1995-08-08 AGENDA RECREA nON COMMITTEE MEETING 8/8/95 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: APPROVE MINUTES: June 13, 1995 July 11, 1995 Approved Approved Seconded Seconded CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter from W.F.J .H. Re: approval for use of facilities for winter basketball program 2. Copy ofletter from Steve Saland Re: Grant for Castle Point. 3. Letter from Youth Bureau - Re: 1995 funding 4. Insurance for Softball Camp 5. Letter from Betsy Brockway Re: Meeting on 7/24 with Mr. Reimer and Mrs. Roe. REPORTS K.D. B.R. J.C. J.E. R.F. RG. E.K. S.M. R.J.H. NEW BUSINESS - OLD BUSINESS- Halloween Castle Point ADJOURN MEETING NEXT MEETING ------ f RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES AUGUST 8, 1995 NEXT MEETING SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 AT SCHLATHAUS PARK AT 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Committee was held August 8, 1995 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J. Holt. Others present were Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Bernie Reimer, Recreation Director, Committee Members Ronald Friedman, Barbara Gutzler and Ellen KoTZ. The minutes of the June 13 1995 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Friedman seconded by Mrs. KoTZ with all in favor. The minutes of the July 11, 1995 meeting were approved on a motion by Miss Gutzler seconded by Mr. Friedman with the following changes - Under Robinson Lane page 2 it was noted that Mr. Holt personally saw players in the batting cages unattended. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from John McCarthy, Assistant Principal of the Wappinger Jr. High School approving our request for the use of their gym on Wednesday evenings for our basketball program. He also enclosed a schedule showing the dates the gym is available/ unavailable. It was also noted that we are not able to use the gym during the month of March because of their gymnastic program. A copy of a letter sent to Supervisor Smith from Senator Stephen Saland was forwarded to us for our information. The letter said that the State was not able to provide the funding of $45,000 for the purpose of providing handicapped accessible bathrooms at Castle Point. A letter was received from Betsy Brockway, Executive Director of the Dutchess County Youth Bureau regarding the 1995 YDDP funds. Attached to this letter was a list of the revised figures for the 1995 funding. The Wappinger figure was originally $7,918. And the revised figure is $7,720. A Certificate ofInsurance was received for the baseball camp which was held the last week of July at Robinson Lane. A letter was received from Betsy Brockway thanking Mr. Reimer and Mrs. Roe for their time answering questions regarding the monitoring of our Youth Bureau's programs. She mentioned that she found our program in compliance with the YDDP application which was on file at the Youth Bureau. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. DeLisa handed out a report on the senior activities for the month of July. This report is attached to these minutes. RECREATION DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Reimer noted that applications have been sent to the schools for the use of their facilities for our fall/winter programs. We are awaiting replies from the schools. It was noted that the picnic today went well although there was one injury as the kids were getting ready to board the buses. A girl fell (or was knocked down) and hurt her ribs. Miss Russell will call the parents tonight to follow up on the girl's injuries. Otherwise it was a great picnic. He noted that the summer staff was excellent and everything went well even though we had to replace a couple of the directors mid season and several aides left for better paying jobs. Mr. Reimer and Mrs. Roe praised the work of Amy Russell as the Summer Director. She is very organized and on top of everything. She is level headed when dealing with counselors and parents alike. We feel so much credit should go to her for the way the entire summer went. She even reviewed each of the lip sync acts for the picnic to make sure there was nothing distasteful or unsavory. We really should do everything we can to get her back next year. She does so much beyond the normal playground hours i.e. shopping for playground supplies, staying with kids whose parents are late picking up the children, making sure all sites are kept presentable, reviewing with the Board of Health and rewriting the Camp Safety Plan, calling accidents in to the Board of Health and calling parents to follow up on any accidents/injuries. We had a few bus budget problems with the playgrounds and the last two weeks of the program transportation (with exception of swimming) had to be canceled. The Directors and the counselors are to be commended for their job in revising their schedules and putting in place new activities for the children. 2 We do have a problem with the swim program in that a few of the counselors are active in the swim meets for Marist and we always seem to have to get substitutes. We also need a W.S.I. for the program and it is hard to find someone with the right qualifications. YOUTH BUREAU FUNDING Mr. Reimer reported that Mrs. Brockway attended one of the programs at Schlathaus Park during the summer to monitor the program for the Youth Bureau funding. She also met with Mr. Reimer and Mrs. Roe at Town Hall to discuss the funding for 1995 and for 1996. She mentioned that the type of programs that we do for the funding are great but------ she feels that more emphasis should be put on programs that give the children a lifetime skill instead of entertainment. She felt that too much of our current funding is from administration and not enough money put into the programs. She asked us to look into doing other programs for the 1996 funding. We use to use the summer playground program for the funding but since we started charging, we have not been able to use this program. We are not able to use any program for which we charge a fee. A suggestion was made that maybe be should pull out the swim lessons/and or basketball clinics and not charge for them and make them part of the Youth funding. We have to emphasize that in order to receive $7,000. From the YDDP we have to spend $14,000. It was suggested that Mr. Reimer write a letter to Supervisor Smith explaining the situation and ask for direction. Ifwe do go with the swim programlbasketball clinic as part of the Youth Bureau funding the Town Board will have to rescind the fees for those programs. MID HUDSON ROAD RUNNERS RACE Mr. Ennesser was unable to attend but left the following with Mr. Holt to be presented to the commission. He mentioned that he met with Mr. Irving Miller regarding the race to be held September 17th at Robinson Lane. He reminded us that we need to paint the speed bumps prior to the race. 'Mr. Miller also asked if we would consider taking out one of the sections of the fence, the furthest one in, and putting a gate on it so when they are running they could let the cars in and out. If we can't do that he asked if there were some other way we could have another access to the park. Each year they seem to be getting bigger and are requesting more. We will have to do some serious thinking regarding this race at this site. Weare already going to have a parking problem and they have already requested that they be allowed to park cars on fields like the SB-l (#2) which we have approved. ROBINSON LANE Mr. Friedman mentioned that the softball camp went well. They used 1 field at Robinson Lane and 13 girls enjoyed the camp. Mr. Friedman said that he went to Robinson Lane a couple of times while the camp was in session and was impressed with the instruction. He mentioned that they would like to do it again next year. The instructor also mentioned to Mr. 3 Friedman that he might want to run a tournament and Mr. Friedman told him about the problems that we encounter with the Debs and to make sure that these problems would be addressed when making application. Mr. Friedman mentioned that he had written to Dr. Manasar regarding the problem with the physical aspect of the batting cage (putting in a second section of fence to protect the ball feeders). A letter was also sent to the Board of Directors of Little League regarding the compliance of the rules as set forth for the use of the cages i.e. supervision. He also asked about the water problems at Robinson Lane and asked if they had disinfected the water lines. He asked if they had done the soda lines, ice machines etc. We will mention to the maintenance guys that they have to purge all the lines, dump the ice cubes etc. Registration for the fall ball program is taking place. Mr. Friedman mentioned to Mr. Provost that he should not schedule any games for the weekend of the Road Runners Race September 17th. HALLOWEEN Miss Gutzler mentioned that she has been working on plans for the Haunted House and requested pennission to spend between $75.00 and $100.00 for supplies. Mrs. Korz mentioned that she has been in contact with Beetle Juice and they will be sending a contract. She has also contacted McDonalds, Wendys, Ben & Jenys, Fun Central, Hoe Bowl, Carvel, Pizza Hut, Dunkin Donuts, Block Buster Video, Taco Bell, Video Treats, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Play It Again Sports for donations for prizes. Everything seems to be in good shape for the donations. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt mentioned the following: 1. Pursuant to a request from Supervisor Smith, we have completed the walk bridge at Reese Park. The bridge is about 3' wide. 2. The 1996 budget has been completed and is almost ready to be turned in to Supervisor Smith. 3. We are going to have to replace the gate at Castle Point. A car or truck went through one side. We have just put something make shift in place until we could do something else. What we should do is put something there similar to the gate at Robinson Lane. All we really have it there for is to keep the cars from going all over the fields. We should look into having this fixed soon. 4 , .' 4. Dr. Manasar has indicated that we will still get some fencing for the 3rd cage at Robinson Lane. He will see that the fencing is dropped off at the barn 5. In light of what happened this year with the bus transportation for the summer program, next year we should make sure that there are no problems well ahead of the start of the program. 6. There is money in the 1995 budget for electric and we would like to have additional lights placed at Schlathaus. When we have the concerts, we need more light available when people are leaving (a safety precaution.) We will have to get some estimates and go to the Town Board for permission to proceed with this project. 7. There is approximately $13,000. Grant money left to do work at the Castle Point site to get the electric in place. We have been after Central Hudson to get a cost estimate to put in the electric poles and to date we have not received any answer. Mrs. Roe received a call with a ball park estimate and she has requested this information in writing so we could proceed. Since we do not have enough money to do the building it was suggested that we dig a hole and put a tank in the hole and run the electric from the tank to the fountain. When we have funds for the building we would build the building over the tank. This all has to be done by the end of October or we loose the money. 8. We also need to purchase some more clay for Robinson Lane. 9. We need to start to think about replacing some of the bleachers as some of them at Robinson Lane were purchased in 1971 and are really showing wear. We have put funds in the 1996 budget to purchase 2 sets. It was suggested we get a couple of 10 row high bleachers at Memorial Field. We should start a program to replace a couple each year. 10. We have been told by Highway Dept. that they have not forgotten our paving projects at Martz Field and at the Barn. They will still be done this year. 11. As indicated at our last meeting, the water at the Barn site is not drinkable. It was suggested that we hook up to the Town water line which runs on Elizabeth Terrace. We have talked to Camo and gotten estimates for materials of approximately $3,000. to do this hook up. It was also suggested that we make sure that the line is at least 6" so it could be used eventually for a sprinkler system for fire protection. 12. A filter has been put on the water system at Schlathaus Park. We now have a problem of no water. Since it just happened today, we have not had time to look into the problem. 13. We have had a couple of problems at Martz Field finding drugs on the premises. Whenever something like this is found, Supervisor Smith must be notified as soon as possible. 5 , . . ~ 14. It was brought to our attention that the Highway workers get an allowance for work clothes and boots. We, therefore, put in the budget for 1996 an allowance for boots and clothes for our three full time guys which was approximately $900.00 15. We run approximately 7 to8 concerts a year and at times Mr. Reimer is not available to be there for every concert. It was suggested that each member of the commission be available to help out for at least one concert. To be available to meet with the band to make sure that they have everything they need and to make sure that the electric is on etc. We will have Mr. Vorndran show everyone where all the switches are and what keys are needed for the necessary locks. A key rack will be placed in the kitchen at Schlathaus with all the necessary keys. 16. We seem to be having some trouble with the alarm system at Robinson Lane. It seems that when the alarm went otTthe police called Mr. Vorndran at the Barn and an hour later Mr. Friedman received a call from the alarm system. What was the cause of the delay? Mrs. Roe will see that Mr. Friedman gets keys to the Robinson Lane gate and building along with the codes. 17. Supervisor Smith made mention that there has been some complaints regarding the Senior Bus trips in that some people have not been able to go on the trips. Mr. Holt checked with Mrs. DeLisa and Mrs. Roe and found that most trips have not filled up right away and that there usually isn't much of a waiting list. If someone wants to go on the trips and has a problem getting in to make such a reservation, all they need to do is contact either Mrs. DeLisa or Mrs. Roe and they will work with them. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 15 p.m. on a motion by Mrs. Korz seconded by Miss Gutzler. Peggy Roe Secretary 6 August 1995 REPORT TO THE RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE MONTH OF JUly SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER July activities at the senior Citizen center included the regular schedule of arts/crafts, oil painting, exercise, line dancing, photo club, videos, bingo, puzzles, cards and games. The center was closed for 4th of July. APproximately 132 Town of wappinger seniors enjoyed a picnic at Schlathaus park given by the office of the Aging. There were many center members as well as other Town Seniors attending this event. It was a fun day for all. July was a big birthday month. Two of our seniors turned 85 years of age and one turned 80. A special birthday party was held to honor these three octagenarians. The ladies received a bouquet of flowers and the gentleman received balloons. Blood pressure screening was held on the 12th. And our regular monthly birthday party was held on the 27th. The trip to the world Yacht cruise was successful. There are 198 seniors registered at the center and 165 on the waiting list. ITEMS TO BE NOTED: 1. AUgust events include a TOpsy TUrvy "Cincip". (picnic). Limit of 75 seniors as this will be held indoors. 2. The next trip is scheduled Aug. 22 to Aqua Turf. 3. The Elks christmas party is scheduled for Tues. Dec. 12th. Letters requesting donations will be sent out in Aug. 4. other upcoming dates: The Annual craft Fair is scheduled for oct. 20th. The center christmas luncheon is scheduled for Dec. 8th at Villa BOrghese. AUGUST 1995 TOWN OF WAPPINGER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER: OPEN 10:00A.M.-3:00P.M. 20 Middlebush Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY. 12590 Phone: 297-3670 Director: Kathi DeLisa MON. FRI. TUES. WED. THURS. FOR AUGUST BIRTHDAYS SEE NEWSLETTER! ! ! 71NAT'L SMILE I WEEK!!!! 10: PHOTO CLUB!!! 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games I 114 1 I I 10: PHOTO CLUB!!!! 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 21 1 I 10: PHOTO CLUB!!!! 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 281 1 10: PHOTO.CLUB!!!! 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 1 1 I 2 I 1 I 1 10-Noon: OIL PAINTING 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 12:45-2: BINGO ! BINGO ! 8 I 1 10-Noon:OIL PAINTING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 9 110-Noon: BLOOD I PRESSURE!!!!! 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH/ 12:30-3: cards/games 15 1 16 I 1 I 10-Noon: OIL PAINTING 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 12:45-2: BINGO!BINGO! 22 ITRIP: AQUA TURF 1 10-Noon:OIL PAINTING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 23 I I EXERCISE CANCELLED!! 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 29 1 30 I I I 10-Noon: OIL PAINTING 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 12:45-2: BINGO ! BINGO ! 131 1 1 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games! 12:30-3: VIDEO 10 1 1 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:45-2: BINGO! BINGO ! 17 110-11:EXERCISE I TOPSY TURVY CINCIP! ! ! ! ! SIGN UP WITH KATHI LIMIT 75 SENIORS 241 I EXERCISE CANCELLED!! 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:45-2: BINGO!BINGO! 31 I I 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!! 12:30-3: VIDEO I 4 IFRIENDSHIP DAY! I I 10-11:LINE DANCING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 11 I I 10-11:LINE DANCING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: VIDEO 181 1 10-11:LINE DANCING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 25 I ILINE DANCING CANCELLED! ! ! ! 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3:cards/games 12:30-3: VIDEO VJ.A.l?l?I~G-E.R. SE.l'JIOR. l'JE.VJ S By Kathi DeLisa, Director AUGUST 1995 AUGUST BIRTHDAYS: 1 Carmela Vrendenburg 2 Christine Brooks 3 Fortuna Iazzetti 3 Florence Bidwell 10 Jim Orefice* 22 Tina Tesan 23 Gi1 Bardy 26 Angelo Ianua1e 27 Millie Grosso* 30 Anna Gaglione 9 Ida Repke Summertime and the Center activities are slow and easy! Sure has been sizzling this summer. To help us cool off, it's time for ???? How about a "Topsy Turvy Cincip?" What is that you ask? Well, it's a summer picnic held inside because it's too hot outside. And to make it more fun, everyone must come dressed "Topsy Turvy!" What does that mean? It could mean wearing your clothes backwards, upside down, hair topsy or turvy or whatever your creative thoughts come up with. (Prizes for the best) Have fun thinking about it! The Cincip will be on Thurs. Aug. 17. There is a limit of 75 people since this will be held indoors so don't wait! don't hesitate! Sign up before it's too late! (before Aug. 14.) When you sign up you will get your ticket (and maybe win a prize) to our first ever "Topsy Turvy Cincip!!! !!" Be prepared, this will be a very unusual Cincip! Am also working on another surprise for you this month, but due to circumstances beyond my control, I am just a little behind. Speaking of this, A1do and I want to thank all of you for your prayers, cards and get well wishes. I am sure it will help to speed his recovery. Thank you, you are all wonderful! Other August news...b100d pressure screening is Birthdays will be celebrated on Thurs. Aug. 31st. those with birthdays are asked to bring a cake for party. We will all help you celebrate. Aug.9th. Remember, the 1 L 0 veeJ Bingo days are Wed. the 2nd, 16th, & 30th and Thurs. the 10th & 24th. The WALKING CLUB continues. If you have not joined in walking, there's still time. It's healthy, relaxing and those who are walking are enjoying the exercise and the fresh air. So, join us. A luncheon for the Walking Club will be held sometime in September. If you would like to know more about this, see me and I will add your name to our walking chart. Suggestions for the Luncheon are needed, so let me know where you "Walkers" want to go. Not to rush things, but as you are doing your crafts, keep in mind that our Craft Fair is coming up in October. Sue and Regina will soon be bringing some holiday crafts for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas in for you to work on. The Craft Fair will be here quicker than you think! I will be getting raffle tickets for the Fair soon and once again, we will be asking each of you to take a minimum of 5 tickets to sell. Remember, craft sales plus your dues make it possible for luncheons, parties and much more. More on this later. A new contributor to our Creative Corner. George Brannen wrote his poem "An Elegy on Bald Headed Men" on discharge from military service on route home. I'm sure you will enjoy and chuckle while reading it. Also enjoy the Love poem by Sue Bush. This NEW ADDITION was started in February so you all have the opportunity to share your creative writing, thoughts, drawing or cartoon. Come on Seniors, let's see what your thoughts are! Don't be shy! Share your thoughts and creativity with us!!!!I will include these in the newsletter. We have many talented seniors at the Center. Some do crafts, some paint or draw, some write poetry and/or stories, some have wonderful and creative ideas. You may submit your "writing" or even a drawing or cartoon to me at any time. Please do not submit preprinted articles etc. from other sources. I am sure we will all enjoy reading or seeing the creativity of our fellow seniors. The Wappinger Lions Club needs old eyeglasses or hearing aids. If you have any you no longer want or need, bring them to the Center. I will see to it that they are given to the Lions Club. For those paying dues by the month, August dues is $2.00. Also, if anyone is interested in paying dues on a yearly basis, feel free to do so. Yearly dues is $25.00. A big hug to you all! Smile!!! 2 CREATIVE CORNER AN ELEGY ON BALD HEADED MEN (With apologies to all of the species) by George Brannen The other day upon the train I chanced to look around What I saw amused me much The same to others brought a frown. In front of me there sat A man whose head was almost bare His greatest worry now is What to do about his hair? That hair that such a torment was When he was just a boy If he could have it now T'would be his pride and joy. With treatments costing much Its beauty he would restore But all it seems in vain He only loses more Each morning now He looks upon that balding pate And carefully counts that seventh hair To see if there are eight. But comb it thus or comb it so Withal that he can do In spite of all his efforts Still that pate comes shining through. So if it comes to pass Upon some most unfortunate day I lose my hair Lord give me strength to save Myself with just a small toupee. (Written on discharge from military service on route home 3/3/46.) 3 ~V~) WHEN YOUNG LOVERS BECAME OLD LOVERS BY SUE BUSH AS TIME WENT BY, THEY SHARED AND CARED FOR THEIR LOVE, FOR EACH OTHER. REMEMBERING THE DAY, WHEN THEY SAID I DO. I PLEDGE MY LOVE FOR YOU. AS THE YEARS ROLLED BY ONE BY ONE LOOKING BACK AT THOSE YEARS, WHEN THEY HAD SO MUCH FUN. THOSE YEARS WENT BY ALL TOO FAST, THEIR FRIENDS THOUGHT THEIR LOVE WOULD NEVER LAST. NOW IN THE TWILIGHT OF THEIR YEARS, THE SILVER IN THEIR HAIR REPLACED THE GOLD, LOOKING AT THEM, YOU WOULD SAY THEY AREN'T OLD THEY MAY WALK A LITTLE SLOWER THAN BEFORE AND LOOK AT LIFE WITH A DIFFERENT VIEW BUT THEY ARE THE SAME YOUNG LOVERS, WHEN THEY KISS AND SAY GOOD NIGHT, MY DARLING I LOVE YOU. 4 BILLS PAID DURING AUGUST 1995 A-1620.40 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & ELECTRIC Robinson Lane 7690-0760-00-0 370.20 Montfort Road (Barn) 7964-1460-00-5 154.43 Gazebo 7512-0470-00-2 13.49 Helen Drive (Quiet Acres) 7895-1220-05-8 10.33 Long Court 7851-1550-00-2 8.67 Spook Hill 7810-1572-04-4 83.73 Tennis Courts 7690-0425-00-0 166.98 Stage Old Myers Comers 7802-1960-00-6 13.57 Myers Comers & All Angels 7802-1962-00-2 13.99 Tennis Courts 7690-0425-00-0 60.21 Robinson Lane 7690-0760-00-0 346.68 Rockingham Park 7902-1435-00-7 92.55 A-1620.41 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Robinson Lane 227-9434 21.13 NYNEX Quiet Acres Schlathaus Park Martz Field Barn - Montfort Spook Hill 297-7780 297-4752 297-9928 297-3692 297-9861 49.63 25.56 53.82 54.61 56.42 NYNEX MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS Hughsonville Playground Castle Point Playground 475-3377 475-0200 155.38 A-711O.4 Petty Cash Taylor Rental Taylor Rental Absolute Business Center, Inc. Chelsea Door Company Grossman's Hutchinson 91.33 48.00 24.00 70.00 87.50 20.43 14.90 .. BILLS PAID DURING AUGUST CON'T A-71 10.4 Copeland Coating Company, Inc. Pine Plains Ford Tractor, Inc. Lone Star Industries, Inc. Sherwin Williams N. &. S. Supply Brady's Power Equipment Sunny Garden Greenhouses, Inc. Royal Carting Service Co. Sunny Garden Greenhouses, Inc. 4,030.00 40.16 18.81 391.91 111.75 30.50 39.00 703.74 26.00 A-7140.4 Sonny Carroll Orchestra 800.00 Amy Russell 140.28 Amy Russell 67.39 Little Creek Band, Inc. 900.00 Southern Dutchess News 117.00 Heart & Soul 775.00 Amy Russell 73.66 A-7620.4 The Rag Shop 40.08 Petty Cash 68.51 Petty Cash 43.15 Hobby Hut 49.31 Petty Cash 5.48 Coffee System of Hudson Valley 52.00 B-7310.4 EMS Associates 70.28 Petty Cash 42.07 Petty Cash 24.64 Wappinger Central School 1,000.00 Guardian Trailer Rentals 50.00 Margaret Roe 407.54 S. & S. Arts & Crafts 53.73