1994-11-09 AGENDA RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 9, 1994 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: APPROVE MINUTES October 11, 1994 Approved: Corrections Seconded: CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter from Jane Toll - Service Unit New Oaks - Re: Use of Schlathaus 2. Copy of letter to Supervisor Smith from Betsy Brockway Re: Recreation 1995 3. Letter from David Deitrick West POint - Re: Concerts 4. Copy of letter to Supervisor Smith from Steve Saland Re: Grant for $45,000. 5. Letter from Armen Manasar - Re: Corey Castellano Memorial 6. Memo from Supervisor Smith - Re: No Trespassing Signs REPORTS K.D. B.R. J.C. J.E. R.F. B.G. E.K. S.M. R.J.H. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING - NEXT MEETING DECEMBER~13,. .1994 RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 9, 1994 The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Rec~ion Committee was held November 9, 1994 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger Dutchess County,New York. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J. Holt. Others present were Recreation Director Bernie Reimer, Commission Members James Chappas, Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman, Stephen Miller and Maintenance Super- visor John Vorndran. The minutes of the October 11, 1994 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Ennesser seconded by Mr. Miller with all in favor. Dr. Armen Manasar came before the Committee again regarding the proposal to put 2 batting cages at Robinson Ume in the memory of Corey Castellano. He mentioned that he had met with the Town of Wappinger Little League Board of Directors at a Special meeting on October 25th and that the Board unanimously approved the following plan: 1. The Town of Wappinger Little League be the tax exempt organization to receive donations for the Corey Castellano Memorial Fund. 2. The purpose of the fund would be the building of a batting pavilion for the Town of Wappinger Little League at the R9binson Lane Recreation Complex. 3. The funds are to be raised within a 36 month period. Should the fund not reach its goal on time, the fund would be donated to the League to be used for a structure/improvement in memory of Corey Castellano. In regard to the sign for the recognition of the doners, a compact well designed, weather resistant and maintenance free "donor placque or monument board concept" has met with the approval of everyone Dr. Manasar has discussed it with. The Little League Board also requested that he personally ask Joe & Rose Castellano if the proposed project met with their approval and he did so and they gratefully accepted and approved that the memorial go forward. The sign was of a concern with the Commission and it was stated that the Commission would reserve the right to have Little League remove it should it be vandalized or become unsightly. It was also stated that we would like for our files a letter from Little League stating that they agree with this proposal. Mr. Holt mentioned that Mr. Provost has mentioned that Little League would like to construct a building on the back of the batting cages for the storage of the equipment. A motion was made by Mr. Friedman and approved that a letter be sent to the Town Board requesting approval for this proposal. Recreation Minutes November 9, 1994 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from Jane Toll, Service Unit Co-Manager of the New Oaks Service Unit of the Dutchess County Girl Scout Council. They would like to reserve Schalthaus Park on Saturday, May 13th 1995 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 P.M. to hJId their annual Garage Sale/Flea Market. It was mentioned that this be approved as long as the facility is not needed for any Town function. A copy of a letter addressed to Supervisor Smith from Betsy Brockway, Executive Director of the Dutchess County Youth Bureau was received. The letter stated that the Town has received a 1995 YDDP grant of $7,918. A copy of a letter addressed to Supervisor Smith from Senator Steve Sa land informing us that the New York State Legislature has approved a grant to build restroom facilities with handicapped accessibility, including a well and water connection at the Castle POint Recreation Area in the amount of $45,000. A letter was received from David H. Deitrick, Jr. Lieutenant Colonel, U. S. Army thanking us for our letter inviting the U. S. Military Concert and Jazz Bands to perform in Wappingers Falls. The letter stated that at this time they are unable to make a determination regarding their availability but that a master schedule would be available later in November. A memo was received from Supervisor Smith requesting that "No Trespassing" signs be erected at all Recreation sites as soon as possible. Mr. Holt mentioned that these signs are being ordered and willhave "No Trespassing After hours _ One hour after sunset to One HOur before sunrise". It was also noted that someone ran thru the fence at Martz Field and did $255. worth of damage. He has heard that the Vandal Patrol knows who did it and we are hoping that they can get the culprit to pay for the repairs. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. DeLisa was unable to attend but sent in a report for the month of October. This report is attached to these minutes. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Reimer mentioned that because of the low attendance at the volleyball program at the Wappinger Jr. High, we have cancelled this program. The group is just not happy with their facilities. They do however like the facilities at Myers and he is in the process of seeing how many would be interested in scheduling a second night (Friday) at Myers. Mr. Reimer has put in a request to Myers starting in January for a Friday usage. Rec:reatim Minutes Novarber9,1994 Page 3 Mr. Reimer has received some concerns about the aerobics class now being held at Sheafe Road School especially about driving during the winter months. One of the participants in the class works at the Wappinger Jr. High and has mentioned that the cafeteria would be available to us. Mr. Reimer has put in a facilities use request to the Wappinger Junior High for Tuesdays and Thursdays starting in January and he will speak with the instructor and take a poll of all participants before actually moving the program. CHRISTMAS PARTY Mr. Reimer has gotten the Evergreen Chorus - Sweet Adelines to perform for the Christmas Tree Lighting on December 4th. They charge $200. and have requested the use of the house to warm up. They have also requested that drinking water and cups be provided. News. An ad will be placed in the November 23rd issue of the Southern Dutchess Candy canes have been ordered, gifts are in, a P.O. has been sent to Supervisor Smith for approval to purchase the decorations and refreshments at Meadowbrook Farms. Mrs. Roe will contact the Fire Company to use their facilities and to transport Santa. She will also call Budd's Party Tents to reserve a tent. Invitations will be sent to the Town Board members and Town employees. It was mentioned that Little League will probably do the popcorn again this year. Mr. Chappas inquired about what the soccer club could do to help out that day. ROCKINGHAM Mr. Chappas met with soccer and they have requested that the Rockingham fields be mowed after November 20th so that they can fertilize and seed the fields. Mr. Vorndran said that he could have it mower but that he has already fertilized all recreation areas. They could seed it but Mr. Vorndran said that it would be too cold to do anything now. Mr. Chappas said they wanted to put the seed down now so it will germinate as soon as the weather gets better in the Spring. Mr. Vorndran mentioned that the backstops have been taken down from Rockingham. Mr. Chappas requested that the holes in the road be patched. Mr. Vorndran will speak to Mr. Foster about this. He also requested that "keep right" signs be placed in the middle of the roadway to keep cars flowing properly. Mr. Chappas indicated that soccer will need 2 porta Johns for 1995. One portajohn does not meet the needs of the Club. Recreation Minutes November 9, 1994 Page 4 A request was made to move the water fountain approximately 10-15 ft. because of the traffic problems. This will be addressed again in the beginning of the year. A discussion took place regarding the clearing of areas for parking. Mr. Vorndran will go over and see what can be done to improve the parking. It was also indicated that there are times when they come to service the sewer plant on Saturdays and it was suggested that we get NO PARKING signs to be placed on the ramp. Mr. Vorndran mentioned that soccer really needs something better to store the marking chalk in as the box leaks and is difficult for the guys to put the chalk into. Mr. Holt mentioned that he would have no problem with bringing the truck body that is now at Robinson Lane over for storage. Mr. Holt noted that we still have encumbered funds in the amount of $4,885. for the fencing at Airport Park. Of that, $3,000. belongs to soccer and and the balance is from our budget. We are hoping that Mr. Paggi can come up with a plan for this fencing that will enable us to get it done this year and still not hinder the construction work on the fields. If it can't be done, the $3,000. will have to be transferred to Parkland and we loose the balance. It was also noted that Soccer still has to pick up their $3,000. for 1994 and that they will then turn it over to the Town for additional fencing. They are suppose to come in next week to pick up the funds. SAFETY Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the maintenance guys had done a lot of work specified on the safety audit sheets and that t-ewill review them with the guys. Mr. Ennesser has prepared specs for the placement of the pea gravel around each piece of playground equipment. He has requested that he be called when they do the work at each park. The metal piece for the roof at Robinson Lane has been completed and will be picked up next week. This will be placed on the roof in the Spring. COMMISSION RESPONSIBILITIES It was noted that as of September 1994 Mr. Miller and Mr. Friedman had changed responsibilities. Mr. Friedman is doing Robinson Lane/Little League and Mr. Miller is doing Spook Hill. Recreation Minutes November 9, 1994 Page 5 ROBINSON LANE Mr. Holt mentioned that the clay will be delivered starting Monday, November 14th. We have ordered 175 tons and Little League has ordered 75 tons. A discussion took place regarding getting an estimate to put up on deck cages for about 4 of the fields with the fence nearest the ball field being 8' high and the rest of the cage 4' high. We had A-1 Fence Company come out to measure and the price for this will be $3,100. There was some discussion on why the fence should be 8' high and it was stated that this was to protect the batter from a foul ball etc when he is not watching but practicing his swing. Mr. Friedman will get this information back to Little League. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt mentioned the following: 1. We have now received three grants for work at Castle Point $10,000., $20,000. and $45,000. The $10,000. is for engineering services and equipment and supplies. The $20,000. is f~digging the well, the pump and a small house. The $45,000. is for the rest rooms and building. Supervisor Smith requested a copy of all the information for the grants and she will give this to Oonald Schwartz, Architect and he will give us a proposal for the building. The $10,000. must be used immediately. Mr. Friedman, Mr. Holt and Mr. Vorndran went to Castle POint a few weeks ago and did some soil testing and were satisfied that they were okay. A week later we had to go and dig up the test holes again for Peter Paggi, from the Town Engineer's Office and the Board of Health to inspect them and they were okay. Paggi's office has drawn up a plan for the septic system and the Board of Health agreed that there wasn't a problem with the plan but they wanted them to change the plans some. They wanted them to use a different type of piping and thought that what they planned wasn't sufficient for concentrated usage since the usage would be at one time and then not for a while. Paggi's office is now redesigning it. Mr. Friedman questioned the approval of the D. E. C. for the dirt for the third field and was told that there hasn't been any progress on this item. 2. The Barn at M~fort Road has been painted. 3. Mr. Holt asked Mr. Vorndran to get specs going for the new truck for the 1995 budget. Recreation Minutes November 9, 1994 Page 6 4. The Halloween Party went well despite the weather. Mr. Holt thanked everyone for showing up to help. Mrs. Korz, Miss Gutzler, Mrs. DeLisa and Karen Swanson did a super job on the haunted house. 5. The speed bumps are in at Robinson Lane but we still need another put in front of the store. We will speak with Mr. Foster about this. 6. We need to get figures for the repair of the bridge at Reese Park 7. We are not going to repaint all the buildings this fall. We will only spray paint over any intiials or names. 8. The 1995 budget has been approved with the addition of the 2 full time maintenance people. 9. We will have a special meeting to review our budget so those interested will be able to understand where things are. A question came up about the Rymer property because it has been noted that construction vehicles are in there. We would like to move the Hughsonville Playground as soon as possible to a new site so we will check to see where this stands and whether the deed has been filed yet. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 on a motion by Mr. Ennesser seconded by Mr. Miller. Peggy Roe Secretary BILLS PAID DURING NOVEMBER 1994 A-1620.40 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & ELECTRIC All Angels Hill Road Schlathaus Park Robinson Lane Tennis Courts Robinson Lane Scoreboard A-1620.41 SYLVAN LAKE TELEPHONE A-7110 .4 A-7140 .4 A-7620 .4 B-7310.4 Robinson Lane Recreation NYNEX Spook Hill Recreation Schlathaus Park Martz Field Quiet Acres Barn-Montfort Road Miracle Recreation Jonmar Associates, Inc. Grossman's Chris Bar Electric Hutchinson's Equipment Hutchinson's Equipment Dutchess County Sheriff Wappinger Central School Poughkeepsie Painting Contractors Pine Bush Equipment Co., Inc. N. & S. Supply Inc. Milton Alley Agway Milton Alley Agway Metal Service Supply Corp. Martel Hardware Grossman's Enviro Clean Porta Potty Dan Zag- Royal Auto Parts Corbin Excavating, Inc. Corbin Excavating, Inc. Bottini Fuel Leprechaun Tours Petty Cash Coffee System Meadowbrook Farms Grossman's 7808-0390-00 7808-0400-01 7690-0760-00 7690-0425-00 7371-1305-00 227-9434 297-9861 297-4752 297-9928 297-7780 297-3692 92.21 35.71 466.65 216.53 9.23 21. 06 5.63 26.47 4.33 4.32 41.15 450.00 26.90 251. 07 142.00 4.96 25.25 966.96 105.28 2,200.00 141.11 39.34 38.45 245.00 150.00 52.58 75.40 75.00 19.96 595.00 456.00 102.73 430.00 99.44 52.00 151. 90 26.03 NOVEMBER 1994 REPORT TO THE RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER October activities at the Senior Citizen Center included the regular schedule of arts/crafts, oil painting, exercise, line dancins, photo club, videos, bingo, puzzles, cards and games. The Center was closed for Columbus Day, Oct. 11. The seniors held their annual craft fair on Oct. 21. in the large meeting room at Town Hall. Besides crafts, there was a book sale, Granny's Attic, bake sale and raffles to buy. Our "Chef Tony" prepared and served ziti for lunch. It was a busy and successful day. On the 28th, the Center was filled with ghosts and goblins, witches and princesses. The seniors dressed in costume and enjoyed our annual Halloween Costume Party. They were treated to donuts and cider in the morning and pizza for lunch. Each senior in costume received a "treat" bag. The judges had a difficult time deciding who should win the Costume Contest. The costumes were great! The monthly birthday party was also celebrated so everyone had cake for dessert. Other October events included blood pressure screening on the 12 and Diana Weibrecht from the Office of the Aging on the 13th. The Hughsonville Fire Dept. provided a Fire Prevention program for the seniors on the 14th. The trip to the Rockwell Musuem/Red Lions Inn was successful. The next trip is to Woodloch Pines on Nov. 1. This is our last trip scheduled for this year. There are 200 seniors registered at the Center and 146 on the waiting list. ITEMS TO BE NOTED: 1. Plans for the Senior Christmas Party at the Elks Lodge are almost complete. The candy has been ordered. Peg and I will be spending a morning to wrap the gifts soon. There are some gift certificates we can use to buy more raffle gifts as well. Donations were down this year but we will be able to pay for the dinner and give each senior a gift from Santa. 2. The OFA will hold a Forum at the Center on Nov. 10 to get input from seniors on housing, Medicare, health reform and other issues in preparation for a State Conference on Aging. 3. Other Nov. activities include a Thanksgiving luncheon on the 16th, blood pressure screening and more bingo. NOVEMBER 1994 TOWN OF WAPPINGER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER: OPEN 10:00A.M.-3:00P.M. 20 Middlebush Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY. 12590 Phone: 297-3670 Director: Kathi DeLisa MON. FRI. TUES. WED. THURS. 7 I 1 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 14 I I 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 21 I 1 I 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games ,I '128 1 I 1 I 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I I 1 ITRIP TO WOODLOCH I I PINES! 10-Noon: OIL PAINTING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 81 VOTE TODAY!! I ELECTION DAY! ! ! ! THE CENTER IS CLOSED VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! 15 I I 110-Noon: OIL PAINTING 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I 122 1 1 1 110-Noon:OIL PAINTING 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I 1 291 1 1 110-Noon:OIL PAINTING 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I I 2 1 I 1 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3 cards/games 9 110-NOON: BLOOD I PRESSURE! ! ! ! ! ! ! 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:45-2:BINGO! !BINGO 16 ITHE CENTER IS I CLOSED! THANKSGIVING LUNCHEON MAMMA MARISSA'S AT NOON! ! ! 23 1 1 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:45-2:BINGO! !BINGO! 30 1 1 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH BIRTHDAY PARTY! ! ! ! ! 12:30-3: cards/games 3 I 110-11:EXERCISE 10:00: PHOTO CLUB 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:45-2:BINGO! !BINGO! 10 110: PHOTO CLUB 110-11:EXERCISE 10-11: arts/crafts 11:0FA FORUM+ DIANA NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: VIDEO 12:30-3: cards/games 17 I 1 10: PHOTO CLUB 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:45-2:BINGO! !BINGO! 241 1 HAPPY THANKSGIVING! THE CENTER IS CLOSED! ! ! ! NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS: 3 Connie D'Albro 3 Rose Danieli 3 Ruth Kear 6 Connie Kieley* 11 Tom Sammartino 12 Agnes Chenault 4 I I 10-11:LINE DANCING 19-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: VIDEO 12:30-3: cards/games 11 I I VETERAN'S DAY! THE CENTER IS CLOSED! ! ! ! ! ! 181LINE DANCING I CANCELLED 10-11:30: FLU CLINIC; 10-Noon: arts/crafts I NOON: LUNCH I 12:30-3: VIDEO I 12:30-3:cards/games I 25 I I I A DAY TO DIGEST!! THE CENTER IS CLOSED! ! ! ! ! I 15 Helen Selinger I 17 Vera D'Adamo I 23. Helen LaMagna I 23 Fred Aliotta I 29 Ruth Speedling I 129 Eleanor Sammartinc I I .. ; W'.A..E=>E=> Il'JG-E.R. SEl'fIOR. l'JE. W' S By Kathi DeLisa, Director NOVEMBER 1994 WOW! The Craft Fair was another record breaking success thanks to all of YOU. Thank you all for buying/selling raffles tickets, bringing in crafts and needlework, baked goods and granny's attic items. Thank you to those who worked at all the tables, helped to set up and clean up. It's a lot of hard work and I am sure many of you went home pretty tired that day. I sure did!! There's not enough room here to thank each of you personally but everyone who made crafts, helped, donated raffle items, bought tickets and things deserve a big applause! I would like to thank Tony for cooking the lunch. Apologies to those who did not get ziti. Chef Tony is quite famous! And thank you to Regina and Sue for all their help in preparing for the Craft Fair. And thank you to Peggy for all her help. The Craft Fair was a great success because of all of YOU who helped and participated in making this sale possible. Now for November news! The majority of you voted on Mamma Marissa's for our Thanksgiving luncheon. So our luncheon will be at Mamma Marissa's on Wed., Nov. 16 at noon. The menu will include soup and a choice of Lasagna, Chicken Parmigiana, or Broiled Filet of Sole, and coffee and dessert. The cost for current dues paying members is $7.00. You must sign up with Kathi no later than Nov. 9. On Thurs., Nov. 10, the Office of the Aging will hold a forum at 11:00a.m to hear of your concerns on health care reform1 economics, housing and other issues. Here's a chance for you to voice your concerns and opinions, so don't miss this opportunity. Blood pressure screening will be provided on Wed.1 Nov. 9. And the Dept. of Health is providing a Flu Clinic in the large meeting room on Nov. 18. The Center is closed several days this month: Nov. 81 Election Day, Nov. 111 Veteran's Day and Nov 24 & 25 for Thanksgiving. Bingo days are Wed., the 9th and 23rd, and Thurs., the - 0 V E '<' - . . ~ , ;,. il 3rd and 17th. B~rthdays will be celebrated on Wed. Nov. 30. Remember, those with birthdays are asked to bring a cake for the party. We will all help you celebrate! THE WALKING CLUB CONTINUES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I still hear those "jingle bells" ringing. And yes, Santa tells me Christmas is around the corner and has told me some of his plans. Our Christmas luncheon and party will be at Villa Borghese on Friday, Dec. 9th at noon. The menu will include Minestrone Soup, a choice of Prime Rib of Beef or Poached Salmon Steak, dessert and coffee. Santa says you have all been such good boys and girls and did so well at the Craft Fair that the cost for current dues paying members is only $4.00. The cost is full price of $20.00 for those not current with dues. You must sign up with Kathi no later than Dec. 1st. And we have been invited once again to have breakfast with the children at Myers Corners School on Wed., Dec. 14th at 9:00a.m. The children will serve breakfast and entertain us too. After breakfast, we can all come back to the Center for lunch. You must sign up with Kathi no later than December 5th. It will be nice if we can give each child a little appreciation gift. Regina and Sue will be asking you to help make some candy cane ornaments out of beads to give to them. Santa has some other surprises in store, but he has sworn me to secrecy for now, but he assures me, you will know his secrets soon. Looks like I'm going to be pretty busy with all these sign up sheets. So many parties... .So much food....... The Wappinger Lions Club needs old eyeglasses or hearing aids. These are used for those less fortunate. So if you have any you no longer want or need bring them to the Center. I will see to it that they are given to the Lions Club. For those paying dues by the month, November dues is $2.00. A big hug to you all! Smile! Happy Thanksgiving!!