2013-03-04 RGMTown of Wappinger 20 Middlebush Road
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Special Meeting townofwappinger.us
Agenda — Christine Fulton
Monday, March 4, 2013 7:30 PM Town Hall
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Portion
A. Recycle Center
Items for Special Consideration
New Business
Town of Wappinger Page I Printed 212812013
Town of Wappinger 20 Middlebush Road
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Special Meeting townofwappinger.us
Minutes — Christine Fulton
Monday, March 4, 2013 7:30 PM Town Hall
Call to Order
Attendee Name
Status Arrived
Barbara Gutzler
Town of Wappinger
William Beale
Town of Wappinger
Vincent Bettina
Town of Wappinger
Ismay Czarniecki
Town of Wappinger
Michael Kuzmicz
Town of Wappinger
Graham Foster
Town of Wappinger
Highway Superintendent
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Portion
Motion To: open the floor
MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman
SECONDER: William Beale, Councilman
AYES: Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarniecki, Kuzmicz
Public Comment
Supervisor Gutzler opened the floor to the public. The first resident to speak was John Lukavic.
He asked the board to keep in mind that some vehicles are registered as commercial vehicles do
to the weight restriction and not because it is registered to a business. The next resident to speak
was June Weyant. She suggested educating the public through hand outs and clearer signage at
the recycle center. The signage would be used to direct the public better, as well as a sign to
inform the public that they need stickers for the monitors. People are putting items in the wrong
bins. She suggested using clear bag so you can see what is in the bags and therefore making sure
items are being placed in the proper bins. She feels the rule is already there they need to be
enforced. She added that she has witnessed rental boxed trucks and vans coming in and filling
almost a full dumpster. She suggested putting limits on the permits. She also suggested limiting
the days of chipping to one or two days instead of everyday. Her last suggestion was to form a
small committee strictly of residents to make recommendations to the Town Board. She
commented on the negatively of the board concerning the continuation of the Recycle Center
added that everyone must remain positive in order to find improvements in efficiently and cost
cutting measures, to keep the center up and running and in the hands of the Town. The next
resident to speak was Carl Cambell. He suggested a map that would help residents find their way
as to where items belong. He suggested a big map somewhere in the center. The next resident to
speak was Charles Davenport. His concern was that of the disposal of batteries. He wondered if
the town could share the service with Poughkeepsie. The next resident to was Joe Torres. He
stated that Royal Catering has a limit as to how high a dumpster can be filled. He suggested the
same be applied to vehicles. He wondered why this was not being monitored adding maybe it
was a lack of oversight. He suggested that if the individual is not capable of managing the center
he should be removed. He added that in the two years he has been watching the use of the
recycle center it has been mismanaged. The next resident to speak was Frank Seamore. He stated
that the has a very small Kia and a six foot trailer because he cannot fit anything in his car. He
questioned why he had to pay for the car and the trailer when a resident with a truck only has to
pay for a vehicle and can haul more items then he can. He added he didn't think it was fair that he
had to pay for the car and the tiny trailer there should be some kind of adjustments. He added
that he has witnessed people stopping at the school and removing the magnetic signage from
their vehicles before getting to the gate Mary Schmalz was the next resident to speak. She
questioned if other towns charged for the leaves and the brush drop off. Councilman Beale stated
that he has looked into the service. The removal is based on density. Those areas that don't have
the property to put the leaves and brush are usually the placed that provide the pickup. He would
rather see a bulk pick up rather than a brush pick up. Mr. Torres suggested limiting the
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Special Meeting Minutes Marrh d 101:1
commercial vehicles to once a quarter. This way they can be monitored. Councilwoman
Czarniecki stated that the commercial issues have been a concern to the board. She explained
that some people are giving a compensation vehicle as part of a benefits package. She added that
it is a concern of the board and that the board is trying balance the needs of the constituents. She
wants to keep the Recycle center open because it serves several purposes, one of which being a
place to recycle things that can be used. People can take items that others are throwing away. She
stated that she appreciates all the viable input to keep this in the community. Councilman
Kuzmicz stated that balancing the issues of commercial vehicles is a major issue that needs to be
resolved. Mr. Seamore suggested the person at the gate use a form that can be used to record the
license plate number of the commercial vehicles that go through. This way they can be tracked as
to how many trips they are making. Councilman Bettina stated that the resident that are given
compensation vehicles from their employee need to get a notarized letter from their employer
state the use of the vehicle. The next resident to speak was Joe Incoronato. He Suggested a pilot
study, contract the program with Royal Carting for a few years and then look at the cost of
contracting to Royal as to the cost of the Town running it. He added making it a transfer station
for Royal with the proviso that the residents can still get the mulch. Councilman Beale stated that
the board has looked into this already. Royal will come into the town and run it as a business and
charge. He added that from an accountability stand point he has a lot of questions. He asked
Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent and administrator of the Recycle Center what was
being done about accountability within the facility. Mr. Foster discussed the definition of a
commercial vehicle as stated by NY State DOT. He went on to discuss a situation where there is
a contractor that has the vehicle registered to his business for insurance reasons and he has not
seen him dispose of things from his business. He added that the trouble comes in when there is
abuse of the one day pass. There are residents that make several trips with the one pass and abuse
the system. If the board choose no box trucks than he would have a weapon to say "no box
trucks". Councilman Beale stated that in his eyes pickup trucks without lettering on the side is
not a commercial vehicle and the resident cannot be panelize for a commercial vehicle. He is
defining a commercial vehicle as those who are dropping off building materials. He added that
he feels they need better accountability at the gate. There needs to be a very strict policy in place,
in writing, at the gate that anyone can stand there and determine what is house hold waste vs.
what is not. Councilman Beale then discussed the amount of employees and the rate of pay it
takes to run the facility. He feels that the facility is mismanaged. Mr. Foster then explained the
activity of the center on an average Saturday stating there are 600 residents going through on
average. Supervisor Gutzler reminded Councilman Beale and Mr. Foster that they are still in the
public portion of the agenda and if they could wait until all the residents were heard before they
got into any further discussion between each other. The next resident to speak was Keith Slade.
He suggested a bar code system. Supervisor Gutzler stated that original they did look into that
system but at the time is was too expensive. June Weyant stated that something needs to be done
about the florescent light bulbs being disposed of. They are being thrown into the glass bin.
Councilman Beale added they are not supposed to be and it needs to be stopped. Councilwoman
Czarniecki stated that they should be contacting the Dutchess County Hazardous Waste. The last
resident to speak was Karen Karath. She questioned how the other towns are handling the
recycle. Councilman Bettina stated that several towns do not have a recycle center and if they do
it is privatize. The board has looked into other options and they have decided to provide the
service and is looking into ways to make it more efficient. Councilwoman Czarniecki stated that
to outsource the center would be an easy way out. The impact would be on the senior citizens. It
serves a purpose, but it is also a source for people to take advantage of. Ms. Karath suggested
that maybe the center should go back to the way it started, being open once a month or twice a
month. Supervisor Gutzler stated that during the budget meetings the board did discuss some of
these suggestions. Ms. Karath questioned when they would need to make a decision. Supervisor
Gutzler stated she would like to have something in place by the last meeting in March. Ms.
Karath added that she reached out to the County Solid Waste Management and they are
interested in helping out where they can. Councilman Beale stated that he feels that other towns
view their recycle center as a secondary means of disposing items and Wappinger views it as a
primary means. He then summarized the hours and operation of the Town of Poughkeepsie and
Town of New Windsor. He did suggest looking at the hours and days to save money. The
personnel service line in the budget needs to be looks at also the fuel cost and over head.
Supervisor Gutzler closed the public portion.
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Special Meeting Minutes March 4, 2013
Motion To: close the floor
MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman
SECONDER: Ismay Czarniecki, Councilwoman
AYES: Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarniecki, Kuzmicz
A. Recycle Center
The board discussed various suggestions from residents for the use of the recycle center as well
as the definition of a commercial vehicle. They decided that a commercial vehicle will be
defined as a dumb truck, rack truck, box truck and a commercial rental, such as a U -Haul and are
not permitted. In the case when a company car is issued to a resident, the resident must present a
notarized letter to the Town Clerk from the company stating the situation, prove residency and
present registration. A resident with a light pickup truck for their own business must present a
notarized letter stating they will only be using the center for house hold garbage; provide proof
of residency and registration. The board also decided that the single use pass is for one use only
and must be collected at the gate after a single visit. In a situation where those residents that
have a annual permit and cannot fit the items in their car they can obtain a single use permit at no
charge at the Town Clerks office. Supervisor Gutzler stated she would put together a summary
for the board to approve and be place on the next Town Board agenda.
MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman
SECONDER: Ismay Czarniecki, Councilwoman
AYES: Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarniecki, Kuzmicz
The meeting adjourned at 9:31 PM
Christine Fulton
Town Clerk
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