1990-07-12 Agenda Recreation Commission Meeting July 12, 1990 Call Meeting to Order Present: Approve Minutes: June 12, 1990 Approved: Seconded: Correction: Correspondence 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Reports: B.R. N.D. E.K. J.M. H.J.M. S.M. D.R. J.V. R.J.H. New Business: Letter from Hughsonville Fire District Copy of Letter to Mr. Masci - Inviting to our meeting Letter from Mr. Masci Memo from Ann Buckley re injuries on job. Memo from Ann BuCkley re fixed assets Memo from Herb Levenson re Chelsea Heights Subdivision State bid form for picnic tables for Castle Point Old Business: Master Plan Meeting Adjourned Next Meeting i, ~ TOWN OF WAPPINGER RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - JULY 12, 1990 NEXT MEETING AUGUST 8, 1990 AT 7:30 The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held July 12, 1990 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New YOrk. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. with the following persons present: Ralph J. Holt, Chairman, Commission Members Joseph Mastroianni, Hugh J. Maurer, Stephen Miller, Donald Rider and Maintenance Supervisor John Vorndran. Nancy Drennan arrived at 7:45 P.M. The minutes of the June 14, 1990 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Maurer seconded by Mr. Miller with all in favor. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from Hughsonville Fire District granting approval for use of their Fire Company grounds for the summer playground. A letter was received from Mr. Frank Masci of the Wappinger United Soccer Club stating that he would be unable to attend our meeting. We will invite him to attend our August meeting. Mr. John Russo of soccer attended and reviewed some of the problems facing soccer. He will return to the August meeting. A memo was received from Herb Levenson, Clerk of the Planning Board suggesting that a sidewalk be included in the plans for the Chelsea Heights Subdivision. After a discussion the Commission voted that a pathway be made but we questions the sidewalk. Our intention is to keep the area "country looking". A letter will be sent to the Planning Board stating this. Application forms have been received for the purchase of 4 tables for Castle Point using the Heritage Task Force grant. Supervisor Connie Smith and Comptroller Ann Buckley attended the meeting to clarify the P.O. System and answer questions on the budget system. -1 DIRECTOR'S REPORT Since Mr. Reimer was unable to attend the meeting, he taped his report on a video. The report was presented by Summer Director Amy Slacin. He mentioned that the camps are going well with exceptionally high registration at Hughsonville and Quiet Acres. An additional counselor was hired for Hughsonville and a counselor was transferred from Robinson Lane to Quiet Acres. We received the Board of Health permit from Dutchess County Health Department. Mr. Reimer feels we should fight the camp vs playground status of the Board of Health. When the Comptroller was approached regarding the purchase of cellular phone for Castle POint, she mentioned that her son worked at Cellular One and therefore she was able to obtain a loaner for our program duration. A letter thanking Cellular One has been sent. The gymnastics program at Myers Corners School is going well with between 40 - 50 children registered. The tennis program is going well after a tough registration. There were so many registered (between 25 and 30 children and 25 adults)that we had to hire an assistant. The conference the Summer Playground staff attended was a huge success. It was suggested that Dutchess County hold one next year. QUIET ACRES Mrs. Korz was unable to attend but sent in a request that the basketball nets be repaired at the above park. SENIOR CITIZENS Mr. Mastroianni reported that the trip to Matamoras, Pa. went well last month. The next trip will be August 14th to West Point, a cruise on the Hudson and trip to the Brotherhood winery. Reservations will accepted next Thursday, July 19th. ROBINSON LANE Mr. Miller mentioned that they are putting the roofs on the dugouts at R-2 and the girls softball dugouts. , BOAT RAMP Mr. Maurer reported that the docks are being put in and that we are building ramps to attach to them. ROCKINGHAM Mr. Rider asked about the seeding of the bare spots at the soccer fields. Most members felt that it wouldn't survive. The best time would be in the Spring and Fall but that is when the leagues are playing. SCHLATHAUS PARK A suggestion was made to build a 20 x 20 concrete platform in front of the bandstand. We would have to dig it out and place wire there. It was suggested that we look further in to this getting some estimates. It was also suggested that we work up a landscaping plan whereby if someone wants to donate something we would have to a plan ready. The stage has been painted and the bottom railing removed. There were a number of complaints from the performers on the railing- difficult to unload and in the case of the magician difficult for the kids to see. CASTLE POINT Mr. Holt mentioned that Trap Rock Corp was ready on Tuesday to truck in the item #4 for the roadway at the above complex. A letter was sent to request this donation. B. & D. will truck the item #4 at $4.00 a ton. The quote from Corbin was higher at $5.50 a ton. TENNIS LIGHTS Mr. Holt, Mr. Vorndran, Chris Bar Electric and a Central Hudson Representative reviewed the tennis lights. We were advised that Central Hudson has a conservation program whereby then will pay to replace the lights with a more efficient lighting system. The new lights would give 50% more light using 50% less energy. The cost is $385. a set and we would need 12. Central Hudson will cover us up to $400 a set. We will have to pay for installation but we won't have to change the poles or the brackets. The paperwork will be filled out and sent in. If Central Hudson approved this, Chris Bar will do the work. MASTER PLAN Copies of the Master Plan up to date were passed out to each member and they were requested to review it and return it to the Secretary with any corrections or additions / deletions by next week. HERRINGTON HILLS A revised subdivision map of the above was reviewed and the Commission voted to take lots 17 and 18 for Tennis Courts. It was noted that Mr. Reese passed away and it was suggested that a sympathy card be sent to Mrs. Reese. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 on a motion by Mr. Miller seconded by Mr. Maurer with all in favor. Peggy Roe Secretary BILLS PAID DURING JULY 1990 00-06-7020.4 Dutchess Office Supplies 170.50 00-06-7110.21 R. G. H. Construction R. G. H. Construction Montfort Bros. Inc. Keith Simonetty Corbin Excavating Inc. Miracle Recreation 2,140.00 2,890.00 350.01 1,090.00 3,072.00 3,481.00 00-06-7110.4 Fredericks Greenhouses Fredericks Greenhouses Milton Alley Agway Royal Carting Service Co. A-I Portable Toilets A-I Portable Toilets A-1 Portable Toilets A-1 Portable Toilets A-1 Portable Toilets B. & D. Excavating A-1 Lawnmower Lupac Crop Production East Fishkill R. R. Tie East Fishkill R. R. Tie Guardian Storage Lee Myles Marshall Fence Co. Milton Alley Agway Petersens Auto & Welding R. G. H. Construction R. G. H. Construction Urey Hardware Windsor Building Supplies Bottini Fuel East Fishkill R. R. Tie N. & S. Supply Platt Country Locksmith Royal Auto Parts, Inc. Royal Carting 35.00 35.00 89.80 132.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 190.00 230.00 7.00 38 . 12 589.47 157.94 375.00 396.00 135.00 395.00 180.00 106.20 595.00 120.00 79.60 224.50 300.67 1.53 8.86 45.00 19.53 132.00 00-06-7140.4 H. B. Office Machines Dutchess Engraving Dutchess Office Supplies Watkins Press Southern Dutchess News Roberts Boice Paper 28.32 20.00 18.90 32.50 798.00 47.00 . . 00-06-7140.4 01-06-7310.4 Roberts Boice Paper Bernie Reimer Deer Hill Conference Center Deer Hill Conference Center Zoober Pools South Road Pharmacy Amy Slacin Amy Slacin 67.45 10.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 25.95 25.59 73.08 37.46 S. & S. Arts & Crafts S. & S. Arts & Crafts The Phantoms A Clown for All Reasons Leprechaun Lines Leprechaun Lines 328 . 18 299.02 800.00 325.00 498.00 488.00