1989-03-09 i ~u J AGENDA RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 9,1989 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT APPROVE MINUTES - February 19, 1989 CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Church of St. Denis - St. Columba re: Holiday Party Memo from Folami Gray, Youth Bureau re: Proposed State Budget Letter Mid Hudson Road Runners request to use Robinson Lane on September 17th for race starting at 9 a.m. REPORTS: B.R. N.D. E.K. J.M. H.J.M. H.S. B.W. J.V. R.J.H. OLD BUSINESS Tennis Posts Charboro Realty Schlathaus Park Ideas NEW BUSINESS Wappinger Business Park - 11 lots Maloney Road MEETING ADJOURNED: NEXT MEETING: . ,4 -. TOWN OF WAPPINGER RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 9, 1989 NEXT MEETING APRIL 13, 1989 at Barn at 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation CommiE,sion \flii:{~'; held on March 9, 1989 at the "B.::\i-n", "'k.ntf'ol-t !=<oi.~d, TO~'ln of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Mr. Holt opened the meeting at 7:45 with the following persons present: Ralph J. Holt, Chairman, Commission Members Joseph Mastroianni, Herbert Stoller, and Bill Wood. Bernie Reimer, Director arrived at 7:50, Nancy Drennan arrived at 8:00 and Hugh J. Maurer ~:;ti-.r. i \lee! i;.~t f$: ::~::;" The minutes of the February 16, 1989 meeting were approved a motion by Mr.Wood seconded by Mr. Mastroianni. CDF;:RESPON[)ENCE Mr. Holt received a letter from the Wildays expressing their disappointment at our decision to go with one director at Martz Field P:[ i:.'1yq'('c.und. A letter was received from St. Denis-St. Columba Church thanking us for giving them the opportunity to be a part of our Holiday Program. 1,\li:') ","(,?!cei "led a /nf::!/nO f)-clm Fo I ami Gray Clt" the Youth BIJrf':!!iO:\IJ '("eqicird '! r'i) the Proposed State Budget. It stated that Dutchess County could face a I E.d\lction i....., fundin~~ f')'''clm $9l.5,92~i. tCI $165,000. if' budqet recommendations are not challenged. It was suggested that this memo be fo"'''~.,\a)'''dc:!d to Sl,lpf:?rviso',- Pai""lc,. A letter was received from Charles Sprauer, Director of the "Dlltchi?S,5 CCI. Clas!'.:-;ic" races )'-equesting LIse c.f Robinso',-, L<::{ne R(':!cr('~atio'("1 Area on September 17th starting at 9 a.m. for their races. It was SIU=liJ1:2sd;ed 't;t",at 1''1'('. Rt?imr~r ",\rite a lette)- giving permission <::{'nd to s;ti::d:f,;! ground rules and that the area must be left in good condition. !:'}CHLf-iTHAI H~:; PARI< HCll..JSE It was mentioned that Mr. Vorndran will be moving the end of the month aruj that after he moves we should go in and touch up. It was als:,o suggested that the secretary pu)'''chase 2 lamps and 2 timf!~rs to bf.:! placed there after he moves. It was mentioned that one of the first . . things that must be done is to get estimates for a new septic and well. t'1f-. t'l<::I="trceia'ni''',i gc.~ve in his ideiils fcc',- the USf2 of the p'("oper..t''y' .::,'"d he suggested programs for all age groups. This is something we will have to discuss further. SEN I Of':;: C I T I ZENS Mr. t'lastroianni suggested that Mr. Reimer add in his column the programs for the Senior Citizen Room i.e. movies, exercise classes etc. The secretary will speak with Nancy Donohue, the Center"s Director. DIRECTOR"S REPORT Swimming is still a big concern for the summer program. It was sugqes~ted that w{~: send a lette',- tec D+:.~er Hill st;ating t.hat it J.S imperative that we know whether we can use the facility. Mr. Stoller suggested that we inquire about the use of Baird Park. The secretary will see about obtaining an address and Mr. Holt will write a letter. Mr. Mastroianni also suggested the Jewish Center hId: ~'JP IrJCcl.dd still pn-?t-er- an outdeccer f'acility if' possiblf2. Mr. Reimer mentioned that the Magic Show is ready. Fliers haVE: beE?'r, pllt out. "an ei"Hjanqer'ed hop], """9 to ha\lt? p 1. .='1 f'i'n :i, j"H] t c< b €: He mentioned that because the Chimps are now considered spec j,es;." they need a permi t to pEn-'fc:crm and they .?In,:,: the permit in time for the show. If not they are still there but not to perform. The indoor golf program is finished and it went well. All participants enjoyed the program and were very pleased with the i'ns;.t:r'uctcc'j" F:hett M''y'E~i'-s. t-'lr. Reimer hi::iS '7 ()I..d; cc'f 8 cc/'nCE:i-ts ali'-ead'y' booked. Ht::: ql\estiO'ilf2d the practice from last year of scheduling a rain c:cut the next night. It was felt that that did not work out well. Mr. Wood suggested possibly reserving Ketcham. We will have to check about this. Mr. Reimer will be writing to Congressman Hamilton Fish to get the II.S. Military Band to perform. Mr. Reimer mentioned that he was working on trips for the playgrc:cunds and that several Directors had expressed a desire to go tc:c the B","on;.( Zoo" He I-',.?I=', checked and they have L~ c/..... 5 p.::(c~::agps .'::Ii'icl thp'y' llil,lSt I:)e prE',:paid. AftF.:r c~ die:.cLlssion, it ~'Jcl~'; 'ff::~lt that ~'Je IrK<Llld 'iif?t:::d I adlllt for every 5 children and that we were not at all comfortable with th\s trip. Mr. Wood and Mrs. Drennan were aqainst the trip and felt \t 1r,1C<ldd be too qr"f'~.::d; a r-i~:;;k tee take that man'", kids thf::!i'-e. t1r. Mastroianni suggested Catskill Game Farm. Another suggestion was made '-, i.:. , . to think about a plii:lYI.::j'('c.und c::lt Rc,binsecn Lane s:i.ncf.'J there :i.ES nothinq l.n thi:.'1t ar€~iiil. SOFTBALL. L.EAGUE Mr. Dore of the Sunday Morninq Secftball League will be given Seniecr League 1 and Girls Senior League Field at Robinson L.ane and also 1 field at Rockingham. Mr. Reimer will write a letter to him. Mr. Holt mentioned that as soon as Mr. Vorndran returns from vacation, Mr. Drennan should get with him about what they want done on the fields. We will also be working on Castle Point but are not sure we can get the second field done on time to start play. CHi~RBORCl r':;:EAL. r't A letter was sent to Mr. Albert Pirro, Jr., Attorney for the above and they called us a5~,ing us to make an offer. Mrn Holt will check with Mr. L.ogan about this. ROE{ I 1'..Jf::;ON Lr.;I\!E Mr. Wood mentioned that the roof is on the new building bllt the roll up windows and blacktop work is not completed. It was suggested tl,at thf? sf:::cr-f",ta'i-'y' call \':;Ixn Up tel fi'nd out "Jhen the ~'Jind{:'~~E:; ~\lDuld bp installed. A porta john should be ordered for Robinson Lane for try ('Id.:s Nan::h IElth. L.ucy DO'i-c:.ni s.hould be contacted to Stcl'i-t ~'mr'k by April 1st. Mr. Wood questioned whether the flag pole had been fixed. Wp will check with Mr. Vorndran when he returns. BOAT f:;:{~I.tJP Mr. Wood has not had time to work on the dock design bllt hopps to have something soon. He mentioned again that as soon as the ramp is cleaned up we must get some stone in. TE:I'..jNIS COIJr:<n:; Mr. Wood and Mr. Maurer looked over the information received from Mr.Wylde regarding the tennis posts and winds and did not find any with the lever. Mr. Reimer mentioned that he knows someone to contact to get some information regarding the crank vs the lever. He will try to reach him and get back to us. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt has spoken with Mr. Buyokowski and he has received a sketch from soccer regarding their layout. Mr. Buyokowski has plAt the plan on a topographic map. He will now go to the Town with the plan. 3 i . , . . . The skatIng rink has a hole In it and will be dismantled soon. We are going to need help with maintenance and an ad will be placed in the newspapers. We are working on the Barn lot realignment. FlEETWOOD Mr. Mastroianni asked if we could do anything with the above to expand on it and Mr. Maurer said he didn't think anything could be done. WAPPINGER BUSINESS PARK. After a review of the above plat, the recommendation was to take lots 10 and 11 for recreation purposes. Mr. Rider of Soccer requested the following: 1. He asked if the lock had been changed and Mr. Holt mentioned he would check. 2ft Soccer season will start April 8th. He as~'ed about getting a porta john. It was suggested that it be placed in the fenced in area where the equipment is stored. We were concerned about the children getting into the plant so it was suggested that we place a snow fence to divide the area. Mr. Maurer and Mr. Holt will check this out. It was mentioned that the Town will try the porta john one time and if it is destroyed we would not take the responsibility for it auain. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 on a motion by Mr. Wood seconded by Mr.Stoller with all in favor. Peggy Roe Secretary 4 , ~ .. BILLS PAID DURING HARCH 00-06-7110.4 BRIGHTON STEEL EAST FISHKILL RAILROAD TIE & PIPE F.P.C. UREY HARDWARE WARDS RADIATOR 00-06-7140.1 RHETT MYERS 01-06-7310.4 AL BAKER ASSEMBLY #35 $ 20.00 6.48 250.38 43.33 23.00 625.00 $600.00