1991-07-11 'f. AGENDA RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING JULY 11, 1991 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT APPROVE MINUTES CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter from Peter P.Mack - Re: Variance for Playgrounds 2. Note from Supervisor Smith - Re: Funding for Concerts 3. Application from Rivermen to use Castle Point Rec. Area for Picnic on August 11th 4. Memo from supervisor Smith - Re: Community Day 5. Letter from Herb McMichael- Town of Rhinebeck REPORTS K.D. B.R. T.F. E.K. J.M. H.J.M. S.M. D.R. J.V. R.J.H. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Budget for 1992 MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING h b. . < MINUTES - RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING J'UL.Y 11, 1991 NEXT MEETING AUGUST I, 1991 The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held July II, 1991 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New Vcq-k. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 by Chairman Ralph J. Holt. Others present were Recreation Director Bernie Reimer, Senior Citizens Director kathi DeL.isa, Commission Members Joseph Mastroianni, Hugh J. Maurer, Donald Rider and Maintenance Supervisor John Vorndran. Terry Fisher arrived at 8:00 p.m. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from Peter P. Mack of the Dutchess County Health Department with approval of our request for a v~riance. The variance will allow our Playgrounds (day camp) to maintain a current medical history form for each camper without immunization records. A discussion took place concerning all of the rules and regulations imposed by the Health Department this year. It was decided that a letter should be written stating that we have complied with all of the regulations as set forth so far this year bllt that if we have any further problems, we will seriously consider closing O\lr" prog'l-ams.:,. A note was received from Supervisor Connie Smith with a list of the 1991 Village of Wappingers Falls Summer Concert Series. These concerts are funded by Texaco Research Corp. and she suggested that we try and do the same for our concer" ts. A request was received from the Mid-Hudson Rivermen for the use of Castle Point for a group picnic on August 11th. This request was granted. f~ mPllic, "',tas r+?CE! i ved from Super"v i sor Smi th reql \f?!::,t i 'n9 thi~~ use of the speaker system used with a car battery for COl'fll'flllnit''l Day Septf2/1iber- 8, 1991 (raindate Septembf.:~'f' 15th.) She is also requesting we post the event on the board at Srhlathaus. Mr. Holt mentioned that the speaker system is not 3, n gor.:,d shape and th<=lt he was cr.:'nCel"'nE~d wi th its usaqi-::!. It was suggested tht Mr. Reimer check on replacing this s'y'stem, Page 1 . - We received a letter and brochure from Herb McMichaels _ Town of Rhinebeck Recreation explaining their programs and requesting any comments SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. DeLisa handed out a report on the activities for the month of June. A copy is attached to these minutes. E~e notpd the following: 1. The 3rd anniversary of the Center was celebrated on 1une 8th. It was also the opening of the Boccie and Horspshoe Courts. There was a lot of press coverage for this e v i? r"it; . 2n S\Jpervisor Smith has given the Spniors a new storage ccil.b i nf::~t " 3. They received a cash donation in the memory of a 'fCH-mf..')r membel-. 4" The Seniors have agreed that they would donate some craft items to Hospice Caregivers for their fundraiser at the D\ltchess CCll..mty Fai',". 5. The Seniors Line Dancing at the U.S.O. Show has been cancelled due to inconsistant attendance. t.':\. ThE' new barbeque g',' ill has bee....l purchased. 7. A Wappinger Senior News was started by Mrs. DeLIsa. See attached. She is waiting for comments to see if it will bc~ cor'lt :i. IltJE.)d" 8. It was brought to Mrs. DeLisa"s attention that a reservation was made for a non-resident on the trip to Lake F:k:,ol'{.::je on JIH)e 25th. Mrs. Df?Lisa questicl'''led Mrs. Ni>:clm about this and requested that a list of all participants from all trips be given to her for our records. One name was listed as Main Street. It was decided that if we continue with these type of problems we will have to have someone else take care of these reservations. 9. Mrs. DeLisa would like to hold an Art Show which would be open to all Seniors in the Town in the Spring. She IrJrluld like to hav..? the show fClr betweerl '7 arId 10 d<.:tys. ThE'rc~ would be a ribbon cutting ceremony,with judges and prizes. Her thought would be to use the meeting room for opening ceremony and to hang the pictures on the walls in the hall. Wp would have to get permission from Supervisor Smith to use the building for this purpose. The Commission was in favor of the idea and Mrs. DeLisa was asked to work something up. Pi-:\ge 2 & DIRECTOR"S REPORT Mr. Reimer reported the following: 1. The first staff meeting was held June 11th with Sloper- L,li ll+~'n t~'nd the secclnd was Jl.I'ne 18th wi th tr'le Tc:\sk Force on Prevention of Child Abuse. Because of the large I"egist'l-ation tU'l-n out, we ha\/e had to hire tl-',lCl additional counselors increasing our staff to 30 Directors and Counselors and 4 Swim Instructors.. Registration figures ':':'II"'e j::iS follo~'Js: Castle PClint 1'1ar't:<~ FiF:ld Rob i nson Lan!:: 100 300 'Ie" 1\3 Hughsl:.nv ill +:2 Quiet Acn::.>s SpClc1k Hi 11 1 ~:;9 110 c,?:=j 0 Total - 994 children We are averaging approximately 400 children per day. 2" So far everything is gOiYlg as smooth as C8n be f::'>:PPC ted ~'Ji th the numbe'," clf ch i 1 dr"en reg i stF,n-ed. kle h.:'ild a'li accident at Martz Field with a swing breaking while 2 kids were swinging causing them to fall on a third child on the IJI"'ol.lnd.. Because of this incident we had trH:2 !E,e.::its check.:::d b'y' Miracle Recreation and they were found to be defective. We will have to look into having them replaced.. The second incident occurred today at Deer Hill Pool with the Spook Hill Playground. A child was hit in the head with a stone. The ambulance was called but he was taken to t,1+,?d iCl.ls ~oJhere he l-'Jas tn?ated. Ml-. F:eimer spclke ~'Ji th thl'::: parents and everything was all right. The parents had only prai,s;A 'fCll- thE~ \,<Jay thE~ staf"f handled the sltuation. 3. Revisions have been made on the Camp Safety Plan for the Department of Health"s initial 28 violations. We then received 4 additional ones of which all but one are finished.. The only one left to complete is the Camp Health D:I'i'pctCc'f' IrJhich we r'+?ally nef::~d in name ordy. TrH? Hpalth Df':'pt.. n:~quirps us to namE~ a dir'f?ctcl\- \ooJhethel'" he j::\ctually dClf':~!:=, anything.. The Town has a contract with Sloper and Supervisor Smith was able to get a name for us of someone to act in this capacity.. Hopefully, now everything will be completed.. 4. The inspector from the Health Dept. was around to taki-:. l-'Jater selmplf.":s fl-om all the playgr"ound sites and apparently he isn"t happy with the water at Castle Point. We are presently having the Director or Counselor bring in water in galVAnized coolers. We may have to have the water checked at. t.h!? sc<\\n:e but it ~\las thCIUi:Jht that thf:'? cocllp)"'"s \<,Je',"e ncd: sterilized.. Miss Slacin will sterilize them and see if that makps a difference. 5. Gymnastics program starts Monday at Myers. P.::iqE~ 3 6. Tennis clinics are going well with approximately 79 people registered for the first session. There have been cjl.lit.e a 'few calls for the seccll-,d session \'\lhich ~'Jill start on .1\.11. y 22nd. 7. The volleyball courts are coming along. Everyone is arf::.~j.C<~..tS t() star't.. I'ff fact abCcL{t 3i.) pec(plE~ we..."€? f-€:~a{j''y' tee plF.'t."y tonight. The Director is meeting them and will explain that there has been a delay. Mr. Vorndran mentioned that he hopes to have at. least one court finished tomorrow. 8. Concerts are going well. It was suggested that we pnt a'nother ad ir, the papei'" I isting the i'"f:?St. of the cO""icertS".. 19S12 BUDGET Mr. Holt mentioned that we have to start working on the draft for the 1992 budget. The budget will have to be turned :ir, by ~"1l1gl.lst 8th. t'l',,". t'laurer said that we shcculd thi.....,k i::lbout charging for our programs as most other Towns already do. With the economy as it. is we have to generate some revenue but we have to make sure that we don"t cost ourselves Ollt of thE~ proqrams:,. tk.. Holt asked that evei'''y'Ccne '.."e\/ei~'J thE' blldiJPt and turn in any information or requests to Mrs.Roe by July 2~th.. Mi.... t'lar,;t'.."oain,..",i .:."'Igai"'1 brought up the sugges:,tior', cc'f having advertisers place signs on the outfield fences at Robinson Lane.. This practice is done in the Village and must generate some revenue. We don"t feel that we are ready for this type of advertising at this point. SClCCF.::R ?"1ppn:1va I . "Jas i'"eCe i ved f'i-elm the Tf)wn Bccard for SOCCf::."(O to hold a camp from August 19th to the 23rd. The Camp will be held at Rnckingham. It was requested that a porta-john be ordered for this Camp and to be used through the Fall soccer s{~~c( ~~;Cc ri " MI'. Rider asked if we had heard anything on the Buyokowski Property on Route 376. He mentioned that the Army Corp of of Engineers might do some work for them when the property is ready to be worked. Mr. Holt mentioned that he had spoken to Mr. Levenson and this is on the Planning Board for Monday Night (July 15th) for final approval. Mr. Rider asked if either Mr. Holt or Mr. Vorndarn harl been able to get to Fishkill to look at their wooden wall which can be used for racquetball or to play single tennis.. Page 4 They have not been able to get down as yet but will as soon as thE:!'>" can. Mr. Vorndran mentioned that they have finished seeding on the left side area as you enter the Park at Casle Point. They are also mulching around the trees to Cllt down on the mowing/trimming. Mr. Maurer suggested that we check into a prodllct ci:."Illed "caseror-," which kills vJeeds a'nd g''-'i:.''I5S. He said that they use it at Fishkill Rural Cenetery and sllggested that vJf-" cc.uld use it at CILIi- Cemetei-y a'nd u'ndf.'1r fences etc. It is not harmful and he thinks it is $80. for a 60 Ib bag. Mr. Maurer suggested he check into Agway for this product.. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt mentioned the following: 1. We are still working on the gazebo for the Town Hr.:d. 1 . T:if:! arf?:!a is all n?ady and we ar'e just ~"ait; i rig f'c<r East FishkiII Railrocld Tie to install it. The cost is approximately $4,600 for the 14' diameter gazebo. We have r8c8ived a $1,000. donation from Rotary for this project. Letters will be sent out to other service organizations for .fll.....ther donatic,r,s. 2" No word has been received from Mr. Paggi on the septic system at Schlathaus. Back in April we wrote a letter rpquesting information on what we would have to do to use thp huilding for meetings of approximately 15, 20 and 30 peopl8. We would like to do something so that we could get some use from the building now instead of waiting for 2 to 3 years. 3. Mrs. Korz has been working on the Halloween Party and has contracted with David Haines for the program. The pa....ty will be held Cktober 27th. Mr. Reimer was asked to check on an inside site as back up in case of inclement wpathel. Mr. Rider also asked if anyone had any appropriate music for the day. 4. It was mentioned that there is a good possibility that the Senior Center at Town Hall will be open on Mondays next year. If that is the case, we will have to make some changes for our 1992 budget. Mr. Holt will discuss this with l"h",~ . Del... i sa. 5<< SiJ1Ce we have many small p\Jrchases by Mrs~ Dpl_isa, Miss Slacin and Mr. Vorndran, Mr. Holt questioned Mrs. Smith about hav i. ng a P!:?t t.y' Cash account. She suggested that V,le write a letter to the Town Board with this request. 6. ~,h:;. still have to oi-dei- sm.:dl Chr-istmas Gifts fCc'" Ollr F'age 5 Party in December. Also for Christmas, it was suggested that 1'1ro. "./orndr",n1 dcc the lights CcO" the hccuse earol y befo\-e the weather gets bad and we still have our part time people. 7. I twas l'""f?quested that t1i-S. Rcce chec k on the S;ota tl.\S;o of 0 the subdivision CrOf) the let"t side crf RCrbinson Len".e ~'Jhere l-'J8 have a request in for land. 8. A golf lesson is planned for the end of July or beginning of August. We need at least 20 people to make it worth having. This will probably be the last one that we will have without charging. 9. A request was received for a baseball camp to be held at Robinson Lane. After a discussion with all members it was decided to approve this camp with the stipltlation that the Town gets something for it- a small fee of approximately $250. or something in that line. Mr. Holt will speak to Mrs. f:;mith abccut tl-d.s. Mr. Fisher mentioned that as soon as the playgrounds slow down we should think about; doing some repair work on the bathrooms at Robinson Lane. The flushes should be replaced etc. He also suggested that we look into getting some diff8rent type of clay for the Robinson Lane. He thinks that there is a place where he could get a different typ~- something that would stay down longer. He will check on this.. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 on a motion by Mr. Maurer seconded by Mr. Mastroianni. PF..ggy Hoe Secretary PagE' 6 JULY 1991 REPORT TO RECREATION COMMISSION SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER June marked the 3rd anniversary of the Center's opening. I dedicated June to the Wappinger's Senior Center and continued our Hugs to all members each morning. The anniversary was celebrated with a picnic which included an opening ceremony for the Bocci and Horseshoe Courts. Both Connie Smith and Ralph Holt spoke to the members at the dedication of the Courts. Joe Mastroianni and I cut the ribbon. Over 60 people attended the picnic. First and Second place ribbons were given to those that won the Bocci and Horseshoe games. Joe was our official Official. The Recreation Commission bought a cake for the Seniors in honor of this anniversary. It was a great success and attracted reporters from three different papers! Senior activities included the regular schedule of oil painting, exercise, line dancing, arts/crafts, videos and cards/games. Many of the members have been enjoying a game of Bocci when weather permits. On June 20th, the Bardavon Theater sponsored transportation to the U.S. Army show. Several members took this opportunity to go to the Bardavon. Susanne Marsuke from the 65+ Program at Vassar Hospital came to speak on June 27th. She also explained the Life-Line System and offered her expertise to the Seniors. The Lake George Trip, on June 25th was a great success. There was an average of 29 Seniors at the Center per day for the month of June. There are 107 seniors presently registered at the Center. ITEMS TO BE NOTED: 1. Connie Smith gave us a new cabinet. This has helped with some of our storage problems. 2. We are hoping to have the Center room painted in the near future. We will then decorate the room and give it a more pleasant atmosphere. 3. The Senior Center Fund received a $25.00 cash donation in memory of Marie Amorosso who passed away June 8th. The money will be used for Senior activities. 4. The Seniors have agreed to make some oraft items to be donated to Hospice Caregivers. Hospice will use these as a fundraiser and sell them (for donation) at the Dutchess County Fair in August. 5 5. I have cancelled the line dancers debut at the USO Show on Aug. 4th due to inconsistent attendance. 6. July events include a B-B-Que on the 12th. We will try out our new gas B-B-Que grill. Exercise is cancelled the week of the 15th because the large meeting room is being used. The Wednesday exercise teacher, Jay Mathad will be on vacation until Aug. 14th. I have not scheduled speakers and other events because many of the members are away on vacation. 7. August events include a bus trip to Kelly's Country Western Show, Gouldsboro, PA on the 24th. A speaker from Medicaid may come to speak this month. A date has not yet been confirmed. 8. I started a Wappinger Senior News (see attached). This is a trial newsletter. Have not had much comment on it as yet. I am open to any suggestions from the commission. ISSUES TO BE DISCUSSED: 1. It was brought to my attention that a non-resident was going on the Lake George trip. I asked Helen Nixon for a list of the people going on the trip and found there was a non-resident booked. I spoke to Helen about this and informed her that this person was not eligible for this trip. I also assured her that since the trip was only a few days away, that we would reimburse her for any monies that she would lose by cancelling this persons's reservation. Helen did not ask for any reimbursement. After the trip, I was informed that someone (no name) had been on the trip that did not live in the town. We need to discuss this. 2. I would like to have an art show open to all Seniors in the Town of Wappinger. Time: Spring. We would need a space to hang the show preferably for 7-10 days. My thoughts are to have judges (local artists or I know several that are qualified but not local), prizes, an opening reception, etc. Or June Visconti suggested an outdoor art show on the grounds. Can, we do this? What are your suggestions ? 6 JULY 1991 TOWN OF WAPPINGER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER: OPEN 10:00A.M.-3:00P.M. 20 Middlebush Rd. Wappingers Falls, N.Y. 12590 Phone:297-3670 TUES. WED. THURS. FRI. I 2 131 I I I 110-Noon:Painting 110-11A.M.:Exercise 110-Noon:arts/oraft10-Noon:arts/orafts Noon: LUNCH INoon: LUNCH 12:30-3:00:cards/112:30-3:00:oards/ games I -.- games I 4 I I_I HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! THE CENTER IS CLOSED TODAY! 111 I 10-11A.M. Exeroise 10-Noon:arts/orafts Noon: LUNCH 12:30-3:00: VIDEO 9 I 110 I I I I 10-Noon:Painting 110-11A.M. Exeroise 10-Noon:arts/oraft10:Noon:arts/orafts Noon: LUNCH INoon: LUNCH 12:30-3:00: oards/12:30-3:00:cards/ games I games 1 171 18 I I IEXERCISE IS IEXERCISED IS 110-Noon:Painting I CANCELLED!!!!! I CANCELLED!!!!! 110-Noon:art/oraftll0-Noon:arts/oraftsll0-Noon: arts/oraft INoon: LUNCH INoon: LUNCH INoon: LUNCH 112:30-3:00:oards/112:30-3:00:oards/ 112:30-3:00:oards/ I games I. games I games I I I 123 I 241 125 I 1 I IEXERCISE IS I I 110-Noon:Painting I C~~CELLED!!!!! 110-11A.M. Exeroise 110-Noon:arts/oraft10-Noon:arts/oraftsll0-Noon:arts/orafts INoon: LUNCH INoon: LUNCH INoon: LUNCH 112:30-3:00:cards/112:30-3:00:oards/ 112:30-3:00: VIDEO 1 _ games 1 games 1 games 1301 I 311 IJuly Birthdays: I I 1 IEXERCISE IS 13 Florence Kiouttes 110-Noon:Painting I CANCELLED! !!!! 15 Amy Menconeri 110-Noon:artsicraftlO-Noon:arts/craftsl9 Anne Peters INoon: LUNCH 9lNoon: LUNCH 12 Ray Moran 112:30-3:cards/game12:30-3:oards/games16 Carol Casazza 16 5 I I I I I THE CENTER IS I CLOSED TODAY! I I I I 12 I I I I 10-11A.M.Line Danoing 10-Noon:arts/crafts Noon: LUNCH B-B-QUE/PICNIC!!! !!! See Kathi:food list 19 I ILINE DANCING IS CANCELLED 10-Noon: arts/orafts Noon: LUNCH 12:30-3:00: VIDEO 26 1 1 10-11A.M.Line Oanoing 10-Noon:arts/orafts 1 Noon: LUNCH: I BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!! I 1 17 Angela Manzone I 19 Gloria Rosenthal I 21 John Mullarkey I 23 Kay Andrews I 25 Martha Peterson I 31 John Moran I " ~~~~I~~~~ S~~IOR ~~WS BY Kathi DeLisa, Director HAPPY 4th OF JULY! !! Thank you all for your part in keeping our country free and independent. Your generation has fought for freedom, given us leaders to guide our country and given us another generation to continue your legacy. You are an important part in America's history and success and continue to guide us all. A big hug to all of you!!! Remember the Center is closed Thursday, July 4th and Friday, July 5th. Have a wonderful and safe weekend. Let's have a B-B-Que!! On July 12th, I have scheduled a B-B-Que/Picnic. We now have a new and larger grill to cook on so we better try it and see if it works. Our picnics have been fun and successful because of you. Most of you have been generous and helpful by bringing food or giving a small donation towards purchases. However, there are those that have not contributed. To make it fair to all of you, for future picnics, I suggest that those that do not want to bring something, contribute a few dollars for the items we will need. For the July 12th picnic, see Kathi for the food list. We will celebrate the 4th of July a week late but we can still make it a bang up affair. Please note that Exercise and Line Dancing are cancelled July 16th-July 19th. The large meeting room will be in use that week. Jay, our Wednesday exercise instructor will be on vacation July 17-Aug. 7. She will return for exercise on Aug. 14th. w Happy Birthday to Connie Smith, Town Supervisor on July 7th. I want to thank Connie for all her cooperation in helping to make the Center a better place. We will have our Birthday Party on July 25th. We will need 3 Birthday cakes for the occasion. Please see Kathi, if you will volunteer to bring one. I also want to thank all of you who have brought cakes for our past birthday parties. r" " . Sal Patricola, from Hospice Caregivers wants to thank you for the offer to make craft items to be sold at the Dutchess County Fair as a fund raiser for Hospice. May I suggest that we make more of the hug magnets as well as some of the other wonderful items that you make. Do you have a favorite recipe? Or a special recipe handed down through your family? With all your wonderful recipes, we can make a cookbook sponsored by the Center and sell them at the craft fair. So bring those recipes in. If you want to try them _Oflrst, I am sure many of us will be glad to test them for you. I will type them and we can work together to compile the most outrageous cookbook ever. The sooner we start the better so dig into those recipe boxes and memories and let's do it. Please note: Your annual picnic at Bowdoin Park will be on Thursday, August 8th. .. , A-1620.41 A-1620.40 A-7620.2 A-7620 .4 A-7110.2 A-7110.21 A-7ll0.4 BILLS PAID DURING JULY 1991 SYLVAN LAKE TELEPHONE CO. Robinson Lane -227-9434 Service 6/26/91 to 7/25/91 NYNEX MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS - Castle Point CENTRAL HUDSON GAS I ELECTRIC 24.07 75.99 ServIce - 4/25/91 to 6/26/91 Schlathaus Park Acct.# 7808-0499-01 All Angels Hill Rd. Acct.# 7808-0390-00 Service 4/30/91 to 6/28/91 Robinson Lane Rec. Area Acct.# 7371-1295-00 Robinson Lane Account # 7371-1300-00 50.70 28.85 12.42 592.65 Service - 5/20/91 to 6/21/91 Tennis Courts - Account #7690-0425-00 23.91 Bradlees 259.99 SENIOR CITIZEN ACCOUNT Roberts Boice Paper Co. D.C. Assoc. for Senior Citizens Dutchess County YMCA (May) Kathi DeLisa Poughkeepsie Journal Dutchess County YMCA (June) Kathi Delisa Dutchess Co. Assoc. Senior Citizens Coffee Systems of Hudson Valley A-I Fence Company A-l Fence Company 78.50 540.25 60.00 55.48 24.30 60.00 16.78 716.57 36.00 4,571.25 1,640.00 Jonmar Associates, Inc. Chris Bar Electric, Inc. Jonmar Associates, Inc. Jonmar Associates, Inc. Windsor Building Supplies Urey Hardware R.G.H. Construction John Vorndran H. G. Page Guardian Trailer Rentals Guardian Trailer Rentals E.S.P. Expanded Supply Co. Dutche~s County Sheriff Royal L;artlng Chris Bar Electric A-l Portable Toilets A-l Portable Toilets A-l Portable Toilets 78.35 45.00 49.00 27.40 251.44 243.65 180.00 6.50 74.16 320.00 320.00 136.00 400.68 175.90 90.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 "\ '.' .... . Bills July 1991 Can't Page 2 A-7ll0.4 A-1 Portable Toilets A-I Portable Toilets A-1 Portable Toilets A-I Portable Toilets A-1 Portable Toilets A-1 Portable Toilets East Fishkill Railroad Tie 95.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 191.76 A-7140 .4 Deer Hill Conference Center Deer Hill Conference Center Dutchess Office Supplies Caldor Caldor Caldor Anaconda Kaye Amy Slacin Alfred B. Weston ~.M.S. Associates Lewis Rompala 2,600.00 2,600.00 20.40 47.76 248.54 49.72 34.00 37.07 30.52 102.90 7.43 B-7310.4 S. & S. Arts & Crafts S. & S. Arts & Crafts S. & S. Arts & Crafts S. & S. Arts & Crafts S. & S. Arts & Crafts Switch In Time Joe Veillette Jennifer Dreaper Heart & Soul, Inc. Dutchess County Red Cross Serpent Survival Jennifer Dreaper 424.71 414.02 440.91 409.53 345.27 800.00 900.00 275.00 675.00 96.00 450.00 750.00