1995-01-10 RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 10, 1995 CALL MEETING TO OROER PRESENT: APPROVE MINUTES - December 13, 1994, Approved Corrections: Seconded CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter & plan from Charles Del Bene, Jr. of Paggi & Martin Re: Airport Drive 2. Letter to Supervisor Smith from Betsy Brockway Re: Calendar for Youth Bureau 3. Lighting at Spook Hill - Letter to Supervisor Smith, Letter from Steve Miller and Proposal from Chris Bar 4. Letter from Karen Hagstrom, District Attorney Dutchess County and Answer _ Rs: Rockingham 5. Letter from David Deitrick, Jr. - Re: Confirmation of Concert for 4/28/95 6. Memo from June Ellen Cioppa - Youth Program Analyst and Mr. Reimer's Report REPORTS K.D. B.R. J.E. R.F. B.G. E.K. S.M. J.C. R.J.H. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING ~ ~ ~. RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 10, 1995 NEXT MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 1995 The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Committee was held January 10, 1995 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County,New York. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chariman Ralph J. Holt. Others present were Kathi Delisa, Senior Citizen Director, Committee Members James Chappas, Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman and Stephen Miller. The minutes of the December 13, 1994 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Friedman seconded by Mr. Ennesser with all in favor. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from Betsy Brockway, Executive Director of the Dutchess County Youth Bureau including a calendar of the Youth Bureau activities and grant announcements. A letter was received from Karen E. Hagstrom, law Assistant for the District Attorney of Dutchess County. In her letter she requested information as to the estimate of damages and/or repair bills as a result of an incident a Rockingham Park with a Gary D. Caporuscio. This letter was answered December 22, 1994 stating that the repairs have not been completed because of the weather but will be done in the Spring. We also estimated total cost including labor to be $400. A letter was received from David H. Deitrick, Jr. Lt. Col. of U. S Army, West POint confirming the date of April 28, 1995 to perform at R. C. Ketcham High School. A memo was received from June Ellen Cioppa, Youth Programs Analyst enclosing the 1994 Annual Report which was due January 10, 1995. Mr. Reimer completed this form and it was returned to the Youth Bureau. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. Delisa handed out a report on the Senior acitvities for the month of December. This report is attached to these minutes. RECREATION DIRECTOR REPORT Mr. Reimer was unable to attend but wanted the following noted: 1. Summer programs will be here before we know it. He would like some ideas on how we can change the program i.e. handle numbers etc. Mr. Holt mentioned that he is still scheduled to meet with the Town Board regarding the salaries for the summer counselors. ~ ~ Recreation Minutes Page 2 January 10, 1995 2. Both of the winter programs for the boys and girls held registration last Saturday (January 7) and they had a large turnout. As of now they are closed. 3. Because of ongoing school board meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, which effect both Mr. Reimer and Mrs. Korz, it was suggested that the date of our meetings be changed to the 1st Tuesday of each month. SENIOR CITIZEN CHRISTMAS PARTY (ELKS) Mr. Holt mentioned that letters to the Editor have been sent to the Southern Dutchess News and the Poughkeepsie Journal thanking the supporters for their help in sponsoring the Elks Club Christmas Party. Thank yous were also sent to each individual donor with a copy of the program that was distributed. Mr. Holt emphasized that we would like to run 2 of these dinners next year to be able to accommodate those who were not able to go this year. Of course, this depends on the support we receive. We figure it takes approximately $1,200 to do one dinner for 175-180 people. We have already mentioned this to the Elks and they are willing to help us but we must start to solicit the funding earlier. Mr. Ennesser has been meeting with the Southern Dutchess Chamber and will talk with the Exchange Club regarding support for our Parties. If we can't raise the funds, we just don't do it. QUIET ACRES Mr. Ennesser received a proposal from Chris Bar Electric to do lighting at the above park. For full use of the park, it would cost $~ 935. Before we propose such a project, Mr. Holt asked Mr. Friedman to find out if Pop Warner would use the are~ if it were lighted. Mr. Chappas will also check with soccer to see if they would use it. LITTLE LEAGUE/ROBINSON LANE Mr. Friedman noted that regiatration for Little League will be February 4th and 18th from 10 - 4 at the Masonic Lodge on Myers Corners Road. SPOOK HILL Mr. Miller met with a representative from Central Hudson regarding the installation of lights at the above park. Chris Bar Electric also gave a proposal/estimate. These proposals have been forwarded to Supervisor Smith and the Town Board with a recommendation to go with the proposal from Chris Bar. Mr. Holt said that he had spoken with Supervisor Smith and she said the Town Board would be approving this at their meeting January 23, 1995 and that we should contact Chris Bar to set up the work. Mr. Miller was concerned about the wattage of the lights and Mr. Holt said that he would speak with Chris Bar again to make sure that there is sufficient light. ~ Recreation Minutes Page 3 January 10, 1995 SPOOK HILL CON'T Mr. Holt said that we are still going to paint the building in the Spring using the new paint which the Supervisor is getting. MARTZ FIELD Mr. Miller asked if we were also going to look into putting lights at Martz Field to illuminate the builidng and the dugouts to deter vandalism and graffiti. Mr. Holt said that we would ask Chris Bar to look at it to give us an estimate. What we are looking for is a light on the existing pole at the back of the park to be aimed at the building and a second light between the builidng and tennis courts to illuminate the back of the building and dugout area. SOCCER A letter was received from Charles Del Bene, Jr. of Paggi and Martin with a copy of the p~: soccer fields depicting the points set by their office for the installation of the new fencing. It was noted that the fence has been installed. Mr. Holt mentioned that Mr. Paggi will be presenting this field plan to the Town Board. Mr. Chappas noted that soccer had been in with their voucher for the $3,000. for 1994 and that they are looking forward to the workshop with the Town Board. They have been looking into several ideas on how to relieve the pressure at Rockingham. Someone mentioned that they thought there was a right of way or easement from the back of Rockingham to Brown Road. It was thought that if we could make one-way traffic into the Park from Regency and exit to Brown Road that the pressure would be relieved a bit. Mrs. Roe will see what she can find out from the Assessor's Office. CASTLE POINT A letter was placed in the mailboxes of the residents on the back side of the Park where the fence is broken and the recreational vehicles enter the park. After the letters were distributed, we received a call that the vehicles were coming in from other areas of Chelsea and that they came on Saturdays and Sundays in the afternoon. Supervisor Smith has asked the Town Patrol to go to the park more frequently during that time and check the area. When the ground gets harder, Mr. Tompkins will fix the fence again. We still have not received any word on the closure of the landfill. .....- Recreation Minutes Page 4 January 10, 1995 CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt mentioned the following: 1. The maintenance guys are cleaning up and painting the barn. 2. The transportation bill for Wappinger for the summer program was paid at $4,000. 3. As soon as we can get a P.O, we should do something with the water at Schlathaus. 4. Mr. Tompkins has received a quote of $1,480. for 80' of 10' high fence to go along the back of the MOntfort Road (Barn) property. We have had a few incidents witht he kids from the back development. They cut through our property and we are concerned because of the equipment and tools that we have there. In fact there is a law suit pending with some kids throwing gas into a dead tree and one of them being burned Luckily for us, the tree was on Central Hudson property and the fuel came from the home of one of the boys. The site of the incident was very close to our property line in the back of the barn. Mr. Tompkins will also get a quote from All American Fence Co. 5. It has been brought to our attention that there are several dead trees on Town property on Lenny Court (Conservation District). Mr. Holt mentioned this to Supervisor Smith and was told to have the owners write to her requesting that the Town remove the trees. Mrs. Roe will follow up on this. 6. As soon as the maintenance guys get finished painting and cleaning up the inside of the barn, we are going to have them work on the docks. They can bring them inside and do any necessary repairs on them. 7. There is land for sale on W:idrer Fbad WUch abutts aJI' ~ l..y on Briar Lane. He is looking into the number of acres and purchase price for this land. Mr. Miller asked whether we are planning any bus trips other than those for the Senior Citizens. Some suggestions were West Point Football, Baseball games(if there is a season), places where families could go etc. This will be mentioned to Mr. Reimer. Mr. Holt is going on vacation the 7th or 8th of February until March 13th and Mr. Friedman was asked to sit in for him during that time. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Ennesser seconded by Mr. Miller. Peggy Roe Secretary -.. BILLS PAID DURING JANUARY 1995 1994 PAYABLES A-1620.40 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Tennis Courts - Pye Lane All Angels Hill Road Schlathaus Park 7690-0425-00-0 7808-0390-00-4 7808-0400-01-9 32.98 115.55 62.19 A-7110.2 A-l Fence Company 4,885.00 6.50 18.90 A-7110.4 Dan Zag Royal Auto Parts Walter W. Smith Welding Supplies Coffee System of Hudson Valley 52.00 A-7620.4 1995 BILLS A-1620.41 NYNEX Quiet Acres 297-7780 4.32 Barn-Montfort Road 297-3692 26.11 Martz Field 297-9928 4.40 Spook Hill 297-9861 5.67 Schlathaus Park 297-4752 25.68 SYLVAN LAKE TELEPHONE Robinson Lane 227-9434 21. 06 A-7110.4 Sherwin Williams 62.60 DynaWatch, Inc. - Barn 240.00 Dynawatch, Inc. - Schlathaus Park 240.00 A-7620.4 Poughkeepsie Journal Quick & Easy Plastic Canvas 27.30 14.95 ~ JANUARY 1995 REPORT TO THE RECREATION COMMISSION ~ FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER December activities at the Senior Citizen Center included the regular schedule of arts/crafts, oil painting, exercise, line dancing, photo club, videos, bingo puzzles, cards and games. The center was closed Mon. Dec. 26 for Christmas. December was a whirlwind of parties. 115 seniors attended our annual center Christmas party at Villa Borghese on Dec. 9. It was a great time for all. Music was provided by John palumbo, Santa arrived with a gift for all, and everyone enjoyed the day. On December 13, 180 seniors attended the third annual Christmas party at the Elks ~odge. This gala event is open to all seniors in the Town. It is sponsored by the Town of Wappinger Recreation and the Elks ~odge with the support of donations from local businesses and professionals. Music was provided by the Bill Nepfel Band, and Santa arrived with gifts for all. This is becoming .an increasingly popular event. Registration for this party was filled in less than two hours with many put on a waiting list. We are looking into holding two of these Christmas dinners next year. On December 14, 39 seniors attended a breakfast. sponsored by the PTtA at Myers Corners School. Entertainment by the 5th grade chorus followed our wonderful breakfast. This was a great opportunity for both seniors and the 5th grade to talk with each other and share in a delightful morning. One more--On Wed., Dec. 21, 80 seniors enjoyed a Christmas party at the Center. There was bagels and cream cheese, danish, muffins, cheese and crackers, jUice and eggnog and of course a special Christmas cake. Many participated in a $5.00 Christmas grab bag, Although it was very crowded, all enjoyed themselves. Blood pressure was cancelled this month due to our extensive party schedule. Our monthly birthday party was held on the 29th. There are 200 seniors registered at the Center and 154 on the waiting list. ITEMS TO BE NOTED: 1. January activities include a Hat Day and a Chinese New Year party. 2. Peg and I are continuing our work on the 1995 trip schedulel .. . .I JANUARY 1995 TOWN OF WAPPINGER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER: OPEN 10:00A.M.-3:00P.M. 20 Middlebush Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY. 12590 Phone:297-3670 Director: Kathi DeLisa MON. WED. THURS. FRI. TUES. 1 2 1 1_,1 I I I I I I 9 I 1 1 I 110-Noon: arts/crafts 'NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games I 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games 1 130 I' 1 1 110-Noon: arts/crafts 'NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games I 4 1 I 5 1 I I I I 110:PHOTO CLUB 110-Noon: OIL PAINTING 10-11: EXERCISE 110-11: EXERCISE 110-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH Noon: LUNCH I NOON: " .LlJNGH 12: 30-3: cards /games ;,~r:4;~!:~;?i~;J;Jj~HM2.8~,t;~.~tlq9L:~lf2Ji130~~i::?WII?EQ i , '",:",~ '.,.'".. . ....... ...... 112: 30-3: cards/games 1:~1:~-::~:~~~~~~~!!! i ::Jf~~i~~~~~g;^j ::-lt~LN ~jNE 10-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH I ~pON : LUNCH N1">2.Q.P,:Y:"-"'~3"~0':::'t_~;..~.L3P:..:.-,~.<.. ,CVU1..O':"f,.....E. '0'>: '~":' 12 30 3 d / 'k.t!"2"<"4'5":?' ~""n'INGO'rBIN .... ...., . 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I I 1 112:30-3: cards/games I 101 I 10-Noon:OIL PAINTING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 24 I I 10-Noon:OIL PAINTING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games I 31!fij~~~B.~CJ~Rtl! I I ,"i' .'~DAy'r j"''?t, ., . . . . '. . 110-Noon:OIL PAINTING 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I 6 1 I 10-11:LINE DANCING I 10-Noon: arts/craftsl NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games \'0~""'~.j.." 'i'""t~~:' ",".~,~I~~~'~,,,,,,,~:..~,,:,,~;*.:i.'l,,,,,:,,:" 'iJf;, IJANUJ\R'I'J~l3.J.~+,ijPJ.\Yl:Jj.~ 11 George Kiouttes I 1 Chiokie Cohen 14 Helen Socha I 1 Dorthea Dombrowski '15 Rita Florence I 3 America Terralavora 18 Doris Bacon I 5 Lillian Marquino 21 Toni Pulliam I 7 Henry Rigler 21 Mary Tammaro I 8 Adele Miro 24 Nicki Silvestri 126 'Vi"(itor.:~:Te-san* t. 128 Angelo'Sarno' ' 129 Marie LaRusso 130 Henry Elsasser I I HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ! ! ! I . -. -- VJ :P\.. Ft:PI 1'[ G- :E :R SENIO:R l\JE; VJ S By Kathi DeLisa, Director JANUARY 1995 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!! May you all have a happy and healthy New Year filled with lot~ of fun and parties! Regina, Sue and I would like to thank all of you for your generous Christmas gifts. Your thoughtfulness is most appreciated. Thank you and a big hug to all of you!!!!! Need a break from all the parties? Well, by mid month I am sure you will all be rested. So on January 20th we will celebrate the Chinese New Year. It is the Year of the Boar! Actually, Chinese New Year is on January 30th, but we'll celebrate a little early. Don't know if I can find any of the dragons they use or any noise makers, but I am sure we can find a way to make lots of noise. And, the menu for the day will be (what else?) Chinese food. You must sign up with me by J~~ua~~ 17th if you wish to attend this celebration. ~ 6s'~ Friday, January 13th is HAT DAY! Come to the Center with a silly, pretty, droopy or goofy hat. You may even win a prize for the best. Look in your closet, drawers, hat box or where ever and find or even make the best hat of the day and have fun. Other January news.. .blood pressure screening is Jan. 11. Diana from the Office of the Aging will be at the Center on Jan. 12. Birthdays will be celebrated on Fri., Jan. 27. Remember, those with birthdays are asked to bring a cake for the party. We will all help you celebrate. The center is closed Monday, Jan. 2 for New Year's and Monday, Jan. 16 for Martin Luther King Day. Bingo are Wed. the 4th & 18th and Thurs., the 12th & 26th. WALKING CLUB CONTINUES.... ... . Thank you to all who contributed to TOYS FOR TOTS. I am sure you made Christmas a little happier for some who have so little. Coming in February! Come to the Valentine's Day Ball to be held on Wed., Feb. 15th at the Holiday Inn. Food, music, Day days THE <oveR..) .' , . , . . J ~ , dancing & lots of salad, a :choice.,of chicken franchese, luncheon is $8.00. me by Feb. 10th. What is a Ball without a King and Queen. Who should be our King and Queen of Hearts? The choice is yours. Please nominate your choice for both King and Queen. We will then vote on the top three nominations for both King and Queen. Write your choice of who you think should have this honor and place it in the box on the sign up table. The King and Queen of Hearts will reign at the Ball. There will be prizes for the best ballroom danoing, there will be surprises, in fact surprises that I don't even know about yet. Anyway, it will be fun and a some brightness in these dull winter months. So sign up now!! And plaoe your nomination for our Reigning Royalty in the box! May is Senior Citizen Month. (Am I going too fast?) honor of Senior Citizen Month, I would like to initiate a "Wappinger Senior Center Senior of the Year." That doesn't sound right, but you get the idea. The senior should be one who is a member of our Center, contributes to the success of our Center and goes out of the way to care about our members by their actions, kindness, etc. In April we will nominate those who you choose to receive this award. More on this later. This idea is still in the planning stage. The Wappinger Lions Club needs old eyeglasses or hearing aids. These are used for those less fortunate. So if you have any you no longer want or need, bring them to the Center. I will see to it that they are given to the Lions Club. In regard to paying dues. In the past, most of you have paid your dues by the month and I appreciate this very much. However, there are still a few who continue to pay dues on a weekly basis. To make my record keeping easier, please, if you can try to pay on a monthly basis. ,It is easier for you (you only have to think about it once a month that way) and it is easier for me. Also, if anyone is interested in paying dues on a yearly basis, feel free to do so. Many have chosen to do this as they cannot be at the Center every week and want to participate in our special events. Yearly dues is $2~00. Again this will certainly make the record keeping easier and much more efficient. Thank you For those paying dues by the month, January dues is $2.50. A big hug to you all! Smile! Happy New Year!!! fun.- Th~ luncheon will include-~oup and broiled-fish, sliced sirloin of beef or dessert and coffee/tea. The co~t for the The fun is free!! You must sign up with In