1993-05-10 r ~ AGENDA RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MAY 10, 1993 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: APPROVE MINUTES - April 12, 1993 Approved: Corrections' Seconded: CORRESPONDENCE 1. Card from Regina - Thank you 2. Letter from Clove Excavators - Re: Blacktop work at Quiet Acres & Spook Hill 3. Ctf. of Insurance from Sunday A.M. League 4. Rec. Copy of resolution of approval on Stoneridge Subdivision 5. Rec. copies of letters from Hughsonville Fire District Re: Summer Program 6. List of 1993 Town of Wappinger Officials and Officers 7. Thank you from Conservation Advisory Council 8. Contract from Deer Hill REPORTS: K.D. B.R. B.G. E.K. .S.M. D.R. J.V. R.J.H. OLD BUSINESS - Senior Swim -- Water at Castle POint - Drinking Fountain NEW BUSINESS - - Refunds on programs Children admitted to program - when babysitter/grandparents live in Town but not children \ Duties of members ~ Safety of fields at Robinson Lane - Parking MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING I~ RECREATION MINUTES MAY 10, 1993 MEETING NEXT MEETING JUNE 14, 1993 AT 7:30 AT SCHlATHAUS PARK The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held May 10, 1993 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Out chess County, New York. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J. Holt. Others present were Kathi Delisa, Senior Citizen Director, Bernie Reimer, Recreation Director, Commission Members Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman, Ellen Korz, Stephen Miller, Donald Rider and Maintenance Supervisor John Vorndran. The minutes of the April 12, 1993 meeting were approved on a motion by Mrs. Korz seconded by Mr. Miller. CORRESPONDENCE We received a letter from Clove Excavators with a breakdown of estimates for repair work at Quiet Acres and Spook Hill. The estimate for Quiet Acres was $3,207.00 and Spook Hill was $2,957.00. This letter was placed on file. Received a copy of the Certificate of Insurance from the Sunday Morning Softball league which was placed on file. Received from Mr. levenson, Zoning Administrator a copy of the Resolution of Approval for Stoneridge Subdivision dated April 19, 1993. This was placed on file letters were received from the Hughsonville Fire District regarding a "Smokey Bear" program being held at the Hughsonville Playground. Mr. Reimer will follow up on this. A list of the 1993 Wappinger Officials and Officers was distributed to the Commission Members. A thank you was received from Florence Graff for our cooperation in making their Tree Seedling give away a success. A contract was received from Deer Hill Conference Center for the 1993 Swim Program. The price is $6,200. Mr. Reimer is working with Executive Director Colleen Cannon of Deer Hill on this. OUTGOING lETTERS 1. letter to Brighton Steel for prices on signs for recreation areas. We received response with prices of $275. for a 3' x 2' and $375. for a 3' x 4'. Members were asked to come back with any input. Recreation Minutes Page 2 May 10, 1993 2. A letter went to Supervisor Smith with our comments on the Robinson lane Upkeep, Improvements and Regional Tournament Support. Mr. Holt reviewed this letter item by item with comments on each. 3. Supervisor Smith sent a request for us to Sloper Willen for a Health Director for our Summer program. 4. Thank you's were sent to Brownie Troop #440 and Bob English from the Senior Center. 5. A memo was written to the Town Board requesting approval to go ahead and connect to the Castle POint water supply. Approval was given from the Town Board. Mrs. Roe was asked to check on the specs which we were to receive from Castle Point. 6. letters have been sent to Peter Mack, Dutchess County Health Dept. for a variance on immunization information and the new first aid/CPR requirement. 7. A letter was sent to Supervisor Smith regarding the swap of the 1975 Ford tractor I.D. # C470650 that we are not using for various other equipment. This was approved by the Town Board. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. Delisa handed out a report on the Senior Activities for the month of April. See Attached, Other items discussed were: 1.We need to ask Supervisor Smith to check with Dial-A-Ride about bringing the Seniors to Schlathaus Park when the move takes effect. 2. Mrs. Delisa has only about 6 definite responses for the swim program at Mount St. Mary's. It was decided that we couldn't do it for this number of people. 3. The 5th Anniversary of the Center is June 8th. The celebration will probably be held after the move to Schlathaus. 4. A discussion was held on the Townwide Christmas Party. We will need to go out with letters soon thanking those who helped last year and ~e~uesting support for 1993. Mr. Miller was asked to check with the Elks to see who we should direct a letter to for their support and so we could set a date for the party. Recreation Minutes Page 3 May 10, 1993 DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Reimer reported the following: 1. He has spoken with the Red Cross regarding the First Aid/CPR certification for the playground counselors. They would run a course for approximately $60. per person. We would have to have at least 12 people certified. He also mentioned that we have sent a letter to Peter Mack requesting a variance on the recent notification that our counselors have "Responding to Emergencies" a 24 hour class that meets adult CPR and First Aid. This course would cost us $150. per person and we are not able to do this for 1993 either time wise or financially. We have not heard from Mr. Mack, so we are proceeding with the Standard First Aid/CPR course. Last years cost was only $30. per person for the CPR certification. Most of the counselors were on their 3rd year of their First Aid certification. 2. We received the swim contract and it was noted that the increase of $700. covers the increase in the costs of operations and also improvements they are making i.e. phone by the pool, no porta johns (we will be using the rest rooms on site), juice machines etc. 3. The tennis lessons for adults will be starting May 17th. Mrs. Korz has purchased tennis balls to be used at the classes. She also asked if the ball hoppers had been fixed yet as Mr. Casowitz will be needing them the first day of the clinic. Mr. Holt mentioned that the courts are peeling in one corner. It was suggested that a letter be sent to Mr. Raleigh of Copeland Coating Co., Inc. to request that he look at it. We would like to have it repaired before the situation worsens. 4. We would like to start the volleyball at the outside courts in mid-June. Mr. Rider was asked to speak with Mr. Leczinski to go over the details. 5. We have had such an overwhelming response to our boys and girls basketball program that was held at Sheafe Road school during the winter that we are planning one for the summer. The clinic will be held at Van Wyck Jr. High from August 2nd to August 6th. The participants were so happy with the job that Scott Silverstein did with the winter program that he will also run the Summer one. Mr. Reimer asked the Commission about getting $4.00 T-shirts for the participants. A motion was made by Mr. Miller seconded by Mr. Rider that the Town not pick up this charge after all they are only paying us $5.00 for the program. It was decided that if the parents want a T-shirt that they could pay an additional $4.00. 6. Mr. Reimer met with Ron Harsch of West POint regarding a possible West Point Jazz concert on Friday, July 9th at Schlathaus Park. Ketcham High School would be used as a back up in case of inclement weather. Whenthey talked everything seemed positive, so we are just waiting for the official confirmation. Just in case this is a go, we should be looking into prices for the buffet which we serve to the band. Mrs. Korz was asked to contact Cindy Mouris regarding prices for this. Recreation Minutes Page 4 May 10, 1993 ROBINSON LANE/LITTLE LEAGUE Mr. Miller mentioned that we have received a call from a T-Ball parent who was concerned about emergency vehicles (ambulance) being able to obtain access to the T-Ball field if one of the players were injured. She requested that we have an ambulance on stand-by whenever we have 5 or more games in progress. It was stated that all coaches have First Aid and are capable of treating minor injuries. It was also decided ~we do have to work on some designated parking if, in fact, we put up snow fence for the time being. Mr. Miller was asked to work with someone from Little League regarding this. Over the past weekend, we have had problems with the rest rooms and in general the garbage allover. Lucy was so upset with the state of things there that she was ready to quit. Mr. Holt said that it was just unnecessary sloppyness. It was suggested that the people in the store take frequent checks of the rest rooms and get the kids out if they are playing and making a mess. It was also strongly urged that the coaches/managers have the teams responsible for picking up the area before leaving the field. Maybe if parents see their children having to clean up their litter they might think about throwing cups and papers on the ground. Mr. Miller was requested to bring these items to the attention of Little League and if the situation does not get better, at least with rest rooms, they will be closed and porta-johns brought in. The dumpster has been filled and LIttle League has been requested to break down the cardboard boxes to be recycled instead of throwing them in the garbage. The dumpster as it is costs approximately $700. a month and we don't want to spend any more on this. Mr. Miller noted that the dumpster has been moved to the side of the new building, per instructions received from the Health Department. It was requested that Mr. Vorndran place a few more barrels by the store. It was noted that the bridge on Robinson Lane will be closed for construction on May 17th. Mr. Holt mentioned that detour instructions should be in the Southern Dutchess News this week. Mr. Miller mentioned that several people have been bit by deer ticks at Robinson Lane. There is nothing that we can put down to kill them. Mr. Miller said that he has a pamphlet at school on this and he will try and get more to have available for distrbution to the parents--at least make them aware of the problem which is really everywhere. Mr. Friedman mentioned some kind of spray which he thought was available at East Fishkill Railroad Tie. This would be for the clothes. Mr. Reimer will check into this. We are still having trouble with Little League driving the scotch harrow over the pavement and grass. Mr. Holt asked if anyone knew if LIttle League had purchased the lift so the harrow could be raised. No one was sure whether this had been purchased. Mr. Miller was asked to check with LIttle League to see if they were going to buy the lift. If it has not been put on the tractor, we will either lock the building or remove the harrow. Recreation Minutes Page 5 May 10, 1993 SOCCER/ROCKINGHAM Mr. Rider mentioned that there were cement blocks at the corner of the pond and large field. He asked if these could be removed. Mr. Vorndran said he thought it was from an old fountain and thought it could be removed. He also mentioned some drainage work he thought should be done behing the backstop. It was suggested that we need some elevations and Mr. Rider was asked to contact soccer to see if their engineer could give us some direction. Mr. Rider mentioned that the bridge (concrete pipe in the road) as you enter the park is coming up and suggested that possibly water is undermining it. It was suggested that we check this out. MARTZ FIELD Mr. Rider mentioned that we should also think about resurfacing the basketball court at Martz in the future. Mr. Holt mentioned that he had met with the Attorney to the Town Al Roberts, regarding the Montfort Road land swap. He was filling out some final papers and hopefully, this item will be completed in June. CASTLE POINT/SOFTBALL Mr. Holt mentioned that the maintenance crew has been requested to build a storage box inside the truck body at Castle Point for the marking chalk. The box will have a lock on it so only the softball people will be able to gain access to it and not the summer playground people. As far as we know, the Town has not gone out to bid yet for the clay for the third field. Softball mentioned to Mr. Holt that they have $800. to put towards the purchase of good clay for the top field. If we can purchase it at a good price we could accept their donation and would pay the balance. We within the some specs. them. are hoping to be able to put in the water line at Castle Point next 2 weeks. We are still waiting for Castle P,oint to bring in Mrs. Roe was asked to contact Mr. Stafford at Castle Point regarding CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt mentioned: 1. We need a sign "NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ALLOWED" posted at the volleyball courts. Mr. Vorndran said he thought that one was already posted. He will check and if not, will put one up. Recreation Minutes Page 6 May 10, 1993 2. Steve Miller Jr. has started working today and Ethan Meybohm will be back around the 24th. 3. The Memorial Day "War Memorial" dedication will be held May 30th. There will be 2 60' tents, bands, color guards etc. We will have to have the park mowed and check the ropes on the flag. 4. Mr. Holt is reviewing the Commission Member's responsibilities and will review them at the next meeting. 5. Nothing new to report on the White's Corner Property. Mr. Holt mentioned that someone has turned the soil and is in the process of planting. 6. The golf course on Myers Corners is still in the works--but all they are doing this year is a driving range and a building (golf shop). 7. We have to get down to Reese Park and clear out some of the brush by the pond area in anticipation of the electric being installed. A discussion took place regarding refunds on programs. Last year there were requests for refunds and it was the feeling of most that the time and paperwork involved in giving refunds far outweighs the nominal cost of the program. It was suggested that a letter be sent to the Town Board suggesting that they institute a No refunds policy after the start of the program. Another discussion took place regarding the charge of late fees. Last summer people were coming in 3 -4 weeks into the program which caused a constant shifting of counselors and constant time spent on registration paperwork. We have set 2 registration dates one on Saturday June 19th and the other on Monday, June 21st and we would like to get most of the registrations done then. We are suggesting to the Town Board that they institute a policy of a $5.00 late fee although if someone comes in late to sign for both programs, only 1 $5.00 late fee would be charged. Requests have been received from grandparents who live in the Town and babysit their grandchildren and from people whose "babysitter" lives in the Town, who want their children to attend the DFilayaro.uaod. The decision wasth that if the grandparents are taKing care ot tl e cnl11 ren for tne summer, e children could attend the program. No other children would be allowed to attend i.e. babysitter lives in the Town, brother/sister or other relative lives in the Town. This would not be publicized. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 on a motion by Mr. Miller seconded by Mrs. Korz. Peggy Roe Secretary MAY 1993 REPORT TO THE RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1993 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER April activities at the Senior Citizen Center included the regular schedule of arts/crafts, oil painting, exercise, line dancing, videos, cards and games. The Center was closed on April 9th in observance of Good Friday. The Seniors enjoyed an Easter luncheon on the 2nd at Mamma Marisa restaurant. Everyone had a.good time. Th~ owner even sang Italian songs for us. On April 7th, the seniors participated in the second annual Easter egg hunt. There were a total of 60 eggs hidden. There are still three out there somewhere. There were a total of nine prizes including one for the most eggs found. A few ladies hunted for eggs in their Easter bonnets. Only 4 seniors participated in the Easter Bonnet contest. Each one received a prize. On April 8th, Brownie Troop 440 visited the Center to "Listen to the Past." This was a super experience for both Seniors and Brownies. The Brownies asked the seniors questions such as: "What kind of toys did you have? What kind of appliances? What if any, wars were you ift?" The Seniors were thrilled with the opportunity to share their "growing up" years. Bob English (a senior) took photographs and Sue Parliman (craft teacher) took a video of this. Homemade brownies and soda were served. The Brownies gave each Senior a small basket filled with jelly beans. Bob English, a retired senior, Wappinger resident and a prize winning photographer gave a photographic presentation and spoke to the seniors about starting a photo club. A few seniors are interested in this. The Heart Assoc. provided blood pressure screening on the 20th. The Community Service worker scheduled for April 8th was not able to come to Town Hall that day. The trip to Roseland Ranch was on the 29th. The few who were at the Center on that day were treated to a pizza party. Our monthly birthday party was held on the 30th. There was an average of 30 Seniors per day at the Center. Monday attendance is up with an average 21 for Mondays. There are 184 seniors registered at the Center and 76 on the waiting list. ITEMS TO BE NOTED: 1. Regina (craft teacher) was in the hospital and has been out several weeks. She will return May 3rd. Sue (craft teacher) has filled in when while Regina has been out. Since Regina is not able to escort our Town trips, I have asked Helen Socha, one of our seniors to fill in until Regina can resume this. 2. Peg and I went to the NYS Parks and-Recreation conference held in Niagra, NY. Once again, may I report that the seminars and networking are very beneficial. This gave me the opportunity to discuss new programming as well as preparing for a larger influx of the growing numbers of the senior population. 3. I am in the process of preparing a "Welcome Packet" for new members to the Center which will include what the Center offers and rules and regulations of the Center. Any suggestions? 4. May events include a Mother's Day party and a Senior Citizen Month Celebration. The Fishkill Senior Citizen Center has invited us to join them for a Bingo Day at their Center on May 25. And of course there will be the Community Worker on the 8th and blood pressure screening on the 18th. ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED: 1. It is my understanding that construction of the expansion should begin sometime mid-June. I haVe prepared the seniors of our impending temporary move to Schlauthaus. Should we set a definite date now? 2. When the expansion is complete, I expect at least double the number of seniors to attend the Center daily. Therefore, I believe there is a need to restructure the program. The average age of seniors at the Center is approx. 74 yrs. Programming needs to reflect the needs of younger seniors (60-~e) as well. There will also be a need for additional help. Although I have several ideas for future needs and a more diversified program, I need your ideas, input and help. Over the next few months, please let me know of your thoughts and suggestions regarding this. MAY 1993 TOWN OF WAPPINGER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER: OPEN 10:00A.M.-3:00P.M. 20 Middlebush Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY. 12590 Phone:297-3670 Director: Kathi DeLisa MON. WED. FRI. TUES. THURS. I 3 (MAY IS SENIOR I 4 I I 5 I Y. I 6 111-1: DIANA I___ICITIZEN'S MONTH!! 1 I I 1 I IWEIBRECHT/OFA 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: OIL PAINTING I 10-11:00: EXERCISE 110-11:00: EXERCISE INOON: LUNCH 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts 112:30-3: cards/games INOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH I 112:30-3: cards/games 112:30-3: cards/games 112:30-3: cards/games I 1 1 I 110 111 I 112 ISENIOR CITIZEN 113 ITODAY IS BLAME I I I I I IMONTH CELEBRATION I ISOMEONE ELSE DAY! 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: OIL PAINTINGIEXERCISE CANCELLED!!! 110-11:00: EXERCISE INOON: LUNCH 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts 112:30-3: cards/games INOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH 1 112:30-3: cards/games 112:30-3: cards/games 112:30-3: VIDEO I 1 I I 117 118 lOlL PAINTING 119 1 120 I FUN IN THE PARK! ! I I 1 I CANCELLED! ! ! ! I I I I 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon:BLOOD PRESSURE10-11: EXERCISE 10-11:00: EXERCISE INOON: LUNCH 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts 112:30-3: cards/games NOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH I 12:30-3 cards/games 112:30-3: cards/games 12:30-3: cards/games I HUNTERDON PLAYHOUSE I I 241 25 I 126 I I I ___IBINGO DAY AT THE 1 I I FISHKILL SENIOR CENTER10-11:00: EXERCISE 110-Noon: arts/crafts 10:30a.m.-l:00p.m.ll0-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH OUR CENTER IS CLOSED INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games GO DIRECTLY TO THE 112:30-3: cards/games I FISHKILL CENTER!!!! I I 311 MAY BIRTHDAYS: I I I 1 Sue Esposito I 17 I HAPPY 5 Mollie Calogero I 18 I MEMORIAL DAY!!!!!! 9 Jordan Fendall I 26 I THE CENTER IS 12 Margaret Wathne I 27 I CLOSED! !!!!!!!! 14 Annelieee Kolhoeeer 30 I 16 Frank Au~uliaro I 27 I ---I 10-11:00: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!! 12:30-3: cards/games WE NEED 3 BIRTHDAY CAKES FOR THE BIRTHDAY PARTY. IF YOU WILL VOLUNTEER BRING ONE, PLEASE SEE KATHI!! THANK YOU FOR VOLUNTEERING! Nanette Smarrito Arthur Eichler Edward DeMatteo Helen Ianuale Larry Inzeo 7 IHAPPY MOTHER'S I I DAY!!!!!!!!!! 110-11: LINE DANCING 110-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: VIDEO 14 I I 10-11: LINE DANCING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 21 I RAIN DATE FOR ___I FUN IN THE PARK! 10-11: LINE DANCING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH I 12:30-3: VIDEO 28 I _I 10-11: LINE DANCING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games TO . ~~~~I~~~~ S~~IO~ ~~~s By Kathi DeLisa, Director MAY 1993 HAFPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL YOU MOMS! HAPPY SENIOR CITIZEN MONTH TO YOU! ! First a note from Regina--Regina wants to thank all of you for your warm get well wishes and your many prayers. She knows your prayers have helped her speed her recovery. So thank you from Regina. And I thank you all for cooperating with Sue and I and helping us through these past weeks. Your cooperation and patience is greatly appreciated. May is Senior Citizen Month!! And a very busy month too! On the 12th we will have a little celebration to celebrate this month dedicated to Senior Citizens. Nothing fancy, just a cake or two. Then the 13th is "Blame Someone Else Day" so if you didn't like the cake the day before don't blame me just blame someone else! The Fun in the Park Day is scheduled for May 20 (raindate May 21) for those who are interested in going. The Fishkill Senior Center has invited our Center members to join them for a Bingo Day on Tuesday, May 25. There will be cash prizes. Each participant will pay so much for their bingo card. Coffee and tea will be provided. Bring your own lunch. Since we don't want to go visiting empty handed, I offered to bring donuts and danish from our group. Our Center will be closed that day. Go directly to the Fishkill Center at the Fishkill Town Hall. If you are planning to attend, you must sign up with me by Thurs., the 20th so I can inform Susan (Fishkill Director) of how many of us to expect. Now to other May activities. Diana Weibrecht will be at the Town Hall on May 6. Let me know if you want to see her so I can set up a time with her Exercise is cancelled on Wed., May 12 and oil painting is cancelled on Tues., May 25. Blood pressure screening is on Tues., May 18. The Center is closed on Monday, May 31 for Memorial Day. We will have a combination Mother's Day and Father's Day , . luncheon at Mariner's Harbor on June 10th. For those who do not drive, we will carpool as we did last time. The cost for the lunch for current dues paying members will be $9.50. You have a choice of the Lobster Bake, Prime Ribs of Beef or Chicken Parmigiana. You must sign up and pay by June 4th. The Center expansion is almost here! Although, a starting date for construction has not ye~ been determined, Connie Smith has advised me they hope t~ start sometime-in June. During the period of construction, the Center will move to anothe~ location, the house at Schlauthaus Park on Meyers Corners Rd. and All Angels Hill Rd. Details and dates will be announced as the time draws nearer. Exercise programs will remain at the Town Hall in the large meeting room unless otherwise specified. Now don't groan! It will be nice at Schlauthaus Park. There are trees and barbeque grills and several separate rooms. And when we return to Town Hall after all is done, we'll have space to do more activities. Of course the complaint jar will move with us just in case anyone wants to complain! On June 8, the Senior Citizen Center will be 5 years old. Many of you will be in Atlantic City that day so we'll wait to celebrate when everyone is around. However, because I really don't know if we'll be at Town Hall or Schlauthaus, I don't want to make any plans for a celebration just yet. We may have to delay the anniversary for a week or two. I will let you know so whenever we do celebrate you will be able to join in the celebration! Thank you to Anna Gaglione and Kay Andrews for their donations of items to raffle. Funds raised go towards the expansion or new refrigerator. And thank all of you who participate in these raffles. Can't do this without you! Don't forget that "Complaint Jar" on my desk. There is a charge of 25~ per complaint, 50~ per BIG complaint. Proceeds from this "Complaint Jar" will be donated towards our Center expansion and/or a new refrigerator and other new fixtures needed for the Center. Now you can laugh or groan or even complain about this (just drop in your quarter first>, but just remember proceeds go for a good cause, so take this in the spirit in which it is intended. However, serious complaints WILL be considered and acted upon if possible. And any other donation for this good cause will be graciously accepted! Other suggestions to raise extra monies to be donated for the Center expansion are welcome, please let me know. Connie Smith has worked very hard to get this expansion. . . Monies are tight. So anything we can do such as a bake sale or raffle to raise a few dollars will certainly be appreciated. Let's pull together and do it!! Anyone interested in joining a photo club, please let me know. Anyone for swimming? We are putting together a swim program. There will be a charge of approximately $6.00 per session for 6 sessions. This is the last chance to sign up for the swimming sessions. If you are interested, please let me know as soon as possible. Anyone interested in a day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art? The day will include the bus, a visit to the museum, an explanatioh of the paintings and other artworks plus lunch at a Manhattan restaurant. The cost will q~ approximately $29.00. If interested, please let me know. If there is enough interest, we will schedule this in the near future. For those paying dues by the month, May dues is $2.00. Have a happy and safe Memorial Day! A big hug to all of you! !!!!