FEBRUARY 6, 1992
A Special Meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission
was held February 6, 1992 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman
Ralph J. Holt. Others present were Terry Fisher, Joseph Mastroianni, Stephen
Miller, and Donald Rider. Also attending on behalf of Little League was Gary
two items:
The purpose of this special meeting was the discussion of
1. Proposed changes to the Store at Robinson Lane
2. Proposal for erecting monuments, dedicating Parks or Fields.
The proposed changes for the store are:
1. Installation of various items to be able to sell french fries.
2. Proposal to sell soda by cup instead of the can
3. Install a heater.
Under Proposal 1 the installation of facilities to provide
french fries, the following items will be required:
a. fryer
b. hood
c. grill
d. freezer
e. fire system
Mr. Mensching mentioned that the grill and fryer (both run by
gas instead of electric) will be side by side. The grill will have a top of
stainless steel and the fryer will have solid stainless steel sides. He also
said that they have consulted a professional and that there is no problem with
them being next to each other. The Commission was concerned with the french fryer
because of the risk of being burned by the hot grease and potential risk of fire.
We were also concerned about who would be doing the cooking. We wanted to be
assured that no teenagers or children would be allowed near the cooking area.
Mr. Menschinglnoted that they are hiring several store supervisors at $5.00 an
hour to train to operate the store and these people would be overseeing the cooking.
Special Meeting
February 6, 1992
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The cooking would be basically done by one person with the rest of the volunteers
selling the items and taking the food from a warmer. Mr. Mensching also noted
that the cost of the gas will be paid by Little League whereas the electric is
now being paid by the Town. It was obvious that we do not want to say no to the
proposal but everyone is concerned with safety. We asked Mr. Mensching that he
provide us with a list of the Supervisor's responsibilities. We will also need
to discuss this with the insurance company and the fire inspector to make sure
there will be no problems. Another concern with the gas operated grill and fryer
was the storage of the gas. The concern was not so much during the season but
after the season when the hunters are out in the Park. Mr. Mensching said that
they haven't completely worked out this but he thought they might be 100 Ib tanks.
Mr. Mensching mentioned that the present hood with fan does not
meet the standard fire code in that the seams are open seams. Little League is
asking to replace this present hood with a larger one (7 ft.) Mr.Fisher
questioned whether the ceiling is high enough. Mr. Mensching said it was an
Ansul System (chemical)mounted in the hood so it is above where fire could
originate, triggered automatically based on temperature but it also has a manual
system on it. This system must be certified at least once every three years.
No one objected to the Fire System as long as everything is
installed correctly.
No one objected to the hood as long as we satisfy our questions
regarding installation.
We did request that Little League place a sign in the area by
the grill and fryer that no children are allowed in this area.
If we approve the installation of the fryer, Little League will
be looking to purchase a 6' x 8' walk in freezer to hold the french fries etc.
If we do not okay the fryer then they will do with what they have now. If they
purchase the bigger freezer they would remove almost all of the other smaller
units. There was a question on electric supply and Mr. Mensching said that if
they do this and change the grill to gas, the electric they now use for the grill
will be able to be used for the freezer. We would still like to check this out
with Chris Bar Electric. The freezer would be placed in the old part of the
building and Mr. Mensching noted that the freezer has a safety feature on it so
noone could get locked in.
Proposal 2 is the purchase of an ice maker which will be used
only if we approve the switch from can soda to tank soda. The ice maker would
be a 400 Ib capacity unit. The major reason for purchase will be to use it with
soda but secondary purpose would be to use the ice for injuries. Mr. Mensching
mentioned that hopefully PEPSI would put a filter on the water for this purpose.
The litter problem was also addressed and Mr. Mensching stated that this has been
discussed by Little League and they felt that if adequate trash facilities are
available, we wouldn't have a problem. It was also mentioned that it was also
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February 6, 1992
suggested that each team playing be responsible for their side of the field.
We wanted to emphasize to Little League that we DO NOT want extra work on
Lucy picking up all the extra soda cups. We would prefer the cans but we
understand what they are doing and we can see the savings.
Proposal 3 was to install a heater in the building to enable
the store to open earlier for access to ice, first aid equipment, and to have
coffee and tea for the waiting parents. They would want the water on one
month earlier. One proposal they have is a ceiling hung gas fire heater with
its own vent with the hot air forced by fans. If they go with this proposal,
they would heat tape the water lines and either heat tape or blanket the storage
tank. It was thought that as long as the lines to the fields are turned off we
shouldn't have any problems for the month.
Little League would like to get going on these proposals if we
approve them. All were in favor as long as the safety issues are met, the electric
has been checked and there is no problem with the insurance.
The second subject for discussion was the proposal received by
the Town Board from a citizen's group to place a stone approximately 10" x 20"
by 4" high in the front and 6" high in the rear. This stone would be placed by
the flagpole at Robinson Lane and dedicated to Jason Smith. Prior to the meeting
Mrs. Roe poled the Commission and most felt that we shouldn't put a single stone
there for this young person, as good as he was,and forget that we have many people
who have made major contributions to Recreation and Little League. We also don't
want our recreation areas to look like cemeteries with numerous stones to honor
different individuals. We really would have preferred some other approach i.e.
sportsmanship trophy, placque or such. After considerable discussion and thought,
we did, however, feel that some action should be taken and we decided to recommend
to the Town Board that a stone be placed at the flagpole site and this stone would
be dedicated to past, present and future citizens that both the Little League
and the Recreation Commission agree on.
A proposal has also been drafted for future consideration and
this too will be submitted to the Town Board.
, .
The meet~ng was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Fisher
seconded by Mr. Mastroianni.
Peggy Roe