FEBRUARY 20, 1992
APPROVE MINUTES: 1. January 16, 1992
2. February 6, 1992
1. Proposal for work at Tennis Courts - Copeland Coating
2. Request for use of Robinson Lane Facilities 9/20/92 - Mid Hudson Road Runners
3. Request from Dutchess Debs - Use of Robinson Lane facilities 7/25 and 26
4. Request from Wappinger Men's Softball League with check for $150.00
5. Request from Sunday Morning Softball League with check for $150.00
6. Letter from Little League - itemized list of items purchased
7. Contract from Little League for 1992 for our approval
8. Contract from Deer Hill for 1992 Swim Season
9. Letter from Hughsonville Fire District
10. Copy of memo to Planning Baord from Graham Foster
11. Letters from W.C.S.D regarding fees
12. Order form for Spring Seedlings - Dutchess County Soil and Water
13. Recreation Annual Report for 1991
14. Correspondence for the month - Outgoing
15. List of 1992 Town Officials and Officers
OLD BUSINESS - Fees for use of fields - Re: Barbara Montross request for practice fields
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission
was held February 20, 1992 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J.
Holt. Others present were Senior Citizen Director Kathi Delisa, Commission
Members Terry Fisher, Ellen Korz, Joseph Mastroianni, Stephen Miller, Donald
Rider, Maintenance Supervisor John Vorndran and Town Board Member June Visconti.
Recreation Director Bernie Reimer arrived at 8:10 p.m.
The minutes of the regular January 16, 1992 meeting and the
special meeting of February 6, 1992 were approved on a motion by Mr. Mastroianni
seconded by Mr. Miller with all in favor.
A letter and proposal was received from Jim Raleigh of Copeland
Coating Co., Inc. for repair and surface work to the 4 tennis courts at Martz
Field. The total procedure as outlined in his proposal would cost approximately
$11,295.00. Mr. Holt mentioned that there are major low spots and cracks in the
courts which should be repaired. Mr. Raleigh mentioned that to redo the courts
completely would cost approximately $50,000. which Mr. Holt said we were not in
a position to do. Mr. Holt was told that this repair work should last us
approximately 10 years. Another meeting has been scheduled for February 24th for
Mr. Holt to meet with Mr. Martin Wylde of N.Y. Tennis to obtain another proposal
on this work. Mr. Rider asked about some preventive maintenance for the 2 courts
on the other side of the road. Mrs. Visconti mentioned that we should check with
the County Maintenance to see if we could do our work in conjunction with maintenance
they do on their courts.
A request has been received from the Mid-Hudson Road Runners Club
to use the Robinson lane Recreation Area for their races on Sunday, September 20th.
This request was approved providing that they again bring in their own porta-johns.
A discussion also took place regarding a usage fee. When fees were submitted to
the Town Board special requests such as this was not addressed. After a discussion,
it was suggested that a letter be sent to the Town Board to Amend the Town Policy
on Recreation Fees as follows:
$50.00 for a 1 day event of 100 or more participants.
A letter was received from Floyd Scholz,Tournament Director of
the Dutchess Debs Softball requesting the use of Robinson lane Complex for the
weekend of July 25 and 26 with a raindate of the 27 for their 5th Annual Tournament.
Recreation Minutes
Page 2
February 20, 1992
Mrs. Roe mentioned that they have been notified of the fee due and that was
not a problem. After a discussion, it was felt that this would not conflict with
Little League and therefore permission was granted.
A letter was received from Richard Bernhard, President of the
Sunday Morning Softball League requesting the use of fields #2 and 10 at Robinson
Lane and field #1 at Rockingham for their League. They would use the fields on
Sundays from 8:30 to noon beginning April 26 to October 4. Approval for this
request was granted with the emphasis that NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES are allowed
at the Recreation Areas. A check in the amount of $150.00 has been received.
A request and check in the amount of $150. has been received from
Bob Drennan of the Wappinger Men's Modified Softball League. They are once again
requesting as much field availability as we can provide with the projected start
of the season in mid-April. Mr. Holt mentioned that we are still working on field
availability. Mr. Reimer will try and move the Women's League to Quiet Acres
thereby giving the men another night at Castle POint and relinquishing another
night at Rockingham to the Soccer League. Hopefully, the Town will receive
approval from the D.E.C. so we can put in the 3rd field at Castle Point in the
near future.
A letter has been received from Gary Mensching, President of
Little League with an itemized list of items to be purchased with the assistance
of the $6,000. contributed by the Town towards the operation of the Little League
Supervisor Smith has forwarded to us a copy of the Little League
contract for 1992. After reviewing this contract, a motion was made by Mr.
Fisher seconded by Mr. Miller to recommend to the Town Board that this contract
be accepted. All were in favor.
A contract has been received from Kenneth Scherrieble, Executive
Director of Deer Hill Conference Center for the use of their facilities for the
1992 swim program. The program runs from June 25th to August 14th from 11:00 to
2:30 Monday thru Friday. The cost for this facility use would be $5,500 which
is $300. higher than the contract for 1991. A motion was made by Mr. Miller
seconded by Mrs. Korz to accept this contract with all in favor.
A letter was received from Arthur W. Waddle, District Secretary
of the Hughsonville Fire District. This letter was in response to our request
to use their District facilities as a playground site this summer. He stated
that prior to approval of this request, that they wanted us to be aware that they
felt that there was a lack of supervison on the part of the counselors and that
the grounds were not picked up. Mr. Holt mentioned that he would stress this
fact to ALL the counselors at the beginning of the playgrounds. Mr. Reimer will
write a letter to the District telling them that the counselors would be told and
that we will keep on top of the situation.
Recreation Minutes
Page 3
February 20, 1992
A copy of a memo from Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent, to
the Planning Board was discussed. Mr. Holt mentioned that when the Chelsea Yacht
Club came in to the Planning Board for approval to install equipment on the
property, Mr. Foster pointed out several items which he felt should be addressed
and resolved prior to approval of the plot plans for the Club. One of the items
which was brought up was the fact that the fence on the West Side of Front Street
was encroaching on Town Property. Other items addressed were the fact that
the Cul-de-sac on Front Street was blocked off, the public access to the beach
at Bank Street was closed off, and there are reserved parking signs on Town
Property. Mr. Holt mentioned that the public hearing was adjourned until the
Yacht Club has a detailed survey dxeon the property. Any help in alleviating
the parking problems for the Town would be welcome.
Confirmation letters were received from the Wappinger Central
School District stating that the utilization of school property by various
muncipalities for the purpose of recreation purposes will not be subject to
charge. It was the opinion of legal counsel that such usage has been "paid"
in advance by those same municipalities by allowing the cross-use of their
Copies of the 1991 Director's Annual Report were distributed to
all members for their review and if anyone has any questions they will be
addressed at our next meeting.
Outgoing correspondence:
1. Letter to Larry Tenda Miracle Ear - Thanks for program pre-
ventive hearing health care.
2. Peter Mack - applying for a waiver for immunization records.
3. Robert Baisley - Thanking him for the maintenance at Hughsonville
and to notify him that Town Maintenance will be assuming the responsibility in 1992.
4. Josephine Henry - Thanks for name of craft person for Senior
5. Denise Morse - advising of new Town Fee for use of field
6. Donald Grossman - Sunday Morning League - advising of new
Town Fee for use of facilities
7. Bob Drennan - Wappinger Men's Modified League- Advising of
new Town Fee.
8. Hughsonville Fire District - Requesting use of facilities
for Summer Program.
A list of the Town Officials and Officers for 1992 was distributed
to all members for their information. Mr. Fisher mentioned that his phone number
was incorrect. It should be 297-4711
Recreation Minutes
Page 4
February 20, 1992
Mrs. Delisa distributed a report on the SEnior Center for the
month of January which is attached to these minutes. She also noted the
1. On Mondays the average attendance is 12. There are 168
seniors registered with a daily average attendance of 32.
2. A new craft teacher, Sue Parlimen, has been hired. She will
work on Monday's and Fridays and as needed. Sue was recommended by Josephine
Henry and is a member of the Home Bureau and well qualified.
3. Rose Malota our exercise and line dance instructor is not
able to continue working for us because of health reasons. Mrs. Delisa has
contacted Sue Borchardt, who worked for us last'year, and asked her if she could
come back to do the exercise on Thursdays. Mrs. Malota was working on an
internship basis also on Fridays for College Credit and will continue this until
April. Under this internship she has to come up with an activity for the Seniors.
Mrs. Delisa mentioned that this same type of program would be available for our
summer playground.
4. The VCR was broken and is temporarily fixed. Mrs. Delisa
mentioned that we will probably have to replace it in the near future.
5. Senior Citizen 1.0. Cards are now being issued for all Town
of Wappinger Seniors.
6. A suggestion box has been put out at the Center and some
suggestions have been for a microwave, name tags and more parties.
7. A trip is scheduled for March 31st to the"Castle Dinner
Theater" Hamburg, New Jersey to a dinner and show "Red Hot and Cole - A Tribute
to Cole Porter". Other trips planned are: Platzl's Brauhaus in Pomona, Dutch
Apple Cruise and luncheon, Hunter Mountain Italian Festival, Woodlock Pines,
Roseland Ranch and Peddler's Village.
8. Mr. Doug McHoul was in and will provide a Community Service
Worker on the second Thursday of each month beginning in March.
9. Mrs. Delisa mentioned that she had spoken to the Wappinger
Rotary on February 6th in regard to the Center. Mr. Holt and Mrs. Visconti both
complimented her on her presentation. She mentioned that she brought up the
suggestion of a Christmas dinner and "party" for Wappinger Seniors. It was
suggested that we contact the Southern Dutchess Exchange Club and ask them if
they would join the Rotary in providing a party. Mrs. Delisa will work out a
plan on this.
Recreation Minutes
Page 5
February 20, 1992
Mr. Beimer reported that we have received 3 applications for the
Summer Director position. Although all three applicants are extremely qualified,
Mr. Reimer said he would like to re-hire Amy Slacin. Miss Slacin has 6 years
experience in this position.
The West Point Concert is going well. The band members are
arrlvlng between 6:30 - 6:45. Mr. Holt or Mr. Miller will be there to greet them.
Bill Beale will be doing the lighting. Mr. Holt requested that we check with the
band to see if the curtains could be closed while the people are taking their
seats in the auditorium. Mr. Reimer mentioned that publicity information has
been distributed to Radio Stations WBNR/WSPK, WKIP/WRNQ, WEOK/WPDH, WCZX FM 98
FAME, T.V. Channel 6, Newspapers Southern Dutchess News and Wappinger Weekly Hudson
Valley Morning News, and Poughkeepsie Journal. A question was brought up "What are
we going to do when we are filled?" "Who will be responsible to turn away people?"
After a discussion it was decided to try and get a Sheriff's patrol just in case the
situation arises. Mr. Liebermann, Fire Inspector will also be notified regarding
this. Mr. Franco is all set for the buffet.
The Summer Concert Schedule is set and copies were given to all
members. The Schedule is as follows:
June 25
July 2
July 9
July 16
July 23
July 30
Aug. 6
Aug. 13
The Phantoms (50's)
- The Woods Tea Co. (Folk Trio)
Steve Johnson Magic Variety Show
Switch In Time (Big Band Sounds)
Jennifer Dreaper (Country)
- The Phantoms
The Shallows (50's)
Gelfer, Gordon & Brady (Folk Rock)
A discussion took place regarding field usage and charges. Mr.
Reimer asked if he should approach Bowdoin Park to get use of a field 1 night a
week. His thought was that the Town obtain the field, hopefully at no cost, where
we could send one of our teams. Everyone thought it wouldn't hurt to try. We
also discussed additional usage fees for 1 team to use a field 1 night a week
and for 1 team to use the field every week for the ball season one or 2 times
a week. After a discussion it was agreed that the following additional fees be
sent to the Town Board for approval:
$10.00 usage fee for single use of a field
$50.00 for a one day event with 100 or more participants
$50.00 for 1 team's season use of a field on a regular basis
Recreation Minutes
Page 6
February 20, 1992
Mr, Mastroianni brought up the fact that he would like to see a
platform in front of the bandstand for dancing etc. This had been discussed a
few years ago but final plans had not been completed on what we could actually
put there. It was also suggested that curtains be purchased for the house. The
police suggested that this be done especially with all the items that we have
stored there.
All of the proposed changes for the store have been approved as we
have checked with the electrician, the insurance company and the Fire Inspector.
Little League is proceeding with this work. Mr. Miller asked about getting portajohns
for tryouts March 21st and 22nd but this will not be necessary if the store is
opened by that time. He also mentioned that we will need more garbage barrels with
the fact that Little League will be selling soda by the cup instead of the can.
Mr. Holt also asked Mr. Miller to contact Little League and remind them that we
want the gas tank they are installing enclosed with cinder block as a safety
The Soccer league would like to request a sign at the entrance of
Rockingham listing field availability. They also asked if we could seed the field
this Spring. Mr. Vorndran said it would be done as soon as possible and signs will
be posted "KEEP OFF".
Mr. Holt mentioned the following.
1. The dead trees and scrub brush are being cleared across the
street from Castle POint.
2. The memorial dedication for Jason Smith has been worked out. A
stone approximately 24" wide and 16" front to back will be placed by the Flag
Pole at Robinson Lane. The stone will have space for approximately 18 names
(2 rows of 9). It will read "In Recognition of all the Participants who have
Contributed to the Teamwork, Sportsmanship and Spirit of the Game", with small
letters donated by the friends of Jason Eric Smith, dedicated April 25, 1992.
Recreation Minutes
Page 7
February 20, 1992
3. The Proposal for Erecting Monuments, Dedicating Parks or
Fields - Donations and/or Proposals for Dedications has been submitted to the
Town Board for their approval with the following addition: "The Organization
that is proposing to have a name added will be responsible for payment of the
4. No deed has been received for the Airport Park Property.
5. He asked Mr. Vorndran to go down to Fishkill to look at the
dirt that they placed on their Fields on Route 82. He also suggested that he call
Mr. Scofield regarding the price and where he obtained it. If it is within our
budget, we should try and get some for one field at Castle Point as it is suppose
to be better for drainage.
6. Mr. Vorndran and the Highway Department will be moving a rock
from Castle Point to be placed near the flagpole at Schlathaus Park. It will be
inscribed in memory of George & ElsieSchlathaus.
A suggestion was made to block off the side parking lot at Martz
Field for roller skating and a place to play hockey. This would help save the
surface on the tennis courts. This will be discussed further.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 on a motion by Mr. rider seconded
by Mr. Mastroianni.
Peggy Roe
Central Hudson Gas & Electric
Regency Drive - Rockingham #7902-1435-00
Tennis Courts - #7690-04250-00
Quiet Acres - Helen Drive - #7895-1220-01
Myers Corners Road - #7802-1962-00
Stage - #7802-1960-00
Barn - MOntfort Road - 7964-1460-00
Long Court # 7851-1550-00
Gazebo - Town Hall - #7512-0470-00
Sylvan Lake Telephone Company
Robinson Lane = 227-9434
New York Telephone Company
Schlathaus Park - 297-4752
Martz Field - 297-9928
Spook Hill - 297-9861
Barn - 297-3692
Quiet Acres - 297-7780
Bottini Fuel
Bottini Fuel
Bottini Fuel
A-7140 .4
Alfred B. Weston
Alfred B. Weston
Alfred B. Weston
Petty Cash
Alfred B. Weston
Hobby Hut
Coffee Systems of Hudson Valley
Urey Hardware
Tom Milholm
Encumbered Bill - 1991 - N. & S. Supply Co.
January, activities at the Senior Center included the
regular schedule of arts/crafts, exercise, oil painting,
videos, cards and pokeno. As of this month the Center is
now opened five days, Monday through Friday. Two Mondays
the Center was closed, one for Martin Luther King's
birthday, the other to paint the room. Attendance is low
with an average of 12 people on Monday. The Center was
also closed New Year's Day and two days due to painting the
room. Snow kept all the seniors home on January 16th. The
Center was closed January 30 for Food Distribution.
ON January 15, Larry Tenda, a hearing consultant from
Miracle Ear spoke on preventive hearing health care.
Because of the interest in hearing loss, Larry will provide
free hearing tests and consultations for Seniors on February
13th in the large meeting room. The Heart Assoc. provided
the monthly blood pressure screening January 21. The
January birthday party was held on the 31st.
There was an average of 32 Seniors at the Center per day
for January. There are 168 Seniors presently registered at
the Center.
1. Sue Parliman has been hired as an arts and crafts
teacher. Sue will work Monday and Friday and as needed.
Regina will work Tues., Wed., and Thurs. and as needed.
This will give flexibility to all of us in regard to
vacation, days off or sick time.
2. Rose Mulato will continue to be our Thursday exercise
instructor and Friday line dancing instructor.
3. Rose Mulato is a student at Dutchess Community College,
working for her degree in Recreation. She will be at the
Center on Friday (after line dancing) as a volunteer and
will utilize this time towards field experience and
internship for a college course until April 20th. Rose's
responsiblitiy for this field experience is to provide a
project or activity a week. So far her activities have been
innovative and creative. This College program is available
to us as a Senior Center and also to other recreation areas.
4. Our VCR was broken. We had it repaired, however it may
need to be replaced in the near future.
5. 1.0. oards are now being issued to Wappinger Seniors.
These will be used for Town sponsored trips as well as
Center membership cards. Acceptable proofs of 1.0. are:
driver's license, non-driver's 1.0., tax bills or sooial
security checks.
6. A suggestion box is now in use. Suggestions so far
include: a microwave, name tags, more parties, more pizza
parties, more trips, fashion show, swimming olub, oeramics,
woodcarving, square dances, bigger refrigerator, de-caf
coffee and diet cookies.
7. February events include: a lecture on Medicare Insurance
by Amy McAden from the Office of the Aging on the 5th, free
hearing test and consultation on the 13th, a Valentine's Day
party and "Men's Leg Contest" on the 14th, George
Washington's birthday party on the 21st, blood pressure
screening on the 18th, the monthly birthday party on the
27th and a Sadie Hawkin's Party on the 28th with food and
square dancing.
8. March events include a lecture on How to Manage a Home
Improvement Contractor on the 5th and a Town sponsored trip
to The Castle Dinner Theater in Hamburg, NJ. for dinner and
a show, "Red Hot and Cole, 'A tribute to Col~ Porter" on
March 31.
9. Other Town trips scheduled for the year inolude:
Platzl's Brauhaus in Pomona, June 23; Dutch Apple Cruise and
luncheon, July 14; Hunter's Mountain Italian Festival,
August 2'; Woodlook Pines, Sept. 15, Roseland Ranch, Oot.
20, Peddler's Village, Deo. 8. Regina Waldron will be
escorting these trips this year. All trips have been booked
with Leprecahn Tours.
10. The Office of the Aging will provide a Community
Service Worker the second Thursday of eaoh month beginning
in March. This Worker will be available to answer questions
and assist any Wappinger Senior with sevices provided by the
1. I spoke to Wappinger Rotary on Feb. 6th in regard to the
Center. I mentioned the need for oommunity support,
specifically in regard to a Christmas dinner and "party" for
Wappinger Seniors. It was suggested that we contact the
Southern Dutchess Exchange Club and ask them if they would
join Rotary in providing a Christmas dinner similar to the
dinner provided for Fishkill and Beacon by their Rotary and
the Southern Dutchess Exchange Club. Suggestions?
s, NY. 12590 Phone:297-3670 Director: Kathi DeLisa
I 5 6 I 1 7 I
110-11:00: arts/craftsll0-ll:00: EXERCISE 1 _
I1-Noon: Lecture: 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: .arts/crafts
NOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games 112:30-3:00: VIDEO
12:30-3: cards/games I I
121 I 13111-2:30:FREE!!!! 114 I
10-11:00:EXERCISE 110-11:00: EXERCISE I CANCELLED!!!!!!
10-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts
12:30-3: cards/games 112:30-3: VIDEO IVALENTINE DAY PARTY!
I 112:30-3: cards/games
120 I (snow date for 1211 r
1___lhearing screening)___10-11:Line Dancing
110-11:00: EXERCISE 110-Noon: arts/crafts I
110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH I
112:30-3: cards/games IBIRTHDAY PARTY! !!!!! I
I 112:30-3: VIDEO I
127 I 128 I I
I I I 1 I
110-11:00 EXERCISE 110-11: Line Dancing I
110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-11:30:arts/craftsl
112:30-3: VIDEO I FOOD!!!! !FUN!!!!! 1
130 1 131 I 1
PARr-V. ~UNOH Wt~~ al PROVtnln!!!! all XAr-Ht I
9 I
0-11:00: EXERCISE
2:30-3: cards/games
6 1
0-11:00: EXERCISE
O-Noon: arts/crafts
:30-3: cards/games
oraine Cormier
arie Bardy
innie Byrne
orothy Wohlbah
S~~IO~ ~~~S
By Kathi DeLisa, Director
Do you have the winter blahs? Tired of the cold?
Getting bored? Looking for some excitement and fun? Well,
be prepared for a "Festive February." Besides the regular
scheduled activities: arts/crafts, oil painting, exercise,
line dancing, blood pressure screening, videos and cards, we
have an abundance of parties. We'll have a Valentine's Day
party including an extra hug for all. And we have to
celebrate our First President's Birthday. It's the only
patriotic thing to do. And of course we have to have our
February birthday party for our February birthdays. And
last but not least, we'll have a Sadie Hawkin's Day party.
Now I must confess, after Rose did some research, we
found out that Sadie Hawkin's Day is aotually observed every
November--not on leap year's extra day. However, who says
we have to be so conventional? So after many hours of
wrestling with this insignificant discrepancy, we deoided to
make our own Sadie Hawkin's Day. Besides, one of the
suggestions in the Suggestion Box was to have more parties.
So here's one more party. This is a real "Hillbilly
Foot-Stomping Hoe Down!" So get out your straw hats, boots,
overalls, cheokered shirts, "Daisy Mae" or L'il Abner
outfits or whatever you have to help put you into the
Foot-Stomping mood. You oan be assured Regina, Rose, Sue
and I will be dressed for the occasion. Join the fun and
dress the part! We'll have square danoing and any other
kind of dancing you would like to do. Food will be provided
for lunch. Desserts and soda is needed for this. Please
see me about what to bring.
Have you received your I.D. oards yet? I.D. oards are
now being issued for Wappinger Seniors. You will need this
card for any of the Town sponsored trips and as a member of
the Senior Center. Proof of residency in the Town of
Wappinger must be shown suoh as your tax bill, social
security check, driver's license or non-driver's license
I.D. If you have not obtained your oard, please see me.
. .
Remember there is now a suggestion box by the sign-in
sheet. Your suggestions are most welcome as well as any
complaints. Please feel free to give suggestions for new
programs, videos, parties and other celebrations, luncheons,
lectures, games, crafts, improvements or anything else you
would like to add to the Center activities. Suggestions may
be anonymous if you choose. All suggestions and complaints
will be seriously considered. I cannot promise that action
will be taken on all, but I do promise to do my best for
Some suggestions given are now being considered. I am
cheoking prioes and will be buying a microwave shortly.
Already we're having "more parties." New craft ideas are
forthcoming. Name tags are being ordered and we will have
them shortly. More pizza parties will be spontaneous and I
will try to have them more frequently. I have had a request
for diet cookies and decaf ooffee. Anyone interested in
these two items, please see me and if there is enough
interest, it will be done. There have been suggestions that
are not possible right now. For example: a bigger
refrigerator, oeramics/pottery, dances open to adults once a
month. Also a suggestion to clear tables of craft materials
before lunch. May I suggest this be an individual table
decision. If you would like this, please discuss it with
.those at your table and if all agree, do it. Keep those
suggestions coming. Remember this is YOUR CENTER!!!!
Many of you were given cups as a birthday present last
year. Please use these cups or bring a cup in rather than
use the styrofoam cups. This will benefit the on going
garbage problem, help our environment plus keep our supply
costs down. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
Sue Parliman will be joining our staff as a craft
teaoher. She will be at the Center on Monday and Friday.
Regina will be at the Center on Tues., Wed. and Thurs. Sue
is very talented with crafts and has been a member of the
Home Bureau for many years. Welcome aboard SUe. Rose
Mulato will continue to do exercise and line dancing on
Thurs. and Fri.
Please note the Center will be closed on Mon., Feb. 17th
for President's Day. Also on the 5th, there will be a
lecture by Amy McAden from the Offioe of the Aging on
Medicare and Medigap Insurance. On the 13th, Larry Tenda,
Hearing Consultant will provide a free preliminary hearing
test from 11:00-2:30 in the large meeting room. Blood
pressure screening will be on the 18th.