new field 1S really coming
along. It was requested that 2 signs #11 be ordered for
placement on the backstop.
It was decided that Lucy Doroni will be finished as of
October 29th and that a letter of thanks be written to her.
Mr. Wood will draft the letter thanking her for a fine job.
The water at Robinson will have to be turned off soon
and if Hockey runs much into November they will have to
provide their own porta john.
Mr. Holt mentioned that the septic system is in and all
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we need is the plumber to hook up the bathroom. Mr. Vorndra~
mentioned that Mr. Roger Humeston is only charging us for
materials used and not labor to install the septic. A
suggestion was made to send a letter thanking him.
Mr. Vorndran mentioned that there are a lot of branches
and debris down by the bridge. It was suggested that we ask
the Fire Company to run a drill to burn it if we obtain the
The next project for the Barn will be to get heat in it.
It was suggested that hot air heat be installed and that a
price be obtained from John Ossenkop.
It was suggested that Mr. Vorndran contact Mr. Berberich
to price some l~~gg rocks at Trap Rock to place along the
Barn property and across the entrance to Reese Park.
Mr. Vorndran mentioned that the Park had been mowed. He
has also cleaned up the trash that was dumped there.
Mr. Vorndran mentioned that the new water line at the
above Park has been seeded. Mr. Holt mentioned that we still
have $5,000. outstanding bills for the installation of the
water line under discussion. A letter was received from Mr.
Paggi stating that he reviewed the bills and found them to be
in line with normal construction costs at this time. It was
suggested that if we find we don't have enough money to cover
the cost that maybe we should request the use of the
Senior Citizen money which is still in our budget and not
used at this time.
NICQb~ EeB~~
Mr. Wood and Mr. Holt recently attended the Planning
Board meeting on the above Subdivision and were quite upset
to learn that we were to get $650. per lot. Mr. Holt made it
known that we would rather have lots 17, 18 and 19 instead
of the 5650. which was no where near the value of the
property. Mr. Holt told Mr. Klein that if he wasn't getting
land we should get something of equal value ie a building.
Mr. Klein suggested that he bring some plans to him to look
over. At a later date Mr. Holt held a meeting with Mr. Klein
and brought plans that Mr. Maurer had previously prepared for
Schlathaus with 3 bays, meeting room, rest rooms etc. At the
present time the plans are still with Mr. Klein and we are
waiting for him to get back to us telling what he would be
Page 3
able to do for us.
t~!~~H E:EPeERIY
Mr. Holt prepared a letter to Mr. & Mrs. Sung who own a
large piece of proerty on Widmer Road which adjoins our Briar
Lane property. If they would be interested in selling we
might want to use the Parkland Trust money to purchase it.
We are also still looking into the.Charboro Property (next to
Robinson Lane Property). So far we have not been able to find
a name and phone number. We will probably have to address a
letter to the tax address.
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Mr. Holt mentioned that the golf clinic was a huge
success - 26 people attended. Mr. Holt requested that Mr.
Vorndran bring all the equipment to the barn and inventory
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1001r. ')or'nd'foan mE?ntio'nf~d th.::-\t thf:i!re wa~;. <:~ If.:!ak 1n thE?! oi 1
tank in the house. Mr. Holt said it would have to be pumped
out and replaced. A letter should go to the Town Board
requesting funds from the Schlathaus F~nd to pay this
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ThE1 rH.?\.o-j stef.!.'l
Overhead Door Co.
door will be installed by Dutchess
The cost will be $420.
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Mr'p Holt reported that bids are out for the Q\~iet Acres
and Robinson Lane projects and are due to be opened on
Dc tober' r?Bth.
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There are two insurance cases which are currently in the
hands of the adjuster.
1. This involved a girl on the little girls league who
broke two bones in her foot.
2. A claim by one of the Sunday Morning Leagues by ci
gentleman who broke a leg.
There was a question on
insurance from the leagues.
whether we should require
Mr. Maurer thought that if we
Page i+
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requIre insurance from all the teams we might put some of the
leagues out of business. It was suggested that we might talk
with our insurance agent and also see what our attorney
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After reviewing the above Subdivision it was decided
that it is imperative that the Town acquire land for
recreation especially for the Summer Program in that area.
It was therefore suggested that a letter be forwarded to the
Planning Board to request lots 31 - 33.
G Ij.f.!; I \~~ I tI O. e C.: 08 I:t
Ornaments have been ordered and we need to start
thinking about the entertainment. The date has been set for
Dec. t+th.
Mr. Wood requested that 2 Town Flags be ordered one for
Schlathaus Park and the other for Robinson Lane.
A suggestion was made to ask the Town Board about the
pDs~:;,ib i 1 i ty o'f pu\-chi~~si ng thf:"! "Cast l(~" for a recr-(,,~~:~t ion e:\r'(?a.
It would probably have to go to a bond issue. Mr. Wood will
dl-a'ft a lettf:~'I-.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:53 on a motion by Mr.
Wood seconded by Mr. Mastroianni.
Peggy Rof.~,
F'a(]8 ~j
East Fishkill Railroad Tie
F. P. C.
A-I Portable Toilets
A-I Portable Toilets
Herb Muller
Herb Muller
D. Silvestri & Sons. Inc.
Bottini Fuel
Milton Alley Agway
N. & S. Supply Co.
R. G. H. Construction
R. G. H. Construction
Spoor Lasher
Spoor Lasher
Rent All Center
Urey Hardware
134 . 19
David Terry
Michael Roe
Rhett Myers
Majchers Pro Shop
Here's Fred Golf Co.
Ram Golf Corp.
Central Transportation
Petty Cash (Elaine Snowden)
Toys R Us
Finders Fees (Stephen Gough
W. G. Glenney
Jason Randazzo
Alan PunkowskU
177 .10
11. 30
Leprechaun Lines