1997-06-16 ~---"" ~------ AGENDA RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 16, 1997 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: RlH., KD., G.D., lC., lE., RF., B.G., E.K, S.M. APPROVE MINUTES: May 9, 1997 Approved: Seconded: CORRESPONDENCE 1. Memo from Mark Liebermann - Re: building permits 2. Letter from Tim Fisher - Re: reschduling of games 3. Copy ofletter from D. C. Health re: Water at Robinson Lane 4. Letter from D. C. Health re: Corrections and additions for safety plan 5. Letter from N.Y. S.Coastal Resources and Waterfront Revitalization - Application for grant denied. 6. Letter from Linda Soto, Craft Teacher re: resignation - last day 6/20/97 7. Law suit - Bains-Alves vs Town of Wappinger & Village re: accident at Robinson Lane opening day 4/26/97 8. Resume from Victoria Seltzer 9. Letter from D. C. Emergency Response - our 1997 call list. REPORTS KD. E.K G.D. B.G. lC. S.M. lE. RlH , RF. OLD BUSINESS- West Point Concert / - Concert Series Playgrounds NEW BUSINESS MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 16, 1997 NEXT MEETING JULY 11, 1997 AT SCHLATHAUS PARK The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Committee was held June 16, 1997 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. The meeting was called to order at 7: lap. m. by Chairman Ralph 1. Holt. Others present were Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Committee Members Barbara Gutzler, Ellen Korz, Ronald Friedman, James Chappas, and Stephen Miller. Joseph Ennesser arrived at 7:45 p.m. The minutes of the May 9, 1997 meeting were approved on a motion by Miss Gutzler seconded by Mrs. Korz with all in favor. OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE 1. Memo to Barbara Gutzler regarding the Youth Bureau Funds 2. Memo To Town Board regarding the status of the camp registration 3. Memo to Town Board regarding a request for P.O. for S. & S. Arts & Crafts 4. Memo to Town Board requesting a P.O. for Wappinger Central School for summer bus transportation. 5. Letter to Donald Stein stating that Schlathaus Park is not suitable place for radio club. 6. Letter to Frank Carrone thanking him for use of Myers for registration for camps 7. Letter to Joseph Corrigan thanking him for his help in bus scheduling for swim lessons. 8. Letter to Castle Point personnel regarding change of site for summer program. 9. Letter to Jackie Williams, Fishkill Plains PT A thanking them for the senior breakfast. 10.Letter to Sylvia Epstein, Principal ofFishkill Plains for having senior for a breakfast on 6/4. 11. Thank you letter to Shari Hubner, Attorney for information of issues concerning elderly 12. Thank you letter to Shirley Jamieson for craft supplies. CORRESPONDENCE A memo was received from Mark Lieberman - Fire Inspector noting that in the April 28th Town Board minutes they noticed that some construction will be done at certain parks and that any structures will need a building permit. Mrs. Roe noted that this paper work has been completed. A letter has been received from Tim Fisher of the National Adult Baseball Association regarding some changes in the field scheduling for their league. 1 A copy of a letter received by Supervisor Smith from the Dutchess county Department of Health was forwarded to us for our information. This letter addressed the Robinson Lane Recreation Area public water Supply and concerned itself with the bacteria and the nitrate concentration in the water collected on April 17, 1997. A letter was forwarded to us from Supervisor Smith regarding our application for a grant from the N.Y.S. Coastal Resources and Waterfront Revitalization, informing us that our application was denied. A letter of resignation was received from Linda Soto, Craft Teacher at the Senior Center effective June 20, 1997. We are truly sorry to lose her. A lawsuit was received in regard to an incident at Robinson Lane on opening day April 26, 1997. Apparently a child (toddler) was hit in the head with a ball. We don't know how it happened but we were aware that the incident happened and we were told that the child was okay. We have asked Little League to get some information. Mr. Friedman mentioned that he has asked them three times for the information i.e. a written statement from the witnesses. This is a serious incident. A letter was received from the Dutchess County Department of Health addressing the 1997 Day Camp Safety Plan Review. There are a few relatively minor corrections that Mr. diPierno has to make. Mr. diPierno was given a copy of this letter on May 19th. An application for employment was received from a Victoria G. Selzer looking for employment opportunities available in recreation. In reading her resume she has a lot of qualifications but we don't have any openings for her type of work. A letter was received from the Dutchess County Emergency Response including our 1997 call list for severe storm alerts. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT. Mrs. DeLisa gave a report on the Senior Activities for the month of May. A copy of this report is attached to these minutes. Mrs. DeLisa also commended her two helpers Regina Waldron and Linda Soto for all their support during the past month while she was coping with personal issues and for continuing with the programs which were set up. They were both an asset to the programs. Mrs. DeLisa mentioned that she has talked with a person to replace Linda. Her name is Maria and she seems to have the personality that would work well with the seniors. Mrs. DeLisa was very happy with her and she mentioned that the seniors who met her seemed to feel comfortable with her. She is willing to start immediately. She is a local person. 2 AIRPORT PARK Mr. Chappas asked about Airport Park - about when the paving was going to be done. Mr. Holt said it was suppose to be finished and Mr. Tompkins has been trying to get in touch with of Joe Patinella of Ameri- Tech to find out when he was going to do the work but he just doesn't return his calls. DOCKS Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the docks are going well and they are getting plenty of use. He mentioned that he is down there frequently and is staying on top of the activity there. REESE PARK He mentioned that he had a few scouts that were anxious to do some work at Reese Park as part of their scout program but because of no answers on the insurance aspects of them volunteering there and the fact that they will soon be going to college we have canceled the project. He did mention that as part of the Greenway project there have been people from Camp Beacon in to clean up the park. They have cleaned about 1/4 of the way around the pond and are planning to come back tomorrow. The unfortunate part of this is that we received a call today that they are planning return tomorrow and he has had to scurry around to obtain tools etc for them to use. He said that he was suppose to meet with Mr. Di Marco and they are trying to' work out a schedule so that we have enough lead time to set up some jobs like doing trail markers, putting in piers for the directory and reconstruct the bridge. Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he was at Reese the other day from 2:45 to 6:00 with the workers. ROBINSON LANE Mr. Friedman mentioned that Little League is having a summer program which will run approximately 10 weeks until mid October. They will be playing Monday, Wednesday and Friday and this is in lieu of the fall ball program. WE will have to remind them of the Mid Hudson Road Runners race so that they don't schedule something for that weekend. We also have to check on the request for the bicycle club who had requested the first weekend in September. We had sent a letter stating that they could use the facility and what the fee was but we haven't heard from them. Mr. Friedman asked when the SL-2 dugout was to be fixed and Mr. Holt said it was suppose to be done Friday of this week. Mr. Friedman mentioned that in light of the lawsuit that Mr. Tompkins should rope off the area around the dugout. Mr. Chappas mentioned that the dugouts at Holt and SL 1 needs some work. Mr. Miller noted that we haven't heard from Breland Edwards regarding the 3 number of fields that he needs. We gave him approval to use fields but we asked him to let us know what the age groups would be. Mr. Friedman mentioned that they are doing a good job cleaning up the papers etc around the store and Mr. Chappas said that the tables are being cleaned and disinfected every night Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the excavation has been done for the installation of the new slide at Robinson Lane. It should be in on Thursday. RYMER Mr. Friedman asked about the progress on the Rymer Subdivision especially the plan for the road and Mr. Holt said that the meeting was canceled and will be rescheduled. INSURANCE We need to send a letter to Supervisor Smith regarding the insurance requests to use the parks for a day for a picnic/softball game. We get a number of requests to use park facilities for a day from workers of local businesses. Their business is not officially sponsoring them but it is just a group who want to get together for some fun and recreation. Therefore, they don't have specific insurance for this purpose. Is there a way we can let them hold their picnic/game? Should they have to sign a waiver releasing the Town from any liability? ELECTRIC AT CASTLE POINT Mr. Friedman asked about the electric at Castle Point and Mrs. Roe said that she was attending a preliminary construction meeting with Mrs. Buckley and Mr. Paggi on June 17th at D. C. Planning Dept. We will be going over the plan. As far as we know we don't think that the plans have been done for the building. We will check on this. DEER RUN Mrs. Korz mentioned that there is a group from the Deer Run area who would like to clean up the area and cemetery and make trails (walking trails). They would like to get involved in recreation. They would like to come to one of the recreation meetings to discuss this with us. Again we have to be careful about the insurance aspect. 4 SPOOK HILL Mr. Miller mentioned that the shelter is completed and the blacktop was done over the weekend. He again asked about the barbed wire fence which is down at the back of the building. We thought that it had been removed. We will check with maintenance. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt mentioned the following: 1. We have been notified that there are large turtles at the pond at Joan Lane and the residents are very concerned. We have had D.E. C. to see if we can do something with the situation. So far we haven't seen them. The residents said they are 4 ft long and they weigh about 400 Ibs. Weare planning to put up a snow fence in the morning to keep the people away from the lake. 2. At Quiet Acres the fencing is completed and the paving will be done shortly. 3. WE have the West Point Jazz band here on Thursday. Since letters have not been sent out to the Town Board Members Mr. diPierno will be asked to personally invite all the members to the concert. If the weather is bad we will have the concert at Roy C. Ketcham and will come back to Schlathaus for the buffet. 4. We have had no problems with the rest rooms for most of the Little League season but we had a problem over the weekend at Martz Field and Mr. Tompkins will be calling Mr. Farrell about it. The boys rest room was left in terrible condition. The door was left open, the lock was gone and the light was left on. The equipment room around the comer was left in a mess with equipment all over and the light was also left on. 5. We have the tennis lights on and there seems to be a lot of usage for tennis but after 9:30 we find that the kids are on the courts rollerblading. In doing this they leave a ridge in the courts from the blades. We really need the help of the Town Patrol to help us with this problem. Someone has to stop by there and if there are kids rollerblading there, have them get off the courts. We are looking for some where for them to go. The area of Martz is a great area if we can come up with an area. Mr. Friedman mentioned that most of the kids that go there are area kids and even if there was a place at Airport Park or some other park the kids would still go to the courts. Mr. Holt asked everyone to give this problem some thought and come back with any ideas. 6. We are looking at a full time maintenance person. Most of the personnel that we have are well up in age and it would be nice if we could hire someone with some younger 5 muscles. Mr. Holt will be talking to someone tomorrow about this position and would like to start him offat $17,500. The workers we have now are great workers but they are beginning to show their age. 7. We have sent a letter to the Town Board about the playground registration numbers and we were given $6,000. To hire additional counselors so that we will be able to let all the people on the waiting list into the playgrounds. At this point we have 739 children signed up and this does not cover the waiting list. We do find that history finds that after the first few weeks the numbers do drop and we also find that a lot of parents sign their children up ')ust in case" and they only come a few times but we still have to maintain the 12 to 1 ratio. 8. The Evans School is a go but we are still ironing out a few logistics i.e. porta- john placement, truck body placement etc. CONFERENCE Miss Gutzler mentioned that we all received a copy of her report at last months meeting and she again said that it was an excellent conference despite the snow and cold weather. She felt that the best workshop was on the effective grant writing. It was emphasized that in writing grants you have to be familiar with the process and do it in a logical way. She mentioned that we should have a good description of all of our programs and if something comes along which might fit we could do the grant. It was stressed at the conference that you should not try to fit your program to the grant but the grant to the program. Honesty is the best policy and they noted that the different programs check with each other on proposals. She mentioned that DFY does give technical support on their grant applications through the local Youth Bureaus and that they do a lot with "Youth at Risk". Miss Gutzler said that was the best workshop that she attended. The second workshop was on developing volunteer connections. She advised everyone to read the information in the handout it was very informative. The third workshop was on- Entrepreneurship in the Municipal Setting. The speaker for this workshop was the manager of the Saratoga State Park and it was noted that all parks suffer from the same problems: staff reductions, reduced operating funds, significantly reduced capital budgets and a need to maintain programs and sessions. They went through the steps you can go through to bring money and equipment and opportunities in to your parks. The next workshop was on bicycle tourism which Miss Gutzler said was geared more toward the county level. The last workshop was on operating a youth center She felt that this was not presented very well. It is an important aspect but the presentors dwelled on their own program. 6 ., and gave no background. There was nothing on how to identify the need what contacts were made in the area, how they procured their space. Miss Gutzler mentioned that Mrs. Visconti was very interested in this type of recreation. Miss Gutzler along with Mrs. Visconti feels that we need to have an outreach toward the youth in the community and she would like to explore with Mrs. Visconti what kind of outreach we could do. She knows that there are funds through DFY if we can come up with some type of program. Miss Gutzler mentioned that we should appoint a committee to discuss this. Maybe we should come back with other ideas that we could work with or go after funding for. At this point it will be too late to get in paperwork for this year so we will have to start getting ideas and something firm to apply for next year. Miss Gutzler mentioned that Mr. diPierno had attended a few different workshops and that we are looking forward to reading his report with the information he received from the workshops that he participated in. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 15 p.m. on a motion by Miss Gutzler seconded by Mr. Friedman. Peggy Roe Secretary 7 BILLS PAID DURING JUNE 1997 A-1620.40 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & ELECTRIC A-1620.41 A-1620.41 A.7110.2 Myers Comers & All Angels Stage/Old Myers Comers Gazebo/Town Hall Spook Hill Park Tennis Courts Pye Lane Robinson Lane Long Court Monfort Road Rockingham 7802-1962-00-2 7802-1960-00-6 7512-0470-00-2 7810-1572-04-4 7690-0426-00-0 7690-0760-00';0 7851-1550-01-0 7964-1460-00-5 7902-1435-00-7 13.43 13.16 13.16 87.17 32.74 494.66 13.33 14.90 46.59 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Robinson Lane Recreation Area 227-9434 21.14 NYNEX Spook Hill Barn-Monfort Road Schlathaus Park Quiet Acres Martz Field 297-9861 297-3696 297-4752 297-7780 297-9928 5.34 29.89 22.17 3.00 4.09 Hopewell Home Improvement, Inc. Hopewell Home Improvement, Inc. A-I Fence Company Dan Zag Royal Auto Parts Dan Zag Royal Auto Parts Pine Plains Ford Tractor Brady's Power Equipment Brady's Power Equipment EnviroClean Porta Potty (Airport Park) EnviroClean Porta Potty (C.P. Picnic) EnviroClean Porta Potty (C.P. Ballfield) EnviroClean Porta Potty (Rockingham Park) Windsor Building Supplies Kiel Equipment Co. Bottini Fuel Corporation Wappinger Central School Dist. Prime Stripe 4,870.00 4,390.00 1,400.00 49.95 7.78 48.10 20.90 230.00 13 3.00 58.00 58.00 116.00 280.00 159.00 167.46 1,296.00 550.00 A-7110.4 Royal Carting Service Co. Williams Lumber and Home Centers Williams Lumber and Home Centers Williams Lumber and Home Centers Williams Lumber and Home Centers Hutchinson's Equip., Corp. Hutchinson's Equip., Corp. Southern Industrial Sand, Inc. Brady's Power 703.74 29.27 5.88 12.54 24.94 8.97 12.65 745.00 23.50 A-7140.4 Southern Dutchess News 280.00 Margaret Roe, Recreation SecretaryCP.aH-i (~$"') .75 ABC Awards, Signs & Printing, Inc. 16.80 His Table Caterers 600.00 Jon Peck 45.00 Patricia Beringer 45.00 A-7620.4 Margaret Roe, Recreation Secretary ( r~ H 'I CAt;I\ ') 46.82 B- 7310.4 Margaret Roe, Recreation Secretary ( r~ Hi CAS,...') 46.75 Miracle Recreation 1,034.00 Miracle Recreation 3,248.00 Roberts Boice Paper Company 285.00 Deer Hill Center 3,750.00 Larry Fox & Company 260.00 Anaconda Sports 740.00 Laerdal Medical Corporation 143.04 Wappinger Central School District 3,000.00 A-2001 Linda Conboy 15.00 A-7145.00 Town ofWappingers Little League 6,000.00 A-1990.5 Gerald DiPierno 211.05 JUNE 1997 REPORT TO THE RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1997 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER May activities at the senior Citizen center included the regular schedule of arts/crafts, oil painting, photo club, exercise, line dancing, videos, bingo, puzzles, creative writing, cards and games and Bridge. The Center was closed May 26th for Memorial Day. 85 seniors enjoyed a Mother's Day luncheon on May 7th at the Dynasty Restaurant. Good fun and a good time for all. On the 12th, over 125 seniors from three senior centers enjoyed a day of bingo. The Fishkill senior Center, Zion Church Center and our wappinger center combined to make this the best Bingo Bango Day ever. Pizza was served for lunch, there were raffle prizes and lots more. This is a favorite event for all these seniors. On the 21st, the seniors celebrated Senior APpreciation Day. The seniors previously voted on who deserved special recognition for their contribution in making the the senior center a better place. Awards were given to Ruth Speedling as senior of the Year and to Anna orefice who received an Honorable Mention. connie smith awarded a proclamation to both Ruth and Anna. This ceremony was followed by lunch for all. All seniors received a red carnation for our special senior Appreciation Day. On the 28th, we had senior Health and Fitness Day. Sue Borchardt, the exercise teacher, Regina and Linda led the seniors in different activities. Blood pressure screening was available through out the day. Light and healthy snacks were served. On the 14th, Shari Hubner, attorney spoke to the seniors regarding power of attorney and health proxies. The monthly birthday party was celebrated on the 29th. There are 190 seniors registered at the center and 220 on the waiting list. The trip to Atlantic City was successful. ITEMS TO BE NOTED: 1. June 8th is the center's 9th anniversary. This will be celebrated on June 5th <rain date June 6th>. 2. The seniors are invited to Fishkill plains Elem. school for breakfast on June 4th. JUNE 1997 TOWN OF WAPPINGER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER: OPEN 10:00A.M.-3:00P.M. 20 Middlebush Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY. 12590 Phone: 297-3670 Director: Kathi DeLisa MON. FRI. TUES. WED. THURS. 2 I 1 10: PHOTO CLUB 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30:CREATIVE WRITE 12:30-3:cards/games 9 IDONALD DUCK'S I BIRTHDAY! 10: PHOTO CLUB 10-Noon:arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30:CREATIVE WRITE 12:30-3:cards/games 16 I I 10: PHOTO CLUB 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12: 30: CREATIVE WRITE 12L30-3:cards/games 23112:30:CREATIVE I WRITING 10: PHOTO CLUB!!! 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 30 I I 1()"7PHOTO CLUB lO-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30: CREATIVE WRITE 12:30-3: cards/games I 3 1 4 I I 5 110:EXERCISE I I 1 9 : a . m. BREAKFAST 1 1 I IFISHKILL ELEM.SCHOOL 1 110-Noon:OIL PAINTING 110-11: EXERCISE 19th ANNIVERSARY 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-11:arts/crafts I B B QUE INOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH ISIGN UP WITH KATHI 112:30-3: cards/games I 12: 45-2: BINGO !BINGO ! IMUST HAVE TICKET!! I I I RAINDATE JUNE 6 110 I 111 110:BLOOD PRESSURE I 12 ITRIP TO BOTANICAL I I I I I IGOR/TRIPLETS I 110-11: EXERCISE 111: BASIC BRIDGE 110-Noon: OIL PAINTINGII0-Noon: arts/crafts 110-11: EXERCISE \ 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 110-Noon: arts/crafts- INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I 112:45-2: BINGO ! BINGO ! I I I 117 I 118 119 I I I I I I 111:BASIC BRIDGE 110-Noon: OIL PAINTING I 10-11: EXERCISE 10-11: EXERCISE 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH - NOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games 12: 45-2:BINGO!BINGO! 12:30-3:cards/games I 124 I I I 110-Noon: OIL PAINTING 110-Noon: arts/crafts 1 NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games IJUNE BIRTHDAYS: I 5 Bette Court I 5 Betty Pettit I 7 Rose Connolly*** I 9 Grace Mitchell I 9 Rose Visentin 113 Bill Mil'Q 118 Fred VanzillQtt~ 25 I I 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12: 45-2:BINGO!BINGO! 22 Dot Wood 22 Harry Marsh 30 Judy Thompson 261 111 : BASIC BRIDGE 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:45-2: BINGO ! BANGO ! HAPPy BIRTHDAY TO ALL! I I I I 6 1 BBQUE RAINDATE .1 I SEE JUNE 5 1 10-11:LINE DANCING I 10-Noon: arts/craft NOON: LUNCH 12-30-3:cards/games 13 IHUG HOLIDAY! I 10-11:LINE DANCING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!! 201 I 10-11:LINE DANCING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 27 1 1 10-l1:LINE DANCING I 10-Noon: arts/craftsl NOON: LUNCH/BIRTHDAY 12:30-3:cards/games HAPPY F.A THER ' S DAY! , , , . . . TO ALL YOU GREAT DADS!!! 4 tv.A. I? l? I N G-:E :R SEl'J"IO:R. l'J" E. VJ S BY Kathi DeLisa, Director JUNE 1997 First, I would like to thank all of you for your prayers, sympathy and thoughtfulness during this very difficult time of sorrow. Knowing you care, knowing you are there for me has been a great source of comfort. I have never experienced a loss as great as this. And you have all been so kind and understanding. There just aren't enough words to express my gratitude. Thank you so much! Now, it is time to move on to our June events. Sorry this is a little l~~e this month, I was pr~occupied as you know. Excuse any little goofs I might make. We start the month with a breakfast at Fishkill Plains Elementary School on Wed., June 4th at 9:00 a.m. It should be an enjoyable morning, the children will be entertaining us. In return, we will be giving each child a pencil with the "pencil topper." For those wishing to come to EXERCISE, there will be an exercise class at the Town Hall at 10:a.m. On Thurs., June 5th, we will have our ANNUAL ANNIVERSARY B B QUE. The Center is celebrating its 9th Anniversary. If you have not signe up and received a ticket, please see me immediately. Everyone contributes to this event! It's a fun day for all, lots of food, prizes and conversation. WEAR YOUR T-SHIRTS!!! If by chance it is bad weather, we will have the B B Que on Friday. Other June news: The Heart Assoc. will provide blood pressure screening on the 11th. Our MONTHLY BIRTHDAY will be on the 27th. BINGO days are Wed. June 4th, 18th,and 25th and Thurs. the 12th, and 26th. If you ordered a Wappinger T-Shirt and have not received it, please see me. They did come in I just haven't been there to get them to you. I ordered a few extra if anyone would like one or would like another. The cost is $8.00 per shirt. So order now! BRIDGE ANYONE? Basic Bridge is held on Thurs. at 1 11:00a.m. by Henrietta MacDonald (in the large meeting room). It's a challenging card game and once you learn you'll be addicted to playing. There is also a Bridge group that plays at Schlathaus on Tuesdays at 10a.m. Let me know if you are interested. The CREATIVE WRITING Class continues. The schedule is flexible for this activity. If you are interested in joining let me know. Don't be shy! It's fun and can be an exciting experience. The WALKING CLUB continues.. .If you have not joined this club yet, start now! Just add your name to the chart and start walking. Six times around the Town Hall is a mile. Just mark the number of times you walk around, I will convert it to miles later. Walking is considered one of the best physical exercises you can do for your health. It can help reduce blood pressure, regulate insulin for diabetics, keep your heart healthier and so much more. The goal for walkers for 1997 is for each walker to do 10 more miles than last year, or if just starting, you can make at least 10 miles your goal..r.hat is only 60 times around the building in a year, or 5 times around a month. No Cheating! 1997 is the year of the Serious Walker!! Only those who particpate . in walking at least 10.miles (exceptions must be approved) can enjoy our Award Luncheon. Enjoy the poem by Sue Bush. Sue, I chose this poem for this month quite selfishly, it pretty much sums up my emotions. Thank you. The Creative Corner was started for YOU to share your thoughts, drawings or writings. So come on Seniors! In regard to paying dues, many of you are now paying your dues on a yearly basis and for that your Treasurers thank you. This makes bookkeeping much easier and efficient. Many choose to do this as they cannot be at the Center every week and want to participate in our special events. Yearly dues is $25.00. Many of you pay on a monthly basis and that too makes it easier to keep track of. A few of you are NOT current with dues, this may result in your paying full price for the upcoming luncheons! Your Treasurer says that for those paying dues by the month, JUNE dues is $2.50. Those on the waiting list are welcome to pay dues. This entitles you to join our "out of Center" activities at a reduced cost. Thank you all again for everything. Love and a big Hug and Smile to all of you! 2 ~ . CREATIVE CORNER WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY CAN MAKE BY SUE BUSH LIFE IS SO DIFFERENT NOW, THAT I AM ALL ALONE, THERE IS NO ONE THERE TO GREET ME WHEN I COME HOME. THE DAYS ARE SO LONELY AND THE NIGHTS ARE SO LONG. PLEASE SOMEONE CAN YOU SPARE ME A HUG. WE TAKE EVERYTHING FOR GRANTED THAT NOTHING WILL EVER CHANGE, BUT WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY CAN MAKE, WHEN YOU HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING ALL ON YOUR OWN. YOU HOPE AND PRAY THAT THINGS WILL TURN OUT RIGHT BUT THERE IS NO ONE THERE TO KISS YOU GOOD NIGHT YOU SAY YOUR PRAYERS AND TURN OUT THE LIGHT. 3 @[ID[Q)OOOO~[Q][ID[Q]6 123 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 16 13 17 37 40 58 62 65 ACROSS 1 Enlarged in size 5 Huckleberry- 9 _ Sabe (Lone Ranger, to Tonto) 13 Poet Teasdale 14 Thought 15 Sins 17 Onassis and others 18 Relax 19 Is undecided 20 Plead with 22 Public way 23 Poet cummings 24 Bible name 26 Coal weight 27 Fissure 29 Nincompoops 31 Term in office 33 Pinch 34 Science room,for short 37 Reviled 38 Nullify 40 _ Nouveau 41 _ Force 43 _ Gertie of "Dick Tracy' , 44 Ford Motor Co. lemon 46 King or Aida 47 Thanksgiving 1110. 49 Beasts of burden 51 "Do You Know the Way _ San Jose?" 52 Get the station clearly (2 wds.) 54 First book of the Bible 58 Blissful regions 59 Locality 60 Cavity 62 Fancy marble 63 Ruby and garnet 64 Jacket or collar 65 Besides I' 66 Engage gears 67 Satisfy DOWN 1 Girls' citizenship org. 2 Exceptional 3 Moran of "Happy Days" ' 4 Extravagant 5 Conflagration 6 Prototype 7 Made a cozy home 8 Crooner, _ King Cole 9 Withheld 10 Turns outward 11 Sal of "Rebel Without a Cause" 12 "In _ days a glimpse of stocking..." 16 Fast jet (abbr.) 21 Secondhand tire 22 Aluminum- 25 Maria _ Trapp 27 Hind . 28 What's _ for me? (2 wds.) 30 Conduct I 31 Refrain word 32 Light bulb inventor 34 Etna's output 35 "..._ o'clock scholar" (2 wds.) 36 Brussels's country (abbr.) 39 Rubberove~hoes 42 Actor Harrison 44 Incidents 45 "Uncle Tom's Cabin" villain 47 Poke 48 Actor Ryan - 50 Wants 52 English beverage 53 Psychic's phrase (2 wds.) 55 Poet Ogden - 56 Particle 57 Narrow groove 59 Sleeve 61 Opposite of WSW __.____ ''''!'lr I I I '\ I 1-(#6 : ,/ " FIRST THOUGHTS ). T E S T U 0 P E N I N G Q W A V A N E T R A G R E'D N I K P N U B L I N C E P T I. 0 N A P M 0 0 L B Z Z B I Z S I N W R - G S I A E I 0 M U A N T N A E N N B T T 0 G G L 0 E A 0 K' N 0 Y I E A I F U U 0 S K I E T I S P N 0 I T C U 0 0 R T N I T P P M N A T L 0 L E A I I C . ' A -0 N R T I E I E.N H B 0 N E C A H I 0 R G A N P T M U G S I W 0 N P U E E L I A E A T E 0 N J N 0 P T A B V E G N E E E Q N ,E W Y E A R S E V E T 0 0 E L B M A E R P P N N W N S 11. DAWN 12. DEBUT 13. DEDICATION, , 14. EMBARKATION 15. INCEPTION 16. INDUCTION 17. INITIATION, 18. INTRODUCTION 19. KINDERGARTEN 20. NEW YEAR-S EVE 21. OPENING 22. OUTSET 23. PREAM BLE 24. PRELUDE 25. SALUTATION '1. ALPHA 6. AWAKENING 26. SEEDS 2. ANTE 7. BABY 27. SPROUT 3. APPETIZER 8. BEGINNING 28. TABLE OF 4. APPRENTICE 9. BLOOM CONTENTS . 5. AUDITION 10. BUDS 29. TITLE PAGE ~ ~ .. ~ . 4 II , r l I I I 1 .j ! i