1994-03-15 AGENDA RECREATION COMMISSON MEETING MARCH 15, 1994 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: APPROVE MINUTES - NONE CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter from Wappiner Mens Softball League request for use of Castle Point 2. Letter requsting employment 3. Memo from Supervisor Smith re: CAC meetings 4. Menu proposal for West Point Band April 15. REPORTS K.D. B.R. J.E. R.F. B.G. E.K. S.M. D.R. R.J.H. OLD BUSINESS - Fee Schedule for programs and Summer programs NEW BUSINESS MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING ~ RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 15, 1994 MEETING NEXT MEETING APRIL 12, 1994 AT SCHlATHAUS PARK AT 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held March 15, 1994 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J. Holt. Others present were Kathi Delisa, Senior Citizen Director, Bernie Reimer, Recreation Director, Commission Members Joseph Ennesser, Barbar~ Gutzler, and Donald Rider. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from Bob Drennan of the Wappinger Men's Modified Softball league requesting use of the Castle Point fields for the 1994 season. They would require the fields Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays plus 1 field on Friday starting April 25th. A check for $150. for the field use was also enclosed. A letter was received from a Michael Poetzsch for a position in recreation. A reply will be sent that we do not have any positions available. A memo was received from Supervisor Smith requesting that we open Schlathaus on the 3rd Wednesday of each month starting March 16th by 7:00 p.m. for the C.A.C. meetings. The new Chairman is Laurence Murphy and his phone number is 462-8206. We received a menu proposal from C. & J. Catering for the West Point concert. Items suggested were Hot- Fried chicken, meatballs, italian lasagne, and sliced virginia ham. Salads - Pasta Primavera, tossed salad and potato salad. Finger Foods - seafood dip, potato skins, quiche and pigs in the blanket., Bread and butter and coffee and tea. It was suggested that we not get the 3 ft. hero. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. Delisa handed out a report of the Senior activities for the month of February which is attached to these minutes. \ She also made note of the following: 1. There will be a cholesterol screening on April 13th in the large meeting room. The screening will be done by Roche Biomedical labs and will cost $20.00. Applications must be in by April 4th. 2. The water at the Senior Center is terrible and it is clogging filter on the coffee machine. Both the coffee and the tea have a terrible Mrs. Delisa brought this to the attention of the Town Custodian and Camo to take a sample. He told Mrs. Delisa that the water was bacteria free of the clorine but he would speak with Supervisor Smith about it. Recreation Minutes March 15, 1994 Page 2 DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Reimer reported the following: The summer applications were due in today and out of a staff of 34 there are approximately 28 who want to return. Amy Russell is again interested in returning as our Summer Director. Mr. Reimer said that he thought she would be an asset to our program and that she has many good ideas for improvement. It was approved that she again be appointed Summer Director. In light of the recent information received on safety, It was decided that we would not have the CIT program. It was decided that they were not old enough for direction. Mr. Reimer has received 3 quotes for shirts - Anaconda, Print Plus, and Viking. He brought in a shirt from Anaconda, an oversized x-tra heavy all cotton shirt which looks to be the best. We need to order these as soon as possible. We will purchase 72 shirts, 36 in white and 36 in navy. The concert schedule was handed out and Mr. Reimer noted that a lot of bands were turned away. He had many request to play at Schlathaus. If anyone wants to hear something special, please let him know for next year. The Radio City Easter show for March 31st is sold out and we have a waiting list. Everything is all set. Mr. Reimer said that he will work on the Christmas Show some time in June. Publicity for the West Point Concert will go with an ad on April 6th and a ~ress release on April 13th. Mr. Holt will take over the press release to see what he can do to get it in the paper. Mr. Reimer has information ready to go out to the radio stations and the Poughkeepsie Journal. Letters will be sent to the Town Board members inviting them to the concert and asking them for con- firmation so that we can reserve seats. It was suggested that we hire a Town Patrol to help with the traffic control. Mr. Reimer will contact Bill Beale for the lighting. Mrs. Roe will see about doing a flier. Mr. Reimer mentioned that he put in for extensions for the winter programs because of all the weather cancellations that we have had. Mrs. Roe said that Myers has called and that school is now open on March 29th for snow make up days and if we want to go with our program that night it is okay. It was suggested that we do both March 29th and April 26th. Mr. Reimer mentioned that he verbally received approval for the extension for Sheafe Road school. broken. fixed. The boards at Schlathaus need repairs. The plastic tracks are We will have maintenance take a look at them to see if they can be Recreation Minutes March 15, 1994 Page 3 There was a discussion about moving Mrs. Wilday to Hughsonville Playground from Mart~ Field. Mr. Reimer will discuss thds with her. Mr. Holt mentioned that there has been a problem with a Little League team using Castle POint a couple of evenings last season when we knew it was not being used by softball. Therefore, it was decided that once softball is at Castle Point, it is for their use and until that time we will be working on the fields. There was also a question about LIttle League usdng~ Quiet Acres and Mr. Provost said that he was told that he couldn't use that field. Mr. Holt said that because of the weather problems, if we can fit Little League in at Quiet Acres between the softball schedule that we should. He also noted that the Village has given Vets Field to Little League for their usage. SAFETY Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he spoke with Paul Labieniec of Miracle Recreation about looking at the safety aspects of our playground equipment. He has set up a meeting with either Paul or his son Ed at the Recreation Conference in April. Hopefully, by then we will have folders set up for each playground and as each piece of equipment is inspected it will be initialed by the person doing the inspection. The biggest thing for safety is the installation of the pea gravel around each piece of equipment. Mr. Ennesser was asked to attend the counselor training session to discuss safety aspects with them. COUNTY INFORMATION Miss Gutzler mentioned that at the meeting in April, that the Legislature will be establishing a Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board. It will consist of approximately 7 members of which 4 will be appointed by the County Executive and 3 by the Legislature. If anyone knows of anyone who might be interested, let her know. It is a non paying position. She also mentioned that it has been suggested to her that the County but in a marina at Bowdoin Park. SOCCER Mr. Rider mentioned that as of now opening day for soccer is scheduled for April 9th. He also asked about the 4th field at Airport Park but again it is too wet to do anything. He suggested that when we do work on that field that the field be domed. Money for the fencing work at Airport Park is encumbered and as soon as the weather permits we will get that work done. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt is still working with Supervisor Smith to resolve the problem Recreation Minutes March 15, 1994 Page 4 of the maintenance people working only 17 1/2 hours a week. We just can't imagine how we will be able to get everything accomplished in that amount of time with the staff that we have. We would have to hire additional workers. Al Weston, who previously worked for us in our maintenance area, died suddenly on March 4th. Thursday. The doors to the new building are scheduled to be installed this for land. A letter was sent to the Planning Board on the Metzger property asking Little League has called and will donate $1,500. toward the new clay for 2 fields. We don't know when we will be able to put down the clay because the ground is too wet for the trucks to come in. In all probability, we might have to wait until the season is over. We might be able to do it the very end of May the beginning of June but we will have to check the ground to make a deter- mination. It is estimated that it would take us 2 days to do the 4 fields. We would like to give some consideration to changing the locks at some sites and to do away with the key 2126. It seems as though everyone has that key. We would like to change the lock at the store at Robinson Lane and all of the gate locks. It is time to take steps to fix the vulnerable areas. Maybe it would be possible to go thru a locksmith and get a special lock. We will look into this. FEES A discussion took place regarding the fees charged for the various recreation programs. It was felt that no one program should bear the brunt of the other programs. A motion was made by Miss Gutzler, seconded by Mr. Ennesser that the fees for all programs with the exception of golf be $15.00 for the 1st family member and $10.00 for each additional person. Golf will be $20. per person and we will discontinue the late fee. A letter will go to the Town Board stating these changes and requesting approval. A question was brought up regarding the fees and where the funds go to the General Fund or to help reduce our recreation budget. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 on a motion by Miss Gutzler seconded by Mr. Ennesser. Peggy Roe Secretary .. "'/1. BILLS PAID DURING MARCH 1994 A-1620.41 SYLVAN LAKE TELEPHONE CO. Robinson Lane 227-9434 10.35 NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. 2/4/94 to 3/3/94 4.31 5.51 4.31 25.26 29.20 2/4/94 - 3/3/94 Martz Field Spook Hill Quiet Acres Schlathaus Park Barn - Montfort Road 297-9928 297-9861 297-7780 297-4752 297-3692 A-1620.40 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & ELECTRIC Regency Drive #7902-1435-00 43.83 Myers Corners #7802-1962-00 63.93 Schlathaus Park #7808-0400-01 68.82 All Angels Hill Rd. #7808-0390-00 86.51 Tennis Courts #7690-0425-00 19.73 A-7020.4 Park Maintenance & Ground Management 22.00 NYSRPS 200.00 A-7110.4 Bottini 222.40 Dan Zag-Royal Auto 61. 05 Lupac 86.10 A-7140.4 Canterbury Tours 450.00 A-7620.4 Time 30.94 Hobby Hut 31.43- Petty Cash 77.94 Coffee Systems 38.50 Coffee Systems 36.00 Poughkeepsie Journal 27.30 Jamesway 102.56 Hobby Hut 89.97 Coffee Systems 38.50 Jamesway 47.15 A-1990.5 Nevele Country Club 150.00 NYSRPS 285.00 Encumbered Chelsea Door Co. 3,984.00 3/4/94 to 4/3/94 4.31 5.51 4.31 25.61 24.62 MARCH 1994 REPORT TO THE RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 1994 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER February activities at the Senior Citizen Center included the regular schedule of arts/crafts, oil painting, exercise, line dancing, videos and cards and games. The seniors enjoyed their first video on Feb. 3 in the new "theater." The folding door gave them a quiet "theater" where they watched the movie and munched on popcorn. On the 4th the seniors honored "no talk day." The rules were no talking for 2 hours. Winners would get prizes. Nineteen seniors won this contest but vowed never to enter this contest again! The seniors had a Valentine's Day party on the 14th with pizza, soda and cake for dessert. Music for dancing was provided in the "ballroom." On the 22nd we had a President's Day Celebration. "Betsy Ross" and "Uncle Sam" (Rose Pierce and Catherine Kondor from AARP) spoke on the history of the American flag. After this great presentation, everyone was served cherry pie and ice cream in honor of George Washington. Diana Weibrecht from the Office of the Aging was at the Center on the 10th, blood pressure screening was provided on the 15th by the Heart Assoc. Our birthday party was held on the 25th (rescheduled from the 24th due to snow). The presentation from NYNEX on ways to save $ on telephone service was postponed to May because of a snow storm. There is now a jigsaw puzzle set up in the "theater room" for added entertainment. The severe weather has caused attendance to be very inconsistent. Several days brought only 4 or 5 seniors to the Center. On good days there were 55 or more seniors at the Center. There was an average of 25 seniors for February. There are 194 seniors registered at the Center and 109 on the waiting list. ITEMS TO BE NOTED: 1. The Heart Assoc. in conjunction with the Town of Wappinger is sponsoring a cholesterol screening on April 13th in the large meeting room on the condition there are at least 25 people registered for this screening. 2. On nice days, the Center has had a large attendance. On March 2nd there were 70 seniors at the Center. Fortunately, we have the space to accommodate more seniors. Many who used to leave after exercise are pleased they now have a place to sit at the Center giving them the opportunity to enjoy the company of others and participate in the craft project. The majority of the seniors do participate in the craft projects. However, it is difficult for just one craft person to teach this many seniors on a given day. I continue to have a serious concern about adding new members to our membership. I would like to resolve this problem as soon as possible so as to continue a smooth and efficient program that is very successful. 3. March activities include: a bowling party at Holiday Hoebowl, a St. Patty's Day party, Easter Luncheon at Hudson's Ribs and Fish and an Easter Egg Hunt and Bonnet contest. 4. The Seniors have been invited to breakfast and entertainment at the Fishkill Plains Elem. School on April 21st. 5. A Karoke machine would enhance our senior program. We can do sing-a-longs and entertainment. Can we get one? r~ MARCH 1994 TOWN OF WAPPINGER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER: OPEN 10:00A.M.-3:00P.M. 20 Middlebush Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY. 12590 Phone:297-3670 Director: Kathi DeLisa MON. FRI. TUES. WED. THURS. IMARCH IS: I 1 INAT'L PIG DAY! ! I RED CROSS MONTH I I IWOMEN'S HISTORY MONTHll0-Noon:OIL PAINTING NAT'L NUTRITION MONTHll0-Noon: arts/crafts NAT'L PEANUT MONTH 'NOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I I 8 IINTERNAT'L I I WOMEN' S DAY!! 110-11: OIL PAINTING 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I 115 I. I I 110-Noon:OIL PAINTING 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I 122 INAT'L GOOF OFF I I DAY!!!!!! 110-Noon:OIL PAINTING 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON:LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games , I 291 I I 110-Noon:OIL PAINTING 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 112:30=3: oards/games 1 7 , I 10-Noon: arts/crafts iNOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I 114 I I I I 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I /21 I MEMORY DAY! ! I I I 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I I 281 I I 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I I I 2 I 3 I 4 ILINE DANCING IS I I I I I CANCELLED!!! 110:00-11:00:EXERCISE 110:00-11:00:EXERCISE BOWLING PARTY AT '10-Noon:arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts HOLIDAY HOEBOWL!!! INOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH 11:00-2:00 112:30-3: cards/games 112:30-3: cards/games THE CENTER IS CLOSED I 112:30-3: VIDEO (SNOWDATE 3/11) I 9 110-NOON: BLOOD 110 111:-1:DIANA FROM 11 IJOHNNY APPLESEEDi I I PRESSURE SCREENING I OFA I DAY! ! ! I 110-11:00:EXERCISE 10-11: EXERCISE 10-11:LINE DANCING I 110-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts I INOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH I 112:30-3: cards/games 12:30-3: cards/games 12:30-3: cards/games I I 12:30-3: VIDEO I 116 ITRIP TO VILLA 17 IHAPPY ST. PATTY'S 181 1 BAGLIERI!! I DAY!!!!!! I 110-11: EXERCISE 10-11: EXERCISE 10:11:LINE DANCING 110-Noon: arts/crafts. 10-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH/ST. PATTY NOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games PARTY!!!!! 12:30-3:cards/games 1 12:30-3: cards/games 12:30-3: VIDEO 123 , I 241EXERCISE CANCELLED25 I I 1 1 I I 1 110-11: EXERCISE IEASTER LUNCHEON AT 10-11:LINE DANCING 110-Noon: arts/crafts 'HUDSON'S RIBS & FISH 10-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH ISIGN UP WITH KATHI!r! NOON:LUNCH/BIRTHDAY 112:30-3: cards/games I THE CENTER IS PARTY!!!! , I CLOSED!!!! 12:30:3: cards/games I 30 I I 311 MARCH BIRTHDAYS: I I I I 1 Peter Burgazzol i H 110-11: EXERCISE 110-11: EXERCISE 1 Evelyn Goranson I 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts 5 Louisa Burgazzolil INOON:LUNCH/EASTER EGGINOON: LUNCH 25 Stella Boldrin I 1 HUNT & HAT CONTEBTI12:30=3: VIDEO 26 Howard Bischoff I 11:00-3: cards/games 112:30-3: cards/gameS 28 Dora Doxey I tv.A.~~Il'JG-E.R. SE.l'JIOR. l'JE.tv S By Kathi DeLisa, Director MARCH 1994 Only 20 more days until spring!!! !SMILE! Hopefully, the weather will be better than the first two months of 1994. No more cabin fever! We have lots to do this month! To start the month, by popular request, we will have a bowling party at Holiday HoeBowl on Rt. 9, Wappingers, on Fri. ,March 4 from 11: a.m to 2:p.m. In case of snow, the snow date will be Fri., March 11 same time. The Fishkill Senior Center will also be joining us, so you'll have a chance to see some friends and make new ones. There will be coffee and donuts on your arrival. A sl~ce of pizza and soda will be served for lunch. The cost for bowling 2 games, (free shoes), and food is $3.00 for current dues paying members. If you are not current with your dues or are a new member (you must be a dues paying member for six months) the cost is $6.00. You MUST SIGN UP WITH KATHI BY MAR 1st if you would like to go. The Center will be closed that day! Blood Pressure screening will be on Wednesday the 9th from 10: a.m to Noon. Please note the change of day. Blood pressure screening has been moved to the second Wednesday of each month so as to accommodate more seniors. On the 10th, Diana from the Office of the Aging will be at the Center. We will have a St. Patrick's Day celebration on March 17th. Don't forget to wear green that day! And our Easter Luncheon will be held at Hudson's Ribs & Fish on the 24th. There is a choice of stuffed sole with crab meat, lemon chicken or sliced sirloin of beef with mushroom gravy. The cost is $9.00 for current dues paying members. If you are not current with your dues or are a new member, the cost will be $17.00. The restaurant can only accommodate 60 people for this luncheon, so sign up with Kathi soon. Reservations and money must be in by March 16th. We will have our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Wed., March 30 after lunch. Eggs will be hidden outdoors if weather permits. There will be prizes for the most eggs found, and , . . . . other prizes too! There are still a few eggs we did not find last year, somewhere out there! We will also have an Easter bonnet contest. So get out your Easter bonnet with all the frills upon it and join in the Easter Parade. Prizes for the best!! Mark your calendars for this fun day! ! ! ! Our monthly birthday party will be on March 25. Remember, those with birthdays are asked to bring a cake for the party. We will all help you celebrate! Our much awaited trip list is now available. The first trip is to Villa Baglieri on Wed. Mar. 16, for "A Great Day for the Irish" show and luncheon. Reservations must be made and paid for by Mar. 1. See Kathi or Peggy in Recreation. The second trip of the year is to Mt. Haven, Milford, Pa. on April 19 for an Italian Fest. Reservations must be in and paid for by March 17. See Kathi for reservations. As many of you know, we have changed our policy on trip reservations. The cost of the luncheon and entertainment must be paid at the time you make your reservations. Some upcoming events! On Wed. April 13, the Heart Assoc. is sponsoring a cholesterol screening. beginning at 9: a.m. at Town Hall. The screening will be done by Roche Biomedical Laboratories. The cost is $20.00. (you can send this into Medicare.) If you wish to participate in this cholesterol screening, you must fill out an application form and return it to me along with your check for $20.00 (made to The American Heart Assoc.) no later than April 4th. Results of your screening will be mailed to you. A representative from the Heart Assoc. will be at the Center in May to help you interpret the results of your screening. A registered dietician will also be available to speak on cholesterol and answer questions on nutrition. We are invited to breakfast and a show at Fishkill Plains School sometime in April. (Date will be announced as soon as possible.) The children have planned an exciting morning of entertainment for you and I hear they are very excited about hosting a breakfast and a "special morning." They also would like to learn how to do line dancing. Maybe we can show them a step or two. What do you think line dancers? More details on this soon. All these events should help get rid of that "cabin fever." Are you ready for Spring and some fun activity? The Lions Club needs old eyeglasses or hearing aids. These are used for those less fortunate. So if you have any you no longer want or need bring them to the Center. I will see to it that they are given to the Lions Club. For those paying dues by the month, March dues is $2.00. The Center is closed on Good Friday, April 1. A Happy Easter and a big hug to you all! Smile! IN CASE OF SNOW OR ICY WEATHER, PLEASE LISTEN TO WEOK OR WKIP FOR CENTER CLOSINGS. #