1995-07-11 AGENDA RECREA nON COMMITTEE MEETING 7/11/95 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT APPROVE MINUTES NONE CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter from D. C. Health - Re: Approval for variance regarding health records. 2. Letter from Kathi Cooke of YMCA - Re: High School Volleyball Tournament. 3. Letter from Henry Provost - Re: Contact person will he is on vacation 4. Letter from D. C. Youth Bureau - Re: 1996 Youth Development Funding. REPORTS K.D. B.R. lC. lE. R.F. RG. E.K. S.M. RJ.H. NEW BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES July 11, 1995 The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Committee was held July 11, 1995 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J. Holt. Others present were Bernie Reimer, Director and Committee Members James Chappas, Ronald Friedman, Barbara Gutzler, and Ellen Korz. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from Peter P. Mack, of the Dutchess County Health Department with approval of our request for a variance regarding the health records for our summer program. A request was received rom Kathi Cooke, YMCA Program Director to use the 3 sand volleyball courts on August 25,26 and 27. They intend to use the courts to run a High School/Young Adult sand volleyball tournament (ages 16-20). The approximate charge of $30.00/team of 4 Double elimination - with a maximum number ofteams at 16. The money would be used for referees/umpires and certain equipment. It was decided that we charge her the $10.00 a court for each day. Ifshe uses the 3 courts for all three days the fee would be $90.00. We will have to make sure signs are put up that the courts will be closed those days and the specific times. A letter was received from Henry Provost that he will be away on vacation from June 28, 1995 to July 19, 1995 and that Al Kersting, Vice President Senior League Boys would be acting on his behalf. Mr. Kersting number is 297-1973. A letter was received from Dutchess County Youth Bureau regarding the 1996 Youth Development and Delinquency Prevention Funding. They are requesting that a representative attend the Technical Assistance Workshop to be held Monday, July 24th from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Community Center Auditorium at Bowdoin Park. Mr. Reimer is the person who usually does this paperwork on the Youth Bureau funding but he will be away on vacation at that time. We will check around and see if anyone will be able to attend. Mr. Ennesser has attended other Youth Bureau meetings and maybe he would be back from vacation and will be able to attend this one. We will check on this. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. Delisa was unable to attend the meeting but sent a report of the activities for the Seniors for the month of June. This report is attached to these minutes. MARTZ FIELD/BARN Mr. Chappas mentioned that the water at the Barn is terrible and has a strong sulphur odor. Mr. Holt said that we were aware of this and that we have been talking about taking steps to try and hook in to the Town water. Mr. Chapp as also mentioned that this fountain was broken. We will have this checked. It was also suggested that maybe another fountain be placed by the tennis courts. ROBINSON LANE/LITTLE LEAGUE Mr. Friedman asked if we had received the certificate of insurance from the softball clinic and was told that we have not. He will check on this. Mr. Friedman mentioned that he has heard from some pretty reliable sources that there are some problems with the batting cages. One problem was that the netting doesn't protect the person using the machine and that the kids are feeding the balls. We should send a letter to Mr. Manasar to ask him to think about putting in a new section of fence just beyond the pitching machine for the protection of the ball feeder. Mr. Holt said that he personally has seen players in the batting cages unattended. A letter will also be sent to the Little League Board regarding the number of people in the cages and that an adult must be present. HALLOWEEN Miss Gutzler mentioned that she has several youngsters who volunteered to help work on the Haunted House. Karen Swanson will also work with the art classes at Myers on this project. Mrs. Korz mentioned that she will be contacting the businesses in August for donations. TENNIS The programs are going well. Mr. Casowitz has asked ifhe could have a key to the locks on the nets so that he could tighten them. Mrs. Roe will tell him that he can get a key at the Barn around noon every day. Mr. Holt mentioned that the tennis courts by the barn have been completed and look good. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Reimer mentioned that the summer programs are going good. The applications for the winter programs have been sent to the schools. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt mentioned the following: 1. The Town has decided that it will not spend $100 k on the Airport Park project. In the fall the maintenance crew will fill in any dips seed and roll the fields. 2 2. The dugouts at Robinson Lane have been painted by a community selVice worker. Spook Hill has also been painted and we have used the new paint on this building. 3. Some kids used a crow bar on the new building and got the doors off the runners and also got into some cement bags and spread it around. 4. The signs and the letter that were placed at the Hamlet seem to be working. So far we have received excellent feedback that no one is riding their R. V.'s on the trails. 5. The gate at Castle Point has been destroyed. Someone took a truck and rammed through it. We have taken the old gate from Robinson Lane and we put it at Castle Point for the time being. 6. We have had an incident with Wappinger Transportation regarding the busing of the kids for the summer program. We had scheduled trips to Splashdown and the schools said that they wouldn't bus the kids unless they received their money up front. We were able to get a check to them and got the buses running the following day. We have to stress that we need better communication. 7. It was suggested that we put in two more halogen lights placed at Schlathaus Park along the fence line. This will be placed in the 1996 budget. 8. The picnic for the summer playgrounds will be held August 8th. All are invited to come to help. 9. The new maintenance man, Carl Boss, is working out very well. He is a good worker. 10. Mr. Friedman was asked to sit in for Mr. Holt while he is on vacation during August and the first week of September. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Chapp as seconded by Mr. Friedman. Peggy Roe Secretary THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE HELD AUGUST 8TH AT SCHLATHAUS PARK 3 JULY 1995 REPORT TO THE RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER June activities at the senior Citizen Center included the regular schedule of arts/crafts, oil painting, exercise, line dancing, photo club, videos, bingo, puzzles, cards and games. The town of Wappinger senior center celebrated its 7th Anniversary on June 8th with a B-B-Que. APproximately 100 seniors attended this gala event. BUrgers and hot dogs were served and complimented with salads, fruit and desserts brought by the seniors. The "Swinging Seniors" performed their line dances, raffle prizes were awarded, bocce games and dancing were enjoyed by many. It was a fun day for all! On the 21st, 75 seniors enjoyed a luncheon in honor of Father's Day at Mariner's Harbor. It was a beautiful day to be by the Hudson River. seniors enjoyed a Lobster Bake or Prime Ribs of Beef. Blood Pressure screening was held on the 14th. The Cholesterol screening was cancelled because the necessary quota of participants was not reached. Our birthday party was celebrated on the 29th. A special birthday celebration was held on the 9th for one of our seniors who turned 80. The trip to Atlantic City was successful. However, no one won big! There are 198 seniors registered at the center and 163 on the waiting list. ITEMS TO BE NOTED: . 1. The next trip is to New York for the world Yacht Cruise and luncheon and time to shop at south street seaport. 2. There will be an office of the Aging picnic at Schlathaus on Mon. July 17th. JULY 1995 TOWN OF WAPPINGER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER: OPEN 10:00A.M.-3:00P.M. 20 Middlebush Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY. 12590 Phone: 297-3670 Director: Kathi DeLisa MON. FRI. TUES. WED. THURS. I 3 I I_I 10: PHOTO CLUB!!! 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 101 I 10: PHOTO CLUB!!! 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 17 1 THE CENTER IS _I CLOSED!!! OFFICE OF AGING PICNIC AT NOON AT SCHLATHAUS SEE KATHI FOR TICKET I I I 124 I I 1 110: PHOTO CLUB!! ! ! 110-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 311 I 10: PHOTO CLUB!!!! 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30=3: a.rda/g.mea I 4 I JULY 4th THE CENTER IS CLOSED 11 I I 10-Noon:OIL PAINTING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 5 I 6 I I I 1 10-11: EXERCISE 110-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH 12:45-2: BINGO ! BINGO ! 112:30-3: cards/games! 112:30-3: VIDEO 12 IWORLD YACHT CRUISE13 I 110:BLOOD PRESSURE I I 10-11: EXERCISE 110-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH/ INOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 112:45-2: BINGO !BINGO ! I 120 I I I 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3:cards/games 12:30-3: VIDEO 271 I 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH/BIRTHDAY PARTY! ! ! ! ! ! 12:45-2: BINGO! BINGO ! 29 Helen Hayes 31 John Moran** 18 I 19 I I 10-Noon: OIL PAINTING 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 12:45-2: BINGO! BINGO! 25 I 1 10-Noon:OIL PAINTING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games JULY BIRTHDAYS: J Paula Brannen Helen Ventriglia Florence Kiouttes 3 Viola Mauthe B Amy Menaoneri** 7 CONNIE SMITH 26 1 I 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 9 Anne Peters 11 Marie Burgazzoli 12 Kay Moran* 15 Marrie Perrone 23 Kay Andrews 25 Martha Petersen 27 Walter Mauthe HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL OF YOU!!! 7 I I 10-11:LINE DANCING I 10-Noon: arts/crafts I NOON: LUNCH I 12:30-3: cards/games I I 14 I I I I 10-11: LINE DANCING .1 10-Noon: arts/crafts I NOON: LUNCH I 12:30-3: VIDEO I I 211 I I I 10-11:LINE DANCING r 10-Noon: arts/craftsl NOON: LUNCH r 12:30-3: cards/gamesl 1 28 I I ILINE DANCING I CANCELLED! ! ! ! I 10-Noon: arts/crafts I NOON: LUNCH ! I 12:30-3:cards/games I 12:30-3: VIDEO I I I I I I I I, I VJ.A.l?l?Il'rG-E.R. SE.l'rIOR. l'fE.VJ S _:..,~. By Kathi DeLisa, Director JULY 1995 It's summer! It's sizzling! July is here! Please note the Center is closed on Tues. July 4th. Have a safe and wonderful Independence Day! The Office of the Aging is having a picnic for Town of Wappinger Seniors on Monday, July 17th at Schlathaus Park at noon. If you would like to attend, you can sign up with me. The cost for the picnic is $2.50. You must have a ticket to attend. Tickets are on a first come first serve basis so don't delay, sign up today! The menu includes B-B-Que chicken and other goodies. It should be a fun day, food, music and the opportunity to speak to those from the Office of the Aging. Diana Weibrecht will also be there to answer questions regarding Medicare, etc. Picnic is rain or shine. Dial-a-Ride passengers, call Dial-a-Ride for transportation to the picnic. They will take you and pick you up. The Center is closed this day. Other July news...blood pressure screening is June 12th. Birthdays will be celebrated on Thurs. June 27. Remember, those with birthdays are asked to bring a cake for the party. We will all help you celebrate. Bingo days are Wed. the 5th,& 19th and Thurs., the 13th & 27th. The WALKING CLUB continues. If you have not joined in walking, there's still time. It's healthy, relaxing and those who are walking are enjoying the exercise and the fresh air. So, join us. A luncheon for the Walking Club will be held sometime in September. If you would like to know more about this, see me and I will add your name to our walking chart. Not to rush things, but as you are doing your crafts, keep in mind that our Craft Fair is coming up in October. Sue and Regina will soon be bringing some holiday crafts for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas in for you to work on. The Craft Fair will be here quicker than you think! 1 (over) .~ Enjoy the beautiful poetry by Sue Bush this month. This NEW ADDITION was started in February so you all have the opportunity to share your creative writing, thoughts, drawing or cartoon. Come on Seniors, let's see what your thoughts are! Don't be shy! Share your thoughts and creativity with us!! !!I will include these in the newsletter. We have many talented seniors at the Center. Some do crafts, some paint or draw, some write poetry and/or stories, some have wonderful and creative ideas. You may sub~'your "writing" or even a drawing or cartoon to me at any time. Please do not submit preprinted articles etc. from other sources. I am sure we will all enjoy reading or seeing the creativity of our fellow seniors. The Wappinger Lions Club needs old eyeglasses or hearing aids. If you have any you no longer want or need, bring them to the Center. I will see to it that they are given to the Lions Club. For those paying dues by the month, July dues is $2.50. Also, if anyone is interested in paying dues on a yearly basis, feel free to do so. Yearly dues is $25.00. A big hug to you all! Smile!!! 2 , ' I AM HOME AGAIN AT LAST by SUE BUSH _:_.'~' They said that I was going home again After a very long wait. God I pray this time, they will be right. Please God, Let them be right. The words that they said, rang out loud and clear in my head I tried to tell tehm, but they could not hear what I said. How could they? Don't they know that I am dead? I look at my buddies, laying so still, staring into space. They all had eyes, but could not see. For they all were dead, just like me. I tried to tell them that we were going home again. At long last and put our souls to rest. God knows we did our very best The statues that they made of us Are so real, but they are made from steel. Do you know how proud that makes us feel? The flags were waving and some were crying too God, soldier, What did they do to you? I tried to tell them that I am O.K. Now that I am back home again, in the U.S.A. 3