1992-06-10 AGENDA RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 10, 1992 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: APPROVE MINUTES - May 21, 1992 Approved Corrections: Seconded CORRESPONDENCE 1. Memo from Supervisor Smith Re: Community Day 2. Letter of thanks from Florence Graff, C.A.C. 3. Copy of letter sent to Mr. & Mrs. Fulton from Attorney to the Town Al Roberts Re: Barn Lot Re-alignment 4. Copy of signed Soccer Contract with changes REPORTS: K.D. B.R. T.F. E.K. B.G. J.M. S.M. D.R. J.V. R.J.H. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING 4 ~ RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 10, 1992 The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held June 10, 1992 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 by Chairman Ralph J. Holt. Others present were Senior Citizen Director Kathi DeLisa, Recreation Director Bernie Reimer, Commission Members Ellen Korz, Barbara Gutzler, Joseph Mastroianni, Stephen Miller and Maintenance Supervisor John Vorndran. Terry Fisher arrived at 8:30 p.m. The minutes of the May 21, 1992 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Mastroianni seconded by Mrs. Korz with all in favor. CORRESPONDENCE A memo was received from Supervisor Smith regarding the Town's Annual Community Day to be held Sunday, September 13th (raindate of Sunday, Sept. 20th.>. She requested the use of the speaker system that can be used with a car battery since the system will be used on the reviewing stand where there is no electric. She also requested use of the dunking tank and that we post the event on our Community Sign at Schlathaus Park. The Commission has no problem with the speaker system or the posting of the event but we have a problem with the /dunking tank. The one made for last summer was not strong enough to hold the water and also the pressure of someone jumping into it. It was suggested that we look into renting one. A letter was received from ~lorence Graff, Chairman of the Conservation Advisory Council thanking us for the use of Schlathaus Park for their annual tree seedling give away on April 18th and for advertising the event on the billboard. A copy of a letter sent by Attorney to the Town Albert Roberts~ Jr. to Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fulton, Jr. was forwarded to the Commission from Supervisor Smith. This letter referenced the Land Swap on the barn property on Montfort Road. In his letter, Mr. Roberts asked that Mr. Fulton advise him if the proposed land swap is acceptable and he indicated that this swap has be be approved by the New York State Legislature prior to exchanging any deeds. The Commission was disappointed that this proposal hasn't processed any further. We thought everything had already been sent to the Legislature for approval. The Commission received a copy of the signed United Soccer Contract for 1992 for our files. The members were given a copy of the application sent to Greenway Heritage for the 1992 Community Awards Program. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. DeLisa handed out a report on the activities for the Senior Center for the month of May. A copy is attached to these minutes. She noted the following: 1. During May they had the following: A. A lecture by Dr. Trombly on denture/dental hygiene. B. Mother's Day Celebration. C. Community Service Worker from Office of Aging D. Blood Pressure screening E. On the 15th a bowling party at Holiday Lanes to which 50 seniors attended. They had such a good time they are looking into having another party in September. F. The VCR broke and we purchased a new one. 2. June events include: A. An anniversary barbeque on the 12th including Big Band music, Charleston and Lindy contest and horseshoe and boccie tournaments. B. The bus trip to Pomona will be on the 23rd. ~ ~. The bus trip to Hunter Mountain in August filled 3 hours of registration and we have obtained a second within bus. 4. She spoke with Dutchess County Planning and reveived interesting statistics regarding the Senior population for the Town. There are 3,010 Seniors in the Town between the ages of 60 and 85. 5. She brought in a sample letter to be sent to organizations in regard to the Senior Christmas Party. The letter was okay but it was suggested that a letter be addressed to the Elks first to allow use of their facility for such a project. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Reimer asked about getting the new sand for the volleyball courts and Mr. Holt mentioned that he has been discussing this situlation with a Mr. John Badar with the hope that we could get some donated. The tennis clinic for the adults is going good both morning and evening. There will be 2 more sessions during the summer. He gave the following information regarding the summer programs: 1. We had 8-9 playground personnel update their CPR Certification at sessions held at Schlathaus the first week in June. Sloper conducted the classes at $25. per person and did an outstanding job. 2. The summer staff meeting will be held next Tuesday, June 16th at 6:30 at Schlathaus. ~ ~. Plans are underway for the playground regiatration 20th at Town Hall. Plans are set for an 1.0. table, and then registration at the individual parks. Swim will be handled separately. on June payment program 4. We are working on getting the mobile phone for use at Castle Point. 5. The large ad was in the Southern Dutchess News today. 6. We were notified on June 2nd by Keith Harvey that the School District was not able to provide transportation for our summer programs. Mr. Holt has been trying to get some answers from School Superintendent Dwight Hultze and hopefully we will get a positive answer. In the meatime we have been talking to a private bus company for prices. It was feld that if we try to car pool to Deer Hill we might open ourselves to liability problems. 7. Mr. Reimer noted that we have been told that ALL school gyms are being closed by Marriott Corp. for the Summer and there is a question about whether we will be able to use the one gym left open at Van Wyck. He also noted that a gymnastic class will be held at Ketcham when the gym is suppose to be closed. He will keep working on this problem, QUIET ACRES Mrs. Korz mentioned that the building should be painted before the program starts and Mr. Holt said that will be done. 7. ROBINSON LANE/LITTLE LEAGUE M~. Mille~ noted that Little League is winding down. The sto~e has been gene~ating lots and lots of ga~bage. We have inc~eased the size of the containe~ twice and have added an additional pick up and it is still ove~flowing. It was requested that M~. Mille~ ask M~. Mensching to speak to the sto~e committee to see if they would break down the boxes before discarding them. We have received seve~al complaints of speeding at Robinson Lane and a ~equest for speed bumps. Mr. Miller was asked to check with the Town of Wappinger Little League Board about this. It was also noted that if we install the speed bumps that the ca~s will just d~ive around them and ruin the grass. It was also suggested that we get some Item 4 to patch the holes in the roadway in the back of the complex. The truck body from Robinson Lane still needs to be moved to Castle Point. ADOPT A PARK Mrs. Roe mentioned that she had ~eceived an inquiry from a boy scout g~oup regarding the notice in M~. Reime~'s column about adapting a park. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT M~. Holt noted the following: 1. We have hi~ed a new person - Ron B~oadie who will be taking the place of Mr. Weston who is still ill. We don't feel that Mr. Weston will be back in the near future. 2. The tennis courts hopefully will be finished tommorrow. They look great. ~. We have installed the wooden wall at the tennis courts. We have put up 2 sections but have had requests to make it bigger by one more section. 4. A letter has been sent to the Administrator at Castle POint Veterans Hospital requesting permission to hook into thei~ water hydrant just over the fence from our property. 5. We are going to the Town Board with a request to put a fence/gate across the parking area by Martz Field and to put 3/4" of fine paving down for roller skating. Our hope is that if we do this that the kids will stay off the Tennis Courts with their roller blades and not ruin our new resurfaced courts. It will also keep the trailer trucks from using the parking lot to park their trailers and thereby limiting the parking for the ball games. 6. Hopefully, the slide will be installed at Spook Hill next week. The safety preparations must be done prior to the installation. A P.O. needs to be obtained for the pea gravel which will be placed around the slide. Mr. Holt mentioned that safety wise this work must be done under ALL playground equipment. 7. It was decided that we would take Mr. Maurer to dinner in recognition for his 30+ years of service on the Recreation Commission. Mrs. Roe will set up the time, place and will look into purchasing a small gift for him. 8. Mrs. Korz is working on obtaining the curtains for Schlathaus. 9. The New Hackensack Bavarian Fest is being held this weekend and Mr. Vorndran will be marking off the wet areas and no parking areas. 10. Supervisor Smith has mentioned to Mr. Holt that we should pick out a replacement tree for Schlathaus for the one that was removed for the installation of the War Memorial. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 on a motion by Mr. Miller seconded by Mr. Mastroianni. Peggy Roe Secretary ~ A-1620.41 A-1620.40 A--7110.4 A-7140.4 B-7310.4 A-7620.4 BILLS PAID DURING JUNE 1992 Sylvan Lake Telephone Robinson Lane - 227-9434 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Barn - 7964-1460-00 Long Court - 7851-1550-00 Tennis Courts - 7690-0425-00 Myers Corners & All Angels - 7802-1962-00 Stage - 7802-1960-00 Gazebo - 7512-0470-00 Regency Drive - 7902-1435-00 Urey Har-dware Royal Carting Service N. & S. Supply Milton Alley Agway John Vorndran (Flowers) Enviro-Clean (Castle Point Ballfield) East Fishkill Railroad Tie Dan Zag - Royal Auto Brady's Power Equipment Bottini FLlel Wappinger Central School Seal Master, Inc. Arthur" Goldner Bi 11 Bea.le Lepr"echaun Li nes Joe Veillette (Phantoms) Lewi s Rompa.l a Enviro-Clean (Castle Point Plgd.) Enviro-Clean ( Rockingham) Deer Hill Conference Center Susan Borchardt Kat.hi DeLisa Margaret Roe (Petty Cash) Kathi DeLisa K-Mart Hobby Hut Hobby Hut Coffee Systems of Hudson Valley 1 19.57 155. ~)1 13.90 25,.72 12.91 12.91 12.93 58.09 49.44 343.41 13.62 35.80 121. 68 122.5(l 99.46 28.56 9.45 190.00 1,105.44 42.86 10.67 45..00 389.00 900.00 11 . 28 87. !:iO 75.00 2,750.00 47.50 16.50 92. 6/:J 6.60 45.84 34.50 38.66 72.00 \ '1 ~ JUNE 1992 REPORT TO RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1992 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER May activities at the Senior Center included the regular schedule of arts/crafts, exercise, oil painting, videos, cards and pokeno. The Center was closed May 25 for Memorial Day. Monday attendance is up with an average of 19 Seniors for that day of the week. The month began with a lecture by Dr. Trombly on denture care and dental hygiene. Mother's Day was celebrated with a special cake on May 8th. Diana Weibrecht from the OFA was at the Town Hall on May 14 to provide the community service available to seniors. Blood pressure screening by the Heart Assoc. was held on the 19th. The monthly birthday party was held on the 28th. The big event this month was a bowling party at Holiday Lanes on the 15th. John Pretak from Hoebowl provided a free kick off bowling party for seniors to encourage a Senior Bowling Club on Fridays. Over 50 seniors attended this event. It was a great success. Those that did not bowl enjoyed cheering the others. Many have requested that we all go bowling on a more regular basis. Mr. Pretak has agreed to give a special price to the group for a bowling day. I will tentatively set a date for this in September. The Center was closed on the 15th so all had the opportunity to participate. There was an average of 36 seniors at the Center per day. There are 184 seniors registered at the Center. The additional 2 members is due to an error of omission on the membership list. Registration has been closed as of March, 1992. There are 16 people on the waiting list. ITEMS TO BE NOTED: 1. The VCR broke again. Purchased another VCR and we are back to videos each week. 2. June'events include an anniversary barbecue on June 12. To help celebrate the 4th year of the Senior Center, we will also have big band music including a Charleston and Lindy dance contest. The parking lot (on Center side> will be closed for use as the "dance floor." There will also be bocce and horseshoe tournaments. Town Board members have been invited to attend this celebration. 3. Other June activities include Diana Weibrecht from the Office of the aging on June 11 and blood pressure screening . ~ on the 16th. A crime prevention program will be held on June 25. The bus trip to Pomona is scheduled for June 23. 4. A Grandparent's picnic is tentative scheduled for late August at Castle Point. Seniors will bring a picnic lunch for their grandchildren and themselves. Still working on details of this event. VJA..I=>I=> Il'fG-E;R. SEl'JIOR. l'f:EVJS By Kathi DeLisa, Direotor JUNE 1992 HAPPY 4th ANNIVERSARY TO THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER SENIOR CENTER ON JUNE 8th!!! We will celebrate this event on Friday, June 12 beginning at 11:00 a.m. with a B-B-Que. Included in the day's aotivities will be a "BLOCK PARTY". The parking lot (on the Center side) will be blocked off and closed to cars. This includes parking so do not park your car on that side for that day. We will have reoords and tapes of your favorite BIG BANDS as well as many of your other favorites. And we can danoe in the parking lot. We can "swing and sway" and dance the day away. Limber up for the Lindy and Charleston contest led by Regina!! We will also have a Bocci and Horseshoe tournament. Winners get prizes! So start praoticing now so you oan be on the winning teams. Come on ladies! Let's get a Bocoi and Horseshoe team together! If you are planning on attending this anniversary B-B-Que please let me know. Also, please let me know what you will bring. You will then receive a ticket. If you oan not bring anything, you may give a donation for food and you will also receive a tioket. On the day of the B-B-Que, these tickets will be colleoted. Anyone that has not signed up in advance and does not have a ticket, will have to pay $5.00 to partioipate. This system will enable us to have enough hot dogs/burgers and food for all that attend and will insure fairness to all. We will then have a drawing from all of the tickets. Winner gets a prize! Other events in June inolude: Diana Weibrecht from the Offioe of the Aging on June 11 and Blood Pressure screening on June 16. On June 19, we will oelebrate Dad's Day for all you Dads. On June 25, we will have a program on Crime Prevention for Seniors. And of oourse our birthday party, which will be held on June 26. Many of you requested more bowling parties like we had last month. I have spoken to John Pretak and we will be disoussing future dates for bowling as a group. In the meantime, John has offered bowling to Seniors on Fridays for $1.50 per game. So try it and have fun. It has been suggested that we have a pionio and invite grandchildren. I am tentatively setting up a time in August when we oan do this. Time and plaoe will be announoed next month. Each person will bring a boxed lunoh for themselves and grandchildren. We will provide soda, ohips etc. The Town has a park on River Rd. behind Castle Point. The park has swings, slides a pavilion and picnio tables. The grounds are beautiful, the children oan play in the children's area and there is plenty of spaoe for all of us. Happy June to all of you. And Happy Father's Day to all you Dads. JUNE 1992 " TOWN OF WAPPINGER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER: OPEN 10:00A.M.-3:00P.M. 20 Middlebush Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY. 12590 Phone: 297-3670 Director: Kathi DeLisa . . MON. TUES. WED. THURS. FRI. I 1 I I 2 I 3 I I I_I I I 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: Oil PaintingI10-11:00: EXERCISE INOON: LUNCH 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts 112:30-3: cards/games I NOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH, I 112:30-3: cards/games 112:30-3: cards/games I I I 18 191~ 1101 II )_I~!II 110-Noon: ar s 110-Noon:Oil Painting 110-11:00:EXERCISE INOON: LUNCH 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts 112:30-3: cards/games INOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH I 112:30-3: cards/games 112:30-3: cards/games I I I 115 116 I 117 I I I I I_I I I URE10-11:00: EXERCISE 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/ora s 110-Noon:arts/orafts INOON: LUNCH I NOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games 112:30-3: cards/games 12:30-3: cards/games I I 122 I 123_ I I I_I 110-Noon: Oil PaintingI10-Noon:Oil Painting 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games 112:30-3: cards/games I I 1291 1301 ~ II I_I ~~ 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: Oil Paintingl 5 Betty Pettit INOON: LUNCH 110-Noon: arts/crafts I 6 Rachela DeRosa 112:30-3: oards/games INOON: LUNCH I 7 Rose Connolly I 1~~i~O=~i QM~a~/gMm~~ I 9 RQ~~ Vi~~nt~n I I I 9 Graoe Mitohell I 4 I I I 110-11:00: EXERCISE 110-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: L~ 12: 30-3:.....--- 11 I IB ICO I MUS 18 I I 191 I I I 110-11:00: EXERCISE 1~11: LINE DANCING 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/orafts INOON: LUNCH I 112:30-~ 11 :30-3:cards/games I I 125 110-11: EXERCISE 126 I I 110-11: arts/crafts----.I 111: CRIME PREVENTION 110-11:LINE DANCING I I LECTURE 110-Noon: arts/crafts I INOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH I 112:30-3: cards/games IB I I 112:30-3: I I 9 Nancy Conrad I I 110 Peggy Hageney I 0 . I 113 Bill Miro II TEER 122 Dorothy Wood I EASEl 125 Anna Antonell i I, I I ~6 EU 11 Oh1~~king I ',- I I 30 Judy Thompson I I IS 10-11:00: EXERC 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games I 5 I I I 110:11: LINE DANCING 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I I 1 24 I ----.1 10-11:00: EXERCISE to-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games