1989-01-19 AGENDA TOWN OF WAPPINGER RECREATION COMMISSION JANUARY 19, 1989 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER PRESENT: APPROVE MINUTES NOVEMBER 17, 1989 DECEMBER 8, 1989 Approved: Approved: Seconded Seconded Corrections: 1988 YEAR END RECAP. Including Bills Paid in December and Encumbered Bills 1989 BUDGET 1988 ATTENDANCE REPORT CORRESPONDENCE - Letter - D.E. Associates - Re: Development of Brookvale Spook Hill Letter from County - Re: Bernie Reimer Letter pirro & Monsell Re: Charboro Realty - Robinson Lane Letter from Tom Logan Assessor Re: Charboro Realty Letter from J. paggi to Town Board Re: Rockingham Soccer Parking Application from Heritage Task Force for Hudson River Valley Letter from Sun Up Enterprises - Additional Work at Robinson Letter from Martin Wylde re: Tennis Court Improvements Proposed Soccer Agreement with the Town for 1989 Letter from D.C. Y.M.C.A. Re: Senior Exercise Classes REPORTS B.R. N.D. E.K. H.J.M. H.S. B.W. J.V. ,R.J.H. OLD BUSINESS Winter Concerts NEW BUSINESS - Easter Party Red apwk Hollow Subdivision - Diddell Road Swimming Program for Summer Playground MEETING ADJOURNED: NEXT MEETING: ~- -~.. IQW~ QE W0EEINQCB BCCBC0IIQN CQUUIUUIQN 1'.1. I. !:\.l U.'I [;,~. t:). .... J.~ C!. r~J u e. F3. \: J.. 7. .~. .L? fJ.? NEXT UCCIIN0 EC~BU0BY !6~ !~R? aI Z~~Q P.M. The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Ccmmi~::.,::;ion wa!:::. hE.ld J'Br"luii~r"'t' 19, 19B9 ii.it thf.'2 "Hi:;\'('n", r"!o'(',t'fo)...t: Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Mr. Holt opened the meeting at 7:32 with the following persons present: Ralph J. Holt, Chairman, Bernie Reimer, Director, Commission Members Nancy Drennan, Ellen Korz,Hugh J. Maurer, William Wood and Maintenance Supervisor John '.j 0 .r. i"'.j <::1 r. H:';. .Cf .. The minutes cf the November 17,1988 and December c, 1988 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Wood seconoed by Mrs. Korz with all in favor. Mr. Holt quickly reviewed the monies left in the 1988 budget and noted that most reflected unexpended Senior Citizen money. A copy of the 1989 budget was handed out for each member's review and a list of the 1988 Accounts Payable (Encumbered) which included the truck. Mr. Holt mentioned that we were very pleased that the Town Board okayed the purchase of the truck from the 1988 budget. The 1988 Recreation member for their review. Attendance report This report also was qiven to each (JOFf!::; to thE~ TO~~J'n r:{ t) ~::\ r. c:i .. C.;QU FE !:::) f'Qt:\D E.: t::lG f; A letter was received from Ellen L. Vogel of D. E. Associates regarding the development of Brookvale Subdivision on Spook Hill Road. A letter was received from the Comptrollers Office which thev received from Dutchess County personnel stating that the Personnel Change for Mr. Reimer has been disapproved. Mr. Holt will draft a letter to be sent to the County. L: t:i.{:l. B I;? Q ~:.~ Q f31~:;. 0 i.::.. T. Y: L e.Q ~i I. tI \2. Q N 1:7. fl. MC )... A letter was received from Albert J. Pirro, Jr. answering our letter about the possible availability of purchasing the above property. He stated that we should check with our Assessor's Office regarding the current land values and if we felt we were in a position to pay these -1- '. P i- J. C f'i:' ~;. t h C"! \/ lj..j 0 U 1 d b fi:' i i'1 t r.> f' F! ~::. t (:;,) d i'n d i !';; c u ';;:. <;:, :i. n CJ ,':il t; 'j'" ;::Ii j ~,". ;::\ c t. :i. 0 '('j ~'J i t h !".\ ':::. .. This letter was forwarded to our Assessor Thomas Logan and he replied stating that this subdivision parcel is in a flood plain and is not an ideal situation for a subdivision. He also estimated a fair market value would be 5300,000.. ~o 5400,000. Mr.. Holt will discuss this furthr.>r with Mr.. Logan and will get back to the lawyers.. f~ PC t.;. I t:.!f~ U f::l t! L el.f.~~ L .IN r,~! We received a copy of a letter addressed to the Town Board from Engineer to the Town Jay Paggi regarding the possibility of constructing a parking lot on the southerly section of Roc:kingham.. He stated that in his opinion that it could be built but it would have to conform to the Town's Floodplain Ordinance. The secretary will obtain a copy of the C) r c1 :i. f"1 i~:{ Y', c: E.! 'f D '(- r E."! \i i. t"::. ht It 0CG!leQC leSt E9B~C An application was received for the Heritage Task Force 1989 Harold L.. Hoffman Community Awards. The grant is for 51,000.. and the deadline for application is March 31st.. The letter states it is for improvement of public parks especially those along the Hudson River but does not limit it to that area.. It was decided that we couldn't do much at the boat ramp so it was decided to put in for the additional blacktop at Robinson Lane.. Mr. Wood will draft a letter.. ;l;! P. (::~ I C (~t:1 F.:. Mr. Maurer questioned our status on the boat ramp and it was indicated that we are at a stand still.. We will still maintain it and keep it open although parking is still a big problem.. Mr. Maurer mentioned that this year we will have to fill out further because of the holes.. He also mentioned that we shouldn't neglect the boaters.. It was suggested that Mr. Reimer write in his column in the paper that boating season is fast approaching and if anyone knows of some land for sale or lease that we could use for parking please contact the 'fO\;...l'n c hLH.....\ v.r:. (YI r~.QnJJ:lt:i.Pt4. 1=:.:e!~Jr~ The cinder blocks and main studs are up and we have received a letter from Sun Up with quotes for additional work for the building. The lump sum for additional electrical work is 56,500.; for blocking up existing garage door and -2- ,,", ' .. installing another one $2,860.; and to grade front of pavilion S4,750. It was felt that these quotes were verv high and that maybe we should search out contracto~s ourselves. Mr. Wood reported that not much has been done on the addition since New Years' and he doubts it would be done by the end of January as they indicated. :II=IJl:JI.;;,; c.UUeT~:; In December Mr. Holt met with Martin Wylde of N.Y. Tennis and walked the courts. Mr. Wylde was to give us three estimates 1. to fix posts, 2. clean up (patchwork) and 3. to resurface everything. Mr. Wylde also suggested that every night the nets should be uncranked which would save the posts He also suggested that the present cranks be replaced with 1 \:'\/(~~r ,,,; . The letter we received from Mr. Wylde gave a quote of SlO,600. to clean, fix major cracks, and to resurface and paint. Also, if any posts are to be replaced a price of $500. per post was given. It was decided that at this time all we want to do is the posts and levers. It was suggested that a letter be sent asking the estimate do do this work {::or'l J. 'y'" fi: Qi,;:: r; E 13 {iL' C;: f~; .f:: ti f~ r:~! T A copy of the soccer agreement whic~l was presented to the Town for approval was given to us for information purposes only. It is actually executed by the Supervisor. After looking it over, Mr. Wood questioned Paragraph #3 stating that the Town would provide adequate facilities in suppport of the soccer program including soccer fields with goal posts and nets, corner flags, balls, restrooms, equipment storage facilities, al as they presently exist, as they may be provided, and as they may be improved. The Town does not supply equipment as the $3,000. is for that purpose. It was suggested that this be brought to the Supervisor's ~':':;. t t E' r-1 .~:; i D '('J \I m=. U J Cl!~;. C J.. J~ I 0:.1;;~. rX7,I. I.:.~;. t.J.~:X::.G. It~ !~:. f::. f.~~ CiJ?B.O.t1 Along with the December voucher for the Senior Citizen Exercise program at Zion, we received a letter stating that fees were being raised from $12. to $15. per session as agreed with Vicki Strauss. In reviewing our records, it was noted that we have a contract expiring March 31, 1989 which states the fee to be $12.00. Mr. Holt recommended that a letter be forwarded to the Y.M.C.A. stating this and that we would be glad to discuss the new fees when the new agreement is brought up Tor renewal. -3- ..... ~'1. 01BEGIgB~D BEEDSI Mr. Reimer mentioned that the West Point Concert 1S still \Jp in tt18 ai)-u A fC:lrmal request was ~;eY1t ~,rl I)ec::ember- before Christmas but to date, we have received no reply. Mr Wood was given the name of the person who we wrote the letter to and he will try and see what he can find out through his close friend who is on the Advisory Board. Mr. Reimer has not contacted anyone else to replace them if they are unable to come. He also noted that if they can do the concert that it is free but we might have to provide a place to feed them. Mr. Reimer has booked the Auditorium at the Junior H1gh for March 11th for Steve Johnson's Magic show. It is a Saturday night at 7:00. Mr. Johnson has at least 7 acts and it was felt it would be a great show for adults and children alike. He is charging us $600.00. It was noted that on the application for school use, the School &= charging us for the use of the facilities. This is above the charge we usually pay for the custodians. It was suggested that a letter be written questioning this charge. It was felt that if we let them use our facilities without charges they should do the same. Mr. Holt suggested we purchase risers to be used tor concerts but Mr. Wood suggested we rent them from Taylor Rent (ill. The boys and girls basketball program is off to a good start with two new 2nd year college students Jim Classey and Matt Rice. Art Goldner is doing the gymnastics program at Myers and has a couple of recent high school graduates helping him. Volleyball and aerobics are also going well. Mr. Reimer mentioned that he was unable to get a gym for the indoor golf program but was able to get the cafetorium at Myers. The program is scheduled to start February 16th and will run Tuesdays and Thursdays with 12 people for each I hr. seSS1on. It should be advertised in the paper with sign ups at the Town Hall. It was also suggested that we write a letter to Mvers Corners School thanking them for all their support. q \,1 J. ~;. .T. CI f;;.13.E,;:. \~} Mrs.Korz mentioned that the blocks are up and the roof is on the buiding at Quiet Acres. She was disappointed on how close to the road it was placed. -4- .. ' .. ... C.F::.QLf~.:.; i3. TY. (i.T:. '::>''':.:L L r:t):.{Ql:.:;.O~:!.G 1::;. I. L Mr.Vorndran walked the 36 acres off 376 to the left 01 Gleneagles and mentioned that the back part is hilly and not suitacle for soccer. He thinks there might be 12 acres in the front section suitable for soccer. Mr. Rider from soccer was sitting in at the meeting and Mr. Holt asked him to go out and look over the property. Mr. Holt is meeting with Mr. Logan, Town Assessor and Frank Buyokowski and if the price is right might send the Engineer to the Town to look at the area. At the present time we haven't heard anything yet from John Lawrence regarding his subdivision. If we are able to get this land maybe he would develop it. CU0lRM0N:~ GEEQPI A letter will be written to the Town Board regarding the realignment of the barn property. A Mr. Dick Grossman a resident near Reese Park called regarding the undesireable people using the park at night. He has seen the rocks that we have placed there and has seen them being removed. He states that 20 or more cars go In there every night. It was suggested that a letter be sent to Supervisor Paino asking the State Police to go up there on some unscheduled trips. It was also suggested that we put up "hio T.rE.?~:;:.!:;:,pi",~:;~,.in(J !:::.i(J.r.,~;;'I.. Ivlr. tllaur"E'.f" ':;:.uqgE~,::;tE'd I...J(.:? \.\~,;.::! ~::.c!mE~ from Robinson Lane for the time being. A discussion was held regardinq holding an Easter Party Easter this year is early (March 24th) and we were not sure we could find a place to hold it. It was decided to pass on tt1il3 "fcIY" thj.s yearn Our new truck arrived today and evervone was invited to 00 out and look at it. T \..., (.:.:'n E' hi II S chi ,,:1 t h ,::1 u ~,:. P oil r.. k II ~,. i g n ~::. 0:1 r E: :i. nth ic"..' q c;l.r. iii\ iJ c:? ,::1 r.., d will be put up when the weather permits. Ice SKating rink has not had the best of weather this year. Mr. Vorndran has to get some new plastic and put ~t down and hope for some cold weather. The barn now has an alarm system. Mr. Holt held a meetinq with Mr. Drennan, several softball representatives and Mr. Reimer reqarding the softball league. At the meeting they agreed to give up Rockingham Field to the soccer group. In agreeing to give up -5- ~. oj, # '",,1.. the Rockingham area Mr. Drennan was promised Quiet Acres. We also committed Caslte Point and will do what we have to do ~o fix them up for them. We therefore have to look at these fields as soon as we can get out to work on it. Mr. Maurer asked why we were kicking the softball league CILl.-\-: c'f ::~:c'ckin(Jhi:'(m i,~'nd \,'J;:i\~:; told :i.t IrJi':'l!:; pfi:!r thF,:!T'OV\!'(l BOi:3.rd. HF' said he takes exception with the Town Board giving the soccer the use of Rockingham. He felt that the softball league has put in ffi0DY hours of work and built the fields. He felt that soccer should take a few nights at Ouiet Acres. Mrs. Korz also agreed with this. Mr. Maurer felt that this should have been done by protest of the Recreation Commission and that tne whole Recreation Commission should have been included In the meeting with the Town Board and the Soccer People. The soccer people wanted some rest rooms at Rockingham and we all know the problems we face with the portable facilities but we promised we would try again this year. They also asked if they supplied the labor would we supply f;~2ter'ials forM a tJ\.Ail(ii.rlg 'for' yo'est r-OCl'Tl~5 arld S~Jpplies" Mr~ Wood thinks it is a waste of money to build something in this area. It would be destroyed as soon as it is done. Mr. Wood felt that if soccer wants portable toilets we would supply them but if they are dumped in the lake it would be their 'f~ E~~:::.p r,) '('i'::;~ i b i 1 i t:.y .. Mr. Holt mentioned that he is committed tor softball we will do what we can for them. "~no ...; ".:l j i',.J \;;:1::\ F3. T. ~~;. T. iJ. (\~} ''1'' R E E:: The tree is getting bigger each year and it needs more lights. This winter Mr. Vorndran had to keep replacing so we had Chris Bar Electric out to look at the problem gIve us an estimate. We have also asked him to give us estimate to put in another pole. 'f u '::,. F:' ',:,. _........l {;:l, I HJ E:"i,l""i We should start to think about the 4th of July c: t:':' 1 ~:.: b T' :::':~ t~ i c:. r", II Mr. Rider of soccer asked if we could provide grass seed and top soil for Rockingham and was told to put In their r'eques.t as s(:!on as possj.blen They would like a telephone but we have no place to install one. The only suggestion for now would be to see about making an arrangement with a neighbor for emergency purposes. At this point we don't know what to do. Mr. Wood suggested possibly a remote phone. We will have tD look into -6- .~ ~ ~~~ t~)is,. Unrelated to soccer he requested that a plywood wall be put up against one fence at the Tennis Court. By doing this a person alone can play while waiting for a partner. Mr. Reimer mentioned that Jenriifer Jacobs also requested this for a practice board. We will thinl~ this over. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 on a motion bv Mr. Wood seconded bv Mr. Maurer. ~~ Peggy Roe Secretary -7-