1997-10-06 v.C AGENDA RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBER 6, 1997 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: RlH., KD., G.D., le., lE., RF., B.G., E.K, S.M. APPROVE MINUTES: September 9,1997 Approved Corrections Seconded CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter from Donna Basile re: Spook Hill Camp 2. Letter from D. C. Youth Bureau Re: Approval for funds for 1998 in amount of$7,652.00 3. Copy of Letter sent to Supervisor Smith from Hudson Valley Express with thanks for use of Robinson Lane facilities. 4. Memo from Peter Paggi with the schedule of the Castle Point Handicap Bathroom Project. 5. Fall newsletter from D. C. Youth Bureau 6. Approval from Myers Comers School for use of facilities for Volleyball and B.&G. Gymnastics REPORTS KD. B.G. G.D. E.K lC. S.M. lE. RlH. RF. NEW BUSINESS - OLD BUSINESS - Halloween Christmas Klaus Wimmer - Soccer MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING OUTGOING LETTERS OCTOBER 1. Memo to Town Board requesting permission for Joseph Ennesser to attend National Playground Safety Institute on December 4 and 5th in Saratoga Springs. (Was approved at T /8/ Meeting 10/28/97) 2.Memo to Town Board requesting transfer of funds and approval to do paving work at Schlathaus Park in front of stage. (Was approved at T /8 Meeting 10/28/97) 3. Request for payment for the C. D. Grant for the Electric work at Castle Point. 4. Thank you letters to the following for support with Halloween Party: 1. Sylvia Holt 10. Subway 2. Elaine Snowden 11. Shop Rite 3. Eileen Ennesser 12. Ben & Jerry's 4. Constance Smith 13. Carvel 5. McDonalds 14. Fun Central 6. Dunkin Donuts 15. Hoe Bowl Holiday 7. Taco Bell 16. Home Town Buffet 8. Party City 17. Hudson Valley Renegades 9. KFC 18. Wendy's 19. Barbara G. & Karen RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBER 6, 1997 NEXT MEETING NOVEMBER 3, 1997 AT 7:00 P.M. AT SCHLATHAUS PARK The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Committee was held October 6, 1997 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Ralph 1. Holt. Others present were Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Gerald diPierno, Recreation Director, Committee Members Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman, Barbara Gutzler, Ellen Korz and Stephen Miller. The minutes of the September 9, 1997 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Ennesser seconded by Mr. Friedman with all in favor. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from Donna Basile, of David Loop, Wappingers Falls whose two children attended the Spook Hill Camp this summer. She stated that she was sorry that it ~w~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~ counselors did an excellent job. She said that her children have gone for the past 6 years and each year it has gotten better. She also attached a letter that she gave each of the counselors at the end of camp as follows: "Thank you for being the best counselor and making Spook Hill the best camp. We really appreciate all that you did for us!! Thanks again! Your the tops." She noted that she appreciated the Summer program and that she hopes it will continue. It was suggested that a copy of this letter be sent to the Town Board members. We always seem to get the negative but it is nice once in a while to hear some positive about the programs. The Committee received a copy of a letter received by Supervisor Smith from Betsy Brockway of the Dutchess County Youth Bureau. In her letter she noted that the Youth Bureau approved our 1998 Youth Development Delinquency Prevention application for "Recreation 1998" in the amount of$7,652. She requested that the Town forward to her office by December 31, 1997 a copy of the Municipal Resolution to accept the 1998 funds. It was also suggested that the 1997 expenditure claims be sent as soon as possible. A letter was sent to Supervisor Smith from Brealand Edwards of the Hudson Valley Express Girls Fastpitch Softball- a copy of this letter was forwarded to the Committee. In his letter he expressed his appreciation to the Town of Wappinger for the use of the Robinson Lane Recreation Fields for their tournament on July 11,12 and 13, 1997. He mentioned that they 1 enjoyed themselves immensely and that is only due to the excellent care and condition in which we maintain our recreation facility. He also thanked the Wappinger Little League for opening the restrooms and their concession stand for them. The Committee received from Jay Paggi a copy of the memorandum sent by Peter Paggi to Supervisor Smith with the projected schedule for the Castle Point Handicap Accessible Bathrooms. The schedule indicated that they would be advertising for bids on October 1, 1997 with the contract to be awarded on October 27, 1997. A copy of the Dutchess County Youth Bureau Fall Newsletter was received. Approval was received from the Myers Comers School for the use of their facilities for the Boys and Girls Gymnastics Program which starts in January 1998 and runs through May 1998 and the Adult Volleyball program which runs Tuesday Nights from 6:30 to 9:30 starting October 7, 1997 and goes to May 1998. Mr. Friedman had a few questions to ask regarding the status on several matters which were discussed at previous meetings. 1. He asked about the status of insurance issue regarding the use of the recreation areas by families etc. for picnics parties etc. This issue is still open. 2. He also asked about the dead tree that was at Airport Park and Mr. Holt said that the Maintenance Guys have removed it as far as he knew. 3. He asked about the status of the handicap signs and painting at Robinson Lane. Mr. Ennesser said that the signs are in and that he would review this with Mr. Tompkins. 4. He next asked about the status on the Rymer Property. Mr. Paggi was suppose to get us a map and was going to meet with us about the property. Mr. Holt said that he knows that he has pieced together a map and at this time we have not been able to get together to meet on the project. Everyone has been busy and there hasn't been a convenient time for everyone. Mr. Holt said that he would try to set up a meeting next Thursday or Friday with Mr. Paggi. He will notifY Mr. Friedman of the date and time. 5. He asked about the status on the phase 2 (parking at Robinson Lane) We would like to do something. Ifwe don't get it done now we can do it the first of next year. Mr. Holt will look at the project. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. DeLisa gave a report on the Senior Activities for the month of September. This report is attached to these minutes. In addition to the report she reminded us that she will need "Santa" for her parties on December 5th and 10th. Mr. Holt mentioned that Ralph Jr. will be available for her parties. We will have to ask Mr. Chappas if he will be available for the December "Town" party on December 7th. It was suggested that we call Evenal to see if they would be able to clean the beard, it really needs help. She mentioned that the Annual Craft Fair will be held October 24th at the Town Hall from 10 to 2. 2 RECREATION DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. diPierno mentioned that the Schlathaus Race was held on Saturday, October 4th and there was a good turnout. There were approximately 53 adults and 32 children. The weather that day was absolutely great. He mentioned that he has a letter ready to go to West Point for a concert some time in April- possibly around the 19th. That seems to be the best time to work it in to the school schedule. The winter programs are all set except for the basketball program. Mr. Holt asked if he had gotten in touch with Bob Considine and was told that he was unable to reach him but he will keep trying. Mr. Considine will only be able to do this for the month of October so we will still need someone to finish. He will also try to call Joseph Sottile who worked for us this summer. He was very interested in the basketball programs. Mr. Ennesser will also check with Mr. Knickerbocker at John Jay. We still need to get a list of people that we can bank on for the vanous programs. Mr. Ennesser asked if he was able to set up the babysitting course. Mr. diPierno said that he has the instructor's number in his computer and will follow up on it. Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the Road Runners left Robinson Lane in good shape after their run on September 21 st. He also mentioned that he is looking into getting an estimate for some additional electric work on the building. This would enable hooking into electric from the outside of the building and not having to have access inside the building while Little League is using the building. Mr. Ennesser also mentioned that he is looking into getting an estimate for a light at the end of the driveway at Schlathaus Park. When we have sign ups there for various programs most residents don't know where to go. There should be an existing electric line out to the building that we could tap into and we would get a sign saying Brexel - Schlathaus Park Center. At night the driveway is hard to find. The light would have a sensor on it. Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the docks should come out by the end of October and we will be putting them on the Town easement long the road and they will be chained. Mr. Ennesser mentioned this to the Yacht Club and they had no problem as it isn't their property. Mr. Ennesser will meet with Mr. Tompkins to go over the inventory of the signs. We might need to get some additional ones i.e. No Rollerblading on the Tennis Courts, a new sign for Reese Park, some handicapped signs. When we put the sign in at Reese Park we need to make sure that it has been put in with dual posts in cement. It was suggested that we get additional material for a gate for the other entrance 3 for Reese Park. He is also looking to update the estimate for Reese Park for lights around the pond. CASTLE POINT. Both Mr. Ennesser and Mr. Holt have been to the Castle Point site and made note of several items. The engineers are now there se~ting out the leveling sticks and they will have to remove the playground equipment. Mr. Holt mentioned that at first he was told that we would have to take down the fence by the lower field but then he talked to the engineer and it was decided that they would come about 3 to 4 feet from the fence so they will try and leave it. Mr. Holt mentioned that the hill will have a 4% grade so therefore we will not be able to put in our third field. We will put in grass but now there are limitations on what can be done with the area. In addition they will be putting in approximately 16 gas vents which will stick up out of the ground about 3 ft. Mr. Friedman mentioned that seeing that it is a park and the fact that we have gas vents there that are ugly, he suggested that we could camouflage them and put a bird house on top. Maybe the guys could make them during the winter and aesthetically it would look better. Mr. Holt said that there is no hope for a third ball field there at this point. We aren't sure about the fireplaces but we think that they will be also be removed. TENNIS TOURNAMENT Mr. Ennesser mentioned that there wasn't enough interest in the tennis tournament so we canceled it for this year. Next year we will start earlier to sign up participants. The shirts that were ordered were generic and can be use next year and the trophies will just need new plates. All the items are stored at Schlathaus. GRANTS Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he has been working on two grants. One which was submitted for Reese Park Greenway in the amount of $6,250. Mrs. Roe has just typed up another grant for the Community Block Grant for $44,000. for the handicap improvements at Schlathaus Park. This grant has to go before the Town Board within the next month. ROBINSON LANE Mr. Holt mentioned that he has been to Robinson Lane several times and has noted that the batting cages have been left open and several times the machines have been left in the cages. If they are missing, we don't want to hear about it. 4 -- Little League will be having a work party next week and we have dumped a load of clay at the end of the road for them. Mr. Farrell mentioned that they would be working on 2 or 3 fields. Mr. Friedman mentioned that we have finally received a copy of the Certificate of Insurance and Mrs. Roe has forwarded a copy to the Insurance Company in regard to the claim pending for the child that was injured on Opening Day. HALLOWEEN Miss Gutzler mentioned that the next three weekends - Friday and Saturday nights she will be at Schlathaus around 7:30 p.m. to start to decorate for the Halloween Haunted House. If anyone is available any help would be appreciated. She said that the biggest job is to cover the windows and doorways etc. She mentioned that she would appreciate it if the guys could move out the heavy tables and T.V. The sofas and chairs can be left there since she uses them as part of the decorations. We have discussed the money situation and Miss Gutzler will be able to either get petty cash or a check to purchase the black plastic and supplies that are needed. She has also been trying to get in touch with Joann Vasquez since it was mentioned that maybe her scout troop would like to help out with this project. It was decided that the day of the party the house would be open from noon to 2 when the party starts. Mrs. Korz mentioned that she has received almost all of the gifts for the party. So far we have items from Ben & Jerry's, McDonalds, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Dunkin Donuts, Party City, K.F.C., Renegades. She said that she has spoken to Meadowbrook regarding the cider and donuts. Mrs. Roe has already obtained a P.O. for the supplies. She has spoken to the "3 witches" and has called MVK about the use of their pumpkin and she said that they might not be able to bring it over since they want to make it stationary by his business. Mrs. Roe will have the numbers, tapes, judges sheets, cups, napkins etc made available. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt mentioned the following: 1. They should be painting and repairing the barn roof in the next couple of weeks. 2. We are still looking for part time maintenance help. If anyone knows anyone, please let us know. 3. We have received a quote of$375. from Centurion Security System for an alarm system for Airport Park building. We would like to see that done this year. 4. Weare also looking into getting a quote for sensor lights for Martz Field. 5 . Maybe if these lights are installed it would deter some of the vandalism. 5. We are going in for a P.O. for RG. H. to remove the stumps of the trees at Schlathaus after Jim Baisley takes them down. 6. The budget was submitted in August for 1998 and Mr. Holt noted that he has been requested to go before the Town Board on October 15th to go over it with them. He also noted that one item we cannot afford to lose is the tractor/mower. The machines that we have already have thousands of hours on them and with all the grass we have to mow, we can't afford to lose one for a week or even two or three days. 7. Mr. Holt mentioned that Supervisor Smith has requested the information on the swim study. As far as we know there wasn't a study done officially. When Nancy Drennan was on the Commission, she obtained information on the swim facilities in the Town ofCortlandt. This will be given to Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Roe asked if the problems concerning soccer and the request from Klaus Wimmer had been straightened out and Mr. Miller mentioned that he had tried to contact him several times and was unable to reach him. He has not heard of any further problems so we assume that they have reached a compromise. Mrs. Korz reminded Mrs. Roe that when the agenda is made out that we should have a section for public comments. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 on a motion by Mr. Ennesser seconded by Mr. Miller. Peggy Roe Secretary 6 BILLS PAID DURING OCTOBER 1997 A-1620.40 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & ELECTRIC Spook Hill Park 7810-1572-04-4 42.02 Tennis Courts 7690-0425-00-0 186.05 Helen Drive (Quiet Acres) 7895-1220-07-04 11.84 Stage Old Myers Corners 7802-1960-00-6 16.54 Myers Corners/All Angels 7802-1962-00-2 16.81 Gazebo 7512-0470-00-2 13.25 Robinson Lane 7690-0760-00-0 364.59 Barn/Montfort Road 7964-1460-00-5 64.99 Long Court 7851-1550-01-0 14.67 Rockingham Park 7902-1435-00-7 43.71 A-1620.41 BELL ATLANTIC Quiet Acres 297 - 7780 76.82 Schlathaus Park 297-4752 23.45 Barn/Montfort Road 297-3692 28.38 Spook Hill 297 -9861 33.24 Martz Field 297-9928 50.97 A-711O.2 A-71 10.4 Brady's Power Equipment 739.88 Brighton Ventures Ltd. Keil Equipment Co. Keil Equipment Co. Keil Equipment Co. Keil Equipment Co. John Ossenkop & Son. Dutchess County Sheriff Sherwin Williams Sherwin Williams Copeland Coating Copeland Coating Copeland Coating Copeland Coating B. & H. Tire Service Milton Alley Agway Northern Hydraulics Newburgh Steel Products Bottini Fuel 15.60 27.53 19.82 75.23 34.76 2,795.00 110.16 500.00 23.49 1,915.00 3,840.00 2,000.00 600.00 10.00 38.95 74.92 343.80 153.47 Royal Carting Service Co. 527.80 Momma's Towing Service 45.00 Centurion Secutity Inc. III .00 Dan Zag - Royal Auto Parts 42.96 Brady's Power Equipment 21.95 Enviro Clean Porta Potty 13 3.00 Enviro Clean Porta Potty 75.00 Enviro Clean Porta Potty 85.80 Hyde Part Painting & Decorating 1,800.00 Brighton Ventures 19 A8 Williams Lumber 13.16 Williams Lumber 28.38 Williams Lumber IOA7 Williams Lumber 197.94 Williams Lumber 29.99 James Baisley 275.00 A-7140.4 M. Majchers Trophies 184.00 Leprechaun Tours 471.00 M. Majchers Trophies 201.50 A-7620A Hobby Hut 49.52 Coffee System 90.00 Hobby Hut 49.86 K-Mart 46 Al A. C.Moore 42.36 Rag Shop 49.80 Petty Cash 97.53 Hobby Hut 49.98 A. C. Moore, Inc. 49.93 B-7310.2 Miracle Recreation 545.00 B-73 lOA Ameri Tech 4,999.00 Sally Distributors 309.00 Let Us Entertain You 150.00 Margaret Roe 48.93 A-7145AO Wappinger United Soccer Club 3,100.00 FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1997 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER september activities at the Senior Citizen center included the regular schedule of arts/crafts, oil painting, photo club, exercise, line dancing, videos, bingo, puzzles, bridge, cards and games. Creative writing has been cancelled due to lack of interest. On sept. 8th, over 140 seniors from our Center, the Fishkill center and the Zion Center joined in a great BINGO BANGO Day at the Fishkill center. The seniors enjoyed a full day of bingo, plus pizza and snacks. ~Another is scheduled for Nov. 10. ~ Regina and Maria held a bow making class on the 4th. Special craft classes will be held throughout the year to encourage seniors to try new crafts. The bow making was very successful. 35 walking Club members enjoyed an award luncheon at Gino's cafe. Awards went to Al Laurino for walking 600 miles around the Town Hall, Ruth Speedling for 112 miles, Tina Tesan and Gil Bardy for 89+ miles. All participants received a certificate showing the # of miles walked. Elena Garrida, a senior member has offered to teach a Spanish Class. 5 members are participating in this class. Blood pressure screening was held on the 10th. Our monthly birthday party was on the 24th. The trip to woodloch pines was a success. ITEMS TO BE NOTED: 1. The photo club would like to start using Schlathaus beginning Nov. 3. 2. oct. events include our annual craft Fair on the 24th and Halloween party on the 31st. 3. A flu clinic is scheduled for Nov. 20 in the large meeting room. , ,- _.':? I"I{ftr--,>> ?' PI I!,!!/I" ~ : I , 9 OCTOBER 1997 TOWN OF WAPPINGER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER: OPEN 10:00A.M.-3:00P.M. 20 Middlebush Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY. 12590 Phone:297-3670 Director: Kathi DeLisa MON. FRI. TUES. WED. . THURS. )CTOBER BIRTHDAYS: 7 Helen Holleran LO Anny Larsen** L3 Ray Weiler L4 Rita Casaccio L4 Rose Sabia L6 Carmela Laurino ~9 Rose Montrone 6 I I LO: PHOTO CLUB LO-Noon: arts/crafts ~OON: LUNCH L2:30-3: cards/games L3 I , COLUMBUS DAY!!! THE CENTER IS CLOSED! ! ! ~O I I LO: PHOTO CLUB!!! LO-Noon: arts/crafts ~ObN: LUNCH L2:30-3: cards/games ~7 I I LO:PHOTO CLUB LO-Noon: arts/crafts ~OON: LUNCH L2:30:-3: cards/games 'OCTOBER IS: NAT'L APPLE MONTH NAT'L PASTA MONTH II PIZZA MONTH II CAR CARE MONTH WAPPINGER SENIOR CRAFT FAIR HONTH!! ! I 1 I 10-11:EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:45-2: BINGO !BINGO ! 7 I I 8 I 10: BLOOD PRESSURE , 10-Noon: OIL PAINTING 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH 12:30: SPANISH CLASS 12:30-3: cards/games 12:30-3 cards/games 14 I 15 INAT"L GROUCH DAY! I 111: BRIDGE 10-Noon: OIL PAINTING 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH 12:30: SPANISH CLASS 12:45-2: BINGO !BINGO ! 12:30-3: cards/games 21 I 22 , ITRIP:HOHONK/WINERY___I 10-Noon: OIL PAINTING 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 12: 45-2: BINGO !BINGO ! 28 I 291 I , 10-Noon: OIL PAINTING 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH 12: 30-3: SPANISH CLASS 12:45-2:BINGO!BINGO! 12:30-3:cards/games 2 111: BRIDGE I 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 9 111: BRIDGE I 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:45-2: BINGO ! BINGO! 16 111: BRIDGE I 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH/BIRTHDAY! 12:30-3: cards/games 23111: BRIDGE I 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 30 111: BRIDGE I 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:45-2: BINGO !BANGO ! 3 I I , 10-11:LINE DANCING , 10-Noon: arts/crafts' NOON: LUNCH , 12:30-3:cards/games I , I I I ! 10 I I 10-11:LINE DANCING 10:30-Noon:HAKE A SCARECROW!SIGN UP! NOON: LUNCH I 12:30-3: cards/games I I 171 I , I 10-11:LINE DANCING I 10-Noon: arts/crafts I NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 24 I I CRAFT FAIR!!!! IN LARGE MEETING ROOH!! 311 , 10-11: LINEDANCING 11: HALLOWEEN PARTY COME IN COSTUME!! TIUfUm , IfRKAlfR' ~~~~I~~~~ S~~IO~ ~~~S BY Kathi DeLisa, Director OCTOBER 1997 OOOOO!!! Witches and ghosts, goblins and scarecrows! BOO!! Yep, it's that time of year again. Time for apples and cider, a donut or two? Time for falling leaves and frosty mornings. Time for our annual CRAFT FAIR AND HALLOWEEN TOO! Read on for all the happenings!! The CRAFT FAIR will be held on Fri., Oct. 24th in the large meeting room form iDa.m. to 2p.m. Regina and Maria will be giving you some holiday crafts to work on. Plus there are some projects I am asking them to make more of and others that we need no more of. They will also be asking you to work on specific projects or to finish up projects. So thank you in advance for your cooperation. As you all know there is a lot to pulling this together and we couldn't do it without all of you who help so much. We have one of the best Craft Fairs around!!! Raffle tickets are now available. If you did not get yours or want more, see me. Please return your raffle stubs and money before Oct. 24th. Once again, we are asking each of you to take a minimum of 5 tickets to sell. Of course if you want to buy or sell more, please do. The more the merrier. as the saying goes. And then there will be the bake sale, book sale, granny's attic as well. It takes ALL OF YOU to help make this a success. Raffle tickets are the one thing that EVERYONE CAN PARTICIPATE IN. Others also contribute by their crafts, crocheting, knitting, baked goods, cleaning up etc. besides buying or selling their 5 raffle tickets. Remember, craft sales,raffles, etc. plus your dues make it possible for luncheons, parties and much more. Please do your part!!! We also need items for the Bake Sale. Please let Mary Egan, Kay Andrews or me know if you will make something for the bake sale. This has become very popular with our customers. Please do not bring granny's attic items in before Oct. 1 8th as there is no room to store them. Thank you all in advance for your cooperation and help. We are almost ready for the BIG DAY. If you would like to help or have suggestions please see me. Let's make this the best Craft Fair yet!!! The rewards will follow! On Friday, Oct. 10th at 10:30a.m., Regina and Maria will have a craft class making "scarecrow hats". You must sign up if you wish to participate. Craft rule applies: one for the house, then one for you. Our annual HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY will be on Oct. 31st. Time to get out those costumes and get ready-for tricks and treats. Treats go to those in costume only!! Of course there will be prizes, food, our parade and lots of fun. What are going to be? Who will be the most original? prettiest? scariest???? Now for other October news. BLOOD PRESSURE is on the 8th, BIRTHDAYS will be celebrated on Thurs. the 16th. BINGO days are Wed. Oct. 1, 15, 22,& 29th and Thus., Oct. 9,and 30th. The Center is Closed for Columbus Day on the 13th. BINGO !BANGO ! BONGO! IS HERE AGAIN!!! We will have a three Center Bingo on Nov. 10th at the Fishkill Center. The Center will open at 9:30a.m. You must have a ticket <$2.00) to attend. Sign up for this will not begin until after the Craft Fair. You can sign up starting Oct. 27th. The WALKING CLUB participants deserve congratulations! Almost everyone walked more miles than last year and our goal of at least 10 miles was met by most. There were some extenuating circumstances, but in general all did super. Al Laurino outwalked all of us with 600 miles. That's a lot of shoe leather baby! And Gil Bardy more than doubled his miles from last year. And all benefit from the health benefits of this exercise. Keep up the good work! If you would like to join the Walking Club start now! A new chart will be made up soon. Just add your name and start walking. Six times around the Town Hall is a mile. Just mark the number of times you walk around, I will convert it to miles later. We do recommend you walk with someone. Use the "BUDDY" system when possible. Walking is considered oneof the best physical exercises you can do for your health It can help reduce blood pressure, regulate insulin for diabetics, keep your heart healthier and so much more. Goal for 1998 Walkers: To do 10 more miles this year than last year. If you are just starting, you can make at least 10 miles your goal. That is only 60 times around the building in a year or 5 time around a month. The new year for the 2 Walking Club begins Sept. 29th. And Congratulations to our AWARD WINNING OIL PAINTING CLASS AND TO LARRY PETERSEN for his 3D scale model and Paula Brannen for her photo and needlework as well! All together our seniors won 20 AWARDS! GREAT WORK! WE ARE PROUD OF YOU! Spanish classes begin on Tues. Sept. 30th at 12:30p.m. Elena Garrido, one of our members has offered to teach this class. Elena has taught for Continuing Education and is a native of Panama. She is fluent in her native language as well as English. It is a great opportunity to expand your horizons and learn a new language. You will have a better understanding of other languages as well. Many of the Latin languages have similar sounds and meanings. Besides, who knows? Maybe you'll want to take a trip to Spain or Puerto Rico or Panama or the many other Spanish speaking Countries. If you are interested please let me know or come to the class on the 23rd! Now, some up and coming events! Where would you like to go for Thanksgiving Lunch? HELP me please! And then would you believe "You better watch out, you better not pout, you better not cry" cause you know who will be coming to town. The Villa Borghese Christmas luncheon is Dec. 5th. Mark you calendars. Enjoy "REFLECTIONS OF A CAT OWNER", by Helen Ventriglia (cat lovers will really enjoy this) and the ,poem by Sue Bush. The Creative Corner was started for YOU to share your thoughts, drawings or writings. So come on Seniors! Let's see your "stuff." In regard to paying dues, many of you are now paying your dues on a yearly basis and for that your Treasurers thank you. This makes bookkeeping much easier and efficient. Many choose to do this as they cannot be at the Center every week and want to participate in our special events. Yearly dues is $25.00. Many of you pay on a monthly basis and that too makes it easier to keep track of. A few of you are NOT current with dues, this may result in your paying full price for the upcoming luncheons! Your Treasurer says that for those paying dues by the month, OCTOBER dues is $2.00. Those on the waiting list are welcome to pay dues. This entitles you to join our "out of Center" activities at a reduced cost. Thank you all again for everything. Love and a big Hug and Smile to all of you! 3 CREATIVE CORNER REFLECTIONS OF A CAT OWNER by Helen Ventriglia Tabby doesn't greet everyone who comes here. In fact he shies away. If he feels it's okay, he will come and check you out. I think sometimes he worries I may give him away. Right now, it's mid winter and Tabby is bored silly. too cold to go out on the patio so he sleeps most of day. He does nibble at his food every now and then. worry and hope he's getting his nutrition. But then can take care of himself. It's the I Tabby The only way he gets even with me is, as I pass by him he makes a stab at my legs. I know when he's angry, his nails are out. Sometimes he thinks he's playing but mostly to teach me a lesson not to neglect him. I'm sure when Tabby is sleeping he is aware of everything I do, every move I make. I love when he wakes up he stretches out on his back and wants me to rub his belly. He purrs and is so content, but only for a short while, then he gives a look of no more and I stop. Tabby and I usually nap about the same time every day. Only he is more comfortably set than I. I like to think I relax like he does, but it is not so. He's beautiful to watch how he sets himself up for a nap, grooming, stretching and finally staring into space before he puts his head down. to be continued.... . more refleotions next month..... 4 . WALKING ON THE HIGlNAY CALLED LIFE BY Sue Bush IT IS A TRIP THAT WE MORTALS ALL MUST TAKE AS WE GO THROUGH LIFE. SOME ARE LUCKY TO BE FREE FROM STRIFE AND ENJOY EVERYDAY OF THEIR LIFE. WHILE OTHERS SEEM TO CARRY A HEAVY LOAD AND FIND THEMSELVES ON A BUMPY ROAD. NOTHING THEY EVER DO COMES OUT RIGHT. THEY HAVE MORE ACHES AND PAIN, THEY TAKE MORE PILLS FASTER THAN YOU CAN NAME. HEARTACHE AND SORROW COME KNOCKING AT THEIR DOOR LIFE TO THEM IS JUST A BORE. HOW OFTEN I LAY AWAKE, TRYING TO THINK THINGS OUT IF ALL WE MORTALS ARE GODS CHILDREN, WHY DON'T HE TREAT US ALL THE SAME??? 5 I : \ , :'." '. .\i..; , . , I , ' \ i , . I 10 11 12 65 Volcano in Italy 66 Radio City Music - 67 Single dollars 68 Break from a habit ~ [Rl [Q] [ID [ID ~ [Q] [B] [Q] 10 1,. 2 3 4 6 ,7 8' 31 . 36 41 53 60 63 66 ACROSS 1 _ spumante 5 Historic canal 9 More...:........ than good 13 Shakespeare's tragic king . 14 Optimistic 15. Couric of "Today" 16 Eggplant or radish 18 A Peron 19 Domestic donkey' , . 20 On a cruise 21 Children's_ crackers 22 Press for damages 23 Actor Beatty ("Superman") 25 Nitti's enemy 26 Skater's figure - 29 Performing 31 "_ Karenina" 32 Prefix meaning "not" 33 _ and vigor 36 Presented a play 39 Section of Congress 41 Tater ~ (potato product) . . 42 Unruly head of hair 44 Soon, old-style 45 Ed who played Lou Grant 47 Edit 48 Contort 51 "I've Got the World _ String". (2 wds.) 52 Prefix with date or view 53 Bride on the run 55 Small measure 57 Portugal's cont. 60 True blue 61 Brazenly' 63 Tailor's marker 64 Vow ~../ ~ " I .. ..~! DOWN 1 Thomas _ Edison 2 Catches sight of 3 Makes "It," in a game' 4 Vexation 5 Clean the chalkboard 6 Judge's attire 7 Staten or Coney ~ 8 Scrutinize 9 Possessing 10"_ to be born.. ."(Ecc., 2 wds.) .r:'>, 11 Hayworth and Moreno 12 Lunch and dinner 15 Barbie's steady 17 Tight, as a rope 21 Juan's "good-bye" 22 Kind of rug 24 Billion-year period 26 "_ of Eden" 27 Opposite of "out or 28 Biting insect 30 SSW's opp. 33 Rooftop item 34 Take _ ~he lam (2 wds.) 35 Fix a rip 37 Printers' measures 38 Benefactor to chariW ' I 40 Title 43 Cage 45 Dismay 46 Kind of sleeve 47 Columnist Bombeck . 48 Actress Raquel 49 Ciao!, Hawaiian-style 50 Regal. 52 Narrow walks 54 Moose. 56 Deserve 57 Diminutive suffix 58 Forearm bone . 59 Actress Meg 61 Ghost's shout 62 _ Jersey ;: " , .'1 '.,. 1 .~ .,~ 1~ -i , , _1 .1 . ., ~ :-' ~~,~""",_"""~"",,,."""~', "'''''''''~''1'('f''7''';r'-'G~' '';-'\'';''~'<lIl.~/.~''!~:~''~ " .. " "", ~._ ,.,"'~ ,,'.' ....,':- "_ ',_,' ..~.~,....",.,i"",:.i:.,.~i,.jj:..:..5<o/r,..;o;..", __':,/1 ,.,..,-.",,- . _.. .. - ...---.-..-..-.---.......-..-....,....,..- . (#fO CHINESE CUISINE p 0 M E G R A N A T E C I R N U E G M I S G N I L P M U 0 I 0 S P M 0 C Z H K N A H U L E S E I K 0 0 C E N U T R 0 F M R N N Z P T G S C E M B K N W U 0 E R I E 0 0 C H S Q I 0 0 0 T A L N N R U 0 T W R U K H S N P L 0 0 A S E G A A R A C 0 A P M K S T R I 0 A 0 N S T N C L T Y C S N N M P I N N 0 A A E 0 F A U A 0 T M B P W F T A S L U G M 0 S W B 0 M A U 0 L U C I L T A K K A T N R N H P E G G F 0 0 y U N G T P M E F P M I R H S C A L L 0 P S 1. ALMONDS 6. EGG FOO YUNG 2. CANTONESE 7. FORTUNE 3. CHOW MEIN COOKIES 4. DUCK 8. HOT AND SOUR 5. DUMPLINGS SOUP ) 9. HOT MUSTARD 10. KUMQUAT 11. LITCHI 12. LOBSTER SAUCE 0 13.' MANDARIN 14. MOO GOO GAl PAN 15. OKRA 16. PERSIMMON 17. PINEAPPLES , 18. POMEGRANATE J ~ . 19. PRAWNS 20. RICE " < f' 21. ROAST PORK , ~ . " i , 1 i j. ',i i ] j \. J' J: r I I 1 /, i I t , I . I. t i , j j I I 22. SCALLOPS 23. SHRIMP 24. SOY SAUCE 25. SZECHWAN 26. TEA 27. TOFU 28. WON TON . --'-'-'-''1"-'' - ..~,,;,..:--."'~~ ~ .' 4 ,,_ .....""''''' ...'..W5'....w.,,~ ",1'L'i:,\,.;'t,W.~.tJ\'l\~1'H;:-*\\WJ!W:\.."""".~,.." ~'R~~",,_~:'l>;",':<"'~/l)iI81'ffi_:t~m7~,,';f'.$'~-..\t<'""''''''-'". ",_~.", .._-~.~","" ,-~,-~'" --~",." .. ~.w.,...,,",,',,~W<<mt.;'.!I:'.."fi"'",'."'F.i''''''"''''"''''''''.,.'':'''''''''.""""""""....,........._. . "..."..,.,.,-"....,.==,~., ,~.,. __,..,_"_,.~~,w.".....,_Lil."