APRIL 12, 1990
(Introduce new member Stephen Miller)
APPROVE MINUTES - March 8, 1990
Approved: Seconded:
Councilman Joseph Incoronato Re: Chelsea
1. Letter from Judith Brickner Re: Chelsea Playground
and our answer
2. Letter from New Hackensack Fire Co. Re: Parking
for their Bavarian Fest
3. Lettel- from Wappinger United Sc.ccer Re: Clinic
4. Letter from Wappinger United Soccer Thanking us for
holding clinic
5. Informational letter from Deer Hill Conference
6. Thank you from Bill Wood
.J .M.
OLD BUSINESS - Evergreen Estates - Old Myers Corners Rd.
Sample Recreation Guide from Fishkill
NEW BUSINESS - 1989 Annual Report
Master Plan
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation
Commission was held April 12, 1990 at Brexel-Schlathaus Park,
All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. with the
following persons present: Ralph J. Holt, Chairman, Bernie
Reimer, Director, Commission Members Joseph Mastroianni, Hugh
J. Maurer, Donald Rider, Stephen Miller and Maintenance
Supervisor John VOi-ndran. Others present were Gary
Mensching, President of the Town of Wappinger Little League,
Cc.unci lwc.man June Visconti, Cc.unci lman Joseph Incoronato and
several residents from Chelsea.
The minutes of the March a, 1990 meeting were approved
on a motion by Mr. Maurer seconded by Mr. Mastroianni with
all in favor.
Counci lman Joseph Incorc.nato and several residents fi-c,m
Chelsea were present to find out what we were doing regarding
the Summer- Program and the Castle Point Recreation Area. Mr.
Holt reviewed with them a proposal for the upgrading of this
area stressing that the two (2) major priority items are the
softball field and the playground area. After the
presentation Mr. Incorc.nato asked Mr. Holt if he would give a
presentation to the Chelsea residents if he set up a meeting
and Mr. Holt was agreeable. He also mentioned that the
Episcopal Chlwch has given us permission to use their
A letter was received from Judith Brickner inquiring
about the status of the Chelsea Playground. Mr. Holt
answer-ed the letter stating that we shared her CC'Hceril and
are taking the necessary steps to ready the Castle Point area
for the 1990 Summer Program.
A letter was received from New Hackensack Fire Company
requesting the use of Schlathaus Park as a parking aiea
during their Annual Bavarian Festival June a, 9, and lOth.
The Commission voted to grant approval for this stating that
our Maintenance Supervisor would rope off certain areas not
to be used.
A letter was received from Frank Masci of the WappingPi-
United Soccer Club, Inc. thanJ,ing us for c.ur "Care &0
Pi-evention e.f Athletic Injuries" program we held on March 19,
Page 1
1990 at the Roy C. Ketcham High School. He also asked if we
would be doing this on a continuing basis.
A flier was received from Deer Hill Conference Centel
regarding their plans for the coming year. Mr. Reimer
mentic.ned that we would be using the facility on a rental
basis this year.
A thank you note was received from William Wood who is
retiring and leaving the area. Mr. Wood had been a member of
the Recreation Cc.mmissic.n for about 10 years.
Mr. Reimer reported that the winter programs will be
finished the end of April. He was able to extend those held
at Myers but neet those at the Jr. High. Mi-. Hc.lt mentioned
that he would like a letterto be sent to the Jr. High
mentioning that we bend over backwards for the School
District re: Tennis Courts, ball fields etc. and we don~t
feel we get any cooperation especially with the Jr. High. We
were grateful that the Saturday morning program at Sheafe
Road School went well.
Mi". Reimer met with Miss Slacin and put'togethel- a
tentative summer playground staff. Out of the 25 positions
23 of the counselors are returning. We will be going with 4
counselors at Robinson Lane.
He has a lead fm- a tennis instructor - a retired
gentleman by the name of Barry Kazowitz. He seems very
interested and he has the time to put intc. the program.
Two day sessions from 1 to 5 have been scheduled for a
C.P.R. ar~ First Aid program on June 19 and 20th at
Schlathaus. Eight people will be attending (the 6 Directors,
Miss Slacin and 1 other counselor).
On June 23i-d there will be a training sessic.n in
Middletown which will be a manditory class for all
counselors. Since it is a Saturday, it is recommended that
everyone wi 11 get an e>: tr a days pay.
Registration will be handled a little differently this
year. It is planned to have the registration at Town Hall in
the Meeting Room from 9 - 3 on June 25th. By doing this is
is hecped to relieve the Town Clerk~s Office from issuing the
resident's cards. This will be done by our counselors and
if they have any questions, they will be able to check with
the Town Clerk~s Office. The first day of the actual
playground will be Tuesday June 26th.
Page 2
Mr. Reimer is still working on the swim schedule and is
trying to group the children from Robinson Lane~ Castle Point
and Quiet Ac)-es te.gether.
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Mr. Mastroianni mentioned that there will be an article
in the next issue of the Southern Dutchess News regarding the
senio)- tr ip to Elmsford.
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Mr. Mastroianni mentioned that the Parks and Recreation
Conference held at the Concord Hotel the end of March was
very good. He will make a presentation at the next meeting.
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Mr. Rider asked about fixing the lights at the Tennis
Courts and t'k. Hecl t said that Mr. Ve.rndran has already spe.ken
to Chris Bar about the new lights. We will be )-esetting the
lights and installing a new timer. Out of the 24 bulbs 1/2
are not wor~~ing so we will have to replace them all at $20. a
MI"'. Ride)- mentioned that the soccer sease.n resumed on
April 7th and that they are waiting for the pole before they
move in the trailer. There might be a problem getting the
trailer in since it is 12~ wide and the gate is 14~. It may
he difficult to make the turn. Mr. Holt requested that as
soon as socer knows the arrival date for the trailer to let
liS know so we can make arrangements for the fencing. We don~t
want to leave it unprotected very long. Since the water has
ipcerled at the pond Mr. Vorndran will be putting up the
M)-. Holt mentioned that Ms. Visconti has been wo,-king
with the Town of Fishkill to make some arrangements for a
couple of fields for soccer since between 65 and 75 children
on the ,-oster reside in Fishki 11. Arrangements must be
discussed with the respective Town Boards and the Town
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It was requested that the additional dumpster ordered
for opening day be placed down by the tree line by the
tractor shed. The Secretary will call Royal Carting to make
Page 3
these arrangements.
Mal tz Field lc.oks great. Li ttle League did a great job
fixing it up for the new season.
Another porta john will be requested for Opening Day.
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Mr. Holt mentioned that Mr. Drennan told him that the
Softball group would be willing to rake and shovel the
infield at the Castle Point field. The work crew would be
down a week from Saturday.
Mr. Holt requested that Mr. Vorndran send someone around
to check c.n the condi tion of all the playground equipment.
The Golf Clinic is scheduled for April 27 and 28 and May
5 from 1 to 3. Mr. Tim Rockett~ Assistant Teaching pro at
I.B.M. will be the instructor. Since we still didn~t have a
place to hold the clinic Mr. Miller suggested we use the
field at Sheafe Road School.
We received a request from Supervisor Smith to make up a
Master Plan by June 1st. Everyone~s help will be requested
to take a specific area and write up suggestions on what we
have~ improvements and prOjected uses for the coming years.
A list was given out with each members name and areas that
they would be ..mrking c.n. It was decided that a meeting will
be held on April 26th at 8:00 p.m. at Schlathaus to review
the outlines on each area.
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The Commission reviewed the above subdivision and
decided that we should request lots 8 and 9 for recreation
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. on a motion by
Mr. Mastroianni seconded by Mr. Rider.
Peggy Roe
Page 4
. .
Safe & Sound Security Systems
Milton Alley Agway
A-I Portable Toilets
A-I Portable Toilets
Wappinger Central School
Urey Hardware
Town of Wappinger LIttle League
Royal Auto Parts
Windsor Building Supplies
Gede Photo
Joe Viellette (The Phamtoms)