1994-10-11 RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBER 11, 1994 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: GUEST: DR. ARMEN MANASAR APPROVE MINUTES: August 9, 1994 and September 13, 1994 Approved: Corrections Seconded CORRESPONDENCE - 1. Copy of Letter to Supervisor Smith re: Survey of recreation (insurance) 2. Letter to Bernie Remier Re: D. C. Youth Bureau 3. Approvals for facility use from Myers Corners School REPORTS: K.D. B.R. J.E. R.F. B.G. E.K. J.C. S.M. R.J.H. OLD BUSINESS - Rymer Subdivison Lawrence Subdivision - All Angels Hill Road Halloween Party Corey Castellano - Name on Placque at Robinson Lane NEW BUSINESS - Christmas Party MEETING ADJOURNED: NEXT MEETING: ~, . .., RECREATION COMMITTEE OCTOBER 11, 1994 MEETING NEXT MEETING NOVEMBER 9, 1994 (WEDNESDAY NIGHT) The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Committee was held October 11, 1994 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J. Holt. Others Present were Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Bernie Reimer, Recreation Director, Commission Members Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman, Barbara Gu~zler Ellen Korz and Maintenance Supervisor John Vorndran. The minutes of the August 9, 1994 and the September 13, 1994 meetings were approved on a motion by Miss Gutzler seconded by Mr. Friedman with all in favor. Dr. Armen Manasar came before the Committee to discuss a proposal to put at Robinson Lane 1 or 2 batting cages in the memory of Corey Castellano who died unexpectedly this past summer. Corey was a player/catcher for the Wappinger National League, was also on the All Star Team, and also played for the Moose Team. His dad was a coach for the team. They felt that in his memory and as an aid to the league that they would install a batting cage. Dr. Manasar has pursued this and went to LaGrange to see theirs which is approximately 30' x 70'. He then went to A-l Fence Company to get further information and found that a batting cage 30' x 70' which was 10' high by the batters end and 15' high at the other end would cost over $9,000. The cage would also have a chain link top on it. Dr. Manasar mentioned that hopefully this would be funded by "The Friends of the Castellano's", The proposal was to place this cage on the corner past the snack bar facing north. They are still working out how the donations would be handled but he was hoping to present this to Little League and have them involved. He suggested that those who donated be allowed to place a 4 x 8 ad which would be placed on the side of the cage. These placques would be metal. The Committee has always tried to discourage the placement of ads on the fences as they seem to get sloppy looking after a few years. Mr. Friedman suggested that possibly if the ads are placed on this it would be stipulated only for 1 - 2 years and then they are gone. Dr. Manasarsaid he would need the approval of the Town to address liability and stressed that the cages would be for Little League only. He was told to go to Little League with this proposal and see if they are in agreement. CORRESPONDENCE Supervisor Smith received a letter from Crum & Foster Insurance in conjunction with their evaluation of the Town Recreation programs and physical condition of a sampling of the Town Park facilities for general safety purposes. As a result of this evaluation, they developed a few recommendations. These recommendations were reviewed by Mr. Ennesser, Safety Officer, with appropriate comments and returned to Supervisor Smith so it ~ould be forwarded to Crum & Forster. Mr. Ennesser noted that one of the items was the geosphere (climbing Recreation Minutes October 11, 1994 Page 2 ~ratus) at Robinson lane. He has noted on the recommendation list that he was trying to get information from the vendor and has since received notice from him that this piece of equipment is still safe and is being used. A letter was received from June Ellen Cioppa, Youth Programs Analyst for the Dutchess County Youth Bureau. She stated that the program she observed on June 30th was satisfactory but she emphasized that time sheets must be maintained for staff listed on the budget. Approval has been received from Myers Corners School for use of their facilities on Tuesdays for volleyball starting October 4th and on Saturdays starting January 7th for Boys and Girls gymnastics. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. Delisa handed out a report on the Senior activities for the month of September which is attached to these minutes. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Reimer mentioned that the winter programs have started. Tuesday is volleyball at Myers Corners School, Wednesday is basketball at the Wappinger Jr. High, Thursday is Volleyball at Wappinger Jr. High, and Tuesday and Thursday is aerobics at Sheafe Road. The Halloween ad will be in the paper tomorrow October 12th. He is still working on the entertainment for Christmas. He has contacted Richard Stillman of Encore and he is not available and the Riverbank Banjo said that they do not perform outside after October 1st. Other suggestions were the Sweet Adelines, or a church group. A letter has been sent to West POint for a concert (Concert Band) in April or May and the Jazz Band in July or August. ROBINSON lANE Mr. Ennesser noted thatthe P.O. has been received for the metal part for the roof on the store. He will take to out tomorrow so work will start as soon as possible. Mr. Friedman mentioned that there was an attempted break in at Robinson lane 2 weeks ago. It was suggested that we call the security company to have signs placed on the buildings. The thought was it might deter the break ins if they are aware the buildings are monitored. . . Recreation Minutes October 11, 1994 Page 3 ROBINSON LANE CON'T Mr. Friedman also mentioned that little League has agreed to purchase $2,000. of the new clay to finish up the 2 big fields if the Town purchases theirs this fall. A letter is in to the Town Board to use some of the money left in our 1994 budget to to this. BOAT RAMP Mr. Ennesser has completed an outline on the proposal for the Boat Ramp. This will be reviewed. POP WARNER Mr. Friedman mentioned that he had attended the meeting with soccer and pop warner and found it to be very enlightening. It was agreed that football and soccer cannot use the same fields since they play during the same time frame. He also found that Pop Warner split and Wappinger Pop Warner consists of only Town of Wappinger children. He was also impressed with the fact that they don't just emphasize football but they also check the grades of the kids. The kids are not benched but encouraged to improve any failing ,grades. He noted that pop warner is quickly running out of space to practice and play and it was noted that there are 300 boys and girls in the program this year. We were looking for available field space and a possibility was Angelbrook. Dan Brothers, President said pop warner would be willing to get the land ready. Mr. Ennesser mentioned that we used Quiet Acres field for practice years ago and that we use to have lights on the poles there. It was suggested that they make a formal request but Quiet Acres could be used immediately. HALLOWEEN PARTY Miss Gutzler has worked on the plan for the haunted house "Tales from the Crypt". Jim Chappas' son will be helping as part of his community service for church. We will be decorating the house on Saturday the 22nd at 10 a.m. Miss Gutzler also requested the use of the cauldron before it goes out on the stage. Mrs. Korz said that she is all set with the pr~es. She has contacted McDonald's and they are all set. She went to Play It Again Sports and they donated a $25.00 gift certificate. Other donations were received from the new bagel shop in the Imperial Plaza, Wendy's, Ben & Jerry's, Dunkin Donuts, Fun Central, Hoe Bowl, and Carvel. Mr. Holt mentioned that LIttle League will be there to hand out candy apples and popcorn. Recreation Minutes October 11, 1994 Page 4 CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt mentioned the following: 1. Vandalism has been a problem recently. Over the weekend the windows in the new building by the barn were broken. Vandals threw stones and broke them. We really feel that the back portion should be fenced to keep the kids from coming from the development in the back. It was also noted that Martz will not be painted again until Spring and that the Supervisor has instructed us to not repaint Spook Hill until the Spring. 2. The Airport Park project has been transferred to Mr. Paggi to draw up the plans. 3. Two new Christmas trees have been purchased and planted at Schlathaus. The trees came from Whalen Tree Farm in Stanford and John Baisley planted them for us. 4. The roof at Robinson Lane still needs to be done. Mr. Vorndran said he has called out to 4 vendors and has not received any answers. 5. The stage looks great. The floor has been replaced, rails have been put by the stairs, and it has been painted. 6. A meeting was held recently with Mr. Nolt, Mr. Ennesser, and Mr. Vorndran regarding the safety items which should be done at the various parks. Mr. Vorndran noted that the guys are working on these items. Mr. Friedman said that he has taken a copy of the items required at Robinson Lane and has given it to Little League requesting whatever help they can give 7. If we are able to get any more sommunity service workers,we will have them work on the bridge at Reese Park. 8. He mentioned that he has spoken to Supervisor Smith and Mr. Levenson regarding the notification of what has happened eith the various subdivisions i.e. getting land or money. We would like to be notified when th money has been received or land deeded so we will know where we stand. Mr. Holt was specifically interested in the status of the Lawrence Subdivision and the Rymer Subdivision. It was noted that the next meeting was scheduled for Election Day, November 8th and therefore it was decided to change it until Wednesday, November 9th. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 on a motion by Miss Gutzler seconded by Mr. Friedman. Peggy Roe Secretary OCTOBER 1~94 REPORT TO THE RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER September activities at the Senior Citizen center included the regular schedule of arts/crafts, oil painting, exercise, line dancing, photo club, videos, bingo, puzzles and cards and games. The Center was closed for Labor Day. The RCK Flute Quartet under the direction of Debbie Boos were at the Center on the 15th to entertain the seniors. The four flutists were great! Blood pressure screening was held on the 14th. The trip to Aqua Turf was so successful the seniors have requested a repeat of this trip next year. The next trip is to the Norman Rockwell Museum on Oct. 12. The Walking Club held their award luncheon on the 30th at the Cornerstone Restaurant. First prize went to Helen Socha who walked 150 miles around the Town Hall since May. She was awarded an engraved "sneaker" key chain and a first prize ribbon. Ribbons were given'to the 2nd-4th prize winners as well. All the "Walkers" received a certificate showing the miles walked. The Walking Club continues. Bingo is very popular. Fifty to sixty seniors participate in Bingo each week. There are 200 seniors registered at the Center and 140 on the waiting list. ITEMS TO BE NOTED: 1. Donations for the Senior Christmas Party at the Elks LOdge are coming in. We have collected enough to pay for the dinner, but still need funds to buy a small gift to be given to the seniors by Santa. 2. Speaking of Santa--We need a Santa for the Center Christmas Party at Villa Borghese on Fri., Dec. 9 and for the Elks Lodge dinner on Tues., Dec. 13. 3. October activities include our annual craft fair on the 21st, a Halloween party on the 28th, blood pressure screening and 'of course Bingo. 4. I will be sending letters to non active members telling them we are updating our membership and asking them if they wish to remain on the member list. OCTOBER 1994 , . TOWN OF WAPPINGER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER: OPEN 10:00A.M.-3:00P.M. 20 Middlebush Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY. 12590 Phone: 297-3670 Director: Kathi DeLisa MON ., FRI. TUES. WED. THURS. I 3 I I I 110: 00: PHOTO ,.CLUB! ! 110-Noon:' arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I 110 IFIRE PREVENTION 1 1 WEEK!!!! I HAPPY 1 COLUMBUS DAY!!!!! I THE CENTER IS I CLOSED! ! ! ! I 117 1 I 110:00: PHOTO CLUB!! 110-Noon: arts/crafts I NOON: . LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I 124 I I I ,_. ... 110:00: PHOTO CLUB!!!! 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I 131 IHAPPY HALLOWEEN! I I 110:00: PHOTO CLUB!!! 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH li~i~Q=~i p.Kvd~/~Hm~~ I 1 ,4 I 5 I I I I 110-Noon: OIL PAINTING 10-11: EXERCISE 110-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games 12:30-2:BINGO! !BINGO! I I 111 12 110-NOON: BLOOD 1 I I PRESSURE! ! ! ! ! ! ! -ll0-Noon:OIL PAINTING 10-11: EXERCISE 110-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games 12:30-3:cards/games I TRIP:ROCKWELL MUSEUM 118 I 19 1 I 1 - I 110-Noon: OIL PAINTING 10-11:EXERCISE 110-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 12:30-2:BINGO! !BINGO! 25 I I 10-Noon:OIL PAINTING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 26 I I 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3:cards/games OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS: 7 Helen Holleran 13 Ray Weiler 14 Caterine Casey 14 Rose Sabia i~ AlmK P~t~v~An 116 Carmela Laurino 17 Ed Peterson 21 Carl Hanson 21 Emma Paige 22 Fred Urbin 29 Vera Sternberg ;H Halan Ni~'m 6 I I 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 12:30-3: VIDEO 13 111:-1:Diana from 1 OFA 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:45-2:BINGO! !BINGO 20 I I 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 271 1 10-11: EXERXCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-2:BINGO! !BINGO! OCTOBER IS: NAT'L APPLE MONTH NAT'L PASTA MONTH NAT'L PIZZA MONTH NAT'L POPCORN POPPIN NAT'L CAR CARE MONTH 7 I 1 10-11:LINE DANCING I 10-Noon: arts/craftsl NOON: LUNCH 1 12:30-3: cards/games I I 14 I I I 'I 10-11:LINE DANCING 1 10-11:FIRE PREVENTION NOON: LUNCH I 12:30-3: cards/games I 12:30-3:VIDEO 211LINE DANCE I CANCELLED!!! 10-2: CRAFT FAIR IN LG. MEETING RM. LUNCH IN SENIOR RM BY "CHEF TONY"!!!! 28 110-11:LINE DANCE 1 FUN! FOOD! PRIZES! HALLOWEEN PARTY! ! ! ! ! COME IN COSTUME! + BIRTHDAY PARTY! ! ! ! I I I I I MONTH! I I tv ~ l? l? I 1'[ G-:E R. S~l'fIOR. 1'r~tvs By Kathi DeLisa, Director OCTOBER 1994 Take a deep breath 'cause here we go! Wheeeeee!!!!!! This is just the beginning of three busy months filled with; parties, luncheons, craft fair, holidays, and a surprise here and there. So read on. Business first! Our annual Craft Fair is scheduled for Friday, October 21st and will be held in the large meeting room from 10a.m to 2p.m. "Chef Tony" will be serving lunch in the Senior Citizen room to anyone wishing to treat their taste buds to a party from 11:30a.m. to 1:30p.m. The Senior room is closed to all other activity. As most of you know,I ordered "real" raffle tickets this year. We are once again asking that EACH member take at least $5.00 worth of raffle tickets to sell to your family and friends or if you choose you can buy them yourself. Thank you to all of you who have taken raffle tickets. If you did not get your tickets or need more to sell, please see me or Anne Peters. Remember, the proceeds go towards your parties, luncheons and fun. So please do your share. Your cooperation is appreciated and I am sure you will enjoy the fun and festivities this provides. We have wonderful raffle prizes this year thanks to "the generosity and hard work of your fellow Seniors. Regina and Sue are working extra hard (thank you both) preparing craft items for the fair.. Regina, Sue and I will be asking many of you to help us by making extra items for the fair. Many of you are already pitching in to help and I thank you. As you know, there is a lot of work to preparing crafts and other items for the Fair. So if you want to help them, please let them know. Thank you for your help and cooperation. And get ready for another great successful Craft Fair!!! We need bake sale items! If you will contribute to the bake sale, please see me, Mary Egan or Kay Andrews. We did exceptionally well on this last year thanks to all your -OVER- . . BILLS PAID DURING OCTOBER 1994 A-1620.40 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & ELECTRIC Tennis Courts #7690-0425-00 431.53 Gazebo 7512-0470-00 13.35 Robinson Lane 7690-0760-00 896.84 Robinson Lane Score 7371-1305-00 6.70 Spook Hill Rec. 7810-1572-04 22.91 Rockingham 7902-1435-00 88.91 Long Court 7851-1550-00 16.85 Barn- Montfort Rd. 7964-1460-00 120.99 Helen Drive 7895-1220-04 15.32 Myers Corners 7802-1962-00 17.82 Stage - Old Myers 7802-1960-00 14.31 A-1620.41 SYLVAN LAKE TELEPHONE Robinson Lane 227-9434 15.06 NYNEX Spook Hill 297-9862 57.30 Martz Field 297-9928 56.91 Quiet Acres 297-7780 80.11 Schlathaus Park 297-4752 26.15 Barn - Montfrot Rd. 297-3692 45.37 A-7110.2 Jonmar 460.00 A-7110.4 Smith's Commercial Tire Service Sherwin Williams Sherwin Williams Centurion Security,Inc. Centurion Security Inc. Crop Production Services, Inc. East Fishkill Railroad Tie Co. East Fishkill Railroad Tie Co. Grossman's Hutchinson's Equipment Corp. Windsor Building Supplies Jonmar Associates Hutchinson's Equipment Hutchinson's Equipment Grossman's Grossman's Enviro-Clean Porta-POtty Enviro Clean Porta POtty Centurion Security ,Inc. Sherwin Williams Royal Carting Service Pine Plains Ford Tractor, Inc. 150.18 246.25 137.29 180.00 80.00 1,425.00 40.00 48.90 87.83 8.99 502.88 27.70 20.08 25.64 96.48 30.90 225.00 75.00 100.00 17.99 120.00 119.20 .i J ~ . *' . BILLS PAID DURING OCTOBER 1994 CON'T A-7110.4 Milton Alley Agway Hudson River Equipment Grossman's Grossman's Royal Auto Parts,Inc. Candlelight Landscaping Taylor Rental Martel Hardware Jonmar Associates Grossman's Grossman's Grossman's A-1 Fence Company A-1 Fence Company A-1 Fence Company A-1 Fence Company Bottini Fuel Enviro Clean Porta Potty Pine Bush Equipment Co., Inc Hudson River Equipment 138.00 68.22 106.20 215.70 38.83 325.00 25.60 44.88 83.95 484.19 737.24 37.66 88.10 33.60 31.20 1,187.50 167.86 187.50 78.23 166.75 A-7140 .4 Let Us Entertain You M. Majchers Pro Shop Leprechaun Tours Canterbury Tours,Inc. Meadowbrook Farms Petty Cash Petty Cash 125.00 172.75 425.00 500.00 92.94 .75 .75 B-7310.4 Sally Distributors, Inc. Passon's Sports 238.09 237.00 A-7620.4 Roberts Boice Paper Co. Poughkeepsie Journal Coffee System of Hudson Valley Sally Distributors Hobby Hut Petty Cash Petty Cash 231.05 27.30 52.00 223.69 225.10 60.16 57.39